예제 #1
nsFieldSetFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext*           aPresContext,
                        nsHTMLReflowMetrics&     aDesiredSize,
                        const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                        nsReflowStatus&          aStatus)
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

                  "Should have a precomputed inline-size!");

  // Initialize OUT parameter

  nsOverflowAreas ocBounds;
  nsReflowStatus ocStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  if (GetPrevInFlow()) {
    ReflowOverflowContainerChildren(aPresContext, aReflowState, ocBounds, 0,

  //------------ Handle Incremental Reflow -----------------
  bool reflowInner;
  bool reflowLegend;
  nsIFrame* legend = GetLegend();
  nsIFrame* inner = GetInner();
  if (aReflowState.ShouldReflowAllKids()) {
    reflowInner = inner != nullptr;
    reflowLegend = legend != nullptr;
  } else {
    reflowInner = inner && NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(inner);
    reflowLegend = legend && NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(legend);

  // We don't allow fieldsets to break vertically. If we did, we'd
  // need logic here to push and pull overflow frames.
  // Since we're not applying our padding in this frame, we need to add it here
  // to compute the available width for our children.
  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  WritingMode innerWM = inner ? inner->GetWritingMode() : wm;
  WritingMode legendWM = legend ? legend->GetWritingMode() : wm;
  LogicalSize innerAvailSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeWithPadding(innerWM);
  LogicalSize legendAvailSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeWithPadding(legendWM);
  innerAvailSize.BSize(innerWM) = legendAvailSize.BSize(legendWM) =
  NS_ASSERTION(!inner ||
                                           nsLayoutUtils::MIN_ISIZE) <=
               "Bogus availSize.ISize; should be bigger");
  NS_ASSERTION(!legend ||
                                           nsLayoutUtils::MIN_ISIZE) <=
               "Bogus availSize.ISize; should be bigger");

  // get our border and padding
  LogicalMargin border = aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding() -

  // Figure out how big the legend is if there is one.
  // get the legend's margin
  LogicalMargin legendMargin(wm);
  // reflow the legend only if needed
  Maybe<nsHTMLReflowState> legendReflowState;
  if (legend) {
    legendReflowState.emplace(aPresContext, aReflowState, legend,
  if (reflowLegend) {
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics legendDesiredSize(aReflowState);

    // We'll move the legend to its proper place later, so the position
    // and containerSize passed here are unimportant.
    const nsSize dummyContainerSize;
    ReflowChild(legend, aPresContext, legendDesiredSize, *legendReflowState,
                wm, LogicalPoint(wm), dummyContainerSize,
                NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_FRAME, aStatus);
    printf("  returned (%d, %d)\n",
           legendDesiredSize.Width(), legendDesiredSize.Height());
    // figure out the legend's rectangle
    legendMargin = legend->GetLogicalUsedMargin(wm);
    mLegendRect =
      LogicalRect(wm, 0, 0,
                  legendDesiredSize.ISize(wm) + legendMargin.IStartEnd(wm),
                  legendDesiredSize.BSize(wm) + legendMargin.BStartEnd(wm));
    nscoord oldSpace = mLegendSpace;
    mLegendSpace = 0;
    if (mLegendRect.BSize(wm) > border.BStart(wm)) {
      // center the border on the legend
      mLegendSpace = mLegendRect.BSize(wm) - border.BStart(wm);
    } else {
      mLegendRect.BStart(wm) =
        (border.BStart(wm) - mLegendRect.BSize(wm)) / 2;

    // if the legend space changes then we need to reflow the
    // content area as well.
    if (mLegendSpace != oldSpace && inner) {
      reflowInner = true;

    FinishReflowChild(legend, aPresContext, legendDesiredSize,
                      legendReflowState.ptr(), wm, LogicalPoint(wm),
                      dummyContainerSize, NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_FRAME);
  } else if (!legend) {
    mLegendSpace = 0;
  } else {
    // mLegendSpace and mLegendRect haven't changed, but we need
    // the used margin when placing the legend.
    legendMargin = legend->GetLogicalUsedMargin(wm);

  // This containerSize is incomplete as yet: it does not include the size
  // of the |inner| frame itself.
  nsSize containerSize = (LogicalSize(wm, 0, mLegendSpace) +
  // reflow the content frame only if needed
  if (reflowInner) {
    nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, inner,
                                     innerAvailSize, nullptr,
    // Override computed padding, in case it's percentage padding
    kidReflowState.Init(aPresContext, nullptr, nullptr,
    // Our child is "height:100%" but we actually want its height to be reduced
    // by the amount of content-height the legend is eating up, unless our
    // height is unconstrained (in which case the child's will be too).
    if (aReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
         std::max(0, aReflowState.ComputedBSize() - mLegendSpace));

    if (aReflowState.ComputedMinBSize() > 0) {
      kidReflowState.ComputedMinBSize() =
        std::max(0, aReflowState.ComputedMinBSize() - mLegendSpace);

    if (aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
      kidReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() =
        std::max(0, aReflowState.ComputedMaxBSize() - mLegendSpace);

    nsHTMLReflowMetrics kidDesiredSize(kidReflowState,
    // Reflow the frame
    NS_ASSERTION(kidReflowState.ComputedPhysicalMargin() == nsMargin(0,0,0,0),
                 "Margins on anonymous fieldset child not supported!");
    LogicalPoint pt(wm, border.IStart(wm), border.BStart(wm) + mLegendSpace);

    // We don't know the correct containerSize until we have reflowed |inner|,
    // so we use a dummy value for now; FinishReflowChild will fix the position
    // if necessary.
    const nsSize dummyContainerSize;
    ReflowChild(inner, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
                wm, pt, dummyContainerSize, 0, aStatus);

    // Update containerSize to account for size of the inner frame, so that
    // FinishReflowChild can position it correctly.
    containerSize += kidDesiredSize.PhysicalSize();
    FinishReflowChild(inner, aPresContext, kidDesiredSize,
                      &kidReflowState, wm, pt, containerSize, 0);
    NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("FieldSet::Reflow", aStatus);
  } else if (inner) {
    // |inner| didn't need to be reflowed but we do need to include its size
    // in containerSize.
    containerSize += inner->GetSize();

  LogicalRect contentRect(wm);
  if (inner) {
    // We don't support margins on inner, so our content rect is just the
    // inner's border-box. (We don't really care about container size at this
    // point, as we'll figure out the actual positioning later.)
    contentRect = inner->GetLogicalRect(wm, containerSize);

  // Our content rect must fill up the available width
  LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSizeWithPadding(wm);
  if (availSize.ISize(wm) > contentRect.ISize(wm)) {
    contentRect.ISize(wm) = innerAvailSize.ISize(wm);

  if (legend) {
    // The legend is positioned inline-wards within the inner's content rect
    // (so that padding on the fieldset affects the legend position).
    LogicalRect innerContentRect = contentRect;
    innerContentRect.Deflate(wm, aReflowState.ComputedLogicalPadding());
    // If the inner content rect is larger than the legend, we can align the
    // legend.
    if (innerContentRect.ISize(wm) > mLegendRect.ISize(wm)) {
      int32_t align = static_cast<nsLegendFrame*>
      if (!wm.IsBidiLTR()) {
        if (align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ||
            align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_MOZ_LEFT) {
          align = NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_END;
        } else if (align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ||
                   align == NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_MOZ_RIGHT) {
          align = NS_STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_DEFAULT;
      switch (align) {
          mLegendRect.IStart(wm) =
            innerContentRect.IEnd(wm) - mLegendRect.ISize(wm);
          // Note: rounding removed; there doesn't seem to be any need
          mLegendRect.IStart(wm) = innerContentRect.IStart(wm) +
            (innerContentRect.ISize(wm) - mLegendRect.ISize(wm)) / 2;
          mLegendRect.IStart(wm) = innerContentRect.IStart(wm);
    } else {
      // otherwise make place for the legend
      mLegendRect.IStart(wm) = innerContentRect.IStart(wm);
      innerContentRect.ISize(wm) = mLegendRect.ISize(wm);
      contentRect.ISize(wm) = mLegendRect.ISize(wm) +

    // place the legend
    LogicalRect actualLegendRect = mLegendRect;
    actualLegendRect.Deflate(wm, legendMargin);
    LogicalPoint actualLegendPos(actualLegendRect.Origin(wm));

    // Note that legend's writing mode may be different from the fieldset's,
    // so we need to convert offsets before applying them to it (bug 1134534).
    LogicalMargin offsets =
        ConvertTo(wm, legendReflowState->GetWritingMode());
    nsHTMLReflowState::ApplyRelativePositioning(legend, wm, offsets,

    legend->SetPosition(wm, actualLegendPos, containerSize);

  // Return our size and our result.
  LogicalSize finalSize(wm, contentRect.ISize(wm) + border.IStartEnd(wm),
                        mLegendSpace + border.BStartEnd(wm) +
                        (inner ? inner->BSize(wm) : 0));
  aDesiredSize.SetSize(wm, finalSize);

  if (legend) {
    ConsiderChildOverflow(aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas, legend);
  if (inner) {
    ConsiderChildOverflow(aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas, inner);

  // Merge overflow container bounds and status.
  NS_MergeReflowStatusInto(&aStatus, ocStatus);

  FinishReflowWithAbsoluteFrames(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);


  NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
nsHTMLButtonControlFrame::ReflowButtonContents(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
        nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aButtonDesiredSize,
        const nsHTMLReflowState& aButtonReflowState,
        nsIFrame* aFirstKid)
    WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
    bool isVertical = wm.IsVertical();
    LogicalSize availSize = aButtonReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
    availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;

    // Buttons have some bonus renderer-determined border/padding,
    // which occupies part of the button's content-box area:
    const LogicalMargin focusPadding =
        LogicalMargin(wm, mRenderer.GetAddedButtonBorderAndPadding());

    // shorthand for a value we need to use in a bunch of places
    const LogicalMargin& clbp = aButtonReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();

    // Indent the child inside us by the focus border. We must do this separate
    // from the regular border.
    availSize.ISize(wm) -= focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);

    // See whether out availSize's inline-size is big enough.  If it's smaller than
    // our intrinsic min iSize, that means that the kid wouldn't really fit; for a
    // better look in such cases we adjust the available iSize and our inline-start
    // offset to allow the kid to spill start-wards into our padding.
    nscoord ioffset = focusPadding.IStart(wm) + clbp.IStart(wm);
    nscoord extraISize = GetMinISize(aButtonReflowState.rendContext) -
    if (extraISize > 0) {
        nscoord extraIStart = extraISize / 2;
        nscoord extraIEnd = extraISize - extraIStart;
        NS_ASSERTION(extraIEnd >=0, "How'd that happen?");

        // Do not allow the extras to be bigger than the relevant padding
        const LogicalMargin& padding = aButtonReflowState.ComputedLogicalPadding();
        extraIStart = std::min(extraIStart, padding.IStart(wm));
        extraIEnd = std::min(extraIEnd, padding.IEnd(wm));
        ioffset -= extraIStart;
        availSize.ISize(wm) = availSize.ISize(wm) + extraIStart + extraIEnd;
    availSize.ISize(wm) = std::max(availSize.ISize(wm), 0);

    // Give child a clone of the button's reflow state, with height/width reduced
    // by focusPadding, so that descendants with height:100% don't protrude.
    nsHTMLReflowState adjustedButtonReflowState =

    nsHTMLReflowState contentsReflowState(aPresContext,
                                          aFirstKid, availSize);

    nsReflowStatus contentsReflowStatus;
    nsHTMLReflowMetrics contentsDesiredSize(aButtonReflowState);
    nscoord boffset = focusPadding.BStart(wm) + clbp.BStart(wm);
    ReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
                contentsDesiredSize, contentsReflowState,
                isVertical ? boffset : ioffset,
                isVertical ? ioffset : boffset,
                0, contentsReflowStatus);
               "We gave button-contents frame unconstrained available height, "
               "so it should be complete");

    // Compute the button's content-box height:
    nscoord buttonContentBoxBSize = 0;
    if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        // Button has a fixed block-size -- that's its content-box bSize.
        buttonContentBoxBSize = aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize();
    } else {
        // Button is intrinsically sized -- it should shrinkwrap the
        // button-contents' bSize, plus any focus-padding space:
        buttonContentBoxBSize =
            contentsDesiredSize.BSize(wm) + focusPadding.BStartEnd(wm);

        // Make sure we obey min/max-bSize in the case when we're doing intrinsic
        // sizing (we get it for free when we have a non-intrinsic
        // aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize()).  Note that we do this before
        // adjusting for borderpadding, since mComputedMaxBSize and
        // mComputedMinBSize are content bSizes.
        buttonContentBoxBSize =

    // Center child in the block-direction in the button
    // (technically, inside of the button's focus-padding area)
    nscoord extraSpace =
        buttonContentBoxBSize - focusPadding.BStartEnd(wm) -

    boffset = std::max(0, extraSpace / 2);

    // Adjust boffset to be in terms of the button's frame-rect, instead of
    // its focus-padding rect:
    boffset += focusPadding.BStart(wm) + clbp.BStart(wm);

    // Place the child
    FinishReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
                      contentsDesiredSize, &contentsReflowState,
                      isVertical ? boffset : ioffset,
                      isVertical ? ioffset : boffset,

    // Make sure we have a useful 'ascent' value for the child
    if (contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() ==
            nsHTMLReflowMetrics::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
        WritingMode wm = aButtonReflowState.GetWritingMode();

    // OK, we're done with the child frame.
    // Use what we learned to populate the button frame's reflow metrics.
    //  * Button's height & width are content-box size + border-box contribution:
                               LogicalSize(wm, aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize() + clbp.IStartEnd(wm),
                                           buttonContentBoxBSize + clbp.BStartEnd(wm)));

    //  * Button's ascent is its child's ascent, plus the child's block-offset
    // within our frame... unless it's orthogonal, in which case we'll use the
    // contents inline-size as an approximation for now.
    // XXX is there a better strategy? should we include border-padding?
    if (aButtonDesiredSize.GetWritingMode().IsOrthogonalTo(wm)) {
    } else {
        aButtonDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() +

nsHTMLButtonControlFrame::ReflowButtonContents(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                               nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aButtonDesiredSize,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aButtonReflowState,
                                               nsIFrame* aFirstKid)
  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize availSize = aButtonReflowState.ComputedSize(wm);
  availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;

  // Buttons have some bonus renderer-determined border/padding,
  // which occupies part of the button's content-box area:
  LogicalMargin focusPadding =
    LogicalMargin(wm, mRenderer.GetAddedButtonBorderAndPadding());

  // See whether out availSize's inline-size is big enough.  If it's
  // smaller than our intrinsic min iSize, that means that the kid
  // wouldn't really fit.  In that case, we overflow into our internal
  // focuspadding (which other browsers don't have) so that there's a
  // little more space for it.
  // Note that GetMinISize includes the focusPadding.
  nscoord IOverflow = GetMinISize(aButtonReflowState.rendContext) -
  nscoord IFocusPadding = focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);
  nscoord focusPaddingReduction = std::min(IFocusPadding,
                                           std::max(IOverflow, 0));
  if (focusPaddingReduction > 0) {
    nscoord startReduction = focusPadding.IStart(wm);
    if (focusPaddingReduction != IFocusPadding) {
      startReduction = NSToCoordRound(startReduction *
                                      (float(focusPaddingReduction) /
    focusPadding.IStart(wm) -= startReduction;
    focusPadding.IEnd(wm) -= focusPaddingReduction - startReduction;

  // shorthand for a value we need to use in a bunch of places
  const LogicalMargin& clbp = aButtonReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();

  // Indent the child inside us by the focus border. We must do this separate
  // from the regular border.
  availSize.ISize(wm) -= focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);

  LogicalPoint childPos(wm);
  childPos.I(wm) = focusPadding.IStart(wm) + clbp.IStart(wm);
  availSize.ISize(wm) = std::max(availSize.ISize(wm), 0);

  // Give child a clone of the button's reflow state, with height/width reduced
  // by focusPadding, so that descendants with height:100% don't protrude.
  nsHTMLReflowState adjustedButtonReflowState =

  nsHTMLReflowState contentsReflowState(aPresContext,
                                        aFirstKid, availSize);

  nsReflowStatus contentsReflowStatus;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics contentsDesiredSize(aButtonReflowState);
  childPos.B(wm) = 0; // This will be set properly later, after reflowing the
                      // child to determine its size.

  // We just pass a dummy containerSize here, as the child will be
  // repositioned later by FinishReflowChild.
  nsSize dummyContainerSize;
  ReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
              contentsDesiredSize, contentsReflowState,
              wm, childPos, dummyContainerSize, 0, contentsReflowStatus);
             "We gave button-contents frame unconstrained available height, "
             "so it should be complete");

  // Compute the button's content-box size:
  LogicalSize buttonContentBox(wm);
  if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // Button has a fixed block-size -- that's its content-box bSize.
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) = aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize();
  } else {
    // Button is intrinsically sized -- it should shrinkwrap the
    // button-contents' bSize, plus any focus-padding space:
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) =
      contentsDesiredSize.BSize(wm) + focusPadding.BStartEnd(wm);

    // Make sure we obey min/max-bSize in the case when we're doing intrinsic
    // sizing (we get it for free when we have a non-intrinsic
    // aButtonReflowState.ComputedBSize()).  Note that we do this before
    // adjusting for borderpadding, since mComputedMaxBSize and
    // mComputedMinBSize are content bSizes.
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) =
  if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    buttonContentBox.ISize(wm) = aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize();
  } else {
    buttonContentBox.ISize(wm) =
      contentsDesiredSize.ISize(wm) + focusPadding.IStartEnd(wm);
    buttonContentBox.ISize(wm) =

  // Center child in the block-direction in the button
  // (technically, inside of the button's focus-padding area)
  nscoord extraSpace =
    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) - focusPadding.BStartEnd(wm) -

  childPos.B(wm) = std::max(0, extraSpace / 2);

  // Adjust childPos.B() to be in terms of the button's frame-rect, instead of
  // its focus-padding rect:
  childPos.B(wm) += focusPadding.BStart(wm) + clbp.BStart(wm);

  nsSize containerSize =
    (buttonContentBox + clbp.Size(wm)).GetPhysicalSize(wm);

  // Place the child
  FinishReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
                    contentsDesiredSize, &contentsReflowState,
                    wm, childPos, containerSize, 0);

  // Make sure we have a useful 'ascent' value for the child
  if (contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() ==
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
    WritingMode wm = aButtonReflowState.GetWritingMode();

  // OK, we're done with the child frame.
  // Use what we learned to populate the button frame's reflow metrics.
  //  * Button's height & width are content-box size + border-box contribution:
    LogicalSize(wm, aButtonReflowState.ComputedISize() + clbp.IStartEnd(wm),
                    buttonContentBox.BSize(wm) + clbp.BStartEnd(wm)));

  //  * Button's ascent is its child's ascent, plus the child's block-offset
  // within our frame... unless it's orthogonal, in which case we'll use the
  // contents inline-size as an approximation for now.
  // XXX is there a better strategy? should we include border-padding?
  if (aButtonDesiredSize.GetWritingMode().IsOrthogonalTo(wm)) {
  } else {
    aButtonDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() +

예제 #4
nsNumberControlFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                             nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
                             const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                             nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
    DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowState, aDesiredSize, aStatus);

    NS_ASSERTION(mOuterWrapper, "Outer wrapper div must exist!");

    NS_ASSERTION(!GetPrevContinuation() && !GetNextContinuation(),
                 "nsNumberControlFrame should not have continuations; if it does we "
                 "need to call RegUnregAccessKey only for the first");

    NS_ASSERTION(!mFrames.FirstChild() ||
                 "We expect at most one direct child frame");

    if (mState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) {
        nsFormControlFrame::RegUnRegAccessKey(this, true);

    const WritingMode myWM = aReflowState.GetWritingMode();

    // The ISize of our content box, which is the available ISize
    // for our anonymous content:
    const nscoord contentBoxISize = aReflowState.ComputedISize();
    nscoord contentBoxBSize = aReflowState.ComputedBSize();

    // Figure out our border-box sizes as well (by adding borderPadding to
    // content-box sizes):
    const nscoord borderBoxISize = contentBoxISize +

    nscoord borderBoxBSize;
    if (contentBoxBSize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
        borderBoxBSize = contentBoxBSize +
    } // else, we'll figure out borderBoxBSize after we resolve contentBoxBSize.

    nsIFrame* outerWrapperFrame = mOuterWrapper->GetPrimaryFrame();

    if (!outerWrapperFrame) { // display:none?
        if (contentBoxBSize == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
            contentBoxBSize = 0;
            borderBoxBSize =
    } else {
        NS_ASSERTION(outerWrapperFrame == mFrames.FirstChild(), "huh?");

        nsHTMLReflowMetrics wrappersDesiredSize(aReflowState);

        WritingMode wrapperWM = outerWrapperFrame->GetWritingMode();
        LogicalSize availSize = aReflowState.ComputedSize(wrapperWM);
        availSize.BSize(wrapperWM) = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;

        nsHTMLReflowState wrapperReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState,
                                             outerWrapperFrame, availSize);

        // Convert wrapper margin into my own writing-mode (in case it differs):
        LogicalMargin wrapperMargin =
            wrapperReflowState.ComputedLogicalMargin().ConvertTo(myWM, wrapperWM);

        // offsets of wrapper frame within this frame:
                      aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding().IStart(myWM) +
                      aReflowState.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding().BStart(myWM) +

        nsReflowStatus childStatus;
        // We initially reflow the child with a dummy containerSize; positioning
        // will be fixed later.
        const nsSize dummyContainerSize;
        ReflowChild(outerWrapperFrame, aPresContext, wrappersDesiredSize,
                    wrapperReflowState, myWM, wrapperOffset, dummyContainerSize, 0,
                   "We gave our child unconstrained available block-size, "
                   "so it should be complete");

        nscoord wrappersMarginBoxBSize =
            wrappersDesiredSize.BSize(myWM) + wrapperMargin.BStartEnd(myWM);

        if (contentBoxBSize == NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
            // We are intrinsically sized -- we should shrinkwrap the outer wrapper's
            // block-size:
            contentBoxBSize = wrappersMarginBoxBSize;

            // Make sure we obey min/max-bsize in the case when we're doing intrinsic
            // sizing (we get it for free when we have a non-intrinsic
            // aReflowState.ComputedBSize()).  Note that we do this before
            // adjusting for borderpadding, since ComputedMaxBSize and
            // ComputedMinBSize are content heights.
            contentBoxBSize =

            borderBoxBSize = contentBoxBSize +

        // Center child in block axis
        nscoord extraSpace = contentBoxBSize - wrappersMarginBoxBSize;
        wrapperOffset.B(myWM) += std::max(0, extraSpace / 2);

        // Needed in FinishReflowChild, for logical-to-physical conversion:
        nsSize borderBoxSize = LogicalSize(myWM, borderBoxISize, borderBoxBSize).

        // Place the child
        FinishReflowChild(outerWrapperFrame, aPresContext, wrappersDesiredSize,
                          &wrapperReflowState, myWM, wrapperOffset,
                          borderBoxSize, 0);

        nsSize contentBoxSize =
            LogicalSize(myWM, contentBoxISize, contentBoxBSize).
            wrappersDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() +

    LogicalSize logicalDesiredSize(myWM, borderBoxISize, borderBoxBSize);
    aDesiredSize.SetSize(myWM, logicalDesiredSize);


    if (outerWrapperFrame) {
        ConsiderChildOverflow(aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas, outerWrapperFrame);


    aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

    NS_FRAME_SET_TRUNCATION(aStatus, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);