static bool compare(map_type const & MA, map_type const & MB) { std::vector < std::pair<std::string,std::string> > SA, SB; for ( typename map_type::const_iterator ita = MA.begin(); ita != MA.end(); ++ita ) SA.push_back(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(ita->first,ita->second)); for ( typename map_type::const_iterator ita = MB.begin(); ita != MB.end(); ++ita ) SB.push_back(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(ita->first,ita->second)); std::sort(SA.begin(),SA.end()); std::sort(SB.begin(),SB.end()); uint64_t ia = 0, ib = 0; for ( ; ia != SA.size() && ib != SB.size() ; ++ia, ++ib ) if ( SA[ia] != SB[ib] ) { #if 0 std::cerr << printPair(SA[ia]) << " != " << printPair(SB[ib]) << std::endl; for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < SA.size(); ++i ) std::cerr << SA[i].first << ";"; std::cerr << MA.size(); std::cerr << std::endl; for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < SB.size(); ++i ) std::cerr << SB[i].first << ";"; std::cerr << MB.size(); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return SA[ia] < SB[ib]; } return ia < ib; }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { std::string text; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { cout << "Processing file " << argv[i] << endl; std::ifstream fs(argv[i]); load_file(text, fs); fs.close(); // construct our iterators: boost::sregex_iterator m1(text.begin(), text.end(), expression); boost::sregex_iterator m2; std::for_each(m1, m2, ®ex_callback); // copy results: cout << class_index.size() << " matches found" << endl; map_type::iterator c, d; c = class_index.begin(); d = class_index.end(); while(c != d) { cout << "class \"" << (*c).first << "\" found at index: " << (*c).second << endl; ++c; } class_index.erase(class_index.begin(), class_index.end()); } return 0; }
static void find_unreachable_objects_impl(map_type const & m, map2_type & m2) { // scan objects for shared_ptr members, compute internal counts { std::cout << "... " << m.size() << " objects in m.\n"; for(map_type::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) { abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const * p = static_cast<abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const *>(i->first); BOOST_ASSERT(p->use_count() != 0); // there should be no inactive counts in the map m2[ i->first ]; scan_and_count(i->second.first, i->second.second, m, m2); } std::cout << "... " << m2.size() << " objects in m2.\n"; } // mark reachable objects { open_type open; for(map2_type::iterator i = m2.begin(); i != m2.end(); ++i) { abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const * p = static_cast<abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const *>(i->first); if(p->use_count() != i->second) open.push_back(p); } std::cout << "... " << open.size() << " objects in open.\n"; for(open_type::iterator j = open.begin(); j != open.end(); ++j) { m2.erase(*j); } while(!open.empty()) { void const * p = open.front(); open.pop_front(); map_type::const_iterator i = m.find(p); BOOST_ASSERT(i != m.end()); scan_and_mark(i->second.first, i->second.second, m2, open); } } // m2 now contains the unreachable objects }
inline std::error_category const & to_std_category( boost::system::error_category const & cat ) { if( cat == boost::system::system_category() ) { static const std_category system_instance( &cat, 0x1F4D7 ); return system_instance; } else if( cat == boost::system::generic_category() ) { static const std_category generic_instance( &cat, 0x1F4D3 ); return generic_instance; } else { typedef std::map< boost::system::error_category const *, std::unique_ptr<std_category>, cat_ptr_less > map_type; static map_type map_; static std::mutex map_mx_; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard( map_mx_ ); map_type::iterator i = map_.find( &cat ); if( i == map_.end() ) { std::unique_ptr<std_category> p( new std_category( &cat, 0 ) ); std::pair<map_type::iterator, bool> r = map_.insert( map_type::value_type( &cat, std::move( p ) ) ); i = r.first; } return *i->second; } }
inline const message::factory *get_factory(message_type type) const { lock guard(m); auto it = factories.find(type); return (it == factories.end()) ? nullptr : it->value; }
void *runner(void *f) { string tmp = "", content = *(string *)f; //將傳過來的指標轉成string for (int i = 0; i < content.length()+1; ++i) { if(content[i]=='\'' && tmp!="" &&((content[i+1]>='a' && content[i+1]<='z') || (content[i+1]>='A' && content[i+1]<='Z')) ) // 單引號的前後為英文單字的 { tmp += content[i]; continue; } if(content[i]>='a' && content[i] <='z') tmp += content[i]; else if(content[i] >='A' && content[i] <= 'Z') tmp += tolower(content[i]); else if(tmp != "") { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); //鎖 /* critical section */ iter = m.find(tmp); //搜尋 if(iter != m.end()) iter->second++; //資料重複,所以將次數+1 else m.insert(map_type::value_type(tmp,1)); //插入資料 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //解鎖 tmp = ""; } } pthread_exit(0); //結束thread }
//! conversion to clause clause_type clause() const { clause_type C; const iterator pa_end = pa.end(); for (iterator i = pa.begin(); i != pa_end; ++i)>first, i->second)); return C; }
/** Compute the sum of all the elements * Implements compensated summation */ double sum() { double s=0.; for (map_type::iterator it=map.begin(),itend=map.end();it!=itend;++it) { s += it->second; } return s; }
inline class_id class_id_map::get(type_id const& type) const { map_type::const_iterator i = m_classes.find(type); if (i == m_classes.end() || i->second >= local_id_base) return unknown_class; return i->second; }
Dispatch::Handler Dispatch::code2handler( Message::type_t type ) { typedef std::map<Message::type_t, Handler> map_type; static map_type handlers; if ( handlers.empty() ) { using namespace MessageTypes; handlers[ NameQuery ] = &Dispatch::namequery_handler; handlers[ NameReply ] = &Dispatch::namereply_handler; handlers[ Opponentname ] = &Dispatch::opponentname_handler; handlers[ Receive ] = &Dispatch::receive_handler; handlers[ Invalidmove ] = &Dispatch::invalidmove_handler; handlers[ Inform ] = &Dispatch::inform_handler; handlers[ Status ] = &Dispatch::status_handler; handlers[ Points ] = &Dispatch::points_handler; handlers[ PlayQuery ] = &Dispatch::playquery_handler; handlers[ PlayReply ] = &Dispatch::playreply_handler; handlers[ Give3Query ] = &Dispatch::give3query_handler; handlers[ Terminate ] = &Dispatch::terminate_handler; // handlers[Reset] = &Dispatch::reset_handler; handlers[ Give3Reply ] = &Dispatch::give3reply_handler; handlers[ PlayReply ] = &Dispatch::playreply_handler; } map_type::iterator resp = handlers.find( type ); if ( resp == handlers.end() ) { LOG_PLACE() << "No handler for " << type << ".\n"; return &Dispatch::error_handler; } return resp->second; }
void probe (map_type& testMap, std::string name, auto keys, auto values, size_t toFind) { // map_type const int width (15); const int precision (6); std::cout << std::setw (width) << keys.size () << " : " << std::setw (width) << name << " : " << std::flush; high_resolution_clock::time_point startTime = high_resolution_clock::now (); auto itValues = begin (values); for_each (begin (keys), end (keys), [&testMap, &itValues](size_t key) { testMap.insert (std::make_pair (key, (*itValues++))); }); high_resolution_clock::time_point findTime = high_resolution_clock::now (); size_t currFind = 0; for (auto k : keys) { if (currFind >= toFind) break; bool exists = testMap.find (k) != testMap.end (); if (exists) ++currFind; } high_resolution_clock::time_point endTime = high_resolution_clock::now (); duration<double> time_span_insert = duration_cast<duration<double>> (findTime-startTime); duration<double> time_span_find = duration_cast<duration<double>> (endTime-findTime); std::cout << "time insert = " << std::fixed << std::setprecision (precision) << time_span_insert.count () << " time find = " << std::setprecision (precision) << time_span_find.count () << std::setw (width) << " found = " << std::setw (width) << currFind << std::endl; }
void print() const{ enterExclusive(); map_type::const_iterator iter = _item_map.begin(); for(; iter != _item_map.end(); ++iter){ iter->second->print(); } leaveExclusive(); }
/** Compute the max of the element values * This operation returns the first element if the vector is empty. */ mwIndex max_index() { mwIndex index=0; double maxval=std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); for (map_type::iterator it=map.begin(),itend=map.end();it!=itend;++it) { if (it->second>maxval) { maxval = it->second; index = it->first; } } return index; }
void flush(){ enterExclusive(); map_type::iterator iter = _item_map.begin(); for(; iter != _item_map.end(); ++iter){ iter->second->flush(); } leaveExclusive(); }
/** Get an element and provide a default value when it doesn't exist * This command does not insert the element into the vector */ double get(mwIndex index, double default_value=0.0) { map_type::iterator it = map.find(index); if (it == map.end()) { return default_value; } else { return it->second; } }
static size_type alphabet_size_and_map(const reference_type rac, size_type n, map_type& map, inv_map_type& inv_map, value_type& first_symbol) { if (n > 0) first_symbol = rac[0]; map.clear(); inv_map.clear(); size_type alphabet_size = 0; for (size_type i=0; i<n; ++i) { if (map.find(rac[i]) == map.end()) { map[rac[i]] = 1; } } for (typename map_type::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { // this preserves the order it->second = alphabet_size; inv_map[alphabet_size] = it->first; ++alphabet_size; } return alphabet_size; }
static void del(map_type& cont, const key_type& key) { if ( cont.find(key) != cont.end() ) { cont.erase(key); } else { KeyError(); } }
void mapper::_free_map(map_type &m) { map_type::iterator i = m.begin(); for (; i != m.end(); i++) { if (i->first) free((void *)i->first); if (i->second) free((void *)i->second); } m.clear(); }
inline void operation_sequence::remove_operation(int id) { using namespace std; map_type::iterator it = operations_.find(id); if (it == operations_.end()) throw runtime_error( string("No such operation: ") + lexical_cast<string>(id) ); operations_.erase(it); }
std::unique_ptr<osmium::io::detail::OutputFormat> create_output(const osmium::io::File& file, data_queue_type& output_queue) { file.check(); auto it = m_callbacks.find(file.format()); if (it != m_callbacks.end()) { return std::unique_ptr<osmium::io::detail::OutputFormat>((it->second)(file, output_queue)); } throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Support for output format '") + as_string(file.format()) + "' not compiled into this binary."); }
std::unique_ptr<osmium::io::detail::InputFormat> create_input(const osmium::io::File& file, osmium::osm_entity_bits::type read_which_entities, osmium::thread::Queue<std::string>& input_queue) { file.check(); auto it = m_callbacks.find(file.format()); if (it != m_callbacks.end()) { return std::unique_ptr<osmium::io::detail::InputFormat>((it->second)(file, read_which_entities, input_queue)); } throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Support for input format '") + as_string(file.format()) + "' not compiled into this binary."); }
void remove(hash_type hash, wchar_t c) { auto it = map.find(c); if(it == map.end()) return; auto &container = it->second; auto iter = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), [&hash](container_type::value_type &v){return std::get<0>(v) == hash;}); if(iter != container.end()) container.erase(iter); }
create_parser_type get_creator_function(const osmium::io::File& file) { auto it = m_callbacks.find(file.format()); if (it == m_callbacks.end()) { throw unsupported_file_format_error( std::string("Can not open file '") + file.filename() + "' with type '" + as_string(file.format()) + "'. No support for reading this format in this program."); } return it->second; }
void remove_handler_helper(hash_type hash, unsigned id, Integers... ids) { auto it = map.find(id); if(it == map.end()) return; auto &container = it->second; auto iter = std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(), [&hash](container_type::value_type &v){return std::get<0>(v) == hash;}); if(iter != container.end()) container.erase(iter); remove_handler_helper(hash, ids...); }
std::unique_ptr<osmium::io::detail::OutputFormat> create_output(const osmium::io::File& file, future_string_queue_type& output_queue) { auto it = m_callbacks.find(file.format()); if (it != m_callbacks.end()) { return std::unique_ptr<osmium::io::detail::OutputFormat>((it->second)(file, output_queue)); } throw unsupported_file_format_error( std::string("Can not open file '") + file.filename() + "' with type '" + as_string(file.format()) + "'. No support for writing this format in this program."); }
int main(int argc, const char** argv) { std::string text; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { cout << "Processing file " << argv[i] << endl; std::ifstream fs(argv[i]); load_file(text, fs); fs.close(); IndexClasses(text); cout << class_index.size() << " matches found" << endl; map_type::iterator c, d; c = class_index.begin(); d = class_index.end(); while(c != d) { cout << "class \"" << (*c).first << "\" found at index: " << (*c).second << endl; ++c; } class_index.erase(class_index.begin(), class_index.end()); } return 0; }
inline void dictionary::replace(std::string& key) { using namespace std; string copy(key); tolower(copy); map_type::iterator it = map_.find(key); if (it == map_.end()) return; string& value = it->second; if (!value.empty() && !key.empty() && std::isupper((unsigned char) key[0])) value[0] = std::toupper((unsigned char) value[0]); key = value; return; }
bool WindowProc(Derived &, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT &lresult) { if(msg == WM_TIMER){ auto it = map.find(static_cast<id_type>(wParam)); if(it != map.end()){ auto &container = it->second; for(auto &tuple: container){ std::get<1>(tuple)(static_cast<id_type>(wParam)); } } static_cast<Derived*>(this)->on_timer(static_cast<id_type>(wParam)); } return true; }
static std::string urlEncodeParams(map_type const ¶ms) { std::string result; typename map_type::const_iterator it; for(it=params.begin(); it!=params.end(); it++) { if( result.size() ) { result += "&"; } urlEncode(it->first.c_str(),result); if( !it->second.empty() ) { result += "="; urlEncode(it->second.c_str(),result); } } return result; }
label_type most_common(const gather_type& total) { typedef gather_type::map_type map_type; const map_type m = total.get(); label_type best_label = 0; size_t best_freq = 0; for (map_type::const_iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) { label_type label = it->first; size_t freq = it->second; if (freq > best_freq || (freq == best_freq && label < best_label)) { best_label = label; best_freq = freq; } } return best_label; }