//*********************************************************************************** // int parseStringX() // This is a simple function to parse and return the coodinates you want to goto // // //********************************************************************************** void parseMovement(string strX,string strY,ship &s) { int x; int y; double hypot=0.0; x = atoi(strX.c_str()); y = atoi(strY.c_str()); if (x == 0) { s.setX(s.getX()); } if (y == 0) { s.setY(s.getY()); } if (x <= POSITIVE_XLIMIT && x >= NEGATIVE_XLIMIT && y <= POSITIVE_YLIMIT && y >= NEGATIVE_YLIMIT) { // calculate data for hypotenuese (sp?) and get units for fuel subtraction double xc = x-s.getX(); double yc = y-s.getY(); double xcsq = xc*xc; double yxsq = yc*yc; double hypot = abs(sqrt(xcsq+yxsq)); // error checking for input outfile.open("errorLog.txt", ios::app); outfile << "The time is: " << asctime(localtm) << " " << "Hypotenoose: " << hypot << endl; outfile.close(); // ------ s.setX(x); // s.setY(y); s.setFuel(s.getFuel()-hypot); } } // end of method
//*********************************************************************************** // void checkIfAtPlanet() // This fucntion checks to see if you have arrived at a planet, then it'd put you // in the store. // //********************************************************************************** void checkIfAtPlanet(ship &s,planet &jupiter,planet &earth,planet &mars,planet &ganymede,planet &moon,planet &saturn,planet &neptune,planet &pluto,planet &ceres) { short input = 0; //********************************************************************************** // 1. Jupiter //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==jupiter.getX() && s.getY()==jupiter.getY()) { jupiter.Shop(s); } // end of jupiter if //********************************************************************************** // 2. Earth //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==earth.getX() && s.getY()==earth.getY()) { earth.Shop(s); } // end of earth if //********************************************************************************** // 3. Mars //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==mars.getX() && s.getY()==mars.getY()) { mars.Shop(s); } // end of mars if //********************************************************************************** // 4. Ganymede //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==ganymede.getX() && s.getY()==ganymede.getY()) { ganymede.Shop(s); } //********************************************************************************** // 5. Saturn //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==saturn.getX() && s.getY()==saturn.getY()) { saturn.Shop(s); } //********************************************************************************** // 6. Pluto //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==pluto.getX() && s.getY()==pluto.getY()) { pluto.Shop(s); } //********************************************************************************** // 7. Ceres //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==ceres.getX() && s.getY()==ceres.getY()) { ceres.Shop(s); } //********************************************************************************** // 8. Neptune //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==neptune.getX() && s.getY()==neptune.getY()) { neptune.Shop(s); } //********************************************************************************** // 9. Moon -- different from planet //********************************************************************************** if (s.getX()==moon.getX() && s.getY()==moon.getY()) { do { // begin do loop input = checkIfAtMoonMenu(s,jupiter,earth,mars,ganymede,moon,saturn,neptune,pluto,ceres); cout << "1. Check Mail Box: -- Not Functional... " << endl; cout << "2. Repair Ship: -- Not Functional... " << endl; cout << "3. Upgrade Ship: -- Not Functional... " << endl; cout << "4. Pick Up Passengers: -- Not Functional... " << endl; cout << "5. Talk to people listen to space news... -- not functional... " << endl; switch(input) { case 1: system("cls"); //checkMailBox(); cout << "N/A" << endl; break; case 2: system("cls"); //repairShip(); cout << "N/A" << endl; break; case 3: system("cls"); //upgradeShip(); cout << "N/A" << endl; break; case 4: system("cls"); //pickUpPassengers(); cout << "N/A" << endl; break; case 5: system("cls"); //talkToPeople(); cout << "N/A" << endl; break; case 6: system("cls"); cout << "Take Care out there in space..." << endl; break; default: cout << "You can only choose option 1-5 are not programmed, nothing else is programmed... " << endl; break; }// end of switch } // end of do while (input == 1 || input == 2 || input == 3 || input == 4 || input == 5); s.setX(s.getX()+1); s.setY(s.getY()+1); } s.setX(s.getX()+1); } // end of method