void ActLearn::actLoad(wxFileConfig & fileConfig) { fileConfig.Read("listName", &_listName); double tmp; fileConfig.Read("nbText", &tmp); if(tmp == 0)//La valeur minimums de _nbText est 1. _nbText = 1; else _nbText = tmp; }
void ActTranslationToNotification::actLoad(wxFileConfig& fileConfig) { _lgto = ManGeneral::get().getSystemLanguage(); if( _lgto == wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH) _lgsrc = wxLANGUAGE_FRENCH; else _lgsrc = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH; //On récupère les préférences. wxString lg; lg = fileConfig.Read("lgsrc", wxLocale::GetLanguageName(_lgsrc)); _lgsrc = (wxLanguage)wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(lg)->Language; lg = fileConfig.Read("lgto", wxLocale::GetLanguageName(_lgto)); _lgto = (wxLanguage)wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(lg)->Language; }
void wxFontsManager::SetDefaultFonts(wxFileConfig& cfg) { wxString name; if ( cfg.Read("Default", &name) ) { m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE] = m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN] = m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_SCRIPT] = m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS] = m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN] = m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE] = name; } if ( cfg.Read("DefaultDecorative", &name) ) m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE] = name; if ( cfg.Read("DefaultRoman", &name) ) m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN] = name; if ( cfg.Read("DefaultScript", &name) ) m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_SCRIPT] = name; if ( cfg.Read("DefaultSwiss", &name) ) m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS] = name; if ( cfg.Read("DefaultModern", &name) ) m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN] = name; if ( cfg.Read("DefaultTeletype", &name) ) m_defaultFacenames[wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE] = name; }
static wxString ReadFilePath(const wxString& name, const wxString& dir, wxFileConfig& cfg) { wxString p = cfg.Read(name, wxEmptyString); if ( p.empty() || wxFileName(p).IsAbsolute() ) return p; return dir + "/" + p; }
void wxFontsManager::AddFont(const wxString& dir, const wxString& name, wxFileConfig& cfg) { wxLogTrace("font", "adding font '%s'", name.c_str()); wxConfigPathChanger ch(&cfg, wxString::Format("/%s/", name.c_str())); AddBundle ( new wxFontBundle ( name, ReadFilePath("Regular", dir, cfg), ReadFilePath("Italic", dir, cfg), ReadFilePath("Bold", dir, cfg), ReadFilePath("BoldItalic", dir, cfg), cfg.Read("IsFixed", (long)false) ) ); }
void ManAction::manLoad(wxFileConfig& fileConfig) { wxString stringShortcut; long lIndex; //Avent de charger quoi que se soi on supprime tout les raccourcis/actions removeAll(); //On récupère le premier raccourci. if(!fileConfig.GetFirstGroup(stringShortcut, lIndex)) return; do { //On positionne le path fileConfig.SetPath(stringShortcut+"/"); //Récupérer le type de l'action. wxString actTypeName; fileConfig.Read("ActTypeName", &actTypeName); //Création d'une action a partir de son nom. Action* tmpAct = Action::createAction(actTypeName); //Si la création de l'action a réussie, alor on l'ajoute. if(tmpAct) { //Chargement des préférences de l'action à partir du fichier de configuration. tmpAct->load(fileConfig); //Ajout de l'action. add(ShortcutKey::stringToShortcutKey(stringShortcut), tmpAct); } //On positionne le path fileConfig.SetPath(".."); }//Puis tous les autres while(fileConfig.GetNextGroup(stringShortcut, lIndex)); }
//~~ int GetIconIndex() [AstadeRelation] ~~ wxArrayString names; wxFileConfig theConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, myModelElement->GetFileName().GetFullPath()); wxString RelationType = theConfig.Read(wxS("Astade/RelationType")); if (RelationType == wxS("ImplementationDependency")) { names.Add(wxS("relation")); names.Add(CODE_CPlusPlus); } else if (RelationType == wxS("SpecificationDependency")) { names.Add(wxS("relation")); names.Add(wxS("h")); } else if (RelationType == wxS("Friend")) names.Add(wxS("relation")); else if (RelationType == wxS("Association")) names.Add(wxS("association")); else if (RelationType == wxS("Aggregation")) names.Add(wxS("aggregation")); else if (RelationType == wxS("Composition")) names.Add(wxS("composition")); else if (RelationType == wxS("Generalization")) names.Add(wxS("generalisation")); else assert(false);
//~~ void Load(const wxString fileName) [glFrame] ~~ if (!fileName.empty()) { currentFile = fileName; wxFileName aFile(currentFile); wxFileConfig aConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, aFile.GetFullPath(), wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE | wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH); int saveVersion = 1; bool read = aConfig.Read(wxS("SaveFileVersion"), &saveVersion); if (read && (saveVersion < 2)) { wxMessageBox(wxS("This file has an older graphic format. If you overwrite it with this newer program, the program which has generated this file will not be able to read it any more!"), wxS("Notice!"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this); } int w = 600; aConfig.Read(wxS("Window/XSize"), &w); int h = 400; aConfig.Read(wxS("Window/YSize"), &h); xPixelSlider->SetValue(w); yPixelSlider->SetValue(h); wxScrollEvent dummy; OnSliderMove(dummy); graphicPanel->Load(aConfig); SetTitle(currentFile); isChanged = false; }
//~~ int GetIconIndex() [AstadeTransition] ~~ wxArrayString names; wxFileConfig theConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, myModelElement->GetFileName().GetFullPath()); wxString TransitionType = theConfig.Read(wxS("Astade/TransitionType")); if (TransitionType == wxS("Self")) names.Add(wxS("selftransition")); else if (TransitionType == wxS("Internal")) names.Add(wxS("internaltransition")); else names.Add(wxS("transition")); if (search->isSet(AdeSearch::SearchIsActive)) { switch (myModelElement->Search(*search)) { case AdeSearch::contain: names.Add(wxS("hasfound")); break; case AdeSearch::found: names.Add(wxS("found")); break; default: break; } } else {