예제 #1
void update()
    // Update our little offset thingy.
    offset += 0.01;

    if (offset > 1) 
        offset = 0;   
    // Update our camera.
    // If the camera has a new frame to offer us ...
    if (grabber.isFrameNew())
        // Make a copy of our grabber pixels in the colorImage.

        // When we assign a color image to a grayscale image, it is converted automatically.
        grayscaleImage = colorImage;
	    // If we set learnBackground to true using the keyboard, we'll take a snapshot of 
	    // the background and use it to create a clean foreground image.
		if (learnBackground == true)
		    // We assign the grayscaleImage to the grayscaleBackgroundImage.
			grayscaleBackgroundImage = grayscaleImage;	
			// Now we set learnBakground so we won't set a background unless
			// explicitly directed to with a keyboard command.
			learnBackground = false;

        // Create a difference image by comparing the background and the current grayscale images.
		grayscaleAbsoluteDifference.absDiff(grayscaleBackgroundImage, grayscaleImage);

        // Assign grayscaleAbsoluteDifference to the grayscaleBinary image.
        grayscaleBinary = grayscaleAbsoluteDifference;
        // Then threshold the grayscale image to create a binary image.
        grayscaleBinary.threshold(threshold, invert);

        // Find contours (blobs) that are between the size of 20 pixels and 
        // 1 / 3 * (width * height) of the camera. Also find holes.
		contourFinder.findContours(grayscaleBinary, 100, (width * height) / 3.0, 10, true);

        // Get the biggest blob and use it to draw.
        if (contourFinder.nBlobs > 0)
예제 #2
void ofApp::update() {
    if (ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() - lastTime >= timeToReset) {
        lastTime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();
        bLearnBackground = true;
        bLearnBackground1 = true;
    micLevelsTopNew[4] = contourFinder.nBlobs;
    micLevelsTopNew[5] = contourFinder1.nBlobs;
    bool bNewFrame = false;
    bool bNewFrame1 = false;
    bNewFrame = vidGrabber.isFrameNew();
    bNewFrame1 = vidGrabber.isFrameNew();
    if (bNewFrame){
        colorImg.setFromPixels(vidGrabber.getPixels(), 320,240);
        grayImage = colorImg;
        if (bLearnBackground == true){
            grayBg = grayImage;		// the = sign copys the pixels from grayImage into grayBg (operator overloading)
            bLearnBackground = false;
        grayDiff.absDiff(grayBg, grayImage);
        contourFinder.findContours(grayDiff, 20, (340*240)/3, 10, true);
    if (bNewFrame1){
        colorImg1.setFromPixels(vidGrabber1.getPixels(), 320,240);
        grayImage1 = colorImg1;
        if (bLearnBackground1 == true){
            grayBg1 = grayImage1;
            bLearnBackground1 = false;
        grayDiff1.absDiff(grayBg1, grayImage1);
        contourFinder1.findContours(grayDiff1, 20, (340*240)/3, 10, true);
    switch (ANIMATION_STATE) {
        case ACTIVATED: {
            int max_pos = 0;
            int max_element = -1000;
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                if (micLevelsTopNew[i] > max_element) {
                    max_pos = i;
                    max_element = micLevelsTopNew[i];
            for (int x = 0; x < 1280; x++) {
                float top = pow(x-bottomSwarm.b,2);
                float bottom = 2*pow(bottomSwarm.c,2);
                bottomSwarm.curve[x] = bottomSwarm.a*exp(-(top/bottom));
            ofVec2f norm = swarmPosition;
            bottomSwarm.b = norm.normalize().x*1280-160;
//            ofVec2f btm = absColumnPositionTop[max_pos];
            ofVec2f btm = cameraPositionsTop[max_pos];
            ofVec2f desired =  btm - swarmPosition;
            float d = sqrt((desired.x*desired.x) + (desired.y+desired.y));
            if (d < 100) {
                float m = ofMap(d, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 4.0);
                desired *= m;
            } else {
                desired *= 4.0;

            swarmPosition += desired;
            /* UPDATE WAVES */
            for (int x = 0; x < 1280; x++) {
                gaussianBottom[x] = ofMap(bottomSwarm.curve[x], 0.0, 1.1, ambientLevel, 255.0);
        case DEACTIVATED: {
            for (int x = 0; x < 1280; x++) {
                float top = pow(x-bottomSwarm.b,2);
                float bottom = 2*pow(bottomSwarm.c,2);
                bottomSwarm.curve[x] = bottomSwarm.a*exp(-(top/bottom));
            swarmPosition += swarmVector;
            if (swarmPosition.x >= 300+770 || swarmPosition.x <= 300) {
                swarmVector *= -1.0;
            ofVec2f norm = swarmPosition;
            bottomSwarm.b = norm.normalize().x*1280.0-160;
            for (int x = 0; x < 1280; x++) {
                gaussianBottom[x] = ofMap(bottomSwarm.curve[x], 0.0, 1.1, ambientLevel, 255.0);
    int cnt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        if (i == 4 || i == 5) {
        } else {
            micLevelsTopNew[i] = 0.0;
    if (simulationIsOn) {
        int cntN = 0;
        for (int region = 3; region < 6; region++) {
            string reg = "region" + ofToString(region);
            int numCols;
            if (region == 4) {
                numCols = 3;
            } else {
                numCols = 4;
            /* TODO: Did this get f****d up? */
            for (int pointPos = 0; pointPos < numCols; pointPos++) {
                string point = "point" + ofToString(pointPos);
                float colX = columnGeometry[reg][point][0].asFloat();
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                    if (i == 4 || i == 5) {
                    } else {
                        if (abs(spheresXPos[i]-columnGeometry[reg][point][0].asFloat()) < 100) {

예제 #3
void testApp::draw(){
	// Display background
	ofSetColor(255, 255, 255, 50);
	img.draw(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
	// Draw ball
	ofSetColor(255, 150, 0);
	ofCircle(ballPositionX, ballPositionY, 10);
	/************ DRAW PARTICLE SYSTEM ***********************/
	ofSetColor(251, 236, 93, lineOpacity);
	// apply per-particle forces
	for(int i = 0; i < particleSystem.size(); i++) {
		Particle& cur = particleSystem[i];
		// global force on other particles
		particleSystem.addRepulsionForce(cur, particleNeighborhood, particleRepulsion);
		// forces on this particle
		cur.bounceOffWalls(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
	// Apply attraction to selected points
	for (int i=0; i < attractPts.size(); i++) {
		particleSystem.addAttractionForce(attractPts[i]->x, attractPts[i]->y, ofGetWidth(), centerAttraction);
	// Add repulsion force by mouse click
		particleSystem.addRepulsionForce(mouseX, mouseY, 100, 10);
	// Set the ball to repulse
	particleSystem.addRepulsionForce(ballPositionX, ballPositionY, 25, 10);
	ofSetColor(255, 255, 255, pointOpacity);
	ofSetColor(255, 255, 255);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(kParticles) + "k particles", 32, 32);
	//ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString((int) ofGetFrameRate()) + " fps", 32, 52);
	// draw depth and color view
	//kinect.drawDepth(10, 10, 200, 150);
	//kinect.draw(220, 10, 200, 150);
	//colorImg.mirror(false, true);
	/************ DRAW POINT CLOUD ***********************/
	// draw point cloud
	pointCloudX = 800;
	pointCloudY = 800;
	ofSetColor(0, 0, 0);
	ofTranslate(pointCloudX, pointCloudY);
	// Make attraction with point
	/*for (int i=0; i < cloudPts.size(); i++) {
		particleSystem.addAttractionForce(cloudPts[i]->x + 800, cloudPts[i]->y + 650, 25, 1);
		//printf("Point Clouds: %f %f \n", cloudPts[i]->x, cloudPts[i]->y);
	} */


	// Rotate drawing
	if(depthContours.blobs.size() == 2) {
		ofxVec2f center = depthContours.blobs[0].centroid + depthContours.blobs[1].centroid;
		ofxVec2f targetViewRot;
		targetViewRot.x = ofMap(center.x, 0, ofGetWidth(), -360, 360);
		targetViewRot.y = ofMap(center.y, 0, ofGetHeight(), 360, -360);
		viewRot += (targetViewRot - viewRot) * 0.05;
	} else {
		viewRot -= viewRot * 0.05;
	ofxVec3f camToWorld(ofGetWidth()/depthOrig.getWidth(), ofGetHeight()/depthOrig.getHeight(), 1);
	ofxVec3f up(0, 1, 0);

	/********** Calculate 2D Coordinate from 3D Space ********/
	GLdouble screenX = 0;
	GLdouble screenY = 0;
	GLdouble screenZ = 0;
	GLint viewport[4];
	GLdouble mvmatrix[16], projmatrix[16];
	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mvmatrix);
	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmatrix);
	gluProject(pointCloudX, pointCloudY, -3000,
			   mvmatrix, projmatrix, viewport,
			   &screenX, &screenY, &screenZ);
	screenY = ofGetHeight() - screenY;
	// Draws contours on the screen
	depthContours.draw(screenX, screenY, 640, 480);
예제 #4
void testApp::update(){
	/************ UPDATE BALL ***********************/

	//Update ball position
	ballPositionX += ballVelocityX;
	ballPositionY += ballVelocityY;
	if(ballPositionX < 0 || ballPositionX > ofGetWidth()) {
		ballVelocityX *= -1;
	if (ballPositionY < 0 || ballPositionY > ofGetHeight()) {
		ballVelocityY *= -1;
	/************ UPDATE KINECT ***********************/

	// get color pixels
	colorImageRGB			= kinect.getPixels();
	// get depth pixels
	depthOrig = kinect.getDepthPixels();
	// save original depth, and do some preprocessing
	depthProcessed = depthOrig;
	if(invert) depthProcessed.invert();
	if(mirror) {
		depthOrig.mirror(false, true);
		depthProcessed.mirror(false, true);
		colorImageRGB.mirror(false, true);
	if(preBlur) cvSmooth(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), CV_BLUR , preBlur*2+1);
	if(topThreshold) cvThreshold(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), topThreshold * 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TRUNC);
	if(bottomThreshold) cvThreshold(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), bottomThreshold * 255, 255, CV_THRESH_TOZERO);
	if(dilateBeforeErode) {
		if(dilateAmount) cvDilate(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, dilateAmount);
		if(erodeAmount) cvErode(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, erodeAmount);
	} else {
		if(erodeAmount) cvErode(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, erodeAmount);
		if(dilateAmount) cvDilate(depthProcessed.getCvImage(), depthProcessed.getCvImage(), 0, dilateAmount);
	// find contours
							   minBlobSize * minBlobSize * depthProcessed.getWidth() * depthProcessed.getHeight(),
							   maxBlobSize * maxBlobSize * depthProcessed.getWidth() * depthProcessed.getHeight(),
							   maxNumBlobs, findHoles, useApproximation);
	// Clear old attraction points
	// Find centroid point for each blob area and add an attraction force to it
	for (int i=0; i<depthContours.blobs.size(); i++) {
		attractPts.push_back(new ofPoint(depthContours.blobs[i].centroid));
		//printf("Blob %d: %f %f \n", i, depthContours.blobs[i].centroid.x, depthContours.blobs[i].centroid.y);
	// if one blob found, find nearest point in blob area
	static ofxVec3f newPoint;
	if(depthContours.blobs.size() == 1) {
		ofxCvBlob &blob = depthContours.blobs[0];
		double minValue, maxValue;
		CvPoint minLoc, maxLoc;
		cvMinMaxLoc(depthOrig.getCvImage(), &minValue, &maxValue, &minLoc, &maxLoc, NULL);
		newPoint.x = maxLoc.x + blob.boundingRect.x;
		newPoint.y = maxLoc.y + blob.boundingRect.y;
		//		newPoint.z = (maxValue + offset) * depthScale;	// read from depth map
		//printf("Min: %f %f Max: %f %f \n", minLoc.x, minLoc.y, maxLoc.x, maxLoc.y);
		// read directly from distance (in cm)
		// this doesn't seem to work, need to look into it
		newPoint.z = (kinect.getDistanceAt(newPoint) + depthOffset) * depthScale;
		// apply kalman filtering
		if(doKalman) {
			newPoint.x = updateKalman(0, newPoint.x);
			newPoint.y = updateKalman(1, newPoint.y);
			newPoint.z = updateKalman(2, newPoint.z);

	} else {
	pointHead = (pointHead + 1) % kNumPoints;
	curPoint += (newPoint - curPoint) * lerpSpeed;
	points[pointHead] = curPoint;
예제 #5
void draw() 

    // A few helper variables for layout.
    int hw = width / 2;  // Half width
    int hh = height / 2; // Half height.
    int qw = width / 4;  // Quarter width.
    int qh = height / 4; // Quarter height.
    int lx = 14; // Label offset x.
    int ly = 20; // Label offset y.

    grayscaleImage.draw(0, 0, qw, qh);
    ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight("0. Grayscale", lx, ly);
    grayscaleBackgroundImage.draw(qw, 0, qw, qh);
    ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight("1. Background\n   (spacebar)", lx + qw, ly);

	grayscaleAbsoluteDifference.draw(0, qh, qw, qh);
    ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight("2. Grayscale - Background", lx, ly + qh);

	grayscaleBinary.draw(qw, qh, qw, qh);
    ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight("3. Threshold " + ofToString(threshold) + "\n   (-/+: change threshold)\n   (  i: invert)", lx + qw, ly + qh);

    // Here we use ofPushMatrix(), ... to scale all of the contours and bounding boxes.
    ofTranslate(hw, 0);
    ofScale(0.5, 0.5, 1);
    grayscaleBinary.draw(0, 0);
    contourFinder.draw(); // Draw all of the contours and their bounding boxes. 
    // Draw our line.
    ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight("4. Contours and Bounding Boxes\n   Draw a yellow line to follow\n   the center of the largest blob.", lx + hw, ly);
    colorImage.draw(0, 0);//, hw, hh);
    // ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight("5. Original", lx, ly + hh);
    for (int i = 0; i < contourFinder.nBlobs; ++i)
        ofPolyline contour(contourFinder.blobs[i].pts);
        // Resample to reduce the resolution.
        contour = contour.getResampledBySpacing(5);
        float interpolatedIndex = offset * contour.size();
        ofPoint position = contour.getPointAtIndexInterpolated(interpolatedIndex); 
        ofPoint normal = contour.getNormalAtIndexInterpolated(interpolatedIndex); 
        // Make a line pointing normal to the contour.
        ofPoint lineEnd = position - normal * 30;
        ofLine(position, lineEnd);
        ofCircle(lineEnd, 2);