예제 #1
int wxCheckListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                                  unsigned int pos,
                                  void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();

    ListView_SetItemCount( GetHwnd(), GetCount() + count );

    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        LVITEM newItem;
        newItem.iItem = pos + i;
        n = ListView_InsertItem( (HWND)GetHWND(), & newItem );
        wxCHECK_MSG( n != -1, -1, wxT("Item not added") );
        SetString( n, items[i] );
        m_itemsClientData.Insert(NULL, n);

        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    return n;
예제 #2
int wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                             unsigned int pos,
                             void **clientData,
                             wxClientDataType type)
    int idx = wxNOT_FOUND;
    unsigned int startpos = pos;

    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
        const wxString& item = items[i];
        idx = IsSorted() ? m_strings.sorted->Add(item)
                         : (m_strings.unsorted->Insert(item, pos), pos++);

        m_itemsClientData.Insert(NULL, idx);
        AssignNewItemClientData(idx, clientData, i, type);





    return idx;
예제 #3
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i, ++pos )
        unsigned int idx;

#if wxUSE_STL
        if ( IsSorted() )
                insertPoint = std::lower_bound( m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end(), items[i] );
            idx = insertPoint - m_strings.begin();
            m_strings.insert( insertPoint, items[i] );
#endif // wxUSE_STL
            idx = pos;
            m_strings.Insert( items[i], idx );

        m_popUpMenu->Insert( idx, i+1, items[i] );
        m_datas.Insert( NULL, idx );
        AssignNewItemClientData(idx, clientData, i, type);

    m_peer->SetMaximum( GetCount() );

    return pos - 1;
예제 #4
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_widget != NULL, -1, wxT("invalid control") );

    wxASSERT_MSG( !IsSorted() || (pos == GetCount()),
                 wxT("In a sorted choice data could only be appended"));

    const int count = items.GetCount();

    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        n = pos + i;
        // If sorted, use this wxSortedArrayStrings to determine
        // the right insertion point
        if (m_strings)
            n = m_strings->Add(items[i]);

        GTKInsertComboBoxTextItem( n, items[i] );

        m_clientData.Insert( NULL, n );
        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);


    return n;
예제 #5
int wxItemContainer::DoInsertItemsInLoop(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                         unsigned int pos,
                                         void **clientData,
                                         wxClientDataType type)
    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        n = DoInsertOneItem(items[i], pos++);
        if ( n == wxNOT_FOUND )

        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    return n;
예제 #6
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData,
                            wxClientDataType type)
    MSWAllocStorage(items, LB_INITSTORAGE);

    const bool append = pos == GetCount();
    const unsigned msg = append ? LB_ADDSTRING : LB_INSERTSTRING;
    if ( append )
        pos = 0;

    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
        n = MSWInsertOrAppendItem(pos, items[i], msg);
        if ( !append )

        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    return n;
예제 #7
int wxBitmapComboBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                                    unsigned int pos,
                                    void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    const unsigned int countNew = GetCount() + numItems;

    wxASSERT( numItems == 1 || !HasFlag(wxCB_SORT) );  // Sanity check


    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
        m_bitmaps.Insert(new wxBitmap(wxNullBitmap), pos + i);

    const int index = wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::DoInsertItems(items, pos,
                                                          clientData, type);

    if ( index == wxNOT_FOUND )
        for ( int i = numItems-1; i >= 0; i-- )
            BCBDoDeleteOneItem(pos + i);
    else if ( ((unsigned int)index) != pos )
        // Move pre-inserted empty bitmap into correct position
        // (usually happens when combo box has wxCB_SORT style)
        wxBitmap* bmp = static_cast<wxBitmap*>(m_bitmaps[pos]);
        m_bitmaps.Insert(bmp, index);

    return index;
예제 #8
파일: odcombo.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
int wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                        unsigned int pos,
                                        void **clientData,
                                        wxClientDataType type)

    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();

    if ( HasFlag(wxCB_SORT) )
        int n = pos;

        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
            n = GetVListBoxComboPopup()->Append(items[i]);
            AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

        return n;
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++pos )
            GetVListBoxComboPopup()->Insert(items[i], pos);
            AssignNewItemClientData(pos, clientData, i, type);

        return pos - 1;
예제 #9
int wxBitmapComboBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                                    unsigned int pos,
                                    void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    const unsigned int countNew = GetCount() + numItems;


    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
        m_bitmaps.Insert(new wxBitmap(wxNullBitmap), pos + i);

    const int index = wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::DoInsertItems(items, pos,
                                                          clientData, type);

    if ( index == wxNOT_FOUND )
        for ( int i = numItems-1; i >= 0; i-- )
            BCBDoDeleteOneItem(pos + i);

    return index;
예제 #10
파일: choice.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_widget != NULL, -1, wxT("invalid choice control") );

    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();

    GtkWidget *menu = gtk_option_menu_get_menu( GTK_OPTION_MENU(m_widget) );

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++pos )
        int n = GtkAddHelper(menu, pos, items[i]);
        if ( n == wxNOT_FOUND )
            return n;

        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    // if the item to insert is at or before the selection, and the selection is valid
    if (((int)pos <= m_selection_hack) && (m_selection_hack != wxNOT_FOUND))
        // move the selection forward
        m_selection_hack += count;

    return pos - 1;
예제 #11
파일: choice.cpp 프로젝트: 3v1n0/wxWidgets
// TODO auto-sorting is not supported by the code
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
#ifndef XmNpositionIndex
    wxCHECK_MSG( pos == GetCount(), -1, wxT("insert not implemented"));

    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i, ++pos )
        Widget w = XtVaCreateManagedWidget (GetLabelText(items[i]),
            xmPushButtonGadgetClass, (Widget) m_menuWidget,
            xmPushButtonWidgetClass, (Widget) m_menuWidget,
#ifdef XmNpositionIndex
            XmNpositionIndex, pos,

        wxDoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) w, m_backgroundColour);

        if( m_font.IsOk() )
            wxDoChangeFont( w, m_font );

        m_widgetArray.Insert(w, pos);

        char mnem = wxFindMnemonic (items[i]);
        if (mnem != 0)
            XtVaSetValues (w, XmNmnemonic, mnem, NULL);

        XtAddCallback (w, XmNactivateCallback,
                       (XtCallbackProc) wxChoiceCallback,
                       (XtPointer) this);

        if (m_stringArray.GetCount() == 0 && m_buttonWidget)
            XtVaSetValues ((Widget) m_buttonWidget, XmNmenuHistory, w, NULL);
            Widget label = XmOptionButtonGadget ((Widget) m_buttonWidget);
            wxXmString text( items[i] );
            XtVaSetValues (label,
                XmNlabelString, text(),

        m_stringArray.Insert(items[i], pos);

        InsertNewItemClientData(pos, clientData, i, type);

    return pos - 1;
예제 #12
파일: checklst.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
int wxCheckListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                  unsigned int pos,
                                  void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    wxArrayString copy;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < items.GetCount(); ++i )
        copy.push_back( Prefix(false) + items[i] );

    return wxListBox::DoInsertItems(copy, pos, clientData, type);
예제 #13
int wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                             unsigned int pos,
                             void **clientData,
                             wxClientDataType type)
    long lIndex = 0;
    LONG lIndexType = 0;
    bool incrementPos = false;

    if (IsSorted())
        lIndexType = LIT_SORTASCENDING;
    else if (pos == GetCount())
        lIndexType = LIT_END;
        lIndexType = (LONG)pos;
        incrementPos = true;

    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    unsigned int count = items.GetCount();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        n = (int)::WinSendMsg(GetHwnd(), LM_INSERTITEM, (MPARAM)lIndexType, (MPARAM)items[i].wx_str());
        if (n < 0)
            n = wxNOT_FOUND;

        if (HasFlag(wxLB_OWNERDRAW))
            wxOwnerDrawn*               pNewItem = CreateItem(n); // dummy argument
            wxScreenDC                  vDc; // FIXME: is it really needed here?
            m_aItems.Insert(pNewItem, n);
        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

        if (incrementPos)

    return n;
} // end of wxListBox::DoInsertAppendItemsWithData
예제 #14
int wxRearrangeList::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items, unsigned int pos,
                                   void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    int ret = wxCheckListBox::DoInsertItems(items, pos, clientData, type);
    const size_t numItems = items.GetCount();
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
        // Item is not checked initially.
        const int idx = ~m_order.size();
        m_order.Insert(idx, pos+i);
    return ret;
예제 #15
int wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                             unsigned int pos,
                             void **clientData,
                             wxClientDataType type)
    MSWAllocStorage(items, LB_INITSTORAGE);

    const bool append = pos == GetCount();

    // we must use CB_ADDSTRING when appending as only it works correctly for
    // the sorted controls
    const unsigned msg = append ? LB_ADDSTRING : LB_INSERTSTRING;

    if ( append )
        pos = 0;

    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
        n = MSWInsertOrAppendItem(pos, items[i], msg);
        if ( n == wxNOT_FOUND )
            return n;

        if ( !append )


        if ( HasFlag(wxLB_OWNERDRAW) )
            wxOwnerDrawn *pNewItem = CreateLboxItem(n);
            m_aItems.Insert(pNewItem, n);
#endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN
        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    m_updateHorizontalExtent = true;


    return n;
예제 #16
void wxControlWithItems::MSWAllocStorage(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                         unsigned wm)
    const unsigned numItems = items.GetCount();
    unsigned long totalTextLength = numItems; // for trailing '\0' characters
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
        totalTextLength += items[i].length();

    if ( SendMessage((HWND)MSWGetItemsHWND(), wm, numItems,
                     (LPARAM)totalTextLength*sizeof(wxChar)) == LB_ERRSPACE )
예제 #17
int wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                             unsigned int pos,
                             void **clientData,
                             wxClientDataType type)
    int idx = wxNOT_FOUND;
    unsigned int startpos = pos;

    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
        const wxString& item = items[i];
        idx = IsSorted() ? m_strings.sorted->Add(item)
                         : (m_strings.unsorted->Insert(item, pos), pos++);

        m_itemsClientData.Insert(NULL, idx);
        AssignNewItemClientData(idx, clientData, i, type);




    // Inserting the items may scroll the listbox down to show the last
    // selected one but we don't want to do it as it could result in e.g. the
    // first items of a listbox be hidden immediately after its creation so
    // show the first selected item instead. Ideal would probably be to
    // preserve the old selection unchanged, in fact, but I don't know how to
    // get the first visible item so for now do at least this.


    return idx;
예제 #18
파일: ctrlsub.cpp 프로젝트: 3v1n0/wxWidgets
int wxItemContainer::DoInsertItemsInLoop(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                         unsigned int pos,
                                         void **clientData,
                                         wxClientDataType type)
    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;

    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        n = DoInsertOneItem(items[i], pos++);
        if ( n == wxNOT_FOUND )

        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    return n;
예제 #19
int wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                             unsigned int pos,
                             void **clientData,
                             wxClientDataType type)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_treeview != NULL, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("invalid listbox") );


    GtkTreeIter* pIter = NULL; // append by default
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    if ( pos != GetCount() )
        wxCHECK_MSG( GTKGetIteratorFor(pos, &iter), wxNOT_FOUND,
                     wxT("internal wxListBox error in insertion") );

        pIter = &iter;

    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
        GtkTreeEntry* entry = gtk_tree_entry_new();
        gtk_tree_entry_set_label(entry, wxGTK_CONV(items[i]));

        GtkTreeIter itercur;
        gtk_list_store_insert_before(m_liststore, &itercur, pIter);

        GTKSetItem(itercur, entry);

        g_object_unref (entry);

        if (clientData)
            AssignNewItemClientData(GTKGetIndexFor(itercur), clientData, i, type);


    return pos + numItems - 1;
예제 #20
int wxCheckListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                  unsigned int pos,
                                  void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    wxArrayString copy;
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < items.GetCount(); ++i )
        copy.push_back( Prefix(false) + items[i] );

    return wxListBox::DoInsertItems(copy, pos, clientData, type);
예제 #21
파일: htmllbox.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
int wxSimpleHtmlListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                                       unsigned int pos,
                                       void **clientData,
                                       wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();

    m_items.Insert(wxEmptyString, pos, count);
    m_HTMLclientData.Insert(NULL, pos, count);

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++pos )
        m_items[pos] = items[i];
        AssignNewItemClientData(pos, clientData, i, type);


    return pos - 1;
예제 #22
int wxComboBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                              unsigned int pos,
                              void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i, ++pos )
        unsigned int idx;

        idx = pos;
        GetComboPeer()->InsertItem( idx, items[i] );

        if (idx > m_datas.GetCount())
        m_datas.Insert( NULL, idx );
        AssignNewItemClientData(idx, clientData, i, type);

    GetPeer()->SetMaximum( GetCount() );

    return pos - 1;
예제 #23
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items
                           , unsigned int pos
                           , void **clientData
                           , wxClientDataType type
    int                             nIndex = wxNOT_FOUND;
    LONG                            nIndexType = 0;
    bool                            incrementPos = false;
    if ( IsSorted() )
        nIndexType = LIT_SORTASCENDING;
    else if (pos == GetCount())
        nIndexType = LIT_END;
        nIndexType = pos;
        incrementPos = true;

    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        nIndex = (int)::WinSendMsg( GetHwnd()
        if (nIndex < 0)
            nIndex = wxNOT_FOUND;
        AssignNewItemClientData(nIndex, clientData, i, type);

        if (incrementPos)
    return nIndex;
} // end of wxChoice::DoInsertAppendItemsWithData
예제 #24
int wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                             unsigned int pos,
                             void **clientData,
                             wxClientDataType type)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_list != NULL, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("invalid listbox") );

    const unsigned count = GetCount();
    wxCHECK_MSG( pos <= count, wxNOT_FOUND,
                    wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::InsertItems") );

    // code elsewhere supposes we have as many items in m_clientList as items
    // in the listbox
    wxASSERT_MSG( m_clientList.GetCount() == count,
                      wxT("bug in client data management") );


    const unsigned numItems = items.GetCount();

    for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < numItems; ++n, ++pos )
        const wxString& item = items[n];

        const unsigned idx = m_strings ? m_strings->Add(item)
                                       : pos;

        GtkAddItem(item, idx == GetCount() ? (unsigned) -1 : idx);

        m_clientList.Insert(idx, NULL);

        AssignNewItemClientData(idx, clientData, n, type);

    wxASSERT_MSG( m_clientList.GetCount() == GetCount(),
                      wxT("bug in client data management") );

    return pos - 1;
예제 #25
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    MSWAllocStorage(items, CB_INITSTORAGE);

    const bool append = pos == GetCount();

    // use CB_ADDSTRING when appending at the end to make sure the control is
    // resorted if it has wxCB_SORT style
    const unsigned msg = append ? CB_ADDSTRING : CB_INSERTSTRING;

    if ( append )
        pos = 0;

    int n = wxNOT_FOUND;
    const unsigned numItems = items.GetCount();
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
        n = MSWInsertOrAppendItem(pos, items[i], msg);
        if ( n == wxNOT_FOUND )
            return n;

        if ( !append )

        AssignNewItemClientData(n, clientData, i, type);

    // we need to refresh our size in order to have enough space for the
    // newly added items
    if ( !IsFrozen() )


    return n;
예제 #26
int wxChoice::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                            unsigned int pos,
                            void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i, ++pos )
        unsigned int idx;

        if ( IsSorted() )
                insertPoint = std::lower_bound( m_strings.begin(), m_strings.end(), items[i] );
            idx = insertPoint - m_strings.begin();
            m_strings.insert( insertPoint, items[i] );
            idx = pos;
            m_strings.Insert( items[i], idx );

        wxString text = items[i];
        if (text == wxEmptyString)
            text = " ";  // menu items can't have empty labels
        m_popUpMenu->Insert( idx, i+1, text );
        m_datas.Insert( NULL, idx );
        AssignNewItemClientData(idx, clientData, i, type);


    return pos - 1;
예제 #27
int wxBitmapComboBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter & items,
                                    unsigned int pos,
                                    void **clientData, wxClientDataType type)
    const unsigned int numItems = items.GetCount();

    int index;
    if ( HasFlag(wxCB_SORT) )
        // Since we don't know at what positions new elements will be actually inserted
        // we need to add them one by one, check for each one the position it was added at
        // and reserve the slot for corresponding bitmap at the same postion in the bitmap array.
        index = pos;
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
            if ( clientData )
                index = wxComboBox::DoInsertItems(items[i], pos+i, clientData+i, type);
                index = wxComboBox::DoInsertItems(items[i], pos+i, NULL, wxClientData_None);

            wxASSERT_MSG( index != wxNOT_FOUND, wxS("Invalid wxBitmapComboBox state") );
            if ( index == wxNOT_FOUND )

            // Update the bitmap array.
            if ( GetCount() > m_bitmaps.Count() )
                wxASSERT_MSG( GetCount() == m_bitmaps.Count() + 1,
                              wxS("Invalid wxBitmapComboBox state") );
                // Control is in the normal state.
                // New item has been just added.
                // Insert bitmap at the given index into the array.
                wxASSERT_MSG( (size_t)index <= m_bitmaps.Count(),
                              wxS("wxBitmapComboBox item index out of bound") );
                m_bitmaps.Insert(new wxBitmap(wxNullBitmap), index);
                // No. of items after insertion <= No. bitmaps:
                // (This can happen if control is e.g. recreated with RecreateControl).
                // In this case existing bitmaps are reused.
                // Required and actual indices should be the same to assure
                // consistency between list of items and bitmap array.
                wxASSERT_MSG( (size_t)index < m_bitmaps.Count(),
                              wxS("wxBitmapComboBox item index out of bound") );
                wxASSERT_MSG( (unsigned int)index == pos+i,
                              wxS("Invalid index for wxBitmapComboBox item") );
        if ( GetCount() == m_bitmaps.Count() )
            // Control is in the normal state.
            // Just insert new bitmaps into the array.
            const unsigned int countNew = GetCount() + numItems;

            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
                m_bitmaps.Insert(new wxBitmap(wxNullBitmap), pos + i);
            wxASSERT_MSG( GetCount() < m_bitmaps.Count(),
                          wxS("Invalid wxBitmapComboBox state") );
            // There are less items then bitmaps.
            // (This can happen if control is e.g. recreated with RecreateControl).
            // In this case existing bitmaps are reused.
            // The whole block of inserted items should be within the range
            // of indices of the existing bitmap array.
            wxASSERT_MSG( pos + numItems <= m_bitmaps.Count(),
                      wxS("wxBitmapComboBox item index out of bound") );

        index = wxComboBox::DoInsertItems(items, pos,
                                          clientData, type);
        // This returns index of the last item in the inserted block.

        if ( index == wxNOT_FOUND )
            for ( int i = numItems-1; i >= 0; i-- )
                BCBDoDeleteOneItem(pos + i);
            // Index of the last inserted item should be consistent
            // with required position and number of items.
            wxASSERT_MSG( (unsigned int)index == pos+numItems-1,
                           wxS("Invalid index for wxBitmapComboBox item") );

    return index;
예제 #28
파일: combobox.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
int wxComboBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
                              unsigned int pos,
                              void **clientData,
                              wxClientDataType type)
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_widget != NULL, -1, wxT("invalid combobox") );


    GtkWidget *list = GTK_COMBO(m_widget)->list;

    GtkRcStyle *style = CreateWidgetStyle();

    const unsigned int count = items.GetCount();
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++pos )
        GtkWidget *
            list_item = gtk_list_item_new_with_label( wxGTK_CONV( items[i] ) );

        if ( pos == GetCount() )
            gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(list), list_item );
        else // insert, not append
            GList *gitem_list = g_list_alloc ();
            gitem_list->data = list_item;
            gtk_list_insert_items( GTK_LIST (list), gitem_list, pos );

        if (GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED(m_widget))
            gtk_widget_realize( list_item );
            gtk_widget_realize( GTK_BIN(list_item)->child );

            if (style)
                gtk_widget_modify_style( GTK_WIDGET( list_item ), style );
                GtkBin *bin = GTK_BIN( list_item );
                GtkWidget *label = GTK_WIDGET( bin->child );
                gtk_widget_modify_style( label, style );


        gtk_widget_show( list_item );

        if ( m_clientDataList.GetCount() < GetCount() )
            m_clientDataList.Insert( pos, NULL );
        if ( m_clientObjectList.GetCount() < GetCount() )
            m_clientObjectList.Insert( pos, NULL );

        AssignNewItemClientData(pos, clientData, i, type);

    if ( style )
        gtk_rc_style_unref( style );



    return pos - 1;