예제 #1
void TCellDiffusionForce<DIM>::AddForceContribution(AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>& rCellPopulation)
    double dt = SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStep();

    // Iterate over the nodes
    for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM, DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = rCellPopulation.rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorBegin();
         node_iter != rCellPopulation.rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorEnd();
        // Get the radius of this node
        unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex();
        double node_radius = node_iter->GetRadius();
        // Get cell associated with this index
        CellPtr p_cell = rCellPopulation.GetCellUsingLocationIndex(node_index);

        // Reject if no radius has been set
        if (node_radius == 0.0)
            EXCEPTION("SetRadius() must be called on each Node before calling TCellDiffusionForce::AddForceContribution() to avoid a division by zero error");
        //   If the selected cell is a Unlabelled Differentiated T Cell, apply diffusion force contribution.
        if (  (p_cell->GetMutationState()->IsType<TCellMutationState>()) && (p_cell->GetCellProliferativeType()->IsType<DifferentiatedCellProliferativeType>()) 
            && !(p_cell->HasCellProperty<CellLabel>())  )
            double nu = dynamic_cast<AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation<DIM>*>(&rCellPopulation)->GetDampingConstant(node_index);

            /* Compute the diffusion coefficient D as D = k*T/(6*pi*eta*r), where
             * k = Boltzmann's constant,
             * T = absolute temperature,
             * eta = dynamic viscosity,
             * r = cell radius. */
            double diffusion_const_scaling = GetDiffusionScalingConstant();
            double diffusion_constant = diffusion_const_scaling/node_radius;

            c_vector<double, DIM> force_contribution;
            for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
                /* The force on this cell is scaled with the timestep such that when it is
                 * used in the discretised equation of motion for the cell, we obtain the
                 * correct formula
                 * x_new = x_old + sqrt(2*D*dt)*W
                 * where W is a standard normal random variable. */
                double xi = RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->StandardNormalRandomDeviate();
                force_contribution[i] = mStrengthParameter * ((nu*sqrt(2.0*diffusion_constant*dt)/dt)*xi);
void MeshBasedCellPopulation<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>::Update(bool hasHadBirthsOrDeaths)
    ///\todo check if there is a more efficient way of keeping track of node velocity information (#2404)
    bool output_node_velocities = (this-> template HasWriter<NodeVelocityWriter>());

     * If node radii are set, then we must keep a record of these, since they will be cleared during
     * the remeshing process. We then restore these attributes to the nodes after calling ReMesh().
     * At present, we check whether node radii are set by interrogating the radius of the first node
     * in the mesh and asking if it is strictly greater than zero (the default value, as set in the
     * NodeAttributes constructor). Hence, we assume that either ALL node radii are set, or NONE are.
     * \todo There may be a better way of checking if node radii are set (#2694)
    std::map<unsigned, double> old_node_radius_map;
    if (this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin()->HasNodeAttributes())
        if (this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin()->GetRadius() > 0.0)
            for (typename AbstractMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin();
                 node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd();
                unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex();
                old_node_radius_map[node_index] = node_iter->GetRadius();

    std::map<unsigned, c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> > old_node_applied_force_map;
    if (output_node_velocities)
         * If outputting node velocities, we must keep a record of the applied force at each
         * node, since this will be cleared during the remeshing process. We then restore
         * these attributes to the nodes after calling ReMesh().
        for (typename AbstractMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin();
             node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd();
            unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex();
            old_node_applied_force_map[node_index] = node_iter->rGetAppliedForce();

    NodeMap node_map(this->mrMesh.GetNumAllNodes());

    // We must use a static_cast to call ReMesh() as this method is not defined in parent mesh classes

    if (!node_map.IsIdentityMap())

        // Update the mappings between cells and location indices
        std::map<Cell*, unsigned> old_cell_location_map = this->mCellLocationMap;

        // Remove any dead pointers from the maps (needed to avoid archiving errors)

        for (std::list<CellPtr>::iterator it = this->mCells.begin(); it != this->mCells.end(); ++it)
            unsigned old_node_index = old_cell_location_map[(*it).get()];

            // This shouldn't ever happen, as the cell vector only contains living cells

            unsigned new_node_index = node_map.GetNewIndex(old_node_index);

            if (old_node_radius_map[old_node_index] > 0.0)
            if (output_node_velocities)

        if (old_node_radius_map[this->mCellLocationMap[(*(this->mCells.begin())).get()]] > 0.0)
            for (std::list<CellPtr>::iterator it = this->mCells.begin(); it != this->mCells.end(); ++it)
                unsigned node_index = this->mCellLocationMap[(*it).get()];
        if (output_node_velocities)
            for (std::list<CellPtr>::iterator it = this->mCells.begin(); it != this->mCells.end(); ++it)
                unsigned node_index = this->mCellLocationMap[(*it).get()];

    // Purge any marked springs that are no longer springs
    std::vector<const std::pair<CellPtr,CellPtr>*> springs_to_remove;
    for (std::set<std::pair<CellPtr,CellPtr> >::iterator spring_it = this->mMarkedSprings.begin();
         spring_it != this->mMarkedSprings.end();
        CellPtr p_cell_1 = spring_it->first;
        CellPtr p_cell_2 = spring_it->second;
        Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_1 = this->GetNodeCorrespondingToCell(p_cell_1);
        Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_2 = this->GetNodeCorrespondingToCell(p_cell_2);

        bool joined = false;

        // For each element containing node1, if it also contains node2 then the cells are joined
        std::set<unsigned> node2_elements = p_node_2->rGetContainingElementIndices();
        for (typename Node<SPACE_DIM>::ContainingElementIterator elem_iter = p_node_1->ContainingElementsBegin();
             elem_iter != p_node_1->ContainingElementsEnd();
            if (node2_elements.find(*elem_iter) != node2_elements.end())
                joined = true;

        // If no longer joined, remove this spring from the set
        if (!joined)

    // Remove any springs necessary
    for (std::vector<const std::pair<CellPtr,CellPtr>* >::iterator spring_it = springs_to_remove.begin();
         spring_it != springs_to_remove.end();

    // Tessellate if needed
