예제 #1
void BlockScope::initialize(methodOop method, klassOop methodHolder, Scope* p, InlinedScope* s, RScope* rs, SendInfo* info) {
  InlinedScope::initialize(method, methodHolder, s, rs, info);
  _parent = p; 
  _self_is_initialized = false;
  if (s == NULL) {
    // top scope: create a context (currently always initialized for blocks)
    // (context is set up by the prologue node)
    _context = new SAPReg(this, PrologueBCI, EpilogueBCI);
  } else {
    // set up for context passed in by caller
    // (_context may be changed later if this scope allocates its own context)
    switch (method->block_info()) {
      case methodOopDesc::expects_nil:		// no context needed
   	_context = NULL; break;
      case methodOopDesc::expects_self:
   	_context = self()->preg(); fatal("self not known yet -- fix this"); break;
      case methodOopDesc::expects_parameter:	// fix this -- should find which
      case methodOopDesc::expects_context:
   	if (p->isInlinedScope()) {
	  _context = ((InlinedScope*)p)->context(); 
	} else {
	  fatal("shouldn't inline");  	// shouldn't inline block unless parent was inlined, too
   	fatal("unexpected incoming info");