bool MeshDistFromPatch::updateCell ( const polyMesh& mesh, const label thisCellI, const label neighbourFaceI, const MeshDistFromPatch& neighbourInfo, const scalar tol #ifdef FOAM_FACECELLWAVE_HAS_TRACKINGDATA ,TrackingData &td #endif ) { const scalar d=mag( mesh.cellCentres()[thisCellI] - mesh.faceCentres()[neighbourFaceI] ); if(!valid(TRACKDATA)) { dist_=d+neighbourInfo.dist(); return true; } else { const scalar nd=d+neighbourInfo.dist(); if(nd<dist_) { dist_=nd; return true; } else { return false; } } }
void Foam::meshToMeshNew::writeConnectivity ( const polyMesh& src, const polyMesh& tgt, const labelListList& srcToTargetAddr ) const { Pout<< "Source size = " << src.nCells() << endl; Pout<< "Target size = " << tgt.nCells() << endl; word fName("addressing_" + + "_to_" +; if (Pstream::parRun()) { fName = fName + "_proc" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo()); } OFstream os(src.time().path()/fName + ".obj"); label vertI = 0; forAll(srcToTargetAddr, i) { const labelList& tgtAddress = srcToTargetAddr[i]; forAll(tgtAddress, j) { label tgtI = tgtAddress[j]; const vector& c0 = src.cellCentres()[i]; const cell& c = tgt.cells()[tgtI]; const pointField pts(c.points(tgt.faces(), tgt.points())); forAll(pts, j) { const point& p = pts[j]; os << "v " << p.x() << ' ' << p.y() << ' ' << p.z() << nl; vertI++; os << "v " << c0.x() << ' ' << c0.y() << ' ' << c0.z() << nl; vertI++; os << "l " << vertI - 1 << ' ' << vertI << nl; } } }
void Foam::cellPointWeight::findTetrahedron ( const polyMesh& mesh, const vector& position, const label cellIndex ) { if (debug) { Pout<< "\nFoam::cellPointWeight::findTetrahedron" << nl << "position = " << position << nl << "cellIndex = " << cellIndex << endl; } // Initialise closest triangle variables scalar minUVWClose = VGREAT; label pointIClose = 0; label faceClose = 0; const vector& P0 = mesh.cellCentres()[cellIndex]; const labelList& cellFaces = mesh.cells()[cellIndex]; const scalar cellVolume = mesh.cellVolumes()[cellIndex]; // Find the tet that the point occupies forAll(cellFaces, faceI) { // Decompose each face into triangles, making a tet when // augmented by the cell centre const labelList& facePoints = mesh.faces()[cellFaces[faceI]]; label pointI = 1; while ((pointI + 1) < facePoints.size()) { // Cartesian co-ordinates of the triangle vertices const vector& P1 = mesh.points()[facePoints[0]]; const vector& P2 = mesh.points()[facePoints[pointI]]; const vector& P3 = mesh.points()[facePoints[pointI + 1]]; // Edge vectors const vector e1 = P1 - P0; const vector e2 = P2 - P0; const vector e3 = P3 - P0; // Solve for interpolation weighting factors // Source term const vector rhs = position - P0; // Determinant of coefficients matrix // Note: if det(A) = 0 the tet is degenerate const scalar detA = e1.x()*e2.y()*e3.z() + e2.x()*e3.y()*e1.z() + e3.x()*e1.y()*e2.z() - e1.x()*e3.y()*e2.z() - e2.x()*e1.y()*e3.z() - e3.x()*e2.y()*e1.z(); if (mag(detA/cellVolume) > tol) { // Solve using Cramers' rule const scalar u = ( rhs.x()*e2.y()*e3.z() + e2.x()*e3.y()*rhs.z() + e3.x()*rhs.y()*e2.z() - rhs.x()*e3.y()*e2.z() - e2.x()*rhs.y()*e3.z() - e3.x()*e2.y()*rhs.z() )/detA; const scalar v = ( e1.x()*rhs.y()*e3.z() + rhs.x()*e3.y()*e1.z() + e3.x()*e1.y()*rhs.z() - e1.x()*e3.y()*rhs.z() - rhs.x()*e1.y()*e3.z() - e3.x()*rhs.y()*e1.z() )/detA; const scalar w = ( e1.x()*e2.y()*rhs.z() + e2.x()*rhs.y()*e1.z() + rhs.x()*e1.y()*e2.z() - e1.x()*rhs.y()*e2.z() - e2.x()*e1.y()*rhs.z() - rhs.x()*e2.y()*e1.z() )/detA; // Check if point is in tet // value = 0 indicates position lies on a tet face if ( (u + tol > 0) && (v + tol > 0) && (w + tol > 0) && (u + v + w < 1 + tol) ) { faceVertices_[0] = facePoints[0]; faceVertices_[1] = facePoints[pointI]; faceVertices_[2] = facePoints[pointI + 1]; weights_[0] = u; weights_[1] = v; weights_[2] = w; weights_[3] = 1.0 - (u + v + w); return; } else { scalar minU = mag(u); scalar minV = mag(v); scalar minW = mag(w); if (minU > 1.0) { minU -= 1.0; } if (minV > 1.0) { minV -= 1.0; } if (minW > 1.0) { minW -= 1.0; } const scalar minUVW = mag(minU + minV + minW); if (minUVW < minUVWClose) { minUVWClose = minUVW; pointIClose = pointI; faceClose = faceI; } } } pointI++; } } if (debug) { Pout<< "cellPointWeight::findTetrahedron" << nl << " Tetrahedron search failed; using closest tet values to " << "point " << nl << " cell: " << cellIndex << nl << endl; } const labelList& facePointsClose = mesh.faces()[cellFaces[faceClose]]; faceVertices_[0] = facePointsClose[0]; faceVertices_[1] = facePointsClose[pointIClose]; faceVertices_[2] = facePointsClose[pointIClose + 1]; weights_[0] = 0.25; weights_[1] = 0.25; weights_[2] = 0.25; weights_[3] = 0.25; }
Foam::label Foam::polyMeshTetDecomposition::findSharedBasePoint ( const polyMesh& mesh, label fI, const point& nCc, scalar tol, bool report ) { const faceList& pFaces = mesh.faces(); const pointField& pPts = mesh.points(); const vectorField& pC = mesh.cellCentres(); const labelList& pOwner = mesh.faceOwner(); const face& f = pFaces[fI]; label oCI = pOwner[fI]; const point& oCc = pC[oCI]; List<scalar> tetQualities(2, 0.0); forAll(f, faceBasePtI) { scalar thisBaseMinTetQuality = VGREAT; const point& tetBasePt = pPts[f[faceBasePtI]]; for (label tetPtI = 1; tetPtI < f.size() - 1; tetPtI++) { label facePtI = (tetPtI + faceBasePtI) % f.size(); label otherFacePtI = f.fcIndex(facePtI); { // owner cell tet label ptAI = f[facePtI]; label ptBI = f[otherFacePtI]; const point& pA = pPts[ptAI]; const point& pB = pPts[ptBI]; tetPointRef tet(oCc, tetBasePt, pA, pB); tetQualities[0] = tet.quality(); } { // neighbour cell tet label ptAI = f[otherFacePtI]; label ptBI = f[facePtI]; const point& pA = pPts[ptAI]; const point& pB = pPts[ptBI]; tetPointRef tet(nCc, tetBasePt, pA, pB); tetQualities[1] = tet.quality(); } if (min(tetQualities) < thisBaseMinTetQuality) { thisBaseMinTetQuality = min(tetQualities); } } if (thisBaseMinTetQuality > tol) { return faceBasePtI; } }
bool Foam::motionSmootherAlgo::checkMesh ( const bool report, const polyMesh& mesh, const dictionary& dict, const labelList& checkFaces, const List<labelPair>& baffles, labelHashSet& wrongFaces ) { const scalar maxNonOrtho ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxNonOrtho", true)) ); const scalar minVol ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minVol", true)) ); const scalar minTetQuality ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minTetQuality", true)) ); const scalar maxConcave ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxConcave", true)) ); const scalar minArea ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minArea", true)) ); const scalar maxIntSkew ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxInternalSkewness", true)) ); const scalar maxBounSkew ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxBoundarySkewness", true)) ); const scalar minWeight ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minFaceWeight", true)) ); const scalar minVolRatio ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minVolRatio", true)) ); const scalar minTwist ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minTwist", true)) ); const scalar minTriangleTwist ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minTriangleTwist", true)) ); scalar minFaceFlatness = -1.0; dict.readIfPresent("minFaceFlatness", minFaceFlatness, true); const scalar minDet ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minDeterminant", true)) ); label nWrongFaces = 0; Info<< "Checking faces in error :" << endl; //Pout.setf(ios_base::left); if (maxNonOrtho < 180.0-SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceDotProduct ( report, maxNonOrtho, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " non-orthogonality > " << setw(3) << maxNonOrtho << " degrees : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minVol > -GREAT) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFacePyramids ( report, minVol, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with face pyramid volume < " << setw(5) << minVol << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minTetQuality > -GREAT) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceTets ( report, minTetQuality, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with face-decomposition tet quality < " << setw(5) << minTetQuality << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (maxConcave < 180.0-SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceAngles ( report, maxConcave, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with concavity > " << setw(3) << maxConcave << " degrees : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minArea > -SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceArea ( report, minArea, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with area < " << setw(5) << minArea << " m^2 : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (maxIntSkew > 0 || maxBounSkew > 0) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceSkewness ( report, maxIntSkew, maxBounSkew, mesh, mesh.points(), mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with skewness > " << setw(3) << maxIntSkew << " (internal) or " << setw(3) << maxBounSkew << " (boundary) : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minWeight >= 0 && minWeight < 1) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceWeights ( report, minWeight, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with interpolation weights (0..1) < " << setw(5) << minWeight << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minVolRatio >= 0) { polyMeshGeometry::checkVolRatio ( report, minVolRatio, mesh, mesh.cellVolumes(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < " << setw(5) << minVolRatio << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minTwist > -1) { //Pout<< "Checking face twist: dot product of face normal " // << "with face triangle normals" << endl; polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceTwist ( report, minTwist, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with face twist < " << setw(5) << minTwist << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minTriangleTwist > -1) { //Pout<< "Checking triangle twist: dot product of consecutive triangle" // << " normals resulting from face-centre decomposition" << endl; polyMeshGeometry::checkTriangleTwist ( report, minTriangleTwist, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with triangle twist < " << setw(5) << minTriangleTwist << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minFaceFlatness > -SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceFlatness ( report, minFaceFlatness, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with flatness < " << setw(5) << minFaceFlatness << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minDet > -1) { polyMeshGeometry::checkCellDeterminant ( report, minDet, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, polyMeshGeometry::affectedCells(mesh, checkFaces), &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces on cells with determinant < " << setw(5) << minDet << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } //Pout.setf(ios_base::right); return nWrongFaces > 0; }
//- Returns -1 or cartesian coordinate component (0=x, 1=y, 2=z) of normal // in case of 2D mesh label twoDNess(const polyMesh& mesh) { const pointField& ctrs = mesh.cellCentres(); if (ctrs.size() < 2) { return -1; } // // 1. All cell centres on single plane aligned with x, y or z // // Determine 3 points to base plane on. vector vec10 = ctrs[1] - ctrs[0]; vec10 /= mag(vec10); label otherCellI = -1; for (label cellI = 2; cellI < ctrs.size(); cellI++) { vector vec(ctrs[cellI] - ctrs[0]); vec /= mag(vec); if (mag(vec & vec10) < 0.9) { // ctrs[cellI] not in line with n otherCellI = cellI; break; } } if (otherCellI == -1) { // Cannot find cell to make decent angle with cell0-cell1 vector. // Note: what to do here? All cells (almost) in one line. Maybe 1D case? return -1; } plane cellPlane(ctrs[0], ctrs[1], ctrs[otherCellI]); forAll (ctrs, cellI) { const labelList& cEdges = mesh.cellEdges()[cellI]; scalar minLen = GREAT; forAll (cEdges, i) { minLen = min(minLen, mesh.edges()[cEdges[i]].mag(mesh.points())); } if (cellPlane.distance(ctrs[cellI]) > 1E-6*minLen) { // Centres not in plane return -1; } }