예제 #1
void blstroid_scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	blstroid_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<blstroid_state>();
	int offset = (scanline / 8) * 64 + 40;

	/* check for interrupts */
	if (offset < 0x1000)
		if (state->m_playfield[offset] & 0x8000)
			int width, vpos;
			attotime period_on;
			attotime period_off;

			/* FIXME: - the only thing this IRQ does it tweak the starting MO link */
			/* unfortunately, it does it too early for the given MOs! */
			/* perhaps it is not actually hooked up on the real PCB... */

			/* set a timer to turn the interrupt on at HBLANK of the 7th scanline */
			/* and another to turn it off one scanline later */
			width = screen.width();
			vpos  = screen.vpos();
			period_on  = screen.time_until_pos(vpos + 7, width * 0.9);
			period_off = screen.time_until_pos(vpos + 8, width * 0.9);

			screen.machine().scheduler().timer_set(period_on, FUNC(irq_on));
			screen.machine().scheduler().timer_set(period_off, FUNC(irq_off));
예제 #2
파일: warriorb.c 프로젝트: j4y4r/j4ymame
static UINT32 update_screen(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int xoffs, device_t *tc0100scn)
	UINT8 layer[3], nodraw;


	layer[0] = tc0100scn_bottomlayer(tc0100scn);
	layer[1] = layer[0] ^ 1;
	layer[2] = 2;

	/* Clear priority bitmap */
	screen.machine().priority_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

	/* chip 0 does tilemaps on the left, chip 1 does the ones on the right */
	// draw bottom layer
	nodraw  = tc0100scn_tilemap_draw(tc0100scn, bitmap, cliprect, layer[0], TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE, 0);	/* left */

	/* Ensure screen blanked even when bottom layers not drawn due to disable bit */
	if (nodraw)
		bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(screen.machine()), cliprect);

	// draw middle layer
	tc0100scn_tilemap_draw(tc0100scn, bitmap, cliprect, layer[1], 0, 1);

	/* Sprites can be under/over the layer below text layer */
	draw_sprites(screen.machine(), bitmap, cliprect, xoffs, 8); // draw sprites

	// draw top(text) layer
	tc0100scn_tilemap_draw(tc0100scn, bitmap, cliprect, layer[2], 0, 0);
	return 0;
예제 #3
void vsystem_spr_device::draw_sprites( UINT16* spriteram, int spriteram_bytes, screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int prihack_mask, int prihack_val )
	int offs;
	int end = 0;

	// find the end of the list
	for (offs = 0; offs < (spriteram_bytes / 16 ); offs++)
		if (spriteram[offs] & 0x4000) break;
	end = offs;

	// decide our drawing order (if we're using pdrawgfx we must go in reverse)
	int first, last, inc;
	if (m_pdraw)
		first = end - 1;
		last = -1;
		inc = -1;
		first = 0;
		last = end;
		inc = 1;

	// draw
	offs = first;
	while (offs != last)
		if ((spriteram[offs] & 0x8000) == 0x0000)
			int attr_start;

			attr_start = 4 * (spriteram[offs] & 0x03ff);


			curr_sprite.color &= m_pal_mask;

			// hack for aero fighters and other which still call us multiple times with different priorities instead of using the pdrawgfx version
			if (prihack_mask != -1)
				if ((curr_sprite.pri & prihack_mask) == prihack_val)
					common_sprite_drawgfx(screen.machine(), bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority());
				common_sprite_drawgfx(screen.machine(), bitmap, cliprect, screen.priority());

예제 #4
static void scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	address_space *space = screen.machine().device("audiocpu")->memory().space(AS_PROGRAM);

	/* sound IRQ is on 32V */
	if (scanline & 32)
		atarigen_6502_irq_ack_r(space, 0);
	else if (!(input_port_read(screen.machine(), "FE4000") & 0x40))
예제 #5
UINT32 pc1251_state::screen_update_pc1251(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x, y, i, j;
	int color[2];
	running_machine &machine = screen.machine();

	bitmap.fill(11, cliprect);

	/* HJB: we cannot initialize array with values from other arrays, thus... */
	color[0] = 7; //pocketc_colortable[PC1251_CONTRAST][0];
	color[1] = 8; //pocketc_colortable[PC1251_CONTRAST][1];

	for (x=RIGHT,y=DOWN, i=0; i<60; x+=3)
		for (j=0; j<5; j++, i++, x+=3)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],
	for (i=0x7b; i>=0x40; x+=3)
		for (j=0; j<5; j++, i--, x+=3)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+134, DOWN-10, de,
						m_reg[0x3c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+142, DOWN-10, g,
						m_reg[0x3c] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+146, DOWN-10, rad,
						m_reg[0x3d] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+18, DOWN-10, def,
						m_reg[0x3c] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT, DOWN-10, shift,
						m_reg[0x3d] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+38, DOWN-10, pro,
						m_reg[0x3e] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+53, DOWN-10, run,
						m_reg[0x3e] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);
	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+68, DOWN-10, rsv,
						m_reg[0x3e] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	/* 0x3c 1 def?, 4 g, 8 de
	   0x3d 2 shift, 4 rad, 8 error
	   0x3e 1 pro?, 2 run?, 4rsv?*/
	return 0;
예제 #6
static void on_vblank(running_machine &machine, screen_device &screen, bool vblank_state)
	/* VBLANK starting */
	if (vblank_state && watchdog_enabled)
		/* check the watchdog */
		if (screen.machine().config().m_watchdog_vblank_count != 0)
			watchdog_counter = watchdog_counter - 1;

			if (watchdog_counter == 0)
				watchdog_callback(screen.machine(), NULL, 0);
예제 #7
UINT32 paradise_state::screen_update_paradise(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int layers_ctrl = -1;

if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Z))
	int mask = 0;
	if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_Q))	mask |= 1;
	if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_W))	mask |= 2;
	if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_E))	mask |= 4;
	if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_R))	mask |= 8;
	if (machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_A))	mask |= 16;
	if (mask != 0) layers_ctrl &= mask;

	bitmap.fill(get_black_pen(machine()), cliprect);

	if (!(m_priority & 4))	/* Screen blanking */
		return 0;

	if (m_priority & 1)
		if (layers_ctrl & 16)
			draw_sprites(screen.machine(), bitmap, cliprect);

	if (layers_ctrl & 1)	m_tilemap_0->draw(bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	if (layers_ctrl & 2)	m_tilemap_1->draw(bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
	if (layers_ctrl & 4)	copybitmap_trans(bitmap, m_tmpbitmap, flip_screen(), flip_screen(), 0, 0, cliprect, 0x80f);

	if (m_priority & 2)
		if (!(m_priority & 1))
			if (layers_ctrl & 16)
				draw_sprites(screen.machine(), bitmap, cliprect);
		if (layers_ctrl & 8)
			m_tilemap_2->draw(bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
		if (layers_ctrl & 8)
			m_tilemap_2->draw(bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
		if (!(m_priority & 1))
			if (layers_ctrl & 16)
				draw_sprites(screen.machine(), bitmap, cliprect);
	return 0;
예제 #8
static UINT32 update_screen(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int index)
    vcombat_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<vcombat_state>();
    int y;
    const rgb_t *const pens = tlc34076_get_pens(screen.machine().device("tlc34076"));

    UINT16 *m68k_buf = state->m_m68k_framebuffer[(*state->m_framebuffer_ctrl & 0x20) ? 1 : 0];
    UINT16 *i860_buf = state->m_i860_framebuffer[index][0];

    /* TODO: It looks like the leftmost chunk of the ground should really be on the right side? */
    /*       But the i860 draws the background correctly, so it may be an original game issue. */
    /*       There's also some garbage in the upper-left corner. Might be related to this 'wraparound'. */
    /*       Or maybe it's related to the 68k's alpha?  It might come from the 68k side of the house.  */

    for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; ++y)
        int x;
        int src_addr = 256/2 * y;
        const UINT16 *m68k_src = &m68k_buf[src_addr];
        const UINT16 *i860_src = &i860_buf[src_addr];
        UINT32 *dst = &bitmap.pix32(y, cliprect.min_x);

        for (x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x += 2)
            int i;
            UINT16 m68k_pix = *m68k_src++;
            UINT16 i860_pix = *i860_src++;

            /* Draw two pixels */
            for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                /* Vcombat's screen renders 'flopped' - very likely because VR headset displays may reflect off mirrors.
                Shadfgtr isn't flopped, so it's not a constant feature of the hardware. */

                /* Combine the two layers */
                if ((m68k_pix & 0xff) == 0)
                    *dst++ = pens[i860_pix & 0xff];
                    *dst++ = pens[m68k_pix & 0xff];

                m68k_pix >>= 8;
                i860_pix >>= 8;

    return 0;
예제 #9
파일: skeetsht.c 프로젝트: risico/jsmess
static void skeetsht_scanline_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int scanline, const tms34010_display_params *params)
	skeetsht_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<skeetsht_state>();
	const rgb_t *const pens = tlc34076_get_pens(screen.machine().device("tlc34076"));
	UINT16 *vram = &state->m_tms_vram[(params->rowaddr << 8) & 0x3ff00];
	UINT32 *dest = &bitmap.pix32(scanline);
	int coladdr = params->coladdr;
	int x;

	for (x = params->heblnk; x < params->hsblnk; x += 2)
		UINT16 pixels = vram[coladdr++ & 0xff];
		dest[x + 0] = pens[pixels & 0xff];
		dest[x + 1] = pens[pixels >> 8];
예제 #10
static void amerdart_scanline(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int scanline, const tms34010_display_params *params)
	coolpool_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<coolpool_state>();

	UINT16 *vram = &state->m_vram_base[(params->rowaddr << 8) & 0xff00];
	UINT32 *dest = &bitmap.pix32(scanline);
	rgb_t pens[16];
	int coladdr = params->coladdr;
	int x;

	/* update the palette */
	if (scanline < 256)
		for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
			UINT16 pal = state->m_vram_base[x];
			pens[x] = MAKE_RGB(pal4bit(pal >> 4), pal4bit(pal >> 8), pal4bit(pal >> 12));

	for (x = params->heblnk; x < params->hsblnk; x += 4)
		UINT16 pixels = vram[coladdr++ & 0xff];
		dest[x + 0] = pens[(pixels >> 0) & 15];
		dest[x + 1] = pens[(pixels >> 4) & 15];
		dest[x + 2] = pens[(pixels >> 8) & 15];
		dest[x + 3] = pens[(pixels >> 12) & 15];
예제 #11
파일: skullxbo.c 프로젝트: cdenix/psmame
static void alpha_row_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	skullxbo_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<skullxbo_state>();
	UINT16 *check = &state->m_alpha[(scanline / 8) * 64 + 42];

	/* check for interrupts in the alpha ram */
	/* the interrupt occurs on the HBLANK of the 6th scanline following */
	if (check < &state->m_alpha[0x7c0] && (*check & 0x8000))
		int	width = screen.width();
		attotime period = screen.time_until_pos(screen.vpos() + 6, width * 0.9);
		screen.machine().scheduler().timer_set(period, FUNC(irq_gen));

	/* update the playfield and motion objects */
	skullxbo_scanline_update(screen.machine(), scanline);
예제 #12
파일: badlands.c 프로젝트: clobber/UME
void badlands_state::scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	address_space &space = subdevice("audiocpu")->memory().space(AS_PROGRAM);

	/* sound IRQ is on 32V */
	if (scanline & 32)
		m6502_irq_ack_r(space, 0);
	else if (!(ioport("FE4000")->read() & 0x40))
예제 #13
파일: diexec.c 프로젝트: cdenix/psmame
void device_execute_interface::static_on_vblank(screen_device &screen, void *param, bool vblank_state)
	// VBLANK starting
	if (vblank_state)
		device_execute_interface *exec = NULL;
		for (bool gotone = screen.machine().m_devicelist.first(exec); gotone; gotone = exec->next(exec))
예제 #14
bool mm1_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_t &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	/* text */
	i8275_update(m_crtc, &bitmap, &cliprect);
	copybitmap(&bitmap, screen.machine().generic.tmpbitmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, &cliprect);

	/* graphics */
	m_hgdc->update_screen(&bitmap, &cliprect);

	return 0;
예제 #15
파일: faceoffh.c 프로젝트: j105rob/mame
UINT32 faceoffh_state::screen_update( screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	// NMI on coin-in?
	UINT8 coin = (~ioport("INPUTS")->read()) & 0x03;
	m_audiocpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, coin ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE);

	// Play the digitalker samples (it's not hooked up yet)
	static UINT8 sample = 0, bank = 0;

	if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_Q))
	if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_W))
	bank %= 3;

	if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_A))
	if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_S))

	if (screen.machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_Z))

		address_space &space = m_audiocpu->space(AS_PROGRAM);
		m_digitalker->digitalker_data_w(space, 0, sample, 0xff);


	popmessage("COIN: %02X VIAB: %02X\nCOUNT: %02X %02X LEDS: %02X\nSAMPLE: %02X (B%X)",
				m_coin, m_port_b,
				(m_shift >> 16) & 0xff, (m_shift >> 8) & 0xff, (m_shift >> 0) & 0xff,	// 2 x 7-seg, 3 leds
				sample, bank
	return 0;
예제 #16
파일: atarig1.c 프로젝트: kkalmaz/psmame
void atarig1_scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	atarig1_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<atarig1_state>();
	UINT16 *base = &state->m_alpha[(scanline / 8) * 64 + 48];
	int i;

	//if (scanline == 0) logerror("-------\n");

	/* keep in range */
	if (base >= &state->m_alpha[0x800])
	screen.update_partial(MAX(scanline - 1, 0));

	/* update the playfield scrolls */
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		UINT16 word;

		/* first word controls horizontal scroll */
		word = *base++;
		if (word & 0x8000)
			int newscroll = ((word >> 6) + state->m_pfscroll_xoffset) & 0x1ff;
			if (newscroll != state->m_playfield_xscroll)
				screen.update_partial(MAX(scanline + i - 1, 0));
				tilemap_set_scrollx(state->m_playfield_tilemap, 0, newscroll);
				state->m_playfield_xscroll = newscroll;

		/* second word controls vertical scroll and tile bank */
		word = *base++;
		if (word & 0x8000)
			int newscroll = ((word >> 6) - (scanline + i)) & 0x1ff;
			int newbank = word & 7;
			if (newscroll != state->m_playfield_yscroll)
				screen.update_partial(MAX(scanline + i - 1, 0));
				tilemap_set_scrolly(state->m_playfield_tilemap, 0, newscroll);
				state->m_playfield_yscroll = newscroll;
			if (newbank != state->m_playfield_tile_bank)
				screen.update_partial(MAX(scanline + i - 1, 0));
				state->m_playfield_tile_bank = newbank;
예제 #17
static int get_lightgun_pos(screen_device &screen, int player, int *x, int *y)
	const rectangle &visarea = screen.visible_area();

	int xpos = screen.machine().root_device().ioport((player == 0) ? "GUN1X" : "GUN2X")->read_safe(0xffffffff);
	int ypos = screen.machine().root_device().ioport((player == 0) ? "GUN1Y" : "GUN2Y")->read_safe(0xffffffff);

	if (xpos == -1 || ypos == -1)
		return FALSE;

	*x = visarea.min_x + xpos * visarea.width() / 255;
	*y = visarea.min_y + ypos * visarea.height() / 255;
	return TRUE;
예제 #18
파일: crsshair.c 프로젝트: broftkd/mess-svn
static void animate(running_machine &machine, screen_device &device, bool vblank_state)
	int player;

	/* only animate once per frame, when vblank_state is 1 */
	if (!vblank_state)

	/* increment animation counter */
	global.animation_counter += 0x08;

	/* compute a fade factor from the current animation value */
	if (global.animation_counter < 0x80)
		global.fade = 0xa0 + (0x60 * ( global.animation_counter & 0x7f) / 0x80);
		global.fade = 0xa0 + (0x60 * (~global.animation_counter & 0x7f) / 0x80);

	for (player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; player++)
		/* read all the lightgun values */
		if (global.used[player])
			device.machine().ioport().crosshair_position(player, global.x[player], global.y[player]);

		/* auto visibility */
		if (global.mode[player] == CROSSHAIR_VISIBILITY_AUTO)
			if ((global.x[player] != global.last_x[player]) || (global.y[player] != global.last_y[player]))
				/* crosshair has moved, keep crosshair visible */
				global.visible[player] = TRUE;
				global.last_x[player] = global.x[player];
				global.last_y[player] = global.y[player];
				global.time[player] = 0;
				/* see if the player has been motionless for time specified */
				/* slightly confusing formula, but the effect is: */
				/* auto_time = 0 makes the crosshair barely visible while moved */
				/* every increment in auto_time is about .2s at 60Hz */
				if (global.time[player] > global.auto_time * 12 + 2)
					/* time exceeded so turn crosshair invisible */
					global.visible[player] = FALSE;

				/* increment player visibility time */
예제 #19
파일: lethalj.c 프로젝트: ef1105/mameplus
void lethalj_scanline_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, int scanline, const tms34010_display_params *params)
	lethalj_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<lethalj_state>();
	UINT16 *src = &state->m_screenram[(state->m_vispage << 17) | ((params->rowaddr << 9) & 0x3fe00)];
	UINT16 *dest = &bitmap.pix16(scanline);
	int coladdr = params->coladdr << 1;
	int x;

	/* blank palette: fill with white */
	if (state->m_blank_palette)
		for (x = params->heblnk; x < params->hsblnk; x++)
			dest[x] = 0x7fff;
		if (scanline == screen.visible_area().max_y)
			state->m_blank_palette = 0;

	/* copy the non-blanked portions of this scanline */
	for (x = params->heblnk; x < params->hsblnk; x++)
		dest[x] = src[coladdr++ & 0x1ff] & 0x7fff;
예제 #20
파일: klax.c 프로젝트: risico/jsmess
static void scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	/* generate 32V signals */
	if ((scanline & 32) == 0 && !(screen.machine().root_device().ioport("P1")->read() & 0x800))
예제 #21
UINT32 pc1401_state::screen_update_pc1401(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	running_machine &machine = screen.machine();
	int x, y, i, j;
	int color[2];

	bitmap.fill(11, cliprect);

#if 0
	/* HJB: we cannot initialize array with values from other arrays, thus... */
	color[0] = pocketc_colortable[CONTRAST][0];
	color[1] = pocketc_colortable[CONTRAST][1];
	/* Above can be unreadable or misleading at certain contrast settings, this is better */
	color[0] = 7;
	color[1] = 8;

	if (m_portc&1)
		for (x=RIGHT,y=DOWN,i=0; i<0x28;x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5;j++,i++,x+=2)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,x,y);
		for (i=0x67; i>=0x40;x+=2)
			for (j=0; j<5;j++,i--,x+=2)
			drawgfx_opaque(bitmap, cliprect, screen.machine().gfx[0], m_reg[i],CONTRAST,0,0,x,y);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+149, DOWN+24, line,
			m_reg[0x3c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT, DOWN-10, busy,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+18, DOWN-10, def,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+43, DOWN-10,shift,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+63, DOWN-10,hyp,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+38, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+23, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+8, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x3d] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+183, DOWN-10,e,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x01 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+176, DOWN-10,m,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x02 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+168, DOWN-10,braces,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x04 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+138, DOWN-10,rad,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x08 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+134, DOWN-10,g,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x10 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+126, DOWN-10,de,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x20 ? color[1] : color[0]);

	pocketc_draw_special(bitmap, RIGHT+165, DOWN+24,line,
			m_reg[0x7c] & 0x40 ? color[1] : color[0]);

  603c: 3 STAT
  603d: 0 BUSY, 1 DEF, 2 SHIFT, 3 HYP, 4 PRO, 5 RUN, 6 CAL
  607c: 0 E, 1 M, 2 (), 3 RAD, 4 G, 5 DE, 6 PRINT
	return 0;
예제 #22
UINT32 itgamble_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	return 0;
예제 #23
파일: batman.c 프로젝트: poliva/mame-rr
void batman_scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	batman_state *state = screen.machine().driver_data<batman_state>();

	/* update the scanline parameters */
	if (scanline <= screen.visible_area().max_y && state->m_atarivc_state.rowscroll_enable)
		UINT16 *base = &state->m_alpha[scanline / 8 * 64 + 48];
		int scan, i;

		for (scan = 0; scan < 8; scan++, scanline++)
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				int data = *base++;
				switch (data & 15)
					case 9:
						if (scanline > 0)
							screen.update_partial(scanline - 1);
						state->m_atarivc_state.mo_xscroll = (data >> 7) & 0x1ff;
						atarimo_set_xscroll(0, state->m_atarivc_state.mo_xscroll);

					case 10:
						if (scanline > 0)
							screen.update_partial(scanline - 1);
						state->m_atarivc_state.pf1_xscroll_raw = (data >> 7) & 0x1ff;
						tilemap_set_scrollx(state->m_playfield_tilemap, 0, state->m_atarivc_state.pf0_xscroll);
						tilemap_set_scrollx(state->m_playfield2_tilemap, 0, state->m_atarivc_state.pf1_xscroll);

					case 11:
						if (scanline > 0)
							screen.update_partial(scanline - 1);
						state->m_atarivc_state.pf0_xscroll_raw = (data >> 7) & 0x1ff;
						tilemap_set_scrollx(state->m_playfield_tilemap, 0, state->m_atarivc_state.pf0_xscroll);

					case 13:
						if (scanline > 0)
							screen.update_partial(scanline - 1);
						state->m_atarivc_state.mo_yscroll = (data >> 7) & 0x1ff;
						atarimo_set_yscroll(0, state->m_atarivc_state.mo_yscroll);

					case 14:
						if (scanline > 0)
							screen.update_partial(scanline - 1);
						state->m_atarivc_state.pf1_yscroll = (data >> 7) & 0x1ff;
						tilemap_set_scrolly(state->m_playfield2_tilemap, 0, state->m_atarivc_state.pf1_yscroll);

					case 15:
						if (scanline > 0)
							screen.update_partial(scanline - 1);
						state->m_atarivc_state.pf0_yscroll = (data >> 7) & 0x1ff;
						tilemap_set_scrolly(state->m_playfield_tilemap, 0, state->m_atarivc_state.pf0_yscroll);
예제 #24
파일: arcadecl.c 프로젝트: cdenix/psmame
static void scanline_update(screen_device &screen, int scanline)
	/* generate 32V signals */
	if ((scanline & 32) == 0)