int main() { vector<int> ivec; #ifdef LIST_INIT vector<int> v = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; #else int temp[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; vector<int> v(begin(temp), end(temp)); #endif // range variable must be a reference so we can write to the elements for (auto &r : v) // for each element in v r *= 2; // double the value of each element in v // print every element in v for (int r : v) cout << r << " "; // print the elements in v cout << endl; return 0; }
overload_set resolve_overloads(Set const& overloads, Args...) { overload_set candidates; using std::begin; using std::end; std::copy_if(begin(overloads), end(overloads), std::back_inserter(candidates), [](auto potential_candidate) -> bool { using boost::fusion::all; using boost::fusion::transform; boost::phoenix::arg_names::arg1_type identity; return potential_candidate.size() == sizeof...(Args) && all( transform( detail::fusion_tie<sizeof...(Args)>::call(potential_candidate), std::tie(typeid(Args)...), std::equal_to<std::type_index>() ), identity); }); return candidates; }
void findAndInsert(C& container, // in container, find const V& targetVal, // first occurrence const V& insertVal) // of targetVal, then { // insert insertVal // using std::cbegin; // there // using std::cend; // auto it = std::find(cbegin(container), // non-member cbegin // cend(container), // non-member cend // targetVal); // Support of `std::cbegin()`in C++14 // url: using std::begin; // there using std::end; auto it = std::find(begin(container), // non-member cbegin end(container), // non-member cend targetVal); container.insert(it, insertVal); }
bool check(T&& t) { using std::begin; std::regex r{ s_ }; std::match_results<decltype(begin(t))> results; if (std::regex_match(std::forward<T>(t), results, r)) { // The first sub_match is the whole string; the next // sub_match is the first parenthesized expression. if (results.size() != len + 1) { return false; } else{ for (std::size_t i = 1; i <= ar_.size();++i) { ar_[i - 1] = results[i].str(); } return match_check(get_tuple(), t_); } } else { return false; } }
bool Json_Plugin::poll_request(net::req::Request& req) noexcept { io_->step(); if(!bufs_.size()) return false; Json::Value val; Json::Reader read(Json::Features::strictMode()); using std::begin; using std::end; // While the queued buffer is failing to compile. while(!read.parse(std::string(begin(bufs_.front()), end(bufs_.front())), val)) { // Ignore it and continue on. bufs_.pop(); if(!bufs_.size()) return false; } bufs_.pop(); req = FORMATTER_TYPE(net::req::Request)::parse(val); return true; }
void SaveUnweightedDistances(const StudentNetwork& network, const string& filename, FilterFunc filter) { ofstream bfs_file{filename}; for (auto vertex_d : network.GetVertexDescriptors()) { auto student_id = network[vertex_d]; // Determine whether or not we should process this student. if (!filter(student_id)) { continue; } bfs_file << network[vertex_d] << "\t"; // unweighted distance stats auto unweighted_distances = network.FindUnweightedDistances(vertex_d); // get the second member of the pair auto distance_values = vector<string>{}; transform(begin(unweighted_distances), end(unweighted_distances), back_inserter(distance_values), [](pair<Student::Id, double> elt) { return to_string(elt.second); }); bfs_file << join(distance_values, "\t") << endl; } }
namespace detail { using std::begin; using std::end; template<typename Container, typename Compare> inline void sort_(Container& container, Compare&& comp, ...) { std::sort(begin(container), end(container), std::forward<Compare>(comp)); } template<typename Container, typename Compare> inline auto sort_(Container& container, Compare&& comp, int) -> decltype(container.sort(std::forward<Compare>(comp))) { return container.sort(std::forward<Compare>(comp)); } template<typename Container, typename Compare = std::less< typename std::decay< decltype(*begin(std::declval<Container&>())) >::type >> inline void sort(Container& container, Compare&& comp = {}) { sort_(container, std::forward<Compare>(comp), 0); } } // namespace detail
int main() { int ia[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; int *p = ia; // p points to the first element in ia ++p; // p points to ia[1] int *e = &ia[10]; // pointer just past the last element in ia for (int *b = ia; b != e; ++b) cout << *b << " "; // print the elements in ia cout << endl; const size_t sz = 10; int arr[sz]; // array of 10 ints for (auto &n : arr) // for each element in arr cin >> n; // read values from the standard input for (auto i : arr) cout << i << " "; cout << endl; // pbeg points to the first and // pend points just past the last element in arr int *pbeg = begin(arr), *pend = end(arr); // find the first negative element, // stopping if we've seen all the elements while (pbeg != pend && *pbeg >= 0) ++pbeg; if (pbeg == pend) cout << "no negative elements in arr" << endl; else cout << "first negative number was " << *pbeg << endl; return 0; }
Container query(TQuery&& q, multiple_results_tag) { using std::to_string; using std::begin; using std::end; formatter fmt { }; const std::string qry = to_string(fix::forward<TQuery>(q), fmt); if(0 != _context->query(qry.c_str())) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not query database"); } mysql::basic_result res(*_context); if(res) { Container ret; ret.reserve(res.rows()); std::transform( begin(res), end(res), std::back_inserter(ret), [](const basic_row& r) { return impl::make_record<TRecord>::make(r); } ); return ret; } throw std::runtime_error("No valid context available"); }
bool compare( Range1&& range1, Range2&& range2, Pred&& pred, RangeCapacityCompare&& capacitypred ) { using std::begin; using std::end; return compare( begin( range1 ), end( range1 ), begin( range2 ), end( range2 ), std::forward<Pred>( pred ), std::forward<RangeCapacityCompare>( capacitypred ) ); }
proxy & operator =(Type && val) { using std::begin; using std::end; str->append(begin(val), end(val)); return *this; }
int main(int, char**) { // This example will cover the read-only BSON interface. // Lets first build up a non-trivial BSON document using the builder interface. using builder::basic::kvp; using builder::basic::sub_array; auto doc = builder::basic::document{}; doc.append(kvp("team", "platforms"), kvp("id", types::b_oid{oid()}), kvp("members", [](sub_array sa) { sa.append("tyler", "jason", "drew", "sam", "ernie", "john", "mark", "crystal"); })); // document::value is an owning bson document conceptually similar to string. document::value value{doc.extract()}; // document::view is a non-owning bson document conceptually similar to string_view. document::view view{value.view()}; // Note: array::view and array::value are the corresponding classes for arrays. // we can print a view using to_json std::cout << to_json(view) << std::endl; // note that all of the interesting methods for reading BSON are defined on the view type. // iterate over the elements in a bson document for (document::element ele : view) { // element is non owning view of a key-value pair within a document. // we can use the key() method to get a string_view of the key. stdx::string_view field_key{ele.key()}; std::cout << "Got key, key = " << field_key << std::endl; // we can use type() to get the type of the value. switch (ele.type()) { case type::k_utf8: std::cout << "Got String!" << std::endl; break; case type::k_oid: std::cout << "Got ObjectId!" << std::endl; break; case type::k_array: { std::cout << "Got Array!" << std::endl; // if we have a subarray, we can access it by getting a view of it. array::view subarr{ele.get_array().value}; for (array::element ele : subarr) { std::cout << "array element: " << to_json(ele.get_value()) << std::endl; } break; } default: std::cout << "We messed up!" << std::endl; } // usually we don't need to actually use a switch statement, because we can also // get a variant 'value' that can hold any BSON type. types::value ele_val{ele.get_value()}; // if we need to print an arbitrary value, we can use to_json, which provides // a suitable overload. std::cout << "the value is " << to_json(ele_val) << std::endl; ; } // If we want to search for an element we can use operator[] // (we also provide a find() method that returns an iterator) // Note, this does a linear search so it is O(n) in the length of the BSON document. document::element ele{view["team"]}; if (ele) { // this block will execute if ele was actually found std::cout << "as expected, we have a team of " << to_json(ele.get_value()) << std::endl; } // Because view implements begin(), end(), we can also use standard STL algorithms. // i.e. if we want to find the number of keys in a document we can use std::distance using std::begin; using std::end; auto num_keys = std::distance(begin(view), end(view)); std::cout << "document has " << num_keys << " keys." << std::endl; // i.e. if we want a vector of all the keys in a document, we can use std::transform std::vector<std::string> doc_keys; std::transform(begin(view), end(view), std::back_inserter(doc_keys), [](document::element ele) { // note that key() returns a string_view return ele.key().to_string(); }); std::cout << "document keys are: " << std::endl; for (auto key : doc_keys) { std::cout << key << " " << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; }
AmfByteArray(const T& v) { using std::begin; using std::end; value = std::vector<u8>(begin(v), end(v)); }
TEST(FilterTest, ConstructRangeSlotsHash) { const int elems[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3}; const filter_t c(begin(elems), end(elems), 30, test_hash{29}); expect_properties(c, sc_at_least(32), test_hash{29}, default_max_load_factor); expect_contents(c, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}); }
int main() { #ifdef LIST_INIT // list initialization, articles has 3 elements vector<string> articles = {"a", "an", "the"}; #else string temp[] = {"a", "an", "the"}; vector<string> articles(begin(temp), end(temp)); #endif vector<string> svec; // default initialization; svec has no elements vector<int> ivec; // ivec holds objects of type int vector<Sales_item> Sales_vec; // holds Sales_items vector<vector<string>> file; // vector whose elements are vectors vector<vector<int>> vecOfvec; // each element is itself a vector // all five vectors have size 0 cout << svec.size() << " " << ivec.size() << " " << Sales_vec.size() << " " << file.size() << " " << vecOfvec.size() << endl; vector<int> ivec2(10); // ten elements, each initialized to 0 vector<int> ivec3(10, -1); // ten int elements, each initialized to -1 vector<string> svec2(10); // ten elements, each an empty string vector<string> svec3(10, "hi!"); // ten strings; each element is "hi!" cout << ivec2.size() << " " << ivec3.size() << " " << svec2.size() << " " << svec3.size() << endl; // 10 is not a string, so cannot be list initialization vector<string> v1(10); // construct v1 with ten value-initialized elements #ifdef LIST_INIT vector<string> v2 {10}; // ten elements value-initialized elements #else vector<string> v2(10); #endif vector<string> v3(10, "hi"); // ten elements with value "hi" #ifdef LIST_INIT // again list initialization is not viable, so ordinary construction vector<string> v4{10, "hi"}; // ten elements with values "hi" #else vector<string> v4(10, "hi"); // ten elements with values "hi" #endif // all four vectors have size ten cout << v1.size() << " " << v2.size() << " " << v3.size() << " " << v4.size() << endl; #ifdef LIST_INIT vector<string> vs1 {"hi"}; // list initialization: vs1 has 1 element vector<string> vs2{10}; // ten default-initialized elements vector<string> vs3{10, "hi"}; // has ten elements with value "hi" #else vector<string> vs1; vs1.push_back("hi"); // explicitly add the element; vs1 has 1 element vector<string> vs2(10); // don't use curlies; // vs2 has ten default-initialized elements vector<string> vs3(10, "hi"); // don't use curlies; // vs3 has ten elements with value "hi" #endif cout << vs1.size() << " " << vs2.size() << " " << vs3.size() << endl; vector<int> v5(10, 1); // ten elements with value 1 #ifdef LIST_INIT vector<int> v6 {10, 1}; // two elements with values 10 and 1 #else vector<int> v6; v6.push_back(10); v6.push_back(1); #endif cout << v5.size() << " " << v6.size() << endl; #ifdef LIST_INIT // intention is clearer vector<int> alt_v3 = {10}; // one element with value 10 vector<int> alt_v4 = {10, 1}; // two elements with values 10 and 1 #else vector<int> alt_v3; alt_v3.push_back(10); // one element with value 10 vector<int> alt_v4; alt_v4.push_back(10); alt_v4.push_back(1); // two elements with values 10 and 1 #endif cout << alt_v3.size() << " " << alt_v4.size() << endl; return 0; }
std::reverse_iterator<DNSLabelIterator> rend() const noexcept { return std::make_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
void uploaded(char *file_name, long lCharsPerSecond) { uploadsrec u; for (auto it = begin(session()->batch); it != end(session()->batch); it++) { const auto& b = *it; if (IsEquals(file_name, b.filename) && !b.sending) { dliscan1(b.dir); int nRecNum = recno(b.filename); if (nRecNum > 0) { File downFile(g_szDownloadFileName); downFile.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeCreateFile | File::modeReadWrite); do { FileAreaSetRecord(downFile, nRecNum); downFile.Read(&u, sizeof(uploadsrec)); if (u.numbytes != 0) { nRecNum = nrecno(b.filename, nRecNum); } } while (nRecNum != -1 && u.numbytes != 0); downFile.Close(); if (nRecNum != -1 && u.numbytes == 0) { char szSourceFileName[MAX_PATH], szDestFileName[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szSourceFileName, "%s%s", syscfgovr.batchdir, file_name); sprintf(szDestFileName, "%s%s", session()->directories[b.dir].path, file_name); if (!IsEquals(szSourceFileName, szDestFileName) && File::Exists(szSourceFileName)) { bool found = false; if (szSourceFileName[1] != ':' && szDestFileName[1] != ':') { found = true; } if (szSourceFileName[1] == ':' && szDestFileName[1] == ':' && szSourceFileName[0] == szDestFileName[0]) { found = true; } if (found) { File::Rename(szSourceFileName, szDestFileName); File::Remove(szSourceFileName); } else { copyfile(szSourceFileName, szDestFileName, false); File::Remove(szSourceFileName); } } File file(szDestFileName); if (file.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeReadOnly)) { if (!syscfg.upload_cmd.empty()) { file.Close(); if (!check_ul_event(b.dir, &u)) { didnt_upload(b); } else { file.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeReadOnly); } } if (file.IsOpen()) { u.numbytes = file.GetLength(); file.Close(); get_file_idz(&u, b.dir); session()->user()->SetFilesUploaded(session()->user()->GetFilesUploaded() + 1); modify_database(u.filename, true); session()->user()->SetUploadK(session()->user()->GetUploadK() + static_cast<int>(bytes_to_k(u.numbytes))); WStatus *pStatus = session()->status_manager()->BeginTransaction(); pStatus->IncrementNumUploadsToday(); pStatus->IncrementFileChangedFlag(WStatus::fileChangeUpload); session()->status_manager()->CommitTransaction(pStatus); File fileDn(g_szDownloadFileName); fileDn.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeCreateFile | File::modeReadWrite); FileAreaSetRecord(fileDn, nRecNum); fileDn.Write(&u, sizeof(uploadsrec)); fileDn.Close(); sysoplogf("+ \"%s\" uploaded on %s (%ld cps)", u.filename, session()->directories[b.dir].name, lCharsPerSecond); bout << "Uploaded '" << u.filename << "' to " << session()->directories[b.dir].name << " (" << lCharsPerSecond << " cps)" << wwiv::endl; } } it = delbatch(it); return; } } it = delbatch(it); if (try_to_ul(file_name)) { sysoplogf("!!! Couldn't find file \"%s\" in directory.", file_name); bout << "Deleting - couldn't find data for file " << file_name << wwiv::endl; } return; } } if (try_to_ul(file_name)) { sysoplogf("!!! Couldn't find \"%s\" in UL batch queue.", file_name); bout << "Deleting - don't know what to do with file " << file_name << wwiv::endl; File::Remove(syscfgovr.batchdir, file_name); } }
auto adl_begin(C&& c) { using std::begin; return begin(c); }
inline String toupper(String s) { using std::begin; using std::end; std::transform(begin(s), end(s), begin(s), [](typename String::value_type c) { using std::toupper; return toupper(c); }); return s; }
const value_type& selected_value() const { using std::begin; auto it=begin(values); std::advance(it, selected_idx()); return *it; }
iterator insert(iterator pos, Iter first, Iter last) { //TODO: when GCC has fixed insert just directly return it's value auto dist=std::distance(begin(), pos); values.insert(pos, first, last); return values.begin() + dist; }
bool caselessEqual(anaword const &w,anaword const&v){ return equal(begin(w.second),end(w.second),begin(v.second),end(v.second), [](char l, char r){ return tolower(l)==tolower(r);}); }
anaword makeAnaword(std::string const & words){ std::string s{words}; s.erase(remove_if(begin(s),end(s),[](char c){return !isalpha(c);}),end(s)); transform(begin(s),end(s),begin(s),tolower); return make_pair(anaset{begin(s),end(s)},words); }
inline Iterator_type<R> find_if_not(R&& range, P pred) { return std::find_if_not(begin(range), end(range), pred); }
Transport::Read MwrmReader::read_meta_line_v2(MetaLine & meta_line, FileType file_type) { if (Transport::Read::Eof == this->line_reader.next_line()) { return Transport::Read::Eof; } // Line format "fffff // st_size st_mode st_uid st_gid st_dev st_ino st_mtime st_ctime // sssss eeeee hhhhh HHHHH" // ^ ^ ^ ^ // | | | | // |hash1| | // | | | // space3 |hash2 // | // space4 // // filename(1 or >) + space(1) + stat_info(ll|ull * 8) + // space(1) + start_sec(1 or >) + space(1) + stop_sec(1 or >) + // space(1) + hash1(64) + space(1) + hash2(64) >= 135 auto line_buf = this->line_reader.get_buf(); auto const line =; using std::begin; using std::end; char * pline = buf_sread_filename(begin(meta_line.filename), end(meta_line.filename), line); int err = 0; auto pend = pline; meta_line.size = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.mode = strtoull(pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.uid = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.gid = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; = strtoull(pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.ino = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.mtime = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.ctime = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); if (file_type == FileType::Mwrm) { err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.start_time = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); err |= (*pend != ' '); pline = pend; meta_line.stop_time = strtoll (pline, &pend, 10); } else { meta_line.start_time = 0; meta_line.stop_time = 0; } meta_line.with_hash = (file_type == FileType::Mwrm) ? this->header.has_checksum : (this->header.has_checksum || (*pend != '\n' && *pend != '\0')); if (meta_line.with_hash) { // ' ' hash ' ' hash '\n' err |= line_buf.size() - (pend - line) != (sizeof(meta_line.hash1) + sizeof(meta_line.hash2)) * 2 + 3; if (!err) { err |= (*pend != ' '); pend = extract_hash(meta_line.hash1, ++pend, err); err |= (*pend != ' '); pend = extract_hash(meta_line.hash2, ++pend, err); } } err |= (*pend != '\n' && *pend != '\0'); if (err) { throw Error(ERR_TRANSPORT_READ_FAILED); } return Transport::Read::Ok; }
inline bool operator== (DNSName const& n1, DNSName const& n2) noexcept { using std::begin; using std::end; return std::equal (begin(n1), end(n1), begin(n2), end(n2)); }
std::vector<Skills::Skill_definition> Skills::load(std::istream &is, void (*setup_lua_environment)(LuaContext &)) { using json = nlohmann::json; std::vector<Skills::Skill_definition> retval; json j(is); using std::begin; using std::end; const auto join = [](const auto &container, const auto &separator) { std::string s = *begin(container); auto it = begin(container); for (++it; it != end(container); ++it) { s += separator; s += *it; } return s; }; for (auto skill_it = begin(j); skill_it != end(j); ++skill_it) { //can't use a range based for, because that only iterates over values, not keys like in std::map const auto &skill_name = skill_it.key(); if (skill_name == "comment") { //skip comments continue; } retval.emplace_back(); auto &skill = retval.back(); = skill_name; for (auto property_it = begin(skill_it.value()); property_it != end(skill_it.value()); ++property_it) { const auto &property_name = property_it.key(); const auto &property_value = property_it.value(); if (property_name == "oncreate") { if (!property_value.is_string()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type string with a lua program as the content"); } skill.on_create = [ code = property_value.get_ref<const std::string &>(), setup_lua_environment ](Skills::Skill_instance & skill) { (void)skill; LuaContext context(false); setup_lua_environment(context); std::stringstream codestream(code); context.executeCode(codestream); }; } else if (property_name == "onhit") { if (!property_value.is_string()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type string with a lua program as the content"); } skill.on_hit = [ code = property_value.get_ref<const std::string &>(), setup_lua_environment ](Skills::Skill_instance & skill) { (void)skill; LuaContext context(false); setup_lua_environment(context); std::stringstream codestream(code); context.executeCode(codestream); }; } else if (property_name == "animation") { if (!property_value.is_string()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type string with a path to a 3D model"); } skill.animation = ARTDIR "/" + property_value.get_ref<const std::string &>(); } else if (property_name == "texture") { if (!property_value.is_string()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type string with a path to a 3D model"); } skill.texture = ARTDIR "/" + property_value.get_ref<const std::string &>(); } else if (property_name == "channeltime") { if (!property_value.is_number()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type number denoting a time in seconds"); } skill.channeltime = static_cast<Logical_time>(property_value.get<double>() * Config::lfps); } else if (property_name == "collision") { if (!property_value.is_array()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type array of strings of interaction types"); } for (auto &interaction : property_value) { if (!interaction.is_string()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type array of strings of interaction types"); } const auto &interaction_type_name = interaction.get_ref<const std::string &>(); const auto collision_strings = { "allies", "enemies", "map", "self", }; auto pos = lower_bound(begin(collision_strings), end(collision_strings), interaction_type_name); if (pos == end(collision_strings)) { //unknown interaction type throw std::runtime_error("interaction type must be one of [\"" + join(collision_strings, "\", \"") + "\"], found \"" + interaction_type_name + "\""); } skill.collision_types[pos - begin(collision_strings)] = true; } } else if (property_name == "cooldown") { if (!property_value.is_number()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type number denoting a time in seconds"); } skill.cooldown = static_cast<Logical_time>(property_value.get<double>() * Config::lfps); } else if (property_name == "executiontime") { if (!property_value.is_number()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type number denoting a time in seconds"); } skill.executiontime = static_cast<Logical_time>(property_value.get<double>() * Config::lfps); } else if (property_name == "size") { if (!property_value.is_number()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type number denoting the size of the skill"); } skill.size = property_value.get<float>(); } else if (property_name == "speed") { if (!property_value.is_number()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type number denoting the size of the skill"); } skill.speed = property_value.get<float>(); } else if (property_name == "type") { if (!property_value.is_string()) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be of type string denoting the type of the skill"); } const auto type_strings = { "aura", "instant", "invalid", "projectile", }; auto pos = lower_bound(begin(type_strings), end(type_strings), property_value.get_ref<const std::string &>()); if (pos == end(type_strings)) { throw std::runtime_error("value of skill property " + property_name + " must be one of [\"" + join(type_strings, "\", \"") + "]"); } skill.type = static_cast<Skills::Type>(pos - begin(type_strings)); } else { //unknown property throw std::runtime_error("unknown skill property: \"" + property_name + "\" in skill \"" + skill_name + "\""); } } } return retval; }
size_t TraialPool::num_resources() const noexcept { return std::distance(begin(available_traials_), end(available_traials_)); }
void ribi::ou::Helper::CalcMaxLikelihood( const std::vector<double>& v, const Time dt, Rate& mean_reversion_rate_hat, double& target_mean_hat, Rate& volatility_hat ) const { const bool verbose{false}; using std::begin; using std::end; using std::accumulate; const int n{static_cast<int>(v.size())}; const double n_d{static_cast<double>(n)}; const double sx{std::accumulate(begin(v),end(v)-1,0.0)}; const double sy{std::accumulate(begin(v)+1,end(v),0.0)}; const double sxx{ std::accumulate( begin(v),end(v)-1, 0.0, [](const double init, const double x) { return init + (x*x); } ) }; const double sxy{ std::inner_product( begin(v),end(v)-1, begin(v) + 1, 0.0 ) }; const double syy{ std::accumulate( begin(v)+1,end(v),0.0, [](const double init, const double x) { return init + (x*x); } ) }; if (verbose) { std::clog << "n: " << n << '\n' << "sx: " << sx << '\n' << "sy: " << sy << '\n' << "sxx: " << sxx << '\n' << "sxy: " << sxy << '\n' << "syy: " << syy << '\n' ; } assert( ( (n_d * (sxx - sxy)) - ( (sx*sx) - (sx*sy)) ) != 0.0); target_mean_hat = ((sy * sxx) - (sx * sxy)) / ( (n_d * (sxx - sxy)) - ( (sx*sx) - (sx*sy)) ) ; const double nmu2{n_d*target_mean_hat*target_mean_hat}; const double mean_reversion_rate_hat_numerator{ sxy - (target_mean_hat*sx) - (target_mean_hat*sy) + nmu2 }; const double mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator{ sxx - (2.0*target_mean_hat*sx) + nmu2 }; if (verbose) { std::clog << "target_mean_hat: " << target_mean_hat << '\n' << "nmu2: " << nmu2 << '\n' << "mean_reversion_rate_hat_numerator: " << mean_reversion_rate_hat_numerator << '\n' << "mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator: " << mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator << '\n' << "n/d: " << (mean_reversion_rate_hat_numerator/mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator) << '\n' ; } assert(mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator != 0.0); assert( mean_reversion_rate_hat_numerator / mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator > 0.0 ); mean_reversion_rate_hat = -std::log( mean_reversion_rate_hat_numerator / mean_reversion_rate_hat_denominator ) / dt ; const double alpha{std::exp(-mean_reversion_rate_hat*dt)}; const double beta_term_1{syy}; const double beta_term_2{2.0*alpha*sxy}; const double beta_term_3{alpha*alpha*sxx}; const double beta_term_4{2.0*target_mean_hat*(1.0-alpha)*(sy - (alpha*sx))}; const double beta_term_5{nmu2 * (1.0-alpha)*(1.0-alpha)}; const double beta{ ( beta_term_1 - beta_term_2 + beta_term_3 - beta_term_4 + beta_term_5 ) / n_d }; if (verbose) { std::clog << "alpha: " << alpha << '\n' << "beta_term_1: " << beta_term_1 << '\n' << "beta_term_2: " << beta_term_2 << '\n' << "beta_term_3: " << beta_term_3 << '\n' << "beta_term_4: " << beta_term_4 << '\n' << "beta_term_5: " << beta_term_5 << '\n' << "beta: " << beta << '\n' ; } volatility_hat = std::sqrt( (beta * 2.0 * mean_reversion_rate_hat.value()) / (1.0-(alpha*alpha)) ) / boost::units::si::second ; }
auto toStream = [](auto xs){ using std::begin; using std::end; return [curr = begin(xs), r = std::move(xs)]() mutable -> boost::optional<decltype(*begin(xs))>{ if (curr != end(r)) return *curr++; return boost::none; }; };