예제 #1
// Helper function to calculate tight fitting bounding boxes.
Foam::treeBoundBoxList Foam::octreeDataTriSurface::calcBb
    const triSurface& surf
    treeBoundBoxList allBb(surf.size(), treeBoundBox::invertedBox);

    const labelListList& pointFcs = surf.pointFaces();
    const pointField& localPts = surf.localPoints();

    forAll(pointFcs, pointI)
        const labelList& myFaces = pointFcs[pointI];
        const point& vertCoord = localPts[pointI];

        forAll(myFaces, myFaceI)
            // Update bb
            label faceI = myFaces[myFaceI];

            treeBoundBox& bb = allBb[faceI];

            bb.min() = min(bb.min(), vertCoord);
            bb.max() = max(bb.max(), vertCoord);
예제 #2
// Dump collapse region to .obj file
static void writeRegionOBJ
    const triSurface& surf,
    const label regionI,
    const labelList& collapseRegion,
    const labelList& outsideVerts
    fileName dir("regions");

    fileName regionName(dir / "region_" + name(regionI) + ".obj");

    Pout<< "Dumping region " << regionI << " to file " << regionName << endl;

    boolList include(surf.size(), false);

    forAll(collapseRegion, faceI)
        if (collapseRegion[faceI] == regionI)
            include[faceI] = true;

    labelList pointMap, faceMap;

    triSurface regionSurf(surf.subsetMesh(include, pointMap, faceMap));

    Pout<< "Region " << regionI << " surface:" << nl;


    // Dump corresponding outside vertices.
    fileName pointsName(dir / "regionPoints_" + name(regionI) + ".obj");

    Pout<< "Dumping region " << regionI << " points to file " << pointsName
        << endl;

    OFstream str(pointsName);

    forAll(outsideVerts, i)
        meshTools::writeOBJ(str, surf.localPoints()[outsideVerts[i]]);
void Foam::edgeIntersections::checkEdges(const triSurface& surf)
    const pointField& localPoints = surf.localPoints();
    const edgeList& edges = surf.edges();
    const labelListList& edgeFaces = surf.edgeFaces();

    treeBoundBox bb(localPoints);

    scalar minSize = SMALL * bb.minDim();

    forAll(edges, edgeI)
        const edge& e = edges[edgeI];

        scalar eMag = e.mag(localPoints);

        if (eMag < minSize)
                "Foam::edgeIntersections::checkEdges(const triSurface& surf)"
            )   << "Edge " << edgeI << " vertices " << e
                << " coords:" << localPoints[e[0]] << ' '
                << localPoints[e[1]] << " is very small compared to bounding"
                << " box dimensions " << bb << endl
                << "This might lead to problems in intersection"
                << endl;

        if (edgeFaces[edgeI].size() == 1)
                "Foam::edgeIntersections::checkEdges(const triSurface& surf)"
            )   << "Edge " << edgeI << " vertices " << e
                << " coords:" << localPoints[e[0]] << ' '
                << localPoints[e[1]] << " has only one face connected to it:"
                << edgeFaces[edgeI] << endl
                << "This might lead to problems in intersection"
                << endl;
예제 #4
// Collapses small edge to point, thus removing triangle.
label collapseEdge(triSurface& surf, const scalar minLen)
    label nTotalCollapsed = 0;

    while (true)
        const pointField& localPoints = surf.localPoints();
        const List<labelledTri>& localFaces = surf.localFaces();

        // Mapping from old to new points
        labelList pointMap(surf.nPoints());
        forAll(pointMap, i)
            pointMap[i] = i;

        // Storage for new points.
        pointField newPoints(localPoints);

        // To protect neighbours of collapsed faces.
        boolList okToCollapse(surf.size(), true);
        label nCollapsed = 0;

        forAll(localFaces, faceI)
            if (okToCollapse[faceI])
                // Check edge lengths.
                const triSurface::FaceType& f = localFaces[faceI];

                forAll(f, fp)
                    label v = f[fp];
                    label v1 = f[f.fcIndex(fp)];

                    if (mag(localPoints[v1] - localPoints[v]) < minLen)
                        // Collapse f[fp1] onto f[fp].
                        pointMap[v1] = v;
                        newPoints[v] = 0.5*(localPoints[v1] + localPoints[v]);

                        Pout<< "Collapsing triange " << faceI << " to edge mid "
                            << newPoints[v] << endl;

                        okToCollapse[faceI] = false;

                        // Protect point neighbours from collapsing.
                        markPointNbrs(surf, faceI, false, okToCollapse);


        Pout<< "collapseEdge : collapsing " << nCollapsed << " triangles"
            << endl;

        nTotalCollapsed += nCollapsed;

        if (nCollapsed == 0)

        // Pack the triangles
        surf = pack(surf, newPoints, pointMap);