FileNode::FileNode(char* dirname,char* plugin,std::istream &cfile,userspec_t &user) { plug=NULL; init=NULL; point=std::string(dirname); plugname=std::string(plugin); // handle=dlopen(plugin,RTLD_LAZY); handle=dlopen(plugin,RTLD_NOW); if(!handle) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, dlerror()); logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Can't load plugin %s for access point %s", plugin, dirname); return; }; init=(plugin_init_t)dlsym(handle,"init"); if(init == NULL) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Plugin %s for access point %s is broken.", plugin, dirname); dlclose(handle); handle=NULL; return; }; if((plug=init(cfile,user,*this)) == NULL) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Plugin %s for access point %s is broken.", plugin, dirname); dlclose(handle); handle=NULL; init=NULL; return; }; if(plug->acquire() != 1) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Plugin %s for access point %s acquire failed (should never happen).", plugin, dirname); delete plug; dlclose(handle); handle=NULL; init=NULL; plug=NULL; return; }; }
FileNode& FileNode::operator= (const FileNode &node) { logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "FileNode: operator= (%s <- %s) %lu <- %lu", point, node.point, (unsigned long int)this, (unsigned long int)(&node)); if(plug) if(plug->release() == 0) { logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Copying with dlclose"); delete plug; dlclose(handle); handle=NULL; init=NULL; plug=NULL; }; point=node.point; plugname=node.plugname; plug=node.plug; handle=node.handle; return *this; }
int FilePlugin::release(void) { count--; if(count < 0) { logger.msg(Arc::WARNING, "FilePlugin: more unload than load"); count=0; }; return count; }
int AuthUser::match_ldap(const char* line) { #ifdef HAVE_LDAP for(;;) { std::string u(""); int n = gridftpd::input_escaped_string(line,u,' ','"'); if(n == 0) break; line+=n; try { Arc::URL url(u.c_str()); if(url.Protocol() != "ldap") return AAA_FAILURE; std::string usersn(""); gridftpd::LdapQuery ldap(url.Host(), url.Port(), false, usersn); logger.msg(Arc::INFO, "Connecting to %s:%i", url.Host(), url.Port()); logger.msg(Arc::INFO, "Quering at %s", url.Path()); std::vector<std::string> attrs; attrs.push_back("description"); try { ldap.Query(url.Path(),"",attrs,gridftpd::LdapQuery::onelevel); } catch (gridftpd::LdapQueryError& e) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to query LDAP server %s", u); return AAA_FAILURE; }; result_t r(subject.c_str()); try { ldap.Result(&result_callback,&r) ; } catch (gridftpd::LdapQueryError& e) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to get results from LDAP server %s", u); return AAA_FAILURE; }; if(r.decision==AAA_POSITIVE_MATCH) { // just a placeholder default_voms_=NULL; default_vo_=NULL; default_role_=NULL; default_capability_=NULL; default_vgroup_=NULL; }; return r.decision; } catch (std::exception& e) { return AAA_FAILURE; }; }; return AAA_NO_MATCH; #else logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "LDAP authorization is not supported"); return AAA_FAILURE; #endif }
void GridFTP_Commands::data_connect_store_callback(void* arg,globus_ftp_control_handle_t*,unsigned int /* stripendx */,globus_bool_t /* reused */,globus_object_t *error) { GridFTP_Commands *it = (GridFTP_Commands*)arg; logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "data_connect_store_callback"); globus_thread_blocking_will_block(); globus_mutex_lock(&(it->data_lock)); it->time_spent_disc=0; it->time_spent_network=0; it->last_action_time=time(NULL); logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Data channel connected (store)"); if(it->check_abort(error)) { it->froot.close(false); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; it->data_eof = false; /* make buffers */ it->compute_data_buffer(); if(!(it->allocate_data_buffer())) { it->froot.close(false); it->force_abort(); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; /* register all available buffers */ it->data_callbacks=0; globus_result_t res = GLOBUS_SUCCESS; for(unsigned int i = 0;i<it->data_buffer_num;i++) { if(!((it->data_buffer)[i].data)) continue; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(&(it->data_buffer[i].time_last),&tz); res=globus_ftp_control_data_read(&(it->handle), (globus_byte_t*)(it->data_buffer[i].data), it->data_buffer_size, &data_store_callback,it); if(res==GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { it->data_callbacks++; } else { break; }; }; if(it->data_callbacks==0) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to register any buffer"); if(res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Globus error: %s", Arc::GlobusResult(res).str()); }; it->froot.close(false); it->free_data_buffer(); it->force_abort(); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }
/* *** list transfer callbacks *** */ void GridFTP_Commands::list_retrieve_callback(void* arg,globus_ftp_control_handle_t*,globus_object_t *error,globus_byte_t* /* buffer */,globus_size_t /* length */,globus_off_t /* offset */,globus_bool_t /* eof */) { GridFTP_Commands *it = (GridFTP_Commands*)arg; globus_mutex_lock(&(it->data_lock)); it->last_action_time=time(NULL); if(it->check_abort(error)) { it->free_data_buffer(); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; globus_bool_t eodf; globus_size_t size; if(it->dir_list_pointer == it->dir_list.end()) { it->virt_offset=0; it->transfer_mode=false; it->free_data_buffer(); logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Closing channel (list)"); it->send_response("226 Transfer completed.\r\n"); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; globus_ftp_control_local_send_eof(&(it->handle),GLOBUS_TRUE); ++(it->dir_list_pointer); if(it->dir_list_pointer == it->dir_list.end()) { size=0; eodf=GLOBUS_TRUE; } else { size=make_list_string(*(it->dir_list_pointer),it->list_mode, it->data_buffer[0].data,it->data_buffer_size, it->list_name_prefix.c_str()); eodf=GLOBUS_FALSE; }; globus_result_t res; res=globus_ftp_control_data_write(&(it->handle), (globus_byte_t*)(it->data_buffer[0].data), size,it->list_offset,eodf, &list_retrieve_callback,it); if(res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { it->free_data_buffer(); it->force_abort(); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); }
void GridFTP_Commands::list_connect_retrieve_callback(void* arg,globus_ftp_control_handle_t*,unsigned int /* stripendx */,globus_bool_t /* reused */,globus_object_t *error) { GridFTP_Commands *it = (GridFTP_Commands*)arg; globus_mutex_lock(&(it->data_lock)); it->last_action_time=time(NULL); if(it->check_abort(error)) { globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; it->data_buffer_size=4096; it->data_buffer_num=1; if(!it->allocate_data_buffer()) { it->force_abort(); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; it->dir_list_pointer=it->dir_list.begin(); globus_size_t size; globus_bool_t eodf; if(it->dir_list_pointer == it->dir_list.end()) { size=0; eodf=GLOBUS_TRUE; } else { size=make_list_string(*(it->dir_list_pointer),it->list_mode, it->data_buffer[0].data,it->data_buffer_size, it->list_name_prefix.c_str()); eodf=GLOBUS_FALSE; }; it->list_offset = 0; logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Data channel connected (list)"); globus_ftp_control_local_send_eof(&(it->handle),GLOBUS_TRUE); globus_result_t res; res=globus_ftp_control_data_write(&(it->handle), (globus_byte_t*)(it->data_buffer[0].data), size,it->list_offset,eodf, &list_retrieve_callback,it); if(res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { it->free_data_buffer(); it->force_abort(); globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; it->list_offset+=size; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); }
int AuthUser::match_file(const char* line) { std::list<std::string> tokens; Arc::tokenize(line, tokens, " ", "\"", "\""); for(std::list<std::string>::iterator s = tokens.begin();s!=tokens.end();++s) { std::ifstream f(s->c_str()); if(!f.is_open()) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to read file %s", *s); return AAA_FAILURE; }; for(;f.good();) { std::string buf; getline(f,buf); int res = evaluate(buf.c_str()); if(res != AAA_NO_MATCH) { f.close(); return res; }; }; f.close(); }; return AAA_NO_MATCH; }
// TODO: In a future accept and store ALL policies. Let it fail at PDP level. // Currently code fails immediately if policy not recognized. // Alternatively behavior may be configurable. static bool get_proxy_policy(X509* cert,DelegationMultiSecAttr* sattr) { bool result = false; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_PROXY PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION *pci = (PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION*)X509_get_ext_d2i(cert,NID_proxyCertInfo,NULL,NULL); if(!pci) return true; // No proxy switch (OBJ_obj2nid(pci->proxyPolicy->policyLanguage)) { case NID_Independent: { // No rights granted // Either such situation should be disallowed or // policy should be generated which granst no right for enything. // First option is easier to implement so using it at least yet. logger.msg(DEBUG,"Independent proxy - no rights granted"); }; break; case NID_id_ppl_inheritAll: { // All right granted. No additional policies should be enforced. logger.msg(DEBUG,"Proxy with all rights inherited"); result=true; }; break; case NID_id_ppl_anyLanguage: { // Here we store ARC policy // Either this is ARC policy is determined by examining content const char* policy_str = (const char *)(pci->proxyPolicy->policy->data); int policy_length = pci->proxyPolicy->policy->length; if((policy_str == NULL) || (policy_length <= 0)) { logger.msg(DEBUG,"Proxy with empty policy - fail on unrecognized policy"); break; }; { std::string s(policy_str,policy_length); logger.msg(DEBUG,"Proxy with specific policy: %s",s); }; result = sattr->Add(policy_str,policy_length); if(result) { logger.msg(DEBUG,"Proxy with ARC Policy"); } else { logger.msg(DEBUG,"Proxy with unknown policy - fail on unrecognized policy"); }; }; break; default: { // Unsupported policy - fail }; break; }; PROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_free(pci); #endif return result; }
FileNode::~FileNode(void) { if(plug) if(plug->release() == 0) { logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Destructor with dlclose (%s)", point); delete plug; dlclose(handle); handle=NULL; init=NULL; plug=NULL; }; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); Arc::LogStream logcerr(std::cerr); logcerr.setFormat(Arc::ShortFormat); Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().addDestination(logcerr); Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().setThreshold(Arc::WARNING); Arc::ArcLocation::Init(argv[0]); Arc::OptionParser options(istring("url"), istring("The arcls command is used for listing " "files in grid storage elements " "and file\nindex catalogues.")); bool longlist = false; options.AddOption('l', "long", istring("long format (more information)"), longlist); bool locations = false; options.AddOption('L', "locations", istring("show URLs of file locations"), locations); bool metadata = false; options.AddOption('m', "metadata", istring("display all available metadata"), metadata); bool infinite_recursion = false; options.AddOption('r', "recursive", istring("operate recursively"), infinite_recursion); int recursion = 0; options.AddOption('D', "depth", istring("operate recursively up to specified level"), istring("level"), recursion); bool nolist = false; options.AddOption('n', "nolist", istring("show only description of requested object, do not list content of directories"), nolist); bool forcelist = false; options.AddOption('f', "forcelist", istring("treat requested object as directory and always try to list content"), forcelist); bool checkaccess = false; options.AddOption('c', "checkaccess", istring("check readability of object, does not show any information about object"), checkaccess); bool show_plugins = false; options.AddOption('P', "listplugins", istring("list the available plugins (protocols supported)"), show_plugins); int timeout = 20; options.AddOption('t', "timeout", istring("timeout in seconds (default 20)"), istring("seconds"), timeout); std::string conffile; options.AddOption('z', "conffile", istring("configuration file (default ~/.arc/client.conf)"), istring("filename"), conffile); std::string debug; options.AddOption('d', "debug", istring("FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, VERBOSE or DEBUG"), istring("debuglevel"), debug); bool version = false; options.AddOption('v', "version", istring("print version information"), version); std::list<std::string> params = options.Parse(argc, argv); if (version) { std::cout << Arc::IString("%s version %s", "arcls", VERSION) << std::endl; return 0; } // If debug is specified as argument, it should be set before loading the configuration. if (!debug.empty()) Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().setThreshold(Arc::string_to_level(debug)); if (show_plugins) { std::list<Arc::ModuleDesc> modules; Arc::PluginsFactory pf(Arc::BaseConfig().MakeConfig(Arc::Config()).Parent()); pf.scan(Arc::FinderLoader::GetLibrariesList(), modules); Arc::PluginsFactory::FilterByKind("HED:DMC", modules); std::cout << Arc::IString("Protocol plugins available:") << std::endl; for (std::list<Arc::ModuleDesc>::iterator itMod = modules.begin(); itMod != modules.end(); itMod++) { for (std::list<Arc::PluginDesc>::iterator itPlug = itMod->plugins.begin(); itPlug != itMod->plugins.end(); itPlug++) { std::cout << " " << itPlug->name << " - " << itPlug->description << std::endl; } } return 0; } // credentials will be initialised later if necessary Arc::UserConfig usercfg(conffile, Arc::initializeCredentialsType::TryCredentials); if (!usercfg) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed configuration initialization"); return 1; } usercfg.UtilsDirPath(Arc::UserConfig::ARCUSERDIRECTORY); if (debug.empty() && !usercfg.Verbosity().empty()) Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().setThreshold(Arc::string_to_level(usercfg.Verbosity())); // Analyze options if (params.size() != 1) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Wrong number of parameters specified"); return 1; } if(forcelist && nolist) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Incompatible options --nolist and --forcelist requested"); return 1; } if(recursion && nolist) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Requesting recursion and --nolist has no sense"); return 1; } if(infinite_recursion) recursion = INT_MAX; std::list<std::string>::iterator it = params.begin(); if(!arcls(*it, usercfg, longlist, locations, metadata, nolist, forcelist, checkaccess, recursion, timeout)) return 1; return 0; }
static bool arcls(const Arc::URL& dir_url, Arc::UserConfig& usercfg, bool show_details, // longlist bool show_urls, // locations bool show_meta, // metadata bool no_list, // don't list dirs bool force_list, // force dir list bool check_access, // checkaccess int recursion, // recursion int timeout) { // timeout if (!dir_url) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Invalid URL: %s", dir_url.fullstr()); return false; } if (dir_url.Protocol() == "urllist") { std::list<Arc::URL> dirs = Arc::ReadURLList(dir_url); if (dirs.empty()) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Can't read list of locations from file %s", dir_url.Path()); return false; } bool r = true; for (std::list<Arc::URL>::iterator dir = dirs.begin(); dir != dirs.end(); dir++) { if(!arcls(*dir, usercfg, show_details, show_urls, show_meta, no_list, force_list, check_access, recursion, timeout)) r = false; } return r; } Arc::DataHandle url(dir_url, usercfg); if (!url) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Unsupported URL given"); return false; } if (url->RequiresCredentials()) { if (usercfg.ProxyPath().empty() ) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Unable to list content of %s: No valid credentials found", dir_url.str()); return false; } Arc::Credential holder(usercfg.ProxyPath(), "", "", ""); if (holder.GetEndTime() < Arc::Time()){ logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Proxy expired"); logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Unable to list content of %s: No valid credentials found", dir_url.str()); return false; } } url->SetSecure(false); if(check_access) { std::cout << dir_url << " - "; if(url->Check(false)) { std::cout << "passed" << std::endl; return true; } else { std::cout << "failed" << std::endl; return false; } } Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType verb = (Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType) (Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_MINIMAL | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_NAME); if(show_urls) verb = (Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType) (verb | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_STRUCT); if(show_meta) verb = (Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType) (verb | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_ALL); if(show_details) verb = (Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType) (verb | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_TYPE | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_TIMES | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_CONTENT | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_ACCESS); if(recursion > 0) verb = (Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType) (verb | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_TYPE); Arc::DataStatus res; Arc::FileInfo file; std::list<Arc::FileInfo> files; if(no_list) { // only requested object is queried res = url->Stat(file, verb); if(res) files.push_back(file); } else if(force_list) { // assume it is directory, fail otherwise res = url->List(files, verb); } else { // try to guess what to do res = url->Stat(file, (Arc::DataPoint::DataPointInfoType)(verb | Arc::DataPoint::INFO_TYPE_TYPE)); if(res && (file.GetType() == Arc::FileInfo::file_type_file)) { // If it is file and we are sure, then just report it. files.push_back(file); } else { // If it is dir then we must list it. But if stat failed or // if type is undefined there is still chance it is directory. Arc::DataStatus res_ = url->List(files, verb); if(!res_) { // If listing failed maybe simply report previous result if any. if(res) { files.push_back(file); } } else { res = res_; } } } if (!res) { if (files.empty()) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, std::string(res)); if (res.Retryable()) logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "This seems like a temporary error, please try again later"); return false; } logger.msg(Arc::INFO, "Warning: " "Failed listing files but some information is obtained"); } files.sort(); // Sort alphabetically by name if (show_details) { print_details(files, show_urls, show_meta); } else { for (std::list<Arc::FileInfo>::iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); i++) { std::cout << i->GetName() << std::endl; if (show_urls) print_urls(*i); if (show_meta) print_meta(*i); } } // Do recursion. Recursion has no sense if listing is forbidden. if ((recursion > 0) && (!no_list)) { for (std::list<Arc::FileInfo>::iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); i++) { if (i->GetType() == Arc::FileInfo::file_type_dir) { Arc::URL suburl = dir_url; if(suburl.Protocol() != "file") { if (suburl.Path()[suburl.Path().length() - 1] != '/') suburl.ChangePath(suburl.Path() + "/" + i->GetName()); else suburl.ChangePath(suburl.Path() + i->GetName()); } else { if (suburl.Path()[suburl.Path().length() - 1] != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) suburl.ChangePath(suburl.Path() + G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S + i->GetName()); else suburl.ChangePath(suburl.Path() + i->GetName()); } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << suburl.str() << ":" << std::endl; arcls(suburl, usercfg, show_details, show_urls, show_meta, no_list, force_list, check_access, recursion - 1, timeout); std::cout << std::endl; } } } return true; }
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { Arc::LogStream err(std::cerr); err.setFormat(Arc::EmptyFormat); Arc::Logger::rootLogger.addDestination(err); std::string lcmaps_library; std::string lcmaps_db_file; std::string lcmaps_dir; std::string subject; std::string filename; if(argc > 1) subject = argv[1]; if(subject.empty()) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Missing subject name"); return -1; }; if(argc > 2) filename = argv[2]; if(filename.empty()) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Missing path of credentials file"); return -1; }; if(argc > 3) lcmaps_library = argv[3]; if(lcmaps_library.empty()) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Missing name of LCMAPS library"); return -1; }; if(argc > 4) lcmaps_dir = argv[4]; if(argc > 5) lcmaps_db_file = argv[5]; if(lcmaps_dir == "*") lcmaps_dir.resize(0); if(lcmaps_db_file == "*") lcmaps_db_file.resize(0); if((lcmaps_library[0] != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) && (lcmaps_library[0] != '.')) { if(lcmaps_dir.length() != 0) lcmaps_library=lcmaps_dir+G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S+lcmaps_library; }; if(argc <= 6) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Can't read policy names"); return -1; }; char** policynames = argv+6; int npols = 0; for(;policynames[npols];npols++) { }; set_lcmaps_env(lcmaps_db_file,lcmaps_dir); Glib::Module lcmaps_handle(lcmaps_library,Glib::ModuleFlags(0)); if(!lcmaps_handle) { recover_lcmaps_env(); logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Can't load LCMAPS library %s: %s", lcmaps_library, Glib::Module::get_last_error()); return -1; }; void *lcmaps_init_p = NULL; void *lcmaps_run_and_return_username_p = NULL; void *lcmaps_run_p = NULL; void *lcmaps_term_p = NULL; void *getCredentialData_p = NULL; if((!lcmaps_handle.get_symbol("lcmaps_init",lcmaps_init_p)) || (!lcmaps_handle.get_symbol("lcmaps_run_and_return_username",lcmaps_run_and_return_username_p)) || (!lcmaps_handle.get_symbol("lcmaps_term",lcmaps_term_p))) { recover_lcmaps_env(); logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Can't find LCMAPS functions in a library %s", lcmaps_library); return -1; }; lcmaps_handle.get_symbol("lcmaps_run",lcmaps_run_p); lcmaps_handle.get_symbol("getCredentialData",getCredentialData_p); lcmaps_init_t lcmaps_init_f = (lcmaps_init_t)lcmaps_init_p; lcmaps_run_and_return_username_t lcmaps_run_and_return_username_f = (lcmaps_run_and_return_username_t)lcmaps_run_and_return_username_p; lcmaps_run_t lcmaps_run_f = (lcmaps_run_t)lcmaps_run_p; lcmaps_term_t lcmaps_term_f = (lcmaps_term_t)lcmaps_term_p; getCredentialData_t getCredentialData_f = (getCredentialData_t)getCredentialData_p; if(lcmaps_run_f) logger.msg(Arc::ERROR,"LCMAPS has lcmaps_run"); if(getCredentialData_f) logger.msg(Arc::ERROR,"LCMAPS has getCredentialData"); FILE* lcmaps_log = fdopen(STDERR_FILENO,"a"); if((*lcmaps_init_f)(lcmaps_log) != 0) { recover_lcmaps_env(); logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to initialize LCMAPS"); return -1; }; // In case anything is not initialized yet globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_GSI_GSSAPI_MODULE); globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_GSI_CREDENTIAL_MODULE); globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_GSI_CERT_UTILS_MODULE); // User without credentials is useless for LCMAPS ? //Arc::GSSCredential cred(filename,"",""); gss_cred_id_t cred = read_globus_credentials(filename); char* username = NULL; int res = 1; if((!getCredentialData_f) || (!lcmaps_run_f)) { if((*lcmaps_run_and_return_username_f)( (char*)(subject.c_str()),cred,(char*)"",&username,npols,policynames ) == 0) { if(username != NULL) { res=0; std::cout<<username<<std::flush; }; }; #ifdef WIN32 }; #else } else {
gss_cred_id_t read_globus_credentials(const std::string& filename) { Arc::Credential cred(filename, "", "", "", "", true); X509* cert = cred.GetCert(); STACK_OF(X509)* cchain = cred.GetCertChain(); EVP_PKEY* key = cred.GetPrivKey(); globus_gsi_cred_handle_t chandle; globus_gsi_cred_handle_init(&chandle, NULL); if(cert) globus_gsi_cred_set_cert(chandle, cert); if(key) globus_gsi_cred_set_key(chandle, key); if(cchain) globus_gsi_cred_set_cert_chain(chandle, cchain); gss_cred_id_desc* ccred = (gss_cred_id_desc*)::malloc(sizeof(gss_cred_id_desc)); if(ccred) { ::memset(ccred,0,sizeof(gss_cred_id_desc)); ccred->cred_handle = chandle; chandle = NULL; // cred_usage // ssl_context X509* identity_cert = NULL; if(cert) { globus_gsi_cert_utils_cert_type_t ctype = GLOBUS_GSI_CERT_UTILS_TYPE_DEFAULT; globus_gsi_cert_utils_get_cert_type(cert,&ctype); if(ctype == GLOBUS_GSI_CERT_UTILS_TYPE_EEC) { identity_cert = cert; }; }; if(!identity_cert && cchain) { // For compatibility with older globus not using //globus_gsi_cert_utils_get_identity_cert(cchain,&identity_cert); for(int n = 0; n < sk_X509_num(cchain); ++n) { X509* tmp_cert = sk_X509_value(cchain, n); if(tmp_cert) { globus_gsi_cert_utils_cert_type_t ctype = GLOBUS_GSI_CERT_UTILS_TYPE_DEFAULT; globus_gsi_cert_utils_get_cert_type(tmp_cert,&ctype); if(ctype == GLOBUS_GSI_CERT_UTILS_TYPE_EEC) { identity_cert = tmp_cert; break; }; }; }; }; gss_buffer_desc peer_buffer; peer_buffer.value = identity_cert; peer_buffer.length = identity_cert?sizeof(X509):0; OM_uint32 majstat, minstat; majstat = gss_import_name(&minstat, &peer_buffer, identity_cert?GLOBUS_GSS_C_NT_X509:GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS, &ccred->globusid); if (GSS_ERROR(majstat)) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to convert GSI credential to " "GSS credential (major: %d, minor: %d)", majstat, minstat); majstat = gss_release_cred(&minstat, &ccred); }; } else { ccred = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL; }; if(cert) X509_free(cert); if(key) EVP_PKEY_free(key); if(cchain) sk_X509_pop_free(cchain, X509_free); if(chandle) globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy(chandle); return ccred; }
void GridFTP_Commands::data_store_callback(void* arg,globus_ftp_control_handle_t*,globus_object_t *error,globus_byte_t *buffer,globus_size_t length,globus_off_t offset,globus_bool_t eof) { globus_thread_blocking_will_block(); GridFTP_Commands *it = (GridFTP_Commands*)arg; struct timezone tz; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,&tz); globus_mutex_lock(&(it->data_lock)); it->last_action_time=time(NULL); logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Data channel (store) %i %i %i", (int)offset, (int)length, (int)eof); it->data_callbacks--; if(it->check_abort(error)) { if(it->data_callbacks==0){it->free_data_buffer();it->froot.close(false);}; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; if(eof) it->data_eof=true; /* find this buffer */ unsigned int i; for(i = 0;i<it->data_buffer_num;i++) { if((it->data_buffer)[i].data == (unsigned char*)buffer) break; }; if(i >= it->data_buffer_num) { /* lost buffer - probably memory corruption */ logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "data_store_callback: lost buffer"); it->force_abort(); if(it->data_callbacks==0){it->free_data_buffer();it->froot.close(false);}; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; unsigned long long int time_diff = (tv.tv_sec-(it->data_buffer[i].time_last.tv_sec))*1000000+ (tv.tv_usec-(it->data_buffer[i].time_last.tv_usec)); it->time_spent_network+=time_diff; /* write data to file NOTE: it->data_lock is not unlocked here because it->froot.write is not thread safe */ struct timeval tv_last; gettimeofday(&tv_last,&tz); if(it->froot.write(it->data_buffer[i].data, (it->virt_offset)+offset,length) != 0) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Closing channel (store) due to error: %s", it->froot.error); it->force_abort(); if(it->data_callbacks==0){it->free_data_buffer();it->froot.close(false);}; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; gettimeofday(&tv,&tz); time_diff=(tv.tv_sec-tv_last.tv_sec)*1000000+(tv.tv_usec-tv_last.tv_usec); it->time_spent_disc+=time_diff; if(it->data_eof) { if(it->data_callbacks==0) { logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Closing channel (store)"); it->free_data_buffer(); it->virt_offset=0; it->virt_restrict=false; it->transfer_mode=false; if(it->froot.close() != 0) { if(it->froot.error.length()) { it->send_response("451 "+it->froot.error+"\r\n"); } else { it->send_response("451 Local error\r\n"); }; } else { logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Time spent waiting for network: %.3f ms", (float)(it->time_spent_network/1000.0)); logger.msg(Arc::VERBOSE, "Time spent waiting for disc: %.3f ms", (float)(it->time_spent_disc/1000.0)); it->send_response("226 Requested file transfer completed\r\n"); }; }; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; /* register buffer */ globus_result_t res; gettimeofday(&(it->data_buffer[i].time_last),&tz); res=globus_ftp_control_data_read(&(it->handle), (globus_byte_t*)(it->data_buffer[i].data), it->data_buffer_size, &data_store_callback,it); if(res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { /* Because this error can be caused by EOF, abort should not be called unless this is last buffer */ if(it->data_callbacks==0) { logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Globus error: %s", Arc::GlobusResult(res).str()); it->force_abort(); it->free_data_buffer();it->froot.close(false); }; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }; it->data_callbacks++; globus_mutex_unlock(&(it->data_lock)); return; }