int main(){ int n, m, x; while( scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) != EOF ){ st.clear(); for(int i=0 ; i < n ; ++i){ scanf("%d", &x); st.insert(x); } for(int i=0 ; i < m ; ++i) scanf("%d", &a[i].d); for(int i=0 ; i < m ; ++i) scanf("%d", &a[i].p); if( m < n ){ puts("No"); continue; } sort( a, a+m, cmp ); LL ans = 0; for(int i=0 ; i < m ; ++i){ it = st.upper_bound( a[i].d ); if( it != st.begin() ){ it--; st.erase(it); ans += a[i].p; if( st.empty() ) break; } } if( st.empty() ) printf("%I64d\n", ans); else puts("No"); } return 0; }
int main() { ifstream in; ofstream out;"input.txt");"output.txt"); int count=0; in >> M >> N; char t; for(int i=0; i<M; i++){ in >> t; parolaChars.insert(t); } in >> stringa; for(int i=0; i<M; i++){ it = parolaChars.find (stringa[i]); if(it!=parolaChars.end()) parolaChars.erase (it); else parolaCharsUnused.insert(stringa[i]); } if(parolaChars.empty()) count++; for(int i=M; i<N; i++){ it = parolaCharsUnused.find (stringa[i-M]); if(it!=parolaCharsUnused.end()) parolaCharsUnused.erase (it); else parolaChars.insert(stringa[i-M]); it = parolaChars.find (stringa[i]); if(it!=parolaChars.end()) parolaChars.erase (it); else parolaCharsUnused.insert(stringa[i]); //cout << parolaChars.size() << " " << stringa[i-M] << " " << stringa[i] << endl; if(parolaChars.empty()) count++; } out << count; in.close(); out.close(); return 0; }
void adjust(){ long long val; if(!minset.empty()){ if(!maxset.empty()){ if(maxset.size() > minset.size()){ it = maxset.begin(); val = *it; maxset.erase(it); minset.insert(val); adjust(); } else if(minset.size() - maxset.size() > 1){ it = minset.end(); it--; val = *it; minset.erase(it); maxset.insert(val); adjust(); } } else{ if(minset.size() > 1){ it = minset.end(); it--; val = *it; minset.erase(it); maxset.insert(val); adjust(); } } } else{ if(!maxset.empty()){ it = maxset.begin(); val = *it; maxset.erase(it); minset.insert(val); adjust(); } } }
int main(){ int T, n; scanf("%d", &T); while( T-- ){ scanf("%d", &n); for(int i=0 ; i < n ; ++i) scanf("%d%d", &a[i].h, &a[i].w); for(int i=0 ; i < n ; ++i) scanf("%d%d", &b[i].h, &b[i].w); sort( a, a+n, cmp ); sort( b, b+n, cmp ); st.clear(); int ans = 0; for(int i=0,j=0 ; i < n ; ++i){ while( j < n && a[i].h >= b[j].h ){ st.insert(b[j].w); j++; } it = st.upper_bound(a[i].w); if( it != st.begin() && !st.empty() ){ --it; st.erase(it); ans++; } } printf("%d\n", ans); } return 0; }
int main() { scanf("%d", &t); while(t--) { y.clear(); scanf("%d", &n); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d%d", &a[i].h, &a[i].w); sort(a, a + n); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d%d", &b[i].h, &b[i].w); sort(b, b + n); ans = 0; for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; ++i) { while(j < n && b[j].h <= a[i].h) y.insert(b[j++].w); if(y.empty()) continue; multiset<int>::iterator it = y.upper_bound(a[i].w); if(it != y.begin()) { y.erase(--it); ++ans; } } printf("%d\n", ans); } return 0; }
void encodeAllSymbols(){ if (treeSet.empty()) { return; } string pattern; HuffmanNode* root = *(treeSet.rbegin()); _encodeAllSymbols(pattern, root); }
/* Function: PerformInsert(int value, * multiset<int>& minSet, * multiset<int>& maxSet) * Usage: bool success = PerformInsert(value, minSet, maxSet); * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Inserts one instance of the specified value into the minset or the maxset, * according to the following logic: if the value exceeds the current maximum * value in the minset, then add the value to the maxset; otherwise, add the * value to the minset. The function returns true if the insert operation was * successful, and false otherwise. */ bool PerformInsert(int value, multiset<int>& minSet, multiset<int>& maxSet) { if (minSet.empty() || value <= *FindMaxElement(minSet)) minSet.insert(value); else maxSet.insert(value); /* Always return true. */ return true; }
void change(int x){ int t; typeof(S.begin()) it; if(col[x])er(S,mp(x,0));else S.insert(mp(x,0)); for(col[x]^=1;x;x=jump[x]){ n=bel[x]; if(jump[x]&&!S.empty()){ it=S.find(mp(jump[x],Gm(D1,sl[n],sl[n+1]-1)-sl[n]+1)); if(it!=S.end())S.erase(it); } if(!S.empty()){ it=S.lower_bound(mp(x,-INF)); t=(it!=S.end()&&it->first==x)?it->second:INF; }else t=INF; D0[pos[x]+tn-1]=t-pos[x],D1[pos[x]+tn-1]=t+pos[x]; for(t=(pos[x]+tn-1)>>1;t;t>>=1) D0[t]=max(D0[L(t)],D0[R(t)]),D1[t]=max(D1[L(t)],D1[R(t)]); if(jump[x]) S.insert(mp(jump[x],Gm(D1,sl[n],sl[n+1]-1)-sl[n]+1)); } }
inline int Dijkstra() { for (unsigned short int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { noduri[i].vizitat = false; //Nu am vizitat nici und nod noduri[i].cost = INFINIT; //Costul pt. a ajunge la restul nodurilor e infinit } short int nod_curent = sursa; noduri[sursa].cost = 0; //Costul pt. a ajunge la sursa e 0 lista.insert(sursa); while (lista.empty() == false) { //Cautam nodul nevizitat cel mai apropiat de sursa nod_curent = *lista.begin(); lista.erase(lista.begin()); noduri[nod_curent].vizitat = false; //Marcam nodul curent ca nevizitat(in cazul revenirii pe un alt drum) for (unsigned short int i = 0; i < noduri[nod_curent].vecini.size(); i++) //Parcurgem toti vecinii nodului curent { if (capacitate[nod_curent][noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].b] > flux[nod_curent][noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].b]) { if ((noduri[nod_curent].cost + noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].cost) < noduri[noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].b].cost) { noduri[noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].b].cost = noduri[nod_curent].cost + noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].cost; drum[noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].b] = nod_curent; //In acest vecin ajungem din nodul curent if (noduri[noduri[nod_curent]].vizitat == false) { noduri[noduri[nod_curent]].vizitat = true; lista.insert(noduri[nod_curent].vecini[i].b); //Adaugam vecinul in coada } } } } } if (noduri[destinatie].cost < INFINIT) { drum_ameliorare = true; int capacitate_reziduala = INFINIT; for (nod_curent = destinatie; nod_curent != sursa; nod_curent = drum[nod_curent]) if (capacitate_reziduala > (capacitate[drum[nod_curent]][nod_curent] - flux[drum[nod_curent]][nod_curent])) capacitate_reziduala = capacitate[drum[nod_curent]][nod_curent] - flux[drum[nod_curent]][nod_curent]; for (nod_curent = destinatie; nod_curent != sursa; nod_curent = drum[nod_curent]) { flux[nod_curent][drum[nod_curent]] -= capacitate_reziduala; flux[drum[nod_curent]][nod_curent] += capacitate_reziduala; } return noduri[destinatie].cost * capacitate_reziduala; } else { drum_ameliorare = false; return 0; } }
bool test(int first, multiset<int> s){ int idx = 0, z; multiset<int>::iterator it; a[idx++] = first; while(!s.empty()){ z = *s.begin() - first; FOR(i, idx){ if((it = s.find(z + a[i])) == s.end()) return false; s.erase(it); } a[idx++] = z; } return true; }
/* Function: PerformSingleOperation(string operation, * int value, * multiset<int>& minSet, * multiset<int>& maxSet) * Usage: string median = PerformSingleOperation(op, x, minSet, maxSet) * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Performs the specified operation (insert or remove) with the specified value, * and returns a formatted string representation of the new median value after * performing the operation. */ string PerformSingleOperation(string operation, int value, multiset<int>& minSet, multiset<int>& maxSet) { bool operationSucceeded; /* Handle an insert operation. */ if (operation == kInsertOperation) operationSucceeded = PerformInsert(value, minSet, maxSet); /* Handle a delete operation. */ else if (operation == kDeleteOperation) operationSucceeded = PerformDelete(value, minSet, maxSet); /* Resize each set to be of size n/2. */ ResizeSets(minSet, maxSet); /* Return an error message if necessary. */ if (!operationSucceeded || (minSet.empty() && maxSet.empty())) return kErrorMessage; /* Otherwise return the median as a string. */ return GetFormattedMedian(minSet, maxSet); }
bool check() { if(tcnt < st.size()) return 0 ; scnt=0 ; for(int i=0;!st.empty() && i<tcnt;i++) { auto it=st.upper_bound(tmp[i]) ; if(it!=st.begin()) it-- , st_tmp[scnt++]=*it , st.erase(it) ; } int sz=st.size() ; for(int i=0;i<scnt;i++) st.insert(st_tmp[i]) ; return sz==0 ; }
int main() { int t,x; gint(t); while(t--) { while(!s1.empty()) s1.erase(s1.begin()); while(!s2.empty()) s2.erase(s2.begin()); while(1) { gint(x); if(x==0) break; else if(x==-1) median_ele(); else if(x>0) add_ele(x); } } return 0; }
void solve() { sort(c, c + n); sort(g, g + m); for(int i = 0; i < m; i ++) if(tmpCost != g[i].cost) { calc(tmpCost); tmpCost = g[i].cost; grass.push(g[i]); } else grass.push(g[i]); calc(tmpCost); if(active.empty()) cout << ans << endl; else cout << "-1\n"; }
// return path from 0,0 to (N-1, N-1) vector<pair<int,int> > Dijkstra(multiset<Node, NodeCompare>& nodes, int N) { vector<pair<int,int> > the_path; // multiset<Node,NodeCompare>::iterator best = nodes.begin(); while (!nodes.empty()) { multiset<Node,NodeCompare>::iterator best = nodes.begin(); if (best->x == N-1 && best->y == N-1) { the_path = best->path; the_path.push_back(pair<int,int>(N-1, N-1)); return the_path; } int x = best->x; int y = best->y; double curr_cost = best->cost; vector<pair<int,int> > curr_path = best->path; nodes.erase(best); //modify neighboring nodes for (int i = -2; i <= 2; ++i) { for (int j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) { if (i == 0 && j == 0 ) { continue;} multiset<Node,NodeCompare>::iterator next = FindNode(nodes, x + i, y + j); if (next != nodes.end()) { if (next->cost > curr_cost + sqrt(i*i + j*j)*next->weight) // update node based on a contrived measure of 'distance' { Node replacer(next->x, next->y, curr_cost + sqrt(i*i + j*j)*next->weight, next->weight); replacer.path = curr_path; replacer.path.push_back(pair<int,int>(next->x, next->y)); nodes.erase(next); nodes.insert(replacer); } } } } } return the_path; }
void generiraj_p() { ++koliko_p; if( rand() % 2 && !M.empty() ) { // obrisi k-ti int k = get_rand( 1, M.size() ); printf( "BRISI %d\n", k ); for( multiset<int> :: iterator it = M.begin(); it != M.end(); ++it ) { --k; if( k == 0 ) { M.erase( it ); break; } } } else { printf( "DODAJ %d\n", get_rand( 0, MAXA-1 ) ); } }
void erase(int num) { // assert median != -1 if(median == num) { // assert small_number_set.size() <= big_number_set.size() median = -1; if(small_number_set.size() < big_number_set.size()) { auto median_iter = big_number_set.begin(); median = *median_iter; big_number_set.erase(median_iter); } else if(!small_number_set.empty()) { auto median_iter = prev(small_number_set.end()); median = *median_iter; small_number_set.erase(median_iter); } } else if(num < median) { small_number_set.erase(small_number_set.find(num)); if(small_number_set.size() + 1 < big_number_set.size()) { small_number_set.insert(median); auto median_iter = big_number_set.begin(); median = *median_iter; big_number_set.erase(median_iter); } } else // assert num > median { big_number_set.erase(big_number_set.find(num)); if(small_number_set.size() > big_number_set.size()) { big_number_set.insert(median); auto median_iter = prev(small_number_set.end()); median = *median_iter; small_number_set.erase(median_iter); } } }
// Adds a number into the data structure. void addNum(int num) { if (first.empty() || num <= *(first.rbegin()) ) { first.insert(num); } else { second.insert(num); } if (first.size() > second.size() + 1) { auto it = first.end(); it--; second.insert(*(it)); first.erase(it); } if ( first.size() < second.size() ) { first.insert(*(second.begin())); second.erase(second.begin()); } }
// Adds a number into the data structure. void addNum(int num) { if (firstHalf.empty()) { firstHalf.insert(num); return; } int firstHalfLargest = *firstHalf.begin(); if (num <= firstHalfLargest) { firstHalf.insert(num); if (firstHalf.size() > lastHalf.size()+1) { firstHalf.erase(firstHalf.begin()); lastHalf.insert(firstHalfLargest); } } else { lastHalf.insert(num); if (lastHalf.size() > firstHalf.size()) { firstHalf.insert(*lastHalf.begin()); lastHalf.erase(lastHalf.begin()); } } }
int main() { freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); int n,q; scanf("%d%d",&n,&q); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d",&hehe[i]); int num=1; for(int i=1;i<=q;++i) { int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t>=num) { if(!b.empty()) { multiset<int>::iterator b_it=b.end(); --b_it; //这里一定要注意!要切记,C++有太多的东西是左闭右开的了! if(hehe[num]<*b_it) { int temp=*b_it; b.erase(b_it); b.insert(hehe[num]); a.insert(temp); } else a.insert(hehe[num]); } else { a.insert(hehe[num]); } ++num; } multiset<int>::iterator a_it=a.begin(); printf("%d\n",*a_it); int temp=*a_it; a.erase(a_it); b.insert(temp); } return 0; }
ll rollback(){ //cout << "Rollbacking " _ pop << endl; if(full.find(B[pop]) != full.end()){ full.erase(full.find(B[pop])); ttime -= B[pop]; val -= A[pop]; } else if(half.find(B[pop]) != half.end()){ half.erase(half.find(B[pop])); val -= A[pop]; ttime -= (B[pop] + 1) / 2; if(!full.empty()){ half.insert(*full.rbegin()); ttime -= (*full.rbegin() ) / 2; auto it = full.end(); it--; full.erase(it); // full.erase(full.rbegin()); } } pop++; }
int main() { ll t; get(t); while(t--) { ll n, k, sum = 0, mx = 0; get(n); get(k); v.clear(); rep(n) { ll x; get(x); v.insert(x); sum += x; mx = max(mx,x); } if( sum%k != 0 ) { printf("no\n"); continue; } else if( mx <= sum/k ){ ll val = sum/k, z; for( z = 1; z <= k; z++ ) { if( v.empty() ) { printf("no\n"); break; } flag = 0; ll r = *v.rbegin(); r = val - r; v.erase( v.find(*v.rbegin()) ); rec( v.begin(), v, 0, r ); // cout << r << "---------\n"; if( !flag ) { printf("no\n"); break; } } // cout << " END: " << z << endl; if( z == k+1 ) printf("yes\n"); } else { printf("no\n"); continue; } } }
int main() { cout.precision(32); int T; cin >> T; for(int t = 0; t < T; ++t) { char op; cin >> op; int x; cin >> x; if (op == 'a') { xs.insert(x); if (xs.size() == 1) { pmedian = xs.begin(); } else { if (x >= *pmedian && (xs.size() % 2 == 1)) { pmedian++; } if (x < *pmedian && (xs.size() % 2 == 0)) { pmedian--; } } } else { multiset<int>::iterator px = xs.find(x); if (px == xs.end()) { cout << "Wrong!" << endl; continue; } else { xs.erase(px); } if (x >= *pmedian && (xs.size() % 2 == 0)) { pmedian--; } if (x < *pmedian && (xs.size() % 2 == 1)) { pmedian++; } } if (!xs.empty()) cout << median() << endl; else cout << "Wrong!" << endl; } }
main() { int n ; scanf("%d",&n) ; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&h[i]) ; for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { int x,y ; scanf("%d%d",&x,&y) ; v[x].push_back(y) ; v[y].push_back(x) ; } dfs0(1,-1,h[1]) ; int k ; scanf("%d",&k) ; for(int i=1,x;i<=k;i++) scanf("%d",&x) , st.insert(x) ; for(int i=k+1;i<=n;i++) st.insert(0) ; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) cave[i]=(P){i,hm[i]} ; sort(cave+1,cave+n+1) ; LIM=-1 ; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { auto it=st.upper_bound(cave[i].hm) ; if(it!=st.begin()) st.erase(--it) ; else if(LIM==-1) LIM=cave[i].hm ; } if(st.empty()) {printf("0\n") ; return 0;} if(!dfs(1,-1,INF)) {printf("-1\n") ; return 0 ;} int l=0 , r=INF ; while(r-l>1) { int mid=(r+l)/2 ; if(dfs(1,-1,mid)) r=mid ; else l=mid ; } printf("%d\n",r) ; }
REP(i, n) { if (a[i] >= 0) s += a[i]; else if (ps.size() < k) { s += -a[i]; ps.insert(a[i]); }else if (k && a[i] < *(--ps.end())) { int v = *(--ps.end()); ps.erase(--ps.end()); ns.insert(v); s -= -v, s += v; r = v; s += -a[i]; ps.insert(a[i]); }else { s += a[i]; ns.insert(a[i]); } int j = i - l; if (j >= 0) if (a[j] >= 0) s -= a[j]; else if (ps.find(a[j])!=ps.end()) { ps.erase(ps.find(a[j])); s -= -a[j]; if (!ns.empty()) { int v = *ns.begin(); ns.erase(ns.begin()); ps.insert(v); s -= v, s += -v; } }else { s -= a[j]; ns.erase(ns.find(a[j])); } if (j >= -1) ans = max(ans, s); }
int main () { scanf ("%d", &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf ("%d", &v[i]); } acc[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) acc[i+1] = acc[i] + v[i]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf ("%d", &destroy[i]); inter[pii (1, n)] = acc[n]; sum.insert (acc[n]); printf ("maior %lld\n", *sum.rbegin ()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf ("\ni %d\n", i); int a, ans, l, r; pii dead; a = destroy[i]; gone.insert (a); // l, r sao os nao destruidos mais longe de a, antes dos primeiros destruidos l = *gone.find (gone.find (a) - 1); r = *gone.find (gone.find (a) + 1); dead = pii (l+1, r-1); printf ("antes i %d maior %lld\n", i, *sum.rbegin ()); sum.erase (inter[dead]); if (!sum.empty ()) printf ("depois i %d maior %lld\n\n", i, *sum.rbegin ()); else printf ("depois i %d maior %lld\n", i, 0); inter[dead] = 0; int ant, dep; ant = *gone.find (gone.find (l) - 1); dep = *gone.find (gone.find (l) + 1); if (dep - ant >= 0) { printf ("l\n"); pii nw = pii (ant, dep); int val = acc[dep] - acc[ant-1]; printf ("ff %d ss %d val %lld\n", nw.ff,, val); inter[nw] = val; sum.insert (val); } ant = *gone.find (gone.find (r) - 1); dep = *gone.find (gone.find (r) + 1); if (dep - ant >= 0) { printf ("l\n"); pii nw = pii (ant, dep); int val = acc[dep] - acc[ant-1]; printf ("ff %d ss %d val %lld\n", nw.ff,, val); inter[nw] = val; sum.insert (val); } if (!sum.empty ()) { printf ("i %d size %d\n", i, sum.size ()); ans = *sum.rbegin (); } else ans = 0; printf ("%lld\n", ans); } }
int main() { freopen("in", "r", stdin); freopen("std", "w", stdout); tree.clear(); while (1) { int operation; scanf("%d", &operation); if (operation == -1) { return 0; } /* else if (operation == 0) { tree.clear(); } */ else if (operation == 0) { int key; scanf("%d", &key); tree.insert(key); } else if (operation == 1) { int key; scanf("%d", &key); multiset<int>::iterator it = tree.find(key); if (it != tree.end()) { tree.erase(it); printf("OK\n"); } else printf("Delete Error\n"); } else if (operation == 2) { int key; scanf("%d", &key); multiset<int>::iterator it = tree.find(key); if (it != tree.end()) printf("Yes\n"); else printf("No\n"); } /* else if (operation == 4) { int key; scanf("%d", &key); multiset<int>::iterator it = tree.find(key); if (it != tree.end()) { -- it; printf("%d\n", *it); } else printf("Prev Error!\n"); } else if (operation == 5) { int key; scanf("%d", &key); multiset<int>::iterator it = tree.find(key); if (it != tree.end()) { ++ it; printf("%d\n", *it); } else printf("Succ Error!\n"); } */ else if (operation == 3) { if (tree.empty()) printf("NULL\n"); else { multiset<int>::reverse_iterator it = tree.rbegin(); printf("%d\n", *it); } } else if (operation == 4) { if (tree.empty()) printf("NULL\n"); else { multiset<int>::iterator it = tree.begin(); printf("%d\n", *it); } } } return 0; }
double median(char c,long long x){ double retval; if(DEBUG){ for(it = minset.begin();it!=minset.end();it++) cout<<*it<<" "; cout<<":"; for(it = maxset.begin();it!=maxset.end();it++) cout<<*it<<" "; cout<<endl; } if(c == 'r'){ if(minset.empty() && maxset.empty()){ flag++; return -1; } else if(minset.empty()){ if(maxset.count(x) == 0){ flag++; return -1; } else{ // TODO - Done it = maxset.find(x); if(it != maxset.end()) maxset.erase(it); } } else if(maxset.empty()){ if(minset.count(x) == 0){ flag++; return -1; } else{ // TODO - Done it = minset.find(x); if(it != minset.end()) minset.erase(it); } } else if(minset.count(x) == 0 && maxset.count(x) == 0){ flag++; return -1; } else{ // TODO - Done if(minset.count(x) != 0){ it = minset.find(x); if(it != minset.end()) minset.erase(it); } else{ it = maxset.find(x); if(it != maxset.end()) maxset.erase(it); } } adjust(); } else if(c == 'a'){ it = maxset.begin(); if(*it <= x) maxset.insert(x); else minset.insert(x); adjust(); } if(minset.empty()){ flag++; return -1; } else{// TODO if(minset.size() > maxset.size()){ it = minset.end(); it--; retval = *it; } else{ it = minset.end(); it--; retval = *it; it = maxset.begin(); retval = (retval+(*it))/2; } } if(DEBUG){ cout<<"Minset not empty"<<endl; for(it = minset.begin();it!=minset.end();it++) cout<<*it<<" "; cout<<":"; for(it = maxset.begin();it!=maxset.end();it++) cout<<*it<<" "; } return retval; }
int main () { scanf(" %d %d %d", &n, &s, &t); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf(" %d", &v[i]); st.insert(v[i]); } ll _min = inf, _max = 0, aver = 0; for (auto i = st.begin(); i != st.end(); i++) { int from = *i; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) ms.insert(v[j]); int cur = from; ll cont = 0; while (!ms.empty()) { if (ms.find(cur) != ms.end()) { ms.erase(ms.find(cur)); cur = (cur + t) % s; cont += ll(t); } else { auto it = ms.lower_bound(cur); if (it == ms.end()) it = ms.begin(); int nx = *it; if (nx > cur) cont += ll(nx - cur); else cont += ll(s - cur + nx); cur = nx; } } cost[from] = cont; _min = min(_min, cont); _max = max(_max, cont); aver += cont; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ms.insert(v[i]); for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (ms.find(i) != ms.end()) continue; auto it = ms.lower_bound(i); if (it == ms.end()) it = ms.begin(); int nx = *it; ll cont = 0; if (nx > i) cont = ll(nx - i + cost[nx]); else cont = ll(s - i + nx + cost[nx]); _min = min(_min, cont); _max = max(_max, cont); aver += cont; } ll d = gcd(aver, s); printf("%lld %lld %lld/%lld\n", _min, _max, aver / d, s / d); }