void CVIEW_ScatterPlot::_Draw(wxDC &dc, wxRect r)
	r	= _Draw_Get_rDiagram(r);

	if( m_Trend.Get_Data_Count() > 1 )
		if( m_Options("DISPLAY")->asInt() == 1 )
			if( m_Options("DENSITY_LEG")->asBool() )
				r.SetRight(r.GetRight() - 40);

				_Draw_Legend(dc, wxRect(r.GetRight() + 10, r.GetTop(), 40 - 20, r.GetHeight()));

			_Draw_Image (dc, r);
			_Draw_Points(dc, r);

		_Draw_Frame(dc, r);
		Draw_Text(dc, TEXTALIGN_CENTER, r.GetLeft() + r.GetWidth() / 2, r.GetTop() + r.GetHeight() / 2, _TL("Invalid data!"));
예제 #2
void MyHtmlListBox::OnDrawSeparator(wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, size_t) const
    if ( ((MyFrame *)GetParent())->
            GetMenuBar()->IsChecked(HtmlLbox_DrawSeparator) )
        dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.y);
        dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.GetBottom(), rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom());
예제 #3
void wxRibbonAUIArtProvider::DrawPageBackground(
                        wxDC& dc,
                        wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
                        const wxRect& rect)
    dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x + 1, rect.y, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 1);

    dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y, rect.x, rect.y + rect.height);
    dc.DrawLine(rect.GetRight(), rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.y +rect.height);
    dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.GetBottom(), rect.GetRight()+1, rect.GetBottom());
예제 #4
// Draws a focus rectangle (Taken directly from wxWidgets source)
void AColor::DrawFocus(wxDC & dc, wxRect & rect)
   // draw the pixels manually: note that to behave in the same manner as
   // DrawRect(), we must exclude the bottom and right borders from the
   // rectangle
   wxCoord x1 = rect.GetLeft(),
         y1 = rect.GetTop(),
         x2 = rect.GetRight(),
         y2 = rect.GetBottom();

   dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxT("MEDIUM GREY"), 0, wxSOLID));

   // this seems to be closer than what Windows does than wxINVERT although
   // I'm still not sure if it's correct

   wxCoord z;
   for ( z = x1 + 1; z < x2; z += 2 )
      dc.DrawPoint(z, y1);

   wxCoord shift = z == x2 ? 0 : 1;
   for ( z = y1 + shift; z < y2; z += 2 )
      dc.DrawPoint(x2, z);

   shift = z == y2 ? 0 : 1;
   for ( z = x2 - shift; z > x1; z -= 2 )
      dc.DrawPoint(z, y2);

   shift = z == x1 ? 0 : 1;
   for ( z = y2 - shift; z > y1; z -= 2 )
      dc.DrawPoint(x1, z);

예제 #5
파일: window.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
void wxWindowDFB::DoRefreshRect(const wxRect& rect)
    wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
    wxCHECK_RET( parent, "no parent" );

    // don't overlap outside of the window (NB: 'rect' is in window coords):
    wxRect r(rect);
    if ( r.IsEmpty() )

               "%p ('%s'): refresh rect [%i,%i,%i,%i]",
               this, GetName().c_str(),
               rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom());

    // convert the refresh rectangle to parent's coordinates and
    // recursively refresh the parent:

    // normal windows cannot extend out of its parent's client area, so don't
    // refresh any hidden parts:
    if ( !CanBeOutsideClientArea() )

예제 #6
void Stage::InvalidateRect(const wxRect &inRect) {
    wxLogTrace(TRACE_STAGE_DRAWING, wxT("Invalidating: %d %d %d %d"),
               inRect.x, inRect.y, inRect.GetRight(), inRect.GetBottom());

    // We want to make sure that we never try to do any drawing off
    // the edges of the screen. Certain platforms, (like wxMac) get
    // very upset when you try to draw from or to rects that lie off
    // the screen. Since this is how all of the dirty regions enter
    // the system, we clip our dirty rect to the screen and make sure
    // we have something left before continuing.
    wxRect r(inRect.Intersect(wxRect(wxPoint(0, 0), GetSize())));
    if (r.IsEmpty())

    // It's a little bit inelegant to maintain two different dirty lists,
    // but they get cleared by different actions.

    // Trigger screen repaint events--and update our manual refresh
    // list--but only if Quake 2 is not being displayed.  (Quake 2 covers
    // the entire stage, and if we repaint the screen, it will flicker.)
    // The entire screen will automatically be refreshed when Quake 2
    // is hidden.
    if (!GameEngineIsDisplayed()) {
        Refresh(FALSE, &r);
wxRect CVIEW_ScatterPlot::_Draw_Get_rDiagram(wxRect r)
	return(	wxRect(
		wxPoint(r.GetLeft () + 45, r.GetTop   () + 20),
		wxPoint(r.GetRight() - 20, r.GetBottom() - 40)
예제 #8
void wxGridCellIconRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid, wxGridCellAttr& attr, wxDC& dc,
	const wxRect& rectCell, int row, int col, bool isSelected)
	wxGridCellRenderer::Draw(grid, attr, dc, rectCell, row, col, isSelected);
	const char** psz=NULL;
// 	if (grid.GetCellValue(row, col) == wxT("IDI_PC"))
// 		psz = szIconPC;
// 	else psz = szIconNomad;
	wxIcon icon(psz);
//	wxColour colourBackGround = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE);
//	dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(colourBackGround, wxSOLID));
//	dc.SetPen(wxPen(colourBackGround, 1, wxSOLID));
//	dc.DrawRectangle(rectCell);
	int nMargin = (rectCell.GetHeight() - icon.GetHeight()) /2;
	if (nMargin < 0) nMargin = 0;
	dc.DrawIcon(icon, rectCell.x, rectCell.y+nMargin);
	if (m_border == wxLAYOUT_TOP)
		dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxBLACK, 1, wxDOT));
		dc.DrawLine(rectCell.GetRight(), rectCell.GetTop(), 
			rectCell.GetLeft(), rectCell.GetTop());
//	dc.DrawIcon(icon, 16, 0);
/// Gets a rectangle from within another image, INCLUDING the alpha channel
/// \bug in wxWidgets, wxImage::GetSubImage should do this itself.
wxImage GetSubImageWithAlpha( const wxImage & Src,  const wxRect &rect )
   //First part of this code is lifted from wxImage::GetSubImage() source code.
   wxImage image;

   wxCHECK_MSG( Src.Ok(), image, wxT("invalid image") );

   wxCHECK_MSG( (rect.GetLeft()>=0) && (rect.GetTop()>=0) && (
      rect.GetRight()<=Src.GetWidth()) && (rect.GetBottom()<=Src.GetHeight()),
      image, wxT("invalid subimage size") );

   int subwidth=rect.GetWidth();
   const int subheight=rect.GetHeight();

   image.Create( subwidth, subheight, false );

   unsigned char *subdata = image.GetData(), *data=Src.GetData();

   wxCHECK_MSG( subdata, image, wxT("unable to create image") );

   // JKC: Quick hack - don't deal with masks - need to understand macro M_IMGDATA first.
//   if (Src.M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask)
//      image.SetMaskColour( Src.M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed, Src.M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen, Src.M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue );

   int subleft=3*rect.GetLeft();
   int width=3*Src.GetWidth();


   for (long j = 0; j < subheight; ++j)
      memcpy( subdata, data, subwidth);

   // OK, so we've copied the RGB data.
   // Now do the Alpha channel.
   wxASSERT( Src.HasAlpha() );


   data =Src.GetAlpha();
   subdata =image.GetAlpha();


   for (long j = 0; j < subheight; ++j)
      memcpy( subdata, data, subwidth);
   return image;
예제 #10
bool MathCell::InUpdateRegion(wxRect rect)
    (rect.GetRight()  >= m_updateRegion.GetLeft()  ) &&
    (rect.GetLeft()   <= m_updateRegion.GetRight() ) &&
    (rect.GetBottom() >= m_updateRegion.GetTop()   ) &&
    (rect.GetTop()    <= m_updateRegion.GetBottom());
예제 #11
 void configuration_visitor::set_bbox(const wxRect& r) {
     boost::shared_ptr<vector_layer_ghost> ghost = m_panel->vectorlayerghost();
     if(!ghost) return;
     ghost->add_point(wxRealPoint(r.GetLeft (),r.GetTop   ()));
     ghost->m_penRectangle = wxPen(*wxRED, 2, wxDOT);
     ghost->m_brushRectangle = wxBrush(*wxRED, wxTRANSPARENT);
예제 #12
// Calculate the area that contains both rectangles
static wxRect CombineRectangles(const wxRect& rect1, const wxRect& rect2)
    wxRect rect;
    int right1 = rect1.GetRight();
    int bottom1 = rect1.GetBottom();
    int right2 = rect2.GetRight();
    int bottom2 = rect2.GetBottom();
    wxPoint topLeft = wxPoint(wxMin(rect1.x, rect2.x), wxMin(rect1.y, rect2.y));
    wxPoint bottomRight = wxPoint(wxMax(right1, right2), wxMax(bottom1, bottom2));
    rect.x = topLeft.x; rect.y = topLeft.y;
    return rect;
예제 #13
void wxStdRenderer::DrawFrameWithoutLabel(wxDC& dc,
                                          const wxRect& rectFrame,
                                          const wxRect& rectLabel)
    // draw left, bottom and right lines entirely
    DrawVerticalLine(dc, rectFrame.GetLeft(),
                     rectFrame.GetTop(), rectFrame.GetBottom() - 2);
    DrawHorizontalLine(dc, rectFrame.GetBottom() - 1,
                       rectFrame.GetLeft(), rectFrame.GetRight());
    DrawVerticalLine(dc, rectFrame.GetRight() - 1,
                     rectFrame.GetTop(), rectFrame.GetBottom() - 1);

    // and 2 parts of the top line
    DrawHorizontalLine(dc, rectFrame.GetTop(),
                       rectFrame.GetLeft() + 1, rectLabel.GetLeft());
    DrawHorizontalLine(dc, rectFrame.GetTop(),
                       rectLabel.GetRight(), rectFrame.GetRight() - 2);
void CVIEW_ScatterPlot::_Draw_Legend(wxDC &dc, wxRect r)
	CSG_Colors	Colors(*m_Options("DENSITY_PAL")->asColors());


	for(int i=0, y=r.GetBottom(); i<Colors.Get_Count(); i++, y--)
		Draw_FillRect(dc, Get_Color_asWX(Colors.Get_Color(i)), r.GetLeft(), y, r.GetRight(), y + 1);

//	r.Offset(0, -r.GetHeight());

	Draw_Edge(dc, EDGE_STYLE_SIMPLE, r);

	Draw_Text(dc, TEXTALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT, 2 + r.GetRight(), r.GetBottom(), "0");
	Draw_Text(dc, TEXTALIGN_TOPLEFT   , 2 + r.GetRight(), r.GetTop   (), wxString::Format("%d", (int)m_Count.Get_Max()));
예제 #15
bool EditorPrintout::OnPrintPage(int pageNum) {
	wxASSERT(m_line && m_lineList);

	if (m_pages.empty()) return true;

	unsigned int page_ndx = pageNum-1; // page numbers start from one
	const unsigned int lastline = m_pages[page_ndx];
	unsigned int line_id = page_ndx ? m_pages[page_ndx-1]+1 : 0;

	// Make page size scale with screen resolution
	const wxRect rect = GetLogicalPageRect();
	unsigned int ypos = rect.y;

	// We may have gotten a new dc, so we need a new line
	wxDC& dc = *GetDC();
	const wxFont& font = m_theme.font;

	FixedLine line(dc, m_printDoc.GetDocument(), s_sel, s_brackets, s_lastpos, s_isShadow, m_theme);
	line.SetWidth(rect.width - m_gutter_width);

	// Draw gutter separator
	const unsigned int sep_xpos = m_gutter_width - 5;
	const unsigned int number_right = m_gutter_width - 8;
	dc.DrawLine(sep_xpos, rect.y, sep_xpos, rect.y + m_page_height);

	// Draw lines
	while (line_id <= lastline) {
		// Draw line number
		const wxString linenumber = wxString::Format(wxT("%u"), line_id+1);
		const wxSize ln_ext = dc.GetTextExtent(linenumber);
		dc.DrawText(linenumber, number_right - ln_ext.x, ypos);

		// Draw line
		line.SetLine(m_lineList->offset(line_id), m_lineList->end(line_id));
		line.DrawLine(rect.x + m_gutter_width, ypos, rect, false);

		ypos += line.GetHeight();

	// Draw footer title
	ypos = rect.GetBottom() - m_line->GetCharHeight();
	dc.DrawText(m_printDoc.GetName(), 0, ypos);

	// Draw footer pagenum
	const wxString pagefooter = wxString::Format(wxT("%d / %d"), pageNum, m_pages.size());
	const wxSize extent = dc.GetTextExtent(pagefooter);
	dc.DrawText(pagefooter, rect.GetRight() - extent.x, ypos);

	return true;
예제 #16
void wxRibbonMetroArtProvider::DrawToolGroupBackground(wxDC& dc, wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd), const wxRect& rect)
    // TODO: there is no DrawToolGroupSeparator method currently
    wxRect line;
    line.x = rect.GetRight() + 4;
    line.y = rect.GetY() + 5;
    line.width = 1;
    line.height = rect.GetHeight() - 10;
    dc.GradientFillLinear(line, wxColour(232, 234, 237), wxColour(178, 183, 189), wxSOUTH);
예제 #17
wxDCOverlay::wxDCOverlay(wxOverlay &overlay, wxDC *dc) :
    const wxRect device(wxPoint(0, 0), dc->GetSize());

예제 #18
CEGUI::Imageset* EditorDocument::generateRealImageset(const wxString& pathName)
    const String imagesetName ( CEGUIHelper::ToCEGUIString( m_imagesetName ) );
    const String imageFilename ( CEGUIHelper::ToCEGUIString( pathName + m_imageFilename ) );

    ImagesetManager& isMgr = ImagesetManager::getSingleton();

    if ( isMgr.isImagesetPresent( imagesetName ) )
        // TODO: Maybe ask user whether to continue here?
        isMgr.destroyImageset( imagesetName );

    // create the imageset
    Imageset* imageset = isMgr.createImagesetFromImageFile( imagesetName, imageFilename );

    // auto-scale options
    imageset->setAutoScalingEnabled( m_autoScaled );
    imageset->setNativeResolution( CEGUI::Size( m_nativeResolution.x, m_nativeResolution.y ) );

    // iterate over all the elements in the class
    mapNamedRegion::iterator it;
    for( it = m_mapSetRectangles.begin(); it != m_mapSetRectangles.end(); ++it )
        const String imageName = CEGUIHelper::ToCEGUIString( wxString( it->first ) );

        if ( !imageset->isImageDefined( imageName ) )
            const wxRect r( it->second );
            const CEGUI::Rect newDim( ( ( r.GetLeft() > 0 ) ? r.GetLeft() : 0 ),
                               ( ( r.GetTop() > 0 ) ? r.GetTop() : 0 ),
                               ( ( r.GetRight() + 1 > 0 ) ? r.GetRight() + 1 : 0 ),
                               ( ( r.GetBottom() + 1 > 0 ) ? r.GetBottom() + 1 : 0 ) );
            const CEGUI::Point p ( 0.0f, 0.0f );
            imageset->defineImage( imageName, newDim, p );

    if ( imageset->isImageDefined ( "full_image" ) )
        imageset->undefineImage( "full_image" );

    return imageset;
예제 #19
wxRect MathCell::CropToUpdateRegion(wxRect rect)
  int left  =rect.GetLeft();
  int top   =rect.GetTop ();
  int right =rect.GetRight();
  int bottom=rect.GetBottom();
  if (left   < m_updateRegion.GetLeft())   left   = m_updateRegion.GetLeft();
  if (right  > m_updateRegion.GetRight())  right  = m_updateRegion.GetRight();
  if (top    < m_updateRegion.GetTop())    top    = m_updateRegion.GetTop();
  if (bottom > m_updateRegion.GetBottom()) bottom = m_updateRegion.GetBottom();
  return wxRect(wxPoint(left,top),wxPoint(right,bottom));
예제 #20
void wxRibbonAUIArtProvider::DrawTabCtrlBackground(
                        wxDC& dc,
                        wxWindow* WXUNUSED(wnd),
                        const wxRect& rect)
    wxRect gradient_rect(rect);
    dc.GradientFillLinear(gradient_rect, m_tab_ctrl_background_colour,
        m_tab_ctrl_background_gradient_colour, wxSOUTH);
    dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.GetBottom(), rect.GetRight()+1, rect.GetBottom());
예제 #21
void TGraphScale::DrawMark ( wxDC &dc , float p , wxRect &ir , wxString text , bool big )
	int x , y , z ;
 	if ( horizontal )
    	x = GetRealCoord ( p , ir ) ;
    	y = ir.y + ir.height / 2 ;
    	z = big ? 0 : ir.height / 4 ;
    	if ( x < ir.x || x > ir.GetRight() ) return ;
    	x = ir.x + ir.width / 2 ;
    	y = GetRealCoord ( p , ir ) ;
    	z = big ? 0 : ir.width / 4 ;
    	if ( y < ir.y || y > ir.GetBottom() ) return ;
	while ( text.Last() == '0' ) text = text.Left ( text.length() - 1 ) ;
   while ( text.Last() == '.' ) text = text.Left ( text.length() - 1 ) ;
   int tw , th ;
   dc.GetTextExtent ( text , &tw , &th ) ;
   if ( horizontal )
	    if ( left ) dc.DrawLine ( x , y-z , x , ir.y ) ;
	    else dc.DrawLine ( x , y+z , x , ir.GetBottom() ) ;
	    x -= tw / 2 ;
	    y = left ? ir.GetBottom() - th : ir.y ;
	    if ( left ) dc.DrawLine ( ir.x , y , x-z , y ) ;
	    else dc.DrawLine ( x+z , y , ir.GetRight() , y ) ;
	    y -= th / 2 ;
	    x = left ? ir.GetRight() - tw : ir.x ;

   if ( big ) dc.DrawText ( text , x , y ) ;
예제 #22
void wxStdRenderer::DrawCheckOrRadioButton(wxDC& dc,
                                           const wxString& label,
                                           const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                           const wxRect& rect,
                                           int flags,
                                           wxAlignment align,
                                           int indexAccel)
    // calculate the position of the bitmap and of the label
    wxCoord heightBmp = bitmap.GetHeight();
    wxCoord xBmp,
            yBmp = rect.y + (rect.height - heightBmp) / 2;

    wxRect rectLabel;
    dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(label, NULL, &rectLabel.height);
    rectLabel.y = rect.y + (rect.height - rectLabel.height) / 2;

    // align label vertically with the bitmap - looks nicer like this
    rectLabel.y -= (rectLabel.height - heightBmp) % 2;

    // calc horz position
    if ( align == wxALIGN_RIGHT )
        xBmp = rect.GetRight() - bitmap.GetWidth();
        rectLabel.x = rect.x + 3;
    else // normal (checkbox to the left of the text) case
        xBmp = rect.x;
        rectLabel.x = xBmp + bitmap.GetWidth() + 5;

    dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, xBmp, yBmp, true /* use mask */);

    DrawLabel(dc, label, rectLabel, flags,
              wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_TOP, indexAccel);
void CDLG_Parameters::Set_Position(wxRect r)
	if( m_pInfo && m_pInfo->IsShown() )
		r.SetWidth(r.GetWidth() / 2 - 4);

		r.SetLeft(r.GetRight() + 9);
예제 #24
void wxNonOwnedWindow::DoRefreshRect(const wxRect& rect)
    // don't overlap outside of the window (NB: 'rect' is in window coords):
    wxRect r(rect);
    if ( r.IsEmpty() )

               "%p ('%s'): [TLW] refresh rect [%i,%i,%i,%i]",
               this, GetName().c_str(),
               rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom());

    // defer painting until idle time or until Update() is called:
예제 #25
    wxToolInfo(HWND hwndOwner, unsigned int id, const wxRect& rc)
        // initialize all members
        ::ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(TOOLINFO));

        // the structure TOOLINFO has been extended with a 4 byte field in
        // version 4.70 of comctl32.dll and another one in 5.01 but we don't
        // use these extended fields so use the old struct size to ensure that
        // the tooltips work on old (Windows 95) systems too
        cbSize = TTTOOLINFO_V1_SIZE;

        hwnd = hwndOwner;

        if (rc.IsEmpty())
            uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND;
            uId = (UINT_PTR)hwndOwner;
            // this tooltip must be shown only if the mouse hovers a specific rect
            // of the hwnd parameter!
            rect.left = rc.GetLeft();
            rect.right = rc.GetRight();
            rect.top = rc.GetTop();
            rect.bottom = rc.GetBottom();

            // note that not setting TTF_IDISHWND from the uFlags member means that the
            // ti.uId field should not contain the HWND but rather as MSDN says an
            // "Application-defined identifier of the tool"; this is used internally by
            // Windows to distinguish the different tooltips attached to the same window
            uId = id;

        // we use TTF_TRANSPARENT to fix a problem which arises at least with
        // the text controls but may presumably happen with other controls
        // which display the tooltip at mouse position: it can start flashing
        // then as the control gets "focus lost" events and dismisses the
        // tooltip which then reappears because mouse remains hovering over the
        // control, see SF patch 1821229
        if ( wxApp::GetComCtl32Version() >= 470 )
            uFlags |= TTF_TRANSPARENT;
예제 #26
vector< wxRect > GetCoverage( const wxRect& viewport, const wxRect& canvas, const wxSize& gridSize )
    const wxRect clippedViewport( canvas.Intersect( viewport ) );

    vector< wxRect > coverage;
    const int top    = clippedViewport.GetTop()    / gridSize.y;
    const int bottom = clippedViewport.GetBottom() / gridSize.y;
    const int left   = clippedViewport.GetLeft()   / gridSize.x;
    const int right  = clippedViewport.GetRight()  / gridSize.x;
    for( int y = top; y <= bottom; ++y )
        for( int x = left; x <= right; ++x )
            const wxRect candidate( x * gridSize.x, y * gridSize.y, gridSize.x, gridSize.y );
            const wxRect clipped( canvas.Intersect( candidate ) );
            coverage.push_back( clipped );
    return coverage;
예제 #27
wxStdRenderer::DrawFocusRect(wxWindow* WXUNUSED(win), wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int WXUNUSED(flags))
    // draw the pixels manually because the "dots" in wxPen with wxDOT style
    // may be short traits and not really dots
    // note that to behave in the same manner as DrawRect(), we must exclude
    // the bottom and right borders from the rectangle
    wxCoord x1 = rect.GetLeft(),
            y1 = rect.GetTop(),
            x2 = rect.GetRight(),
            y2 = rect.GetBottom();


    // this seems to be closer than what Windows does than wxINVERT although
    // I'm still not sure if it's correct

    wxCoord z;
    for ( z = x1 + 1; z < x2; z += 2 )
        dc.DrawPoint(z, rect.GetTop());

    wxCoord shift = z == x2 ? 0 : 1;
    for ( z = y1 + shift; z < y2; z += 2 )
        dc.DrawPoint(x2, z);

    shift = z == y2 ? 0 : 1;
    for ( z = x2 - shift; z > x1; z -= 2 )
        dc.DrawPoint(z, y2);

    shift = z == x1 ? 0 : 1;
    for ( z = y2 - shift; z > y1; z -= 2 )
        dc.DrawPoint(x1, z);

예제 #28
파일: window.cpp 프로젝트: beanhome/dev
void wxWindowDFB::PaintWindow(const wxRect& rect)
    wxCHECK_RET( !IsFrozen() && IsShown(), "shouldn't be called" );

               "%p ('%s'): painting region [%i,%i,%i,%i]",
               this, GetName().c_str(),
               rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom());

    m_updateRegion = rect;

    // FIXME_DFB: don't waste time rendering the area if it's fully covered
    //            by some children, go directly to rendering the children
    //            (unless some child has HasTransparentBackground()=true!)

    // NB: unconditionally send wxEraseEvent, because our implementation of
    //     wxWindow::Refresh() ignores the eraseBack argument
    wxWindowDC dc((wxWindow*)this);
    wxEraseEvent eventEr(m_windowId, &dc);

    wxRect clientRect(GetClientRect());

    // only send wxNcPaintEvent if drawing at least part of nonclient area:
    if ( !clientRect.Contains(rect) )
        wxNcPaintEvent eventNc(GetId());
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT, "%p ('%s'): not sending wxNcPaintEvent",
                   this, GetName().c_str());

    // only send wxPaintEvent if drawing at least part of client area:
    if ( rect.Intersects(clientRect) )
        wxPaintEvent eventPt(GetId());
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT, "%p ('%s'): not sending wxPaintEvent",
                   this, GetName().c_str());

    // draw window's overlays on top of the painted window, if we have any:


    // client area portion of 'rect':
    wxRect rectClientOnly(rect);

    // paint the children:
    wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    wxWindowList& children = GetChildren();
    for ( wxWindowList::iterator i = children.begin();
          i != children.end(); ++i )
        wxWindow *child = *i;

        if ( child->IsFrozen() || !child->IsShown() )
            continue; // don't paint anything if the window is frozen or hidden

        // compute child's area to repaint
        wxRect childrect(child->GetRect());

        if ( child->CanBeOutsideClientArea() )

        if ( childrect.IsEmpty() )

        // and repaint it:
예제 #29
파일: toplvcmn.cpp 프로젝트: mark711/Cafu
void wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoCentre(int dir)
    // on some platforms centering top level windows is impossible
    // because they are always maximized by guidelines or limitations
    // and centering a maximized window doesn't make sense as its position
    // can't change
    if ( IsAlwaysMaximized() || IsMaximized() )

    // we need the display rect anyhow so store it first: notice that we should
    // be centered on the same display as our parent window, the display of
    // this window itself is not really defined yet
    int nDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(GetParent() ? GetParent() : this);
    wxDisplay dpy(nDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND ? 0 : nDisplay);
    const wxRect rectDisplay(dpy.GetClientArea());

    // what should we centre this window on?
    wxRect rectParent;
    if ( !(dir & wxCENTRE_ON_SCREEN) && GetParent() )
        // centre on parent window: notice that we need screen coordinates for
        // positioning this TLW
        rectParent = GetParent()->GetScreenRect();

        // if the parent is entirely off screen (happens at least with MDI
        // parent frame under Mac but could happen elsewhere too if the frame
        // was hidden/moved away for some reason), don't use it as otherwise
        // this window wouldn't be visible at all
        if ( !rectParent.Intersects(rectDisplay) )
            // just centre on screen then
            rectParent = rectDisplay;
        // we were explicitly asked to centre this window on the entire screen
        // or if we have no parent anyhow and so can't centre on it
        rectParent = rectDisplay;

    if ( !(dir & wxBOTH) )
        dir |= wxBOTH; // if neither is specified, center in both directions

    // the new window rect candidate
    wxRect rect = GetRect().CentreIn(rectParent, dir & ~wxCENTRE_ON_SCREEN);

    // we don't want to place the window off screen if Centre() is called as
    // this is (almost?) never wanted and it would be very difficult to prevent
    // it from happening from the user code if we didn't check for it here
    if ( !rectDisplay.Contains(rect.GetTopLeft()) )
        // move the window just enough to make the corner visible
        int dx = rectDisplay.GetLeft() - rect.GetLeft();
        int dy = rectDisplay.GetTop() - rect.GetTop();
        rect.Offset(dx > 0 ? dx : 0, dy > 0 ? dy : 0);

    if ( !rectDisplay.Contains(rect.GetBottomRight()) )
        // do the same for this corner too
        int dx = rectDisplay.GetRight() - rect.GetRight();
        int dy = rectDisplay.GetBottom() - rect.GetBottom();
        rect.Offset(dx < 0 ? dx : 0, dy < 0 ? dy : 0);

    // the window top left and bottom right corner are both visible now and
    // although the window might still be not entirely on screen (with 2
    // staggered displays for example) we wouldn't be able to improve the
    // layout much in such case, so we stop here

    // -1 could be valid coordinate here if there are several displays
    SetSize(rect, wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE);
예제 #30
void wxSFGridShape::FitShapeToRect(wxSFShapeBase *shape, const wxRect& rct)
    wxRect shapeBB = shape->GetBoundingBox();
    wxRealPoint prevPos = shape->GetRelativePosition();

    // do vertical alignment
    switch( shape->GetVAlign() )
        case valignTOP:
            shape->SetRelativePosition( prevPos.x, rct.GetTop() + shape->GetVBorder() );

        case valignMIDDLE:
            shape->SetRelativePosition( prevPos.x, rct.GetTop() + (rct.GetHeight()/2 - shapeBB.GetHeight()/2) );

        case valignBOTTOM:
            shape->SetRelativePosition( prevPos.x, rct.GetBottom() - shapeBB.GetHeight() - shape->GetVBorder() );

        case valignEXPAND:
            if( shape->ContainsStyle( sfsSIZE_CHANGE ) )
                shape->SetRelativePosition( prevPos.x, rct.GetTop() + shape->GetVBorder() );
                shape->Scale( 1.f, double(rct.GetHeight() - 2*shape->GetVBorder())/shapeBB.GetHeight() );

            shape->SetRelativePosition( prevPos.x, rct.GetTop() );

    prevPos = shape->GetRelativePosition();

    // do horizontal alignment
    switch( shape->GetHAlign() )
        case halignLEFT:
            shape->SetRelativePosition( rct.GetLeft() + shape->GetHBorder(), prevPos.y );

        case halignCENTER:
            shape->SetRelativePosition( rct.GetLeft() + (rct.GetWidth()/2 - shapeBB.GetWidth()/2), prevPos.y );

        case halignRIGHT:
            shape->SetRelativePosition( rct.GetRight() - shapeBB.GetWidth() - shape->GetHBorder(), prevPos.y );

        case halignEXPAND:
            if( shape->ContainsStyle( sfsSIZE_CHANGE ) )
                shape->SetRelativePosition( rct.GetLeft() + shape->GetHBorder(), prevPos.y );
                shape->Scale( double(rct.GetWidth() - 2*shape->GetHBorder())/shapeBB.GetWidth(), 1.f );

            shape->SetRelativePosition( rct.GetLeft(), prevPos.y );