예제 #1
void Foam::MaxwellianThermal<CloudType>::correct
    typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const wallPolyPatch& wpp
    vector& U = p.U();

    scalar& Ei = p.Ei();

    label typeId = p.typeId();

    label wppIndex = wpp.index();

    label wppLocalFace = wpp.whichFace(p.face());

    vector nw = p.normal();
    nw /= mag(nw);

    // Normal velocity magnitude
    scalar U_dot_nw = U & nw;

    // Wall tangential velocity (flow direction)
    vector Ut = U - U_dot_nw*nw;

    CloudType& cloud(this->owner());

    Random& rndGen(cloud.rndGen());

    while (mag(Ut) < SMALL)
        // If the incident velocity is parallel to the face normal, no
        // tangential direction can be chosen.  Add a perturbation to the
        // incoming velocity and recalculate.

        U = vector
            U.x()*(0.8 + 0.2*rndGen.scalar01()),
            U.y()*(0.8 + 0.2*rndGen.scalar01()),
            U.z()*(0.8 + 0.2*rndGen.scalar01())

        U_dot_nw = U & nw;

        Ut = U - U_dot_nw*nw;

    // Wall tangential unit vector
    vector tw1 = Ut/mag(Ut);

    // Other tangential unit vector
    vector tw2 = nw^tw1;

    scalar T = cloud.boundaryT().boundaryField()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace];

    scalar mass = cloud.constProps(typeId).mass();

    scalar iDof = cloud.constProps(typeId).internalDegreesOfFreedom();

    U =
          + rndGen.GaussNormal()*tw2
          - sqrt(-2.0*log(max(1 - rndGen.scalar01(), VSMALL)))*nw

    U += cloud.boundaryU().boundaryField()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace];

    Ei = cloud.equipartitionInternalEnergy(T, iDof);
예제 #2
void Foam::DsmcParcel<ParcelType>::hitWallPatch
    const wallPolyPatch& wpp,
    TrackData& td,
    const tetIndices& tetIs
    label wppIndex = wpp.index();

    label wppLocalFace = wpp.whichFace(this->face());

    const scalar fA = mag(wpp.faceAreas()[wppLocalFace]);

    const scalar deltaT = td.cloud().pMesh().time().deltaTValue();

    const constantProperties& constProps(td.cloud().constProps(typeId_));

    scalar m = constProps.mass();

    vector nw = wpp.faceAreas()[wppLocalFace];
    nw /= mag(nw);

    scalar U_dot_nw = U_ & nw;

    vector Ut = U_ - U_dot_nw*nw;

    scalar invMagUnfA = 1/max(mag(U_dot_nw)*fA, VSMALL);

    td.cloud().rhoNBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().rhoMBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += m*invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().linearKEBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] +=
        0.5*m*(U_ & U_)*invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().internalEBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += Ei_*invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().iDofBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] +=

    td.cloud().momentumBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += m*Ut*invMagUnfA;

    // pre-interaction energy
    scalar preIE = 0.5*m*(U_ & U_) + Ei_;

    // pre-interaction momentum
    vector preIMom = m*U_;

        static_cast<DsmcParcel<ParcelType> &>(*this),

    U_dot_nw = U_ & nw;

    Ut = U_ - U_dot_nw*nw;

    invMagUnfA = 1/max(mag(U_dot_nw)*fA, VSMALL);

    td.cloud().rhoNBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().rhoMBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += m*invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().linearKEBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] +=
        0.5*m*(U_ & U_)*invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().internalEBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += Ei_*invMagUnfA;

    td.cloud().iDofBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] +=

    td.cloud().momentumBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += m*Ut*invMagUnfA;

    // post-interaction energy
    scalar postIE = 0.5*m*(U_ & U_) + Ei_;

    // post-interaction momentum
    vector postIMom = m*U_;

    scalar deltaQ = td.cloud().nParticle()*(preIE - postIE)/(deltaT*fA);

    vector deltaFD = td.cloud().nParticle()*(preIMom - postIMom)/(deltaT*fA);

    td.cloud().qBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += deltaQ;

    td.cloud().fDBF()[wppIndex][wppLocalFace] += deltaFD;
