예제 #1
 * Check to see if we're on Win7 and up, and if so, returns the default
 * save-to location for the Windows Library passed in through aFolderId.
 * Otherwise falls back on pre-win7 GetWindowsFolder.
static nsresult
GetLibrarySaveToPath(int aFallbackFolderId, REFKNOWNFOLDERID aFolderId,
                     nsIFile** aFile)
  // Skip off checking for library support if the os is Vista or lower.
  if (!IsWin7OrLater()) {
    return GetWindowsFolder(aFallbackFolderId, aFile);

  nsRefPtr<IShellLibrary> shellLib;
  nsRefPtr<IShellItem> savePath;
  HRESULT hr =
    SHLoadLibraryFromKnownFolder(aFolderId, STGM_READ,
                                 IID_IShellLibrary, getter_AddRefs(shellLib));

  if (shellLib &&
      SUCCEEDED(shellLib->GetDefaultSaveFolder(DSFT_DETECT, IID_IShellItem,
                                               getter_AddRefs(savePath)))) {
    wchar_t* str = nullptr;
    if (SUCCEEDED(savePath->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &str))) {
      nsAutoString path;
      nsresult rv =
        NS_NewLocalFile(path, false, aFile);
      return rv;

  return GetWindowsFolder(aFallbackFolderId, aFile);