bool CodeCompletionManager::GetDefinitionsAndSearchPaths(clEditor* editor, wxArrayString& searchPaths,
                                                         wxArrayString& definitions)
    // Sanity

    if(editor->GetProjectName().IsEmpty()) return false;
    if(!clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->IsOpen()) return false;

    // Support only C/C++ files
    if(!FileExtManager::IsCxxFile(editor->GetFileName().GetFullName())) return false;

    // Get the file's project and get the build configuration settings
    // for it
    ProjectPtr proj = clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->GetProject(editor->GetProjectName());

    BuildConfigPtr buildConf = proj->GetBuildConfiguration();

    CompilerPtr compiler = buildConf->GetCompiler();

#if 0
    if(buildConf->IsCustomBuild()) {
        definitions = proj->GetPreProcessors();
        CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following macros:");
        // Custom builds are handled differently
        CompilationDatabase compileDb;
        if(compileDb.IsOpened()) {
            // we have compilation database for this workspace
            wxString compileLine, cwd;
            compileDb.CompilationLine(editor->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), compileLine, cwd);

            CL_DEBUG("Pre Processor dimming: %s\n", compileLine);
            CompilerCommandLineParser cclp(compileLine, cwd);
            searchPaths = cclp.GetIncludes();

            // get the mcros
            definitions << cclp.GetMacros();
    // get the include paths based on the project settings (this is per build configuration)
    searchPaths = proj->GetIncludePaths();
    CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following include paths:");

    // get the compiler include paths
    // wxArrayString compileIncludePaths = compiler->GetDefaultIncludePaths();

    // includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), compileIncludePaths.begin(), compileIncludePaths.end());
    definitions = proj->GetPreProcessors();

    // get macros out of workspace
    wxString strWorkspaceMacros = clCxxWorkspaceST::Get()->GetParserMacros();
    wxArrayString workspaceMacros = wxStringTokenize(strWorkspaceMacros, wxT("\n\r"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < workspaceMacros.GetCount(); i++)

    CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following macros:");

    // Append the compiler builtin macros
    wxArrayString builtinMacros = compiler->GetBuiltinMacros();
    definitions.insert(definitions.end(), builtinMacros.begin(), builtinMacros.end());

    return true;
bool CodeCompletionManager::GetDefinitionsAndSearchPaths(LEditor* editor,
                                                         wxArrayString& searchPaths,
                                                         wxArrayString& definitions)
    // Sanity

        return false;
        return false;

    // Support only C/C++ files
        return false;

    // Get the file's project and get the build configuration settings
    // for it
    ProjectPtr proj = WorkspaceST::Get()->GetProject(editor->GetProjectName());

    BuildConfigPtr buildConf = proj->GetBuildConfiguration();

    CompilerPtr compiler = buildConf->GetCompiler();

    if(buildConf->IsCustomBuild()) {
        // Custom builds are handled differently
        CompilationDatabase compileDb;
        if(compileDb.IsOpened()) {
            // we have compilation database for this workspace
            wxString compileLine, cwd;
            compileDb.CompilationLine(editor->GetFileName().GetFullPath(), compileLine, cwd);

            CL_DEBUG("Pre Processor dimming: %s\n", compileLine);
            CompilerCommandLineParser cclp(compileLine, cwd);
            searchPaths = cclp.GetIncludes();

            // get the mcros
            definitions = cclp.GetMacros();
        } else {
            // we will probably will fail...
            return false;
    } else {
        // get the include paths based on the project settings (this is per build configuration)
        searchPaths = proj->GetIncludePaths();
        CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following include paths:");

        // get the compiler include paths
        // wxArrayString compileIncludePaths = compiler->GetDefaultIncludePaths();

        // includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), compileIncludePaths.begin(), compileIncludePaths.end());
        definitions = proj->GetPreProcessors();
        CL_DEBUG("CxxPreProcessor will use the following macros:");

    // Append the compiler builtin macros
    wxArrayString builtinMacros = compiler->GetBuiltinMacros();
    definitions.insert(definitions.end(), builtinMacros.begin(), builtinMacros.end());

    return true;
예제 #3
파일: brush.cpp 프로젝트: CkyLua/rme
bool Brushes::unserializeBrush(pugi::xml_node node, wxArrayString& warnings)
	pugi::xml_attribute attribute;
	if (!(attribute = node.attribute("name"))) {
		warnings.push_back(wxT("Brush node without name."));
		return false;

	const std::string& brushName = attribute.as_string();
	if (brushName == "all" || brushName == "none") {
		warnings.push_back(wxString(wxT("Using reserved brushname \"")) << wxstr(brushName) << wxT("\"."));
		return false;

	Brush* brush = getBrush(brushName);
	if (!brush) {
		if (!(attribute = node.attribute("type"))) {
			warnings.push_back(wxT("Couldn't read brush type"));
			return false;

		const std::string brushType = attribute.as_string();
		if (brushType == "border" || brushType == "ground") {
			brush = newd GroundBrush();
		} else if (brushType == "wall") {
			brush = newd WallBrush();
		} else if (brushType == "wall decoration") {
			brush = newd WallDecorationBrush();
		} else if (brushType == "carpet") {
			brush = newd CarpetBrush();
		} else if (brushType == "table") {
			brush = newd TableBrush();
		} else if (brushType == "doodad") {
			brush = newd DoodadBrush();
		} else {
			warnings.push_back(wxString(wxT("Unknown brush type ")) << wxstr(brushType));
			return false;


	if (!node.first_child()) {
		brushes.insert(std::make_pair(brush->getName(), brush));
		return true;

	wxArrayString subWarnings;
	brush->load(node, subWarnings);

	if(!subWarnings.empty()) {
		warnings.push_back(wxString(wxT("Errors while loading brush \"")) << wxstr(brush->getName()) << wxT("\""));
		warnings.insert(warnings.end(), subWarnings.begin(), subWarnings.end());

	if(brush->getName() == "all" || brush->getName() == "none") {
		warnings.push_back(wxString(wxT("Using reserved brushname '")) << wxstr(brush->getName()) << wxT("'."));
		delete brush;
		return false;

	Brush* otherBrush = getBrush(brush->getName());
	if(otherBrush) {
		if(otherBrush != brush) {
			warnings.push_back(wxString(wxT("Duplicate brush name ")) << wxstr(brush->getName()) << wxT(". Undefined behaviour may ensue."));
		} else {
			// Don't insert
			return true;

	brushes.insert(std::make_pair(brush->getName(), brush));
	return true;