 * \qmlmethod void AccountService::authenticate(jsobject sessionData)
 * Perform the authentication on this account. The \a sessionData dictionary is
 * optional and if not given the value of \l {authData}{authData::parameters} will be used.
 * Each call to this method will cause either of \l authenticated or
 * \l authenticationError signals to be emitted at some time later. Note that
 * the authentication might involve interactions with the network or with the
 * end-user, so don't expect these signals to be emitted immediately.
 * \sa authenticated, authenticationError
void AccountService::authenticate(const QVariantMap &sessionData)
    DEBUG() << sessionData;
    if (Q_UNLIKELY(accountService == 0)) {
        QVariantMap error;
        error.insert("code", NoAccountError);
        error.insert("message", QLatin1String("Invalid AccountService"));
        Q_EMIT authenticationError(error);

    Accounts::AuthData authData = accountService->authData();
    if (identity == 0) {
        quint32 credentialsId = credentialsIdProperty.read().toUInt();
        if (credentialsId == 0)
            credentialsId = authData.credentialsId();
        identity =
            SignOn::Identity::existingIdentity(credentialsId, this);
    if (authSession == 0) {
        authSession = identity->createSession(authData.method());
        QObject::connect(authSession, SIGNAL(response(const SignOn::SessionData&)),
                         SLOT(onAuthSessionResponse(const SignOn::SessionData&)));
        QObject::connect(authSession, SIGNAL(error(const SignOn::Error&)),
                         this, SLOT(onAuthSessionError(const SignOn::Error&)));
void XTelepathyPasswordAuthOperation::storeCredentials(const QString &secret)
    QString username = m_account->parameters().value(QStringLiteral("account")).toString();
    Accounts::Manager *manager = KAccounts::accountsManager();
    Accounts::Account *account = manager->account(m_accountStorageId);
    SignOn::Identity *identity;

    if (account) {
        Accounts::AccountService *service = new Accounts::AccountService(account, manager->service(QString()), this);
        Accounts::AuthData authData = service->authData();
        identity = SignOn::Identity::existingIdentity(authData.credentialsId(), this);
    } else {
        // there's no valid KAccounts account, so let's try creating one
        QString providerName = QStringLiteral("ktp-");


        qDebug() << "Creating account with providerName" << providerName;

        account = manager->createAccount(providerName);
        account->setValue("uid", m_account->objectPath());
        account->setValue("username", username);
        account->setValue(QStringLiteral("auth/mechanism"), QStringLiteral("password"));
        account->setValue(QStringLiteral("auth/method"), QStringLiteral("password"));


        Accounts::ServiceList services = account->services();
        Q_FOREACH(const Accounts::Service &service, services) {
 * \qmlproperty jsobject AccountService::authData
 * An object providing information about the authentication.
 * The returned object will have at least these members:
 * \list
 * \li \c method is the authentication method
 * \li \c mechanism is the authentication mechanism (a sub-specification of the
 *     method)
 * \li \c parameters is a dictionary of authentication parameters
 * \li \c credentialsId is the numeric identified of the credentials in the
 * secrets storage. See the \l Credentials element for more info.
 * \endlist
QVariantMap AccountService::authData() const
    QVariantMap map;
    if (Q_UNLIKELY(accountService == 0)) return map;

    Accounts::AuthData data = accountService->authData();
    map.insert("method", data.method());
    map.insert("mechanism", data.mechanism());
    map.insert("credentialsId", data.credentialsId());
    map.insert("parameters", data.parameters());
    return map;