예제 #1
파일: list.cpp 프로젝트: sirjaren/utsushi
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  using boost::lambda::_1;

      using utsushi::_;

      utsushi::run_time rt (argc, argv, utsushi::i18n);

      if (rt.count ("help"))
          std::cout << rt.help
            (_("list available image acquisition devices"));
          return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      if (rt.count ("version"))
          std::cout << rt.version ();
          return EXIT_SUCCESS;

      utsushi::monitor mon;

      std::for_each (mon.begin (), mon.end (),
                     << boost::lambda::bind (&utsushi::scanner::info::udi, _1) << "\n");
  catch (std::exception& e)
      std::cerr << e.what () << "\n";
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  catch (...)
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
예제 #2
파일: scan.cpp 프로젝트: jlpoolen/utsushi
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  namespace po = boost::program_options;
  namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

  using boost::lambda::constant;
  using boost::lambda::_1;
  using utsushi::_;

  const std::string cli_scan_utility ("scan-cli");
  const std::string gui_scan_utility ("scan-gtkmm");

  const std::string fallback_scan_utility (cli_scan_utility);

      using utsushi::_;

      utsushi::run_time rt (argc, argv, utsushi::i18n);

      bool interface (getenv ("DISPLAY"));

      po::variables_map cmd_vm;
      po::options_description cmd_opts (_("Command options"));
        .add_options ()
        ("interface", (po::value< bool > (&interface)
                       -> default_value (interface)),
         _("Start an interactive user interface\n"
           "The default behavior depends on the environment where one runs"
           " the command.  A scan utility suitable for non-interactive use"
           " can be selected with the '--no-interface' option."))

      if (rt.count ("help"))
          std::cout << rt.help
            (_("acquire images with a suitable utility"))
                    << "\n"
                    << cmd_opts;
      if (rt.count ("version"))
          // Never mind our own version

      po::parsed_options opts (po::command_line_parser (rt.arguments ())
                               .options (cmd_opts)
                               .extra_parser (negating_prefix)
                               .allow_unregistered ()
                               .run ());
      po::store (opts, cmd_vm);
      po::notify (cmd_vm);

      std::vector< std::string > utility_opts
        (po::collect_unrecognized (opts.options, po::include_positional));

      std::string cmd (interface
                       ? rt.locate (gui_scan_utility)
                       : rt.locate (cli_scan_utility));

      if (cmd.empty ())
          cmd = rt.locate (fallback_scan_utility);
          if (cmd.empty ())
              // FIXME Now what!?

      if (rt.count ("help"))    cmd += " --help";
      if (rt.count ("version")) cmd += " --version";

      std::for_each (utility_opts.begin (), utility_opts.end (),
                     cmd += constant (" \"") + _1 + "\"");
      rt.execute (cmd);
  catch (std::exception& e)
      std::cerr << e.what () << "\n";
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  catch (...)
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);