예제 #1
int CmFile::GetSubFolders(CStr& folder, vecS& subFolders)

	DIR *dp = opendir(_S(folder));
	if (dp == NULL){
		cout << folder << endl;
		perror("Cannot open folder");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	struct dirent *dirContent;
	while ((dirContent = readdir(dp)) != NULL){
		if (string(dirContent->d_name)[0] == '.')
		struct stat st;


	return (int)subFolders.size();
예제 #2
void CmIllustr::WriteFigure(const vecS &names, FILE *f, const vecI &sHeights, const ImgsOptions &opts)
	static int idx = -1;
	printf("Output %dth big image\n", ++idx);
	{//* Produce a big figure
		Size sz(opts._w * opts._exts.size() + space * (opts._exts.size() - 1), 40 - space);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
			sz.height += space + sHeights[i];
		Mat bImg(sz, CV_8UC3);
		memset(bImg.data, -1, bImg.step * sz.height);
		Rect reg = Rect(0, 0, opts._w, 0);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
			reg.x = 0;
			reg.height = sHeights[i];
			for (size_t j = 0; j < opts._exts.size(); j++) {
				Mat subImg = bImg(reg);
				Mat crntImg = imread(opts._inDir + names[i] + opts._exts[j]);
				if (crntImg.data != NULL)
					resize(crntImg, subImg, subImg.size(), INTER_AREA);
				reg.x += space + opts._w;
			reg.y += space + sHeights[i];
		imwrite(opts._outDir + format("%d.jpg", idx), bImg);

	fprintf(f, "\\begin{figure*}[t!]\n\t\\centering\n");
	fprintf(f, "\t\\begin{overpic}[width=\\textwidth]{%d.jpg} \n", idx); // \\footnotesize
	fprintf(f, "\t\\PutDes\n\t\\end{overpic}\n");  
	fprintf(f, "\t\\PutCap\n\\end{figure*}\n\\clearpage\n\n"); // \\clearpage
예제 #3
파일: CmFile.cpp 프로젝트: OpenHero/CmCode
int CmFile::GetNames(CStr& rootFolder, CStr &fileW, vecS &names)
	GetNames(rootFolder + fileW, names);
	vecS subFolders, tmpNames;
	int subNum = CmFile::GetSubFolders(rootFolder, subFolders);
	for (int i = 0; i < subNum; i++){
		subFolders[i] += "/";
		int subNum = GetNames(rootFolder + subFolders[i], fileW, tmpNames);
		for (int j = 0; j < subNum; j++)
			names.push_back(subFolders[i] + tmpNames[j]);
	return (int)names.size();
예제 #4
void CmEvaluation::EvalueMask(CStr gtW, CStr &maskDir, vecS &des, CStr resFile, double betaSqr, bool alertNul, CStr suffix)
	vecS namesNS; 
	string gtDir, gtExt;
	int imgNum = CmFile::GetNamesNE(gtW, namesNS, gtDir, gtExt);
	int methodNum = (int)des.size();
	vecD pr(methodNum), rec(methodNum), count(methodNum), fm(methodNum);
	for (int i = 0; i < imgNum; i++){
		Mat truM = imread(gtDir + namesNS[i] + gtExt, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		for (int m = 0; m < methodNum; m++)	{
			string mapName = maskDir + namesNS[i] + "_" + des[m];
			mapName += suffix.empty() ? ".png" : "_" + suffix + ".png";
			Mat res = imread(mapName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
			if (truM.data == NULL || res.data == NULL || truM.size != res.size){
				if (alertNul)
					printf("Truth(%d, %d), Res(%d, %d): %s\n", truM.cols, truM.rows, res.cols, res.rows, _S(mapName));
			compare(truM, 128, truM, CMP_GE);
			compare(res, 128, res, CMP_GE);
			Mat commMat;
			bitwise_and(truM, res, commMat);
			double commV = sum(commMat).val[0];
			double p = commV/(sum(res).val[0] + EPS);
			double r = commV/(sum(truM).val[0] + EPS);
			pr[m] += p;
			rec[m] += r;

	for (int m = 0; m < methodNum; m++){
		pr[m] /= count[m], rec[m] /= count[m];
		fm[m] = (1 + betaSqr) * pr[m] * rec[m] / (betaSqr * pr[m] + rec[m] + EPS);

	FILE *f; 
	fopen_s(&f, _S(resFile), "a");
	CV_Assert(f != NULL);
	CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, pr, "PrecisionMask" + suffix);
	CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, rec, "RecallMask" + suffix);
	CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, fm, "FMeasureMask" + suffix);
	fprintf(f, "bar([%s]');\ntitle('%s');\ngrid on\n", _S("PrecisionMask" + suffix + "; RecallMask" + suffix + "; FMeasureMask" + suffix), _S("Segmentation" + suffix));

	if (des.size() == 1)
		printf("Precision = %g, recall = %g, F-Measure = %g\n", pr[0], rec[0], fm[0]);
예제 #5
파일: CmFile.cpp 프로젝트: OpenHero/CmCode
int CmFile::GetSubFolders(CStr& folder, vecS& subFolders)
	WIN32_FIND_DATAA fileFindData;
	string nameWC = folder + "\\*";
	HANDLE hFind = ::FindFirstFileA(nameWC.c_str(), &fileFindData);
		return 0;

	do {
		if (fileFindData.cFileName[0] == '.')
			continue; // filter the '..' and '.' in the path
		if (fileFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
	} while (::FindNextFileA(hFind, &fileFindData));
	return (int)subFolders.size();
예제 #6
파일: CmFile.cpp 프로젝트: yun-liu/BING
bool CmFile::writeStrList(CStr &fName, const vecS &strs)
	FILE *f = fopen(_S(fName), "w");
	if (f == NULL)
		return false;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); i++)
		fprintf(f, "%s\n", _S(strs[i]));
	return true;
예제 #7
파일: CmFile.cpp 프로젝트: OpenHero/CmCode
// Get image names from a wildcard. Eg: GetNames("D:\\*.jpg", imgNames);
int CmFile::GetNames(CStr &nameW, vecS &names, string &dir)
	dir = GetFolder(nameW);
	WIN32_FIND_DATAA fileFindData;
	HANDLE hFind = ::FindFirstFileA(_S(nameW), &fileFindData);
		return 0;

		if (fileFindData.cFileName[0] == '.')
			continue; // filter the '..' and '.' in the path
		if (fileFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
			continue; // Ignore sub-folders
	} while (::FindNextFileA(hFind, &fileFindData));
	return (int)names.size();
예제 #8
void CmEvaluation::MeanAbsoluteError(CStr inDir, CStr salDir, vecS des, bool zeroMapIfMissing)
	vecS namesNE;
	int imgNum = CmFile::GetNamesNE(inDir + "*.jpg", namesNE), count = 0, methodNum = des.size();
	vecD costs(des.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < imgNum; i++){
		Mat gt = imread(inDir + namesNE[i] + ".png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		if (gt.empty())	{
			if (zeroMapIfMissing){
				Mat img = imread(inDir + namesNE[i] + ".jpg");
				gt = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);

		//printf("%s.jpg ", _S(namesNE[i]));
		gt.convertTo(gt, CV_32F, 1.0/255);
#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int j = 0; j < methodNum; j++){
			Mat res = imread(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_" + des[j] + ".png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
			CV_Assert_(res.data != NULL, ("Can't load file %s\n", _S(namesNE[i] + "_" + des[j] + ".png")));
			if (res.size != gt.size){
				printf("size don't match %s\n", _S(namesNE[i] + "_" + des[j] + ".png"));
				resize(res, res, gt.size());
				CmFile::MkDir(salDir + "Out/");
				imwrite(salDir + "Out/" + namesNE[i] + "_" + des[j] + ".png", res);
			res.convertTo(res, CV_32F, 1.0/255);
			cv::absdiff(gt, res, res);
			costs[j] += sum(res).val[0] / (gt.rows * gt.cols);

	for (size_t j = 0; j < des.size(); j++)
		printf("%4s:%5.3f ", _S(des[j]), costs[j]/count);
예제 #9
void BenchMarkLatex::bestWostCases(CStr &rootDir, const vecS &dbNames, CStr &outDirRoot)
	const int NUM_M = 2;
	const char* methodNames[NUM_M] = {"DRFI", "MC"};
	for (int d = 0; d < dbNames.size(); d++){
		CStr inDir = rootDir + dbNames[d] + "/";
		vecS namesNE;
		CmValStructVec<double, string> scoreNames[NUM_M];
		int imgNum = CmFile::GetNamesNE(inDir + "Imgs/*.png", namesNE);
		for (int m = 0; m < NUM_M; m++)	

#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int i = 0; i < imgNum; i++){ // For each image
			Mat gtMap = imread(inDir + "Imgs/" + namesNE[i] + ".png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
			for (int m = 0; m < NUM_M; m++)	{ // For each method
				Mat salMap = imread(inDir + "Saliency/" + namesNE[i] + "_" + methodNames[m] + ".png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE), dif1f;
				normalize(salMap, salMap, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX);
				double score = avergeFMeare(salMap, gtMap);  
				scoreNames[m].pushBack(score, namesNE[i]);
		for (int m = 0; m < NUM_M; m++)	{
			CStr outDir = outDirRoot + dbNames[d] + "_" + methodNames[m] + "/";
			scoreNames[m].sort(true); // Worst first
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {//
				copySampleWithGt(inDir, scoreNames[m][i], methodNames[m], outDir + format("B%d_", i));
				int idx = imgNum - 1 - i;
				copySampleWithGt(inDir, scoreNames[m][idx], methodNames[m], outDir + format("W%d_", i));

예제 #10
void CmEvaluation::Evaluate(CStr gtW, CStr &salDir, CStr &resName, vecS &des)
	int NumMethod = des.size(); // Number of different methods
	vector<vecD> precision(NumMethod), recall(NumMethod), tpr(NumMethod), fpr(NumMethod);
	static const int CN = 21; // Color Number 
	static const char* c[CN] = {"'k'", "'b'", "'g'", "'r'", "'c'", "'m'", "'y'",
		"':k'", "':b'", "':g'", "':r'", "':c'", "':m'", "':y'", 
		"'--k'", "'--b'", "'--g'", "'--r'", "'--c'", "'--m'", "'--y'"
	FILE* f = fopen(_S(resName), "w");
	CV_Assert(f != NULL);
	fprintf(f, "clear;\nclose all;\nclc;\n\n\n%%%%\nfigure(1);\nhold on;\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THRESHOLD; i++)
		thr[i] = i * STEP;
	PrintVector(f, thr, "Threshold");
	fprintf(f, "\n");
	vecD mae(NumMethod);
	for (int i = 0; i < NumMethod; i++)
		mae[i] = Evaluate_(gtW, salDir, "_" + des[i] + ".png", precision[i], recall[i], tpr[i], fpr[i]); //Evaluate(salDir + "*" + des[i] + ".png", gtW, val[i], recall[i], t);

	string leglendStr("legend(");
	vecS strPre(NumMethod), strRecall(NumMethod), strTpr(NumMethod), strFpr(NumMethod);
	for (int i = 0; i < NumMethod; i++){
		strPre[i] = format("Precision_%s", _S(des[i]));
		strRecall[i] = format("Recall_%s", _S(des[i]));
		strTpr[i] = format("TPR_%s", _S(des[i]));
		strFpr[i] = format("FPR_%s", _S(des[i]));
		PrintVector(f, recall[i], strRecall[i]);
		PrintVector(f, precision[i], strPre[i]);
		PrintVector(f, tpr[i], strTpr[i]);
		PrintVector(f, fpr[i], strFpr[i]);
		fprintf(f, "plot(%s, %s, %s, 'linewidth', %d);\n", _S(strRecall[i]), _S(strPre[i]), c[i % CN], i < CN ? 2 : 1);
		leglendStr += format("'%s', ",  _S(des[i]));
	leglendStr.resize(leglendStr.size() - 2);
	leglendStr += ");";
	string xLabel = "label('Recall');\n";
	string yLabel = "label('Precision')\n";
	fprintf(f, "hold off;\nx%sy%s\n%s\ngrid on;\naxis([0 1 0 1]);\ntitle('Precision recall curve');\n", _S(xLabel), _S(yLabel), _S(leglendStr));

	fprintf(f, "\n\n\n%%%%\nfigure(2);\nhold on;\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < NumMethod; i++)
		fprintf(f, "plot(%s, %s,  %s, 'linewidth', %d);\n", _S(strFpr[i]), _S(strTpr[i]), c[i % CN], i < CN ? 2 : 1);
	xLabel = "label('False positive rate');\n";
	yLabel = "label('True positive rate')\n";
	fprintf(f, "hold off;\nx%sy%s\n%s\ngrid on;\naxis([0 1 0 1]);\n\n\n%%%%\nfigure(3);\ntitle('ROC curve');\n", _S(xLabel), _S(yLabel), _S(leglendStr));

	double betaSqr = 0.3; // As suggested by most papers for salient object detection
	vecD areaROC(NumMethod, 0), avgFMeasure(NumMethod, 0), maxFMeasure(NumMethod, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < NumMethod; i++){
		CV_Assert(fpr[i].size() == tpr[i].size() && precision[i].size() == recall[i].size() && fpr[i].size() == precision[i].size());
		for (size_t t = 0; t < fpr[i].size(); t++){
			double fMeasure = (1+betaSqr) * precision[i][t] * recall[i][t] / (betaSqr * precision[i][t] + recall[i][t]);
			avgFMeasure[i] += fMeasure/fpr[i].size(); // Doing average like this might have strange effect as in: 
			maxFMeasure[i] = max(maxFMeasure[i], fMeasure);
			if (t > 0){
				areaROC[i] += (tpr[i][t] + tpr[i][t - 1]) * (fpr[i][t - 1] - fpr[i][t]) / 2.0;

		fprintf(f, "%%%5s: AUC = %5.3f, MeanF = %5.3f, MaxF = %5.3f, MAE = %5.3f\n", _S(des[i]), areaROC[i], avgFMeasure[i], maxFMeasure[i], mae[i]);
	PrintVector(f, areaROC, "AUC");
	PrintVector(f, avgFMeasure, "MeanFMeasure");
	PrintVector(f, maxFMeasure, "MaxFMeasure");
	PrintVector(f, mae, "MAE");

	// methodLabels = {'AC', 'SR', 'DRFI', 'GU', 'GB'};
	fprintf(f, "methodLabels = {'%s'", _S(des[0]));
	for (int i = 1; i < NumMethod; i++)
		fprintf(f, ", '%s'", _S(des[i]));
	fprintf(f, "};\n\nbar([MeanFMeasure; MaxFMeasure; AUC]');\nlegend('Mean F_\\beta', 'Max F_\\beta', 'AUC');xlim([0 %d]);\ngrid on;\n", NumMethod+1);
	fprintf(f, "xticklabel_rotate([1:%d],90, methodLabels,'interpreter','none');\n", NumMethod);
	fprintf(f, "\n\nfigure(4);\nbar(MAE);\ntitle('MAE');\ngrid on;\nxlim([0 %d]);", NumMethod+1);
	fprintf(f, "xticklabel_rotate([1:%d],90, methodLabels,'interpreter','none');\n", NumMethod);
	printf("%-70s\r", "");
예제 #11
void CmEvaluation::EvalueMask(CStr gtW, CStr &maskDir, vecS &des, CStr resFile, double betaSqr, bool alertNul, CStr suffix, CStr title)
	vecS namesNS; 
	string gtDir, gtExt;
	int imgNum = CmFile::GetNamesNE(gtW, namesNS, gtDir, gtExt);
	int methodNum = (int)des.size();
	vecD pr(methodNum), rec(methodNum), count(methodNum), fm(methodNum);
	vecD intUnio(methodNum), mae(methodNum);
	for (int i = 0; i < imgNum; i++){
		Mat truM = imread(gtDir + namesNS[i] + gtExt, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		for (int m = 0; m < methodNum; m++)	{
			string mapName = maskDir + namesNS[i] + "_" + des[m];
			mapName += suffix.empty() ? ".png" : "_" + suffix + ".png";
			Mat res = imread(mapName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
			if (truM.data == NULL || res.data == NULL || truM.size != res.size){
				if (alertNul)
					printf("Truth(%d, %d), Res(%d, %d): %s\n", truM.cols, truM.rows, res.cols, res.rows, _S(mapName));
			compare(truM, 128, truM, CMP_GE);
			compare(res, 128, res, CMP_GE);
			Mat commMat, unionMat, diff1f;
			bitwise_and(truM, res, commMat);
			bitwise_or(truM, res, unionMat);
			double commV = sum(commMat).val[0];
			double p = commV/(sum(res).val[0] + EPS);
			double r = commV/(sum(truM).val[0] + EPS);
			pr[m] += p;
			rec[m] += r;
			intUnio[m] += commV / (sum(unionMat).val[0] + EPS);
			absdiff(truM, res, diff1f);
			mae[m] += sum(diff1f).val[0]/(diff1f.rows * diff1f.cols * 255);

	for (int m = 0; m < methodNum; m++){
		pr[m] /= count[m], rec[m] /= count[m];
		fm[m] = (1 + betaSqr) * pr[m] * rec[m] / (betaSqr * pr[m] + rec[m] + EPS);
		intUnio[m] /= count[m];
		mae[m] /= count[m];

#ifndef fopen_s
	FILE *f = fopen(_S(resFile), "a");
	FILE *f; 
	fopen_s(&f, _S(resFile), "a");
	if (f != NULL){
		fprintf(f, "\n%%%%\n");
		CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, pr, "PrecisionMask" + suffix);
		CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, rec, "RecallMask" + suffix);
		CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, fm, "FMeasureMask" + suffix);
		CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, intUnio, "IntUnion" + suffix);
		CmEvaluation::PrintVector(f, intUnio, "MAE" + suffix);
		fprintf(f, "bar([%s]');\ngrid on\n", _S("PrecisionMask" + suffix + "; RecallMask" + suffix + "; FMeasureMask" + suffix + "; IntUnion" + suffix));
		fprintf(f, "title('%s');\naxis([0 %d 0.8 1]);\nmethodLabels = { '%s'", _S(title), des.size() + 1, _S(des[0]));
		for (size_t i = 1; i < des.size(); i++)
			fprintf(f, ", '%s'", _S(des[i]));
		fprintf(f, " };\nlegend('Precision', 'Recall', 'FMeasure', 'IntUnion');\n");
		fprintf(f, "xticklabel_rotate([1:%d], 90, methodLabels, 'interpreter', 'none');\n", des.size());

	if (des.size() == 1)
		printf("Precision = %g, recall = %g, F-Measure = %g, intUnion = %g, mae = %g\n", pr[0], rec[0], fm[0], intUnio[0], mae[0]);