Gib::Gib ( str name, qboolean blood_trail, str bloodtrailname, str bloodspurtname, str bloodsplatname, float bloodsplatsize, float pitch ) { setSize( Vector( "0 0 0" ), Vector( "0 0 0" ) ); if ( name.length() ) setModel( name.c_str() ); setMoveType( MOVETYPE_GIB ); setSolidType( SOLID_BBOX ); takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; sprayed = false; fadesplat = true; scale = 2.0f; next_bleed_time = 0; final_pitch = pitch; if ( blood_trail ) { // Make a blood emitter and bind it to the head blood = new Mover; if ( bloodtrailname.length() ) blood->setModel( bloodtrailname.c_str() ); blood->setMoveType( MOVETYPE_BOUNCE ); blood->setSolidType( SOLID_NOT ); blood->bind( this ); // Save the blood spurt name if ( bloodspurtname.length() ) blood_spurt_name = bloodspurtname; // Save the blood splat name if ( bloodsplatname.length() ) blood_splat_name = bloodsplatname; blood_splat_size = bloodsplatsize; } else { blood = NULL; } Sound( "snd_decap", CHAN_BODY, 1, 300 ); }
bool TFxSprite::Init(str particleSystem, TFxSpriteAnimTask * task, bool reset ) { TFxSpriteRef s = GetRef(); if (reset) { mDrawnOnce = false; s->GetLPS()->NewScript(); } if (particleSystem.length()) { s->GetLPS()->RegisterDataSource("dLocus",&s->mEmitterLocus); s->GetLPS()->RegisterDataSource("dUp",&s->mEmitterUp); if( !s->GetLPS()->Init(particleSystem) ) { return false; } s->mName = particleSystem ; if (!task) { task = ((TFxSpriteAnimTask*)GetAnimTask()); } task->mSpriteList.insert( s ); } return true; }
time_stamp_t time_stamp_t::from_str(const str &s) { size_t space_at; for (space_at = 0; space_at < s.length(); space_at++) { if (s[space_at] == ' ') break; } if (space_at == s.length() - 1) { throw std::invalid_argument("Malformed time stamp: " + s + "."); } str d = s.substr(0, space_at); str t = s.substr(space_at + 1, s.length() - space_at - 1); return time_stamp_t(date_t::from_str(d), time_t::from_str(t)); }
std::vector<str> load_lines(const str& s) { std::vector<str> result; size_t curr = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s[i] == '\n') { result.push_back( s.substr(curr, i) ); curr = i; } } return result; }
bool isNumeric(const str& token) { if(token == "") return false; for(uint i=0; i<token.length(); i++) { const char num =; if(i == 0 && Util::toString(num) == kSubtract() && token.size() > 1) //token.size > 1 because "-" is not a number continue; if(isdigit(num) == false && Util::toString(num) != kDot()) return false; } return true; }
// Parse ------------------------------------------------------ Slist s2vec(str const& s, char const delimiter) { Slist vec; str element; for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) { char ch = s[i]; if (ch!=delimiter) element+=ch; else if (element.length()>0) { vec.push_back(element); element.clear(); } } // Push in the last element if the string does not end with the delimiter if (element.length()>0){ vec.push_back(element); } return vec; }
TFxSpriteRef TFxSprite::Create(int32_t layer, str particleSystem, TFxSpriteAnimTask * task ) { TFxSpriteRef s= TFxSpriteRef( new TFxSprite(layer) ); ScriptRegisterMemberFunctor(s->GetLPS()->GetScript(),"CreateFx",s.get(),TFxSprite::CreateFx); s->mContainerFolder = particleSystem; int lastSlash = s->mContainerFolder.find("/"); if (lastSlash != str::npos) { s->mContainerFolder.erase(lastSlash); } lua_pushlightuserdata(s->GetLPS()->GetScript()->GetState(),s.get()); lua_setglobal(s->GetLPS()->GetScript()->GetState(),"gParent"); if (particleSystem.length()) { s->Init(particleSystem,task, false); } return s; }