void TCPConnection::GetSocketData() { wxString msg; //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Dentro de GetSocketData")); Conn->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG); while (Conn->WaitForRead(0,100)==true) { //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Antes del ReadLine")); msg=Input->ReadLine(); //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Antes del Enter")); m_critsec.Enter(); //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Antes del Add")); MsgList->Add(msg); //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Antes del Leave")); m_critsec.Leave(); //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Despues del Leave")); /* ::wxSafeYield(); ::wxMilliSleep(300); */ } Conn->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG | wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG); //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Dentro de GetSocketData")); }
wxCondError wxConditionInternal::DoSignal( bool signalAll) { m_gate.Wait(); m_varSection.Enter(); wxASSERT( m_signals == m_canceled ); if ( m_waiters == m_canceled) { m_varSection.Leave(); m_gate.Post(); return wxCOND_NO_ERROR; } if ( m_canceled > 0) { m_waiters -= m_canceled; m_signals = 0; m_canceled = 0; } m_signals = signalAll ? m_waiters : 1; size_t n = m_signals; m_varSection.Leave(); // Let the waiters inherit the gate lock. do { wxSemaError err = m_semaphore.Post(); wxASSERT( err == wxSEMA_NO_ERROR ); } while ( --n ); return wxCOND_NO_ERROR; }
void *TCPThread::Entry() { wxString msg; //::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Dentro del Thread.")); while (TestDestroy()==FALSE) { msg=m_input->ReadLine(); m_critsec.Enter(); m_msglist->Add(msg); m_critsec.Leave(); } // ::wxSafeShowMessage(_("Titanes"),_("Fuera del Thread.")); return NULL; }
wxString TCPConnection::GetMessage() { wxString msg; m_critsec.Enter(); if (MsgList->GetCount()>0) { msg=MsgList->Item(0); MsgList->RemoveAt(0); } else { msg=wxEmptyString; } m_critsec.Leave(); return msg; }
void HeaderDirTraverser::AddLock(bool is_file) { if (is_file) m_Files++; else m_Dirs++; if ((m_Files+m_Dirs) % 100 == 1) { TRACE(_T("HeaderDirTraverser: %lu directories and %lu files traversed. Unlocking temporarily."), static_cast<unsigned long>(m_Dirs), static_cast<unsigned long>(m_Files)); if (m_Locked) { m_SystemHeadersThreadCS->Leave(); m_Locked = false; } m_SystemHeadersThreadCS->Enter(); m_Locked = true; } }
void SearchThread::SearchDir(const wxString& path, const SearchInfo& si, ProjectInfoHandler& infoHandler) { MMapBuffer buf; wxFileName filepath; vector<FileMatch> matches; wxArrayString dirs; wxArrayString filenames; infoHandler.GetDirAndFileLists(path, dirs, filenames); for (size_t f = 0; f < filenames.size(); ++f) { if (!m_isSearching) return; m_outputCrit.Enter(); m_currentPath = path + filenames[f]; m_outputCrit.Leave(); filepath = m_currentPath; // Map the file to memory buf.Open(filepath); if (!buf.IsMapped()) { wxLogDebug(wxT(" Mapping failed!")); continue; } // Search the file DoSearch(buf, si, matches); if (matches.empty()) continue; // Show matches WriteResult(buf, filepath, matches); matches.clear(); } for (size_t d = 0; d < dirs.size(); ++d) { const wxString dirpath = path + dirs[d] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH; SearchDir(dirpath, si, infoHandler); } }
void* SearchThread::Entry() { while (1) { // Wait for signal that we should start search m_isWaiting = true; wxMutexLocker lock(m_condMutex); m_startSearchCond.Wait(); m_isWaiting = false; if (m_stopSearch) { while (1) { if (TestDestroy()) break; Sleep(100); } } SearchInfo si; if (!PrepareSearchInfo(si, m_pattern, m_matchCase, m_regex)) continue; m_isSearching = true; ProjectInfoHandler infoHandler; infoHandler.SetRoot(m_path); // Write the html header for output m_outputCrit.Enter(); m_output = wxT("<head><style type=\"text/css\">#match {background-color: yellow}</style></head>"); m_outputCrit.Leave(); SearchDir(m_path, si, infoHandler); m_isSearching = false; // Clean up if (si.regex) free(si.regex); } return NULL; }
wxCondError wxConditionInternal::WaitTimeout( unsigned long msectimeout ) { m_gate.Wait(); if ( ++ m_waiters == INT_MAX ) { m_varSection.Enter(); m_waiters -= m_canceled; m_signals -= m_canceled; m_canceled = 0; m_varSection.Leave(); } m_gate.Post(); m_mutex.Unlock(); wxSemaError err = m_semaphore.WaitTimeout( msectimeout); wxASSERT( err == wxSEMA_NO_ERROR || err == wxSEMA_TIMEOUT); m_varSection.Enter(); if ( err != wxSEMA_NO_ERROR ) { if ( m_signals > m_canceled ) { // A signal is being sent after we timed out. if ( m_waiters == m_signals ) { // There are no excess waiters to catch the signal, so // we must throw it away. wxSemaError err2 = m_semaphore.Wait(); if ( err2 != wxSEMA_NO_ERROR ) { wxLogSysError( wx("Error while waiting on semaphore") ); } wxASSERT( err2 == wxSEMA_NO_ERROR); --m_waiters; if ( --m_signals == m_canceled ) { // This was the last signal. open the gate. wxASSERT( m_waiters == m_canceled ); m_gate.Post(); } } else { // There are excess waiters to catch the signal, leave it be. --m_waiters; } } else { // No signals is being sent: // the gate may be open or closed, so we can't touch m_waiters. ++m_canceled; ++m_signals; } } else { // We caught a signal. wxASSERT( m_signals > m_canceled ); --m_waiters; if ( --m_signals == m_canceled) { // This was the last signal. open the gate. wxASSERT( m_waiters == m_canceled ); m_gate.Post(); } } m_varSection.Leave(); m_mutex.Lock(); if (err != noErr) return err == wxSEMA_TIMEOUT ? wxCOND_TIMEOUT : wxCOND_MISC_ERROR; return wxCOND_NO_ERROR; }
void SearchThread::WriteResult(const MMapBuffer& buf, const wxFileName& filepath, vector<FileMatch>& matches) { if (matches.empty()) return; // Header const wxString path = filepath.GetFullPath(); const wxString format = (matches.size() == 1) ? _("<b>%s - %d match</b>") : _("<b>%s - %d matches</b>"); wxString output = wxString::Format(format, path.c_str(), matches.size()); output += wxT("<br><table cellspacing=0>"); unsigned int linecount = 1; const char* subject = buf.data(); const char* end = subject + buf.Length(); const char* linestart = subject; vector<FileMatch>::iterator m = matches.begin(); const char* matchstart = subject + m->start; // Count lines while (subject < end) { if (subject == matchstart) { const size_t column = 1 + (matchstart - linestart); // column ndx starts from 1 const size_t sel_len = m->end - m->start; // Write linenumber with link wxString line = wxString::Format(wxT("<tr><td bgcolor=#f6f6ef align=\"right\"><a href=\"txmt://open/?url=file://%s&line=%d&column=%d&sel=%d\">%d</a></td><td> "), path.c_str(), linecount, column, sel_len, linecount); // Start of line { wxString result = wxString(linestart, wxConvUTF8, matchstart-linestart); SimpleHtmlEncode(result); line += result; } // Match line += wxT("<i style=\"background-color: yellow\">"); const size_t match_len = m->end - m->start; { wxString result = wxString(matchstart, wxConvUTF8, match_len); SimpleHtmlEncode(result); line += result; } line += wxT("</i>"); // End of line const char* const matchend = subject + match_len; const char* lineend = matchend; while (lineend < end && *lineend != '\n') ++lineend; { wxString result = wxString(matchend, wxConvUTF8, lineend - matchend); SimpleHtmlEncode(result); line += result; } line += wxT("</td></tr>"); output += line; ++m; if (m == matches.end()) break; matchstart = buf.data() + m->start; } if (*subject == '\n') { ++linecount; linestart = subject+1; } ++subject; } output += wxT("</table><p>"); m_outputCrit.Enter(); m_output += output; m_outputCrit.Leave(); }
bool SearchThread::PrepareSearchInfo(SearchInfo& si, const wxString& pattern, bool matchCase, bool regex) { si.pattern = pattern; si.matchCase = matchCase; si.regex = NULL; // We need both upper- & lowercase versions for caseless search if (!regex && !matchCase) { si.pattern.MakeLower(); si.patternUpper = pattern; si.patternUpper.MakeUpper(); } // Convert the searchtext to UTF8 // For performance we assume all text to be in utf8 format. // In the future we might want to detect encoding of each file // before searching it, but it will cost us some speed. si.UTF8buffer = wxConvUTF8.cWC2MB(si.pattern); if (regex) { const char *error; int erroffset; // While the pattern is utf-8, we treat it as ascii here. // Otherwise we would have to check all the files if they // were valid utf-8 before searching. int options = PCRE_MULTILINE; if (!matchCase) options |= PCRE_CASELESS; // Compile the pattern si.regex = pcre_compile( si.UTF8buffer.data(), // the pattern options, // options &error, // for error message &erroffset, // for error offset NULL); // use default character tables // Handle errors if (!si.regex) { m_outputCrit.Enter(); m_currentPath = wxT("Invalid pattern: ") + wxString(error, wxConvUTF8); m_outputCrit.Leave(); m_lastError = true; return false; }; } else { si.byte_len = strlen(si.UTF8buffer); if (!matchCase) { si.UTF8bufferUpper = wxConvUTF8.cWC2MB(si.patternUpper); // This algorithm assumes that UTF8 upper- & lowercase chars have same byte width wxASSERT(si.byte_len == strlen(si.UTF8bufferUpper)); } // Build a dictionary of char-to-last distances in the search string // since this is a char, distances in the searchstring can not be longer than 256 memset(si.charmap, si.byte_len, 256); const size_t last_char_pos = si.byte_len-1; for (size_t i = 0; i < last_char_pos; ++i) { si.charmap[si.UTF8buffer[i]] = last_char_pos-i; if (!matchCase) si.charmap[si.UTF8bufferUpper[i]] = last_char_pos-i; } } return true; }
int Execute() { TRACK_THREAD_LOCKER(s_ParserCritical); s_ParserCritical.Enter(); THREAD_LOCKER_SUCCESS(s_ParserCritical); wxString preDefs(m_Parser.m_PredefinedMacros); StringList priorityHeaders(m_Parser.m_PriorityHeaders); StringList batchFiles(m_Parser.m_BatchParseFiles); s_ParserCritical.Leave(); if (!preDefs.IsEmpty()) m_Parser.ParseBuffer(preDefs, false, false); { TRACK_THREAD_LOCKER(s_ParserCritical); wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(s_ParserCritical); THREAD_LOCKER_SUCCESS(s_ParserCritical); m_Parser.m_PredefinedMacros.Clear(); m_Parser.m_IsPriority = true; } while (!priorityHeaders.empty()) { m_Parser.Parse(priorityHeaders.front()); priorityHeaders.pop_front(); } { TRACK_THREAD_LOCKER(s_ParserCritical); wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(s_ParserCritical); THREAD_LOCKER_SUCCESS(s_ParserCritical); m_Parser.m_PriorityHeaders.clear(); m_Parser.m_IsPriority = false; if (m_Parser.m_IgnoreThreadEvents) m_Parser.m_IsFirstBatch = true; } while (!batchFiles.empty()) { m_Parser.Parse(batchFiles.front()); batchFiles.pop_front(); } { TRACK_THREAD_LOCKER(s_ParserCritical); wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(s_ParserCritical); THREAD_LOCKER_SUCCESS(s_ParserCritical); m_Parser.m_BatchParseFiles.clear(); if (m_Parser.m_IgnoreThreadEvents) { m_Parser.m_IgnoreThreadEvents = false; m_Parser.m_IsParsing = true; } } return 0; }