예제 #1
파일: setting.cpp 프로젝트: Carye/gdipp
void gdipp_setting::load_gdimm_process(const xpath_node_set &process_nodes)
	// backward iterate so that first-coming process settings overwrites last-coming ones

	xpath_node_set::const_iterator node_iter = process_nodes.end();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < process_nodes.size(); i++, node_iter--)
		// only store the setting items which match the current process name

		const xml_node curr_proc = node_iter->node();
		const xml_attribute name_attr = curr_proc.attribute(L"name");

		bool process_matched = name_attr.empty();
		if (!process_matched)
			const wregex name_ex(name_attr.value(), regex_flags);
			process_matched = regex_match(_process_name, name_ex);

		if (process_matched)
			for (xml_node::iterator set_iter = node_iter->node().begin(); set_iter != node_iter->node().end(); set_iter++)
				parse_gdimm_setting_node(*set_iter, _process_setting);
예제 #2
파일: setting.cpp 프로젝트: Carye/gdipp
void gdipp_setting::load_gdimm_font(const xpath_node_set &font_node)
	for (xpath_node_set::const_iterator node_iter = font_node.begin(); node_iter != font_node.end(); node_iter++)
		setting_map curr_settings;

		for (xml_node::iterator set_iter = node_iter->node().begin(); set_iter != node_iter->node().end(); set_iter++)
			parse_gdimm_setting_node(*set_iter, curr_settings);

		const xml_node curr_font = node_iter->node();
		const xml_attribute name_attr = curr_font.attribute(L"name");
		const xml_attribute bold_attr = curr_font.attribute(L"bold");
		const xml_attribute italic_attr = curr_font.attribute(L"italic");
		const xml_attribute max_height_attr = curr_font.attribute(L"max_height");

		// negative indicates such optional attribute is not specified
		const gdimm_font_node new_font = {(name_attr.empty() ? wstring() : name_attr.value()),
			(bold_attr.empty() ? -1 : bold_attr.as_uint()),
			(italic_attr.empty() ? -1 : italic_attr.as_uint()),
			(max_height_attr.empty() ? -1 : max_height_attr.as_uint()),