variant variant::operator*(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { return variant(as_decimal() * v.as_decimal()); } if(type_ == TYPE_LIST) { int ncopies = v.as_int(); if(ncopies < 0) { ncopies *= -1; } const std::vector<variant>& items = list_->elements; std::vector<variant> res; res.reserve(items.size()*ncopies); for(int n = 0; n != ncopies; ++n) { for(int m = 0; m != items.size(); ++m) { res.push_back(items[m]); } } return variant(&res); } return variant(as_int() * v.as_int()); }
void arrow_primitive::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& value) { if(key == "points") { set_points(value); } else if(key == "color") { color_ = graphics::color(value); } else if(key == "granularity") { granularity_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); } else if(key == "arrow_head_length") { arrow_head_length_ = value.as_int(); } else if(key == "arrow_head_width") { arrow_head_width_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); } else if(key == "fade_in_length") { fade_in_length_ = value.as_int(); } else if(key == "width_base") { width_base_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); } else if(key == "width_head") { width_head_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); } else { ASSERT_LOG(false, "ILLEGAL KEY IN ARROW: " << key); } varray_.clear(); carray_.clear(); }
void scrollable_widget::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "yscroll") { set_yscroll(v.as_int()); } else if(key == "virtual_height") { set_virtual_height(v.as_int()); } else if(key == "step") { set_scroll_step(v.as_int()); } widget::set_value(key, v); }
void set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& value) { if(key == "generation_rate") { generation_rate_millis_ = value.as_int(); } else if (key == "pos_x") { pos_x_ = value.as_int()*1024; } else if (key == "pos_x_rand") { pos_x_rand_ = value.as_int()*1024; } else if (key == "pos_y") { pos_y_ = value.as_int()*1024; } else if (key == "pos_y_rand") { pos_y_rand_ = value.as_int()*1024; } }
int from_variant(variant node) { if(node.is_string()) { return from_string(node.as_string()); } return node.as_int(-1); }
void dropdown_widget::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "on_change") { on_change_ = boost::bind(&dropdown_widget::change_delegate, this, _1); change_handler_ = get_environment()->create_formula(v); } else if(key == "on_select") { on_select_ = boost::bind(&dropdown_widget::select_delegate, this, _1, _2); select_handler_ = get_environment()->create_formula(v); } else if(key == "item_list") { list_ = v.as_list_string(); current_selection_ = 0; } else if(key == "selection") { current_selection_ = v.as_int(); } else if(key == "type") { std::string s = v.as_string(); if(s == "combo" || s == "combobox") { type_ = DROPDOWN_COMBOBOX; } else if(s == "list" || s == "listbox") { type_ = DROPDOWN_LIST; } else { ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unreognised type: " << s); } } widget::set_value(key, v); }
void dialog_label::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "progress") { set_progress(v.as_int()); } label::set_value(key, v); }
variant variant::operator/(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { int denominator = v.as_decimal(); if(denominator == 0) { throw type_error((formatter() << "divide by zero error").str()); } long long long_int = as_decimal(); long_int *= 10000; long_int /= denominator; if( long_int%10 >= 5) { long_int /= 10; ++long_int; } else long_int/=10; return variant( static_cast<int>(long_int) , variant::DECIMAL_VARIANT); } const int numerator = as_int(); const int denominator = v.as_int(); if(denominator == 0) { throw type_error((formatter() << "divide by zero error").str());; } return variant(numerator/denominator); }
void scrollbar_widget::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "on_scroll") { ffl_handler_ = get_environment()->create_formula(v["on_scroll"]); } else if(key == "up_arrow") { up_arrow_ = widget_factory::create(v, get_environment()); } else if(key == "down_arrow") { down_arrow_ = widget_factory::create(v, get_environment()); } else if(key == "handle") { handle_ = widget_factory::create(v, get_environment()); } else if(key == "handle_bottom") { handle_bot_ = widget_factory::create(v, get_environment()); } else if(key == "handle_top") { handle_top_ = widget_factory::create(v, get_environment()); } else if(key == "background") { background_ = widget_factory::create(v, get_environment()); } else if(key == "range") { std::vector<int> range = v.as_list_int(); ASSERT_EQ(range.size(), 2); set_range(range[0], range[1]); } else if(key == "position") { window_pos_ = v.as_int(); clip_window_position(); } widget::set_value(key, v); }
void bar_widget::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& value) { if(key == "segments") { segments_ = value.as_int(); ASSERT_GE(segments_, 0); init(); } else if(key == "segment_length") { segment_length_ = value.as_int(); ASSERT_GT(segment_length_, 0); init(); } else if(key == "tick_width") { tick_width_ = value.as_int(); ASSERT_GT(tick_width_, 0); init(); } else if(key == "scale") { scale_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); ASSERT_GT(scale_, 0.0f); init(); } else if(key == "drain_rate") { drain_rate_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); ASSERT_GE(drain_rate_, 0.0); } else if(key == "drained") { int drain = value.as_int(); if(drain == drained_segments_) { return; } int animation_start_position = segments_-drained_segments_; animation_current_position_ = 0; drained_segments_after_anim_ = drain; if(drained_segments_after_anim_ < 0) { drained_segments_after_anim_ = 0; } if(drained_segments_after_anim_ > segments_) { drained_segments_after_anim_ = segments_; } int animation_end_position = segments_-drained_segments_after_anim_; animation_end_point_unscaled_ = animation_end_position - animation_start_position; animating_ = true; init(); } else if(key == "max_width") { bar_max_width_ = value.as_int(); init(); } else if(key == "animation_position") { animation_current_position_ = value.as_decimal().as_float(); } widget::set_value(key, value); }
variant variant::operator-(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { return variant( as_decimal() - v.as_decimal() , DECIMAL_VARIANT); } return variant(as_int() - v.as_int()); }
void playable_custom_object::set_player_value_by_slot(int slot, const variant& value) { switch(slot) { case CUSTOM_OBJECT_PLAYER_DIFFICULTY: difficulty_ = value.as_int(); break; case CUSTOM_OBJECT_PLAYER_CAN_INTERACT: can_interact_ = value.as_int(); break; case CUSTOM_OBJECT_PLAYER_UNDERWATER_CONTROLS: underwater_controls_ = value.as_bool(); break; case CUSTOM_OBJECT_PLAYER_VERTICAL_LOOK: vertical_look_ = value.as_int(); break; case CUSTOM_OBJECT_PLAYER_CONTROL_LOCK: if(value.is_null()) { control_lock_.reset(); } else if(value.is_list()) { unsigned char state = 0; for(int n = 0; n != value.num_elements(); ++n) { ASSERT_LOG(value[n].is_string(), "MEMBER OF control_lock LIST NOT A STRING"); const std::string& str = value[n].as_string(); int control_key = -1; for(int m = 0; m != sizeof(ctrl)/sizeof(*ctrl); ++m) { if(ctrl[m] == str) { control_key = m; break; } } ASSERT_LOG(control_key != -1, "ILLEGAL STRING SET FOR control_lock: '" << str << "' LEGAL KEYS ARE ctrl_(up|down|left|right|attack|jump)"); state |= 1 << control_key; } //destroy the old one before creating a new control_lock, //since control_lock objects must be constructed and destroyed //in FIFO order. control_lock_.reset(); control_lock_.reset(new controls::local_controls_lock(state)); } else { ASSERT_LOG(false, "BAD VALUE WHEN SETTING control_lock KEY. A LIST OR NULL IS REQUIRED: " << value.to_debug_string()); } break; } }
void radial_distortion::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& value) { if(key == "radius") { radius_ = value.as_int()/1000.0; std::cerr << "set radius: " << radius_ << "\n"; set_area(rect(x_ - radius_, y_ - radius_, radius_*2, radius_*2)); } }
variant variant::operator%(const variant& v) const { const int numerator = as_int(); const int denominator = v.as_int(); if(denominator == 0) { throw type_error((formatter() << "divide by zero error").str()); } return variant(numerator%denominator); }
void luaW_pushfaivariant(lua_State* L, variant val) { if(val.is_int()) { lua_pushinteger(L, val.as_int()); } else if(val.is_decimal()) { lua_pushnumber(L, val.as_decimal() / 1000.0); } else if(val.is_string()) { const std::string result_string = val.as_string(); lua_pushlstring(L, result_string.c_str(), result_string.size()); } else if(val.is_list()) { lua_newtable(L); for(const variant& v : val.as_list()) { lua_pushinteger(L, lua_rawlen(L, -1) + 1); luaW_pushfaivariant(L, v); lua_settable(L, -3); } } else if(val.is_map()) { typedef std::map<variant,variant>::value_type kv_type; lua_newtable(L); for(const kv_type& v : val.as_map()) { luaW_pushfaivariant(L, v.first); luaW_pushfaivariant(L, v.second); lua_settable(L, -3); } } else if(val.is_callable()) { // First try a few special cases if(unit_callable* u_ref = val.try_convert<unit_callable>()) { const unit& u = u_ref->get_unit(); unit_map::iterator un_it = resources::gameboard->units().find(u.get_location()); if(&*un_it == &u) { luaW_pushunit(L, u.underlying_id()); } else { luaW_pushunit(L, u.side(), u.underlying_id()); } } else if(location_callable* loc_ref = val.try_convert<location_callable>()) { luaW_pushlocation(L, loc_ref->loc()); } else { // If those fail, convert generically to a map const formula_callable* obj = val.as_callable(); std::vector<formula_input> inputs; obj->get_inputs(&inputs); lua_newtable(L); for(const formula_input& attr : inputs) { if(attr.access == FORMULA_WRITE_ONLY) { continue; } lua_pushstring(L,; luaW_pushfaivariant(L, obj->query_value(; lua_settable(L, -3); } } } else if(val.is_null()) { lua_pushnil(L); } }
void graphical_font_label::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "text") { set_text(v.as_string()); } else if(key == "font") { font_ = graphical_font::get(v.as_string()); ASSERT_LOG(font_.get(), "UNKNOWN FONT: " << v.as_string()); reset_text_dimensions(); } else if(key == "size") { size_ = v.as_int(); reset_text_dimensions(); } //widget::set_value(key); }
variant variant::operator^(const variant& v) const { if( type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL ) { double res = pow( as_decimal().value()/double(VARIANT_DECIMAL_PRECISION), v.as_decimal().value()/double(VARIANT_DECIMAL_PRECISION)); res *= DECIMAL_PRECISION; #if defined(TARGET_BLACKBERRY) return variant(static_cast<int64_t>(llround(res)), DECIMAL_VARIANT); #else return variant(static_cast<int64_t>(res), DECIMAL_VARIANT); #endif } return variant(static_cast<int>(pow(static_cast<double>(as_int()), v.as_int()))); }
void label::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "text") { if(v.is_null()) { set_text(""); } else { set_text(v.as_string()); } } else if(key == "color") { set_color(graphics::color(v).as_sdl_color()); } else if(key == "size") { set_font_size(v.as_int()); } else if(key == "font") { set_font(v.as_string()); } widget::set_value(key, v); }
variant variant::operator/(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { if(v.as_decimal().value() == 0) { throw type_error((formatter() << "divide by zero error").str()); } return variant(as_decimal() / v.as_decimal()); } const int numerator = as_int(); const int denominator = v.as_int(); if(denominator == 0) { throw type_error(formatter() << "divide by zero error"); } return variant(numerator/denominator); }
void widget::set_value(const std::string& key, const variant& v) { if(key == "width") { w_ = v.as_int(); } else if(key == "height") { h_ = v.as_int(); } else if(key == "rect" || key == "draw_area") { std::vector<int> r = v.as_list_int(); ASSERT_LOG(r.size() == 4, "Four values must be supplied to the rect attribute"); set_loc(r[0], r[1]); set_dim(r[2], r[3]); } else if(key == "xy" || key == "left_top") { std::vector<int> xy = v.as_list_int(); ASSERT_LOG(xy.size() == 2, "Two values must be supplied to the X, Y attribute"); set_loc(xy[0], xy[1]); } else if(key == "wh") { std::vector<int> wh = v.as_list_int(); ASSERT_LOG(wh.size() == 2, "Two values must be supplied to the W, H attribute"); set_dim(wh[0], wh[1]); } else if(key == "right_bottom") { std::vector<int> rb = v.as_list_int(); ASSERT_LOG(rb.size() == 2, "Two values must be supplied to the R, B attribute"); set_dim(rb[0] - x(), rb[1] - y()); } else if(key == "left") { x_ = v.as_int(); } else if(key == "top") { y_ = v.as_int(); } else if(key == "right") { w_ = v.as_int() - x(); } else if(key == "bottom") { h_ = v.as_int() - y(); } else if(key == "visible") { visible_ = v.as_bool(); } else if(key == "id") { id_ = v.as_string(); } else if(key == "disable") { disabled_ = v.as_bool(); } else if(key == "enable") { disabled_ = !v.as_bool(); } else if(key == "disabled_opacity") { int opa = v.as_int(); disabled_opacity_ = (opa > 255) ? 255 : (opa < 0) ? 0 : opa; } }
variant variant::operator^(const variant& v) const { if( type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL ) { double res = pow( as_decimal()/1000.0 , v.as_decimal()/1000.0 ); res *= 1000; int i = static_cast<int>( res ); res -= i; if( res > 0.5 ) i++; return variant( i , variant::DECIMAL_VARIANT); } return variant(static_cast<int>( round_portable(pow(static_cast<double>(as_int()), v.as_int())))); }
variant variant::operator*(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { long long long_int = as_decimal(); long_int *= v.as_decimal(); long_int /= 100; if( long_int%10 >= 5) { long_int /= 10; ++long_int; } else long_int/=10; return variant( static_cast<int>(long_int) , variant::DECIMAL_VARIANT ); } return variant(as_int() * v.as_int()); }
variant variant::operator+(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_LIST) { if(v.type_ == TYPE_LIST) { std::vector<variant> res; res.reserve(list_->elements.size() + v.list_->elements.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i<list_->elements.size(); ++i) { const variant& var = list_->elements[i]; res.push_back(var); } for(size_t j = 0; j<v.list_->elements.size(); ++j) { const variant& var = v.list_->elements[j]; res.push_back(var); } return variant(&res); } } if(type_ == TYPE_MAP) { if(v.type_ == TYPE_MAP) { std::map<variant,variant> res(map_->elements); for(std::map<variant,variant>::const_iterator i = v.map_->elements.begin(); i != v.map_->elements.end(); ++i) { res[i->first] = i->second; } return variant(&res); } } if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { return variant( as_decimal() + v.as_decimal() , DECIMAL_VARIANT); } return variant(as_int() + v.as_int()); }
variant variant::operator+(const variant& v) const { if(type_ == TYPE_INT && v.type_ == TYPE_INT) { //strictly an optimization -- this is handled below, but the case //of adding two integers is the most common so we want it to be fast. return variant(int_value_ + v.int_value_); } if(type_ == TYPE_STRING) { if(v.type_ == TYPE_MAP) { return variant(as_string() + v.as_string()); } else if(v.type_ == TYPE_STRING) { return variant(as_string() + v.as_string()); } std::string s; v.serialize_to_string(s); return variant(as_string() + s); } if(v.type_ == TYPE_STRING) { std::string s; serialize_to_string(s); return variant(s + v.as_string()); } if(type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL || v.type_ == TYPE_DECIMAL) { return variant(as_decimal() + v.as_decimal()); } if(type_ == TYPE_INT) { return variant(int_value_ + v.as_int()); } if(type_ == TYPE_NULL) { return v; } else if(v.type_ == TYPE_NULL) { return *this; } if(type_ == TYPE_LIST) { if(v.type_ == TYPE_LIST) { std::vector<variant> res; res.reserve(list_->elements.size() + v.list_->elements.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i<list_->elements.size(); ++i) { const variant& var = list_->elements[i]; res.push_back(var); } for(size_t j = 0; j<v.list_->elements.size(); ++j) { const variant& var = v.list_->elements[j]; res.push_back(var); } return variant(&res); } } if(type_ == TYPE_MAP) { if(v.type_ == TYPE_MAP) { std::map<variant,variant> res(map_->elements); for(std::map<variant,variant>::const_iterator i = v.map_->elements.begin(); i != v.map_->elements.end(); ++i) { res[i->first] = i->second; } return variant(&res); } } return variant(as_int() + v.as_int()); }
static void variant_to_value(const variant &var, int &value) { value = var.as_int(); }