rpl::producer<int> KickedCountValue(
		not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
	using Flag = Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag;
	return Notify::PeerUpdateValue(
		Flag::BannedUsersChanged | Flag::ChannelRightsChanged
	) | rpl::map([channel] {
		return channel->canViewBanned()
			? channel->kickedCount()
			: 0;
예제 #2
bool ManagePeerBox::Available(not_null<ChannelData*> channel) {
	// canViewMembers() is removed, because in supergroups you
	// see them in profile and in channels only admins can see them.

	// canViewAdmins() is removed, because in supergroups it is
	// always true and in channels it is equal to canViewBanned().

	return false
//		|| channel->canViewMembers()
//		|| channel->canViewAdmins()
		|| channel->canViewBanned()
		|| channel->canEditInformation()
		|| HasRecentActions(channel);