void http_client_plugin::plugin_initialize(const variables_map& options) { if ( options.count("https-client-root-cert") ) { const std::vector<std::string> root_pems = options["https-client-root-cert"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); for (const auto& root_pem : root_pems) { std::string pem_str = root_pem; if (!boost::algorithm::starts_with(pem_str, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")) { try { auto infile = std::ifstream(pem_str); std::stringstream sstr; sstr << infile.rdbuf(); pem_str = sstr.str(); FC_ASSERT(boost::algorithm::starts_with(pem_str, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"), "File does not appear to be a PEM encoded certificate"); } catch (const fc::exception& e) { elog("Failed to read PEM ${f} : ${e}", ("f", root_pem)("e",e.to_detail_string())); } } try { my->add_cert(pem_str); } catch (const fc::exception& e) { elog("Failed to read PEM : ${e} \n${pem}\n", ("pem", pem_str)("e",e.to_detail_string())); } } } my->set_verify_peers(options.at("https-client-validate-peers").as<bool>()); }
void wallet_api_plugin::plugin_initialize(const variables_map& options) { if (options.count("http-server-address")) { const auto& lipstr = options.at("http-server-address").as<string>(); const auto& host = lipstr.substr(0, lipstr.find(':')); if (host != "localhost" && host != "") { wlog("\n" "*************************************\n" "* *\n" "* -- Wallet NOT on localhost -- *\n" "* - Password and/or Private Keys - *\n" "* - are transferred unencrypted. - *\n" "* *\n" "*************************************\n"); } } }
void history_plugin::plugin_initialize(const variables_map& options) { if(options.count("filter_on_accounts")) { auto foa = options.at("filter_on_accounts").as<vector<string>>(); for(auto filter_account : foa) my->filter_on.emplace(filter_account); } my->chain_plug = app().find_plugin<chain_plugin>(); auto& chain = my->chain_plug->chain(); chain.db().add_index<account_history_index>(); chain.db().add_index<action_history_index>(); chain.applied_transaction.connect( [&]( const transaction_trace_ptr& p ){ my->on_applied_transaction(p); }); }
void txn_test_gen_plugin::plugin_initialize(const variables_map& options) { try { my.reset( new txn_test_gen_plugin_impl ); my->txn_reference_block_lag = options.at( "txn-reference-block-lag" ).as<int32_t>(); } FC_LOG_AND_RETHROW() }