robManipulator::Errno mtsIntuitiveResearchKitECM::InverseKinematics(vctDoubleVec & jointSet, const vctFrm4x4 & cartesianGoal) { // re-align desired frame to 4 axis direction to reduce free space vctDouble3 shaft = cartesianGoal.Translation(); shaft.NormalizedSelf(); const vctDouble3 z = cartesianGoal.Rotation().Column(2).Ref<3>(); // last column of rotation matrix vctDouble3 axis; axis.CrossProductOf(z, shaft); const double angle = acos(vctDotProduct(z, shaft)); const vctMatRot3 reAlign(vctAxAnRot3(axis, angle, VCT_NORMALIZE)); vctFrm4x4 newGoal; newGoal.Translation().Assign(cartesianGoal.Translation()); newGoal.Rotation().ProductOf(reAlign, cartesianGoal.Rotation()); if (Manipulator.InverseKinematics(jointSet, newGoal) == robManipulator::ESUCCESS) { // find closest solution mod 2 pi const double difference = JointGet[3] - jointSet[3]; const double differenceInTurns = nearbyint(difference / (2.0 * cmnPI)); jointSet[3] = jointSet[3] + differenceInTurns * 2.0 * cmnPI; // make sure we are away from RCM point, this test is // simplistic if (jointSet[2] < 40.0 * cmn_mm) { jointSet[2] = 40.0 * cmn_mm; } #if 0 vctFrm4x4 forward = Manipulator.ForwardKinematics(jointSet); vctDouble3 diff; diff.DifferenceOf(forward.Translation(), newGoal.Translation()); std::cerr << cmnInternalTo_mm(diff.Norm()) << "mm "; #endif return robManipulator::ESUCCESS; } return robManipulator::EFAILURE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // ros initialization ros::init(argc, argv, "dvrk_psm_kinematics"); ros::NodeHandle nh, nh_private("~"); ros::Rate rate(200); // 200 hz rate // parameter std::string robot_name; nh_private.getParam("robot_name", robot_name); // subscriber ros::Subscriber sub_psm_cmd = nh.subscribe("/dvrk_psm/cartesian_pose_command", 1, psm_cmd_pose_cb); ros::Subscriber sub_mtm_gripper = nh.subscribe("/dvrk_mtm/gripper_position", 1, mtm_gripper_cb); ros::Subscriber sub_psm_fb = nh.subscribe("/dvrk_psm/joint_states", 1, psm_joint_feedback_cb); ros::Subscriber sub_mode = nh.subscribe("/dvrk_psm/control_mode", 1, psm_mode_cb); // publisher ros::Publisher pub_psm_joint_state_cmd = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/dvrk_psm/joint_states_command", 1); ros::Publisher pub_psm_pose_current = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("/dvrk_psm/cartesian_pose_current", 1); ros::Publisher pub_psm_enable_slider = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/dvrk_psm/joint_state_publisher/enable_slider", 100); // --- cisst robManipulator --- std::string filename = ros::package::getPath("dvrk_kinematics"); filename.append("/config/dvpsm.rob"); robManipulator psm_manip; robManipulator::Errno result; result = psm_manip.LoadRobot(filename); if (result == robManipulator::EFAILURE) { ROS_ERROR("failed to load manipulator config file: %s", filename.c_str()); } else { ROS_INFO("loaded psm manipulator"); } // --- initialize joint current/command ----- psm_joint_current.SetSize(6); // 6 + 1 (open angle) psm_joint_current.SetAll(0.0); psm_joint_command.ForceAssign(psm_joint_current); sensor_msgs::JointState msg_js;; + "_outer_yaw_joint"); + "_outer_pitch_joint_1"); + "_outer_insertion_joint"); + "_outer_roll_joint"); + "_outer_wrist_pitch_joint"); + "_outer_wrist_yaw_joint"); + "_outer_wrist_open_angle_joint_1"); geometry_msgs::PoseStamped msg_pose; int count = 0; control_mode = PSM::MODE_RESET; // start with reset_mode vctFrm4x4 frame6to7; frame6to7.Assign(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0102, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // used to compensate joint 4 double j4_compensate = 0; // ------------ run() -------------------------- while (ros::ok()) { // --------- Compute current pose & publish ---------- // psm forward kinematics psm_pose_current = psm_manip.ForwardKinematics(psm_joint_current); psm_pose_current = psm_pose_current * frame6to7; psm_pose_current.Rotation().NormalizedSelf(); mtsCISSTToROS(psm_pose_current, msg_pose); // publish current pose pub_psm_pose_current.publish(msg_pose); // ---------- Compute command psm joint positin ----------- vctFrm4x4 pose6; // MODE_RESET: send HOME joint position // MODE_MANUAL: controled by JSP GUI, not sending anything to jsp // MODE_HOLD: disable JSP GUI, not sending anything to jsp // MODE_TELEOP: take command pose, send to jsp // control_mode = 4 switch(control_mode) { case PSM::MODE_RESET: psm_joint_command.SetAll(0.0); psm_joint_command[2] = 0.10; j4_compensate = 0; psm_pose_command.Assign(psm_pose_current); break; case PSM::MODE_MANUAL: // do nothing for MANUAL // controlled using Slifer GUI j4_compensate = 0; psm_pose_command.Assign(psm_pose_current); std::fill(msg_js.position.begin(), msg_js.position.end(), 1); pub_psm_enable_slider.publish(msg_js); break; case PSM::MODE_HOLD: psm_pose_command.Assign(psm_pose_current); std::fill(msg_js.position.begin(), msg_js.position.end(), -1); pub_psm_enable_slider.publish(msg_js); break; case PSM::MODE_TELEOP: // psm_pose_command updated in callback! cout << "In Teleop" << endl; pose6 = psm_pose_command * frame6to7.Inverse(); psm_manip.InverseKinematics(psm_joint_command, pose6); // joint 4 is a special case if (psm_joint_command_prev[3] - psm_joint_command[3] > 5) { j4_compensate = 2 * cmnPI; } else if (psm_joint_command_prev[3] - psm_joint_command[3] < -5) { j4_compensate = - 2 * cmnPI; } else { j4_compensate = 0; } psm_joint_command[3] += j4_compensate; psm_joint_current.Assign(psm_joint_command); // disable slider std::fill(msg_js.position.begin(), msg_js.position.end(), -1); pub_psm_enable_slider.publish(msg_js); // std::cerr << "PSM_teleop" << std::endl; break; default: ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Should not come here !"); break; } psm_joint_command_prev.ForceAssign(psm_joint_command); // ----- Assign command joint state and Publish -------- // 6 + open angle (gripper) msg_js.position.resize(psm_joint_command.size() + 1); std::copy(psm_joint_command.begin(), psm_joint_command.end(), msg_js.position.begin()); msg_js.position[6] = mtm_gripper; if (control_mode != PSM::MODE_MANUAL && control_mode != PSM::MODE_HOLD) { pub_psm_joint_state_cmd.publish(msg_js); } ros::spinOnce(); rate.sleep(); count++; } return 0; }