void VoiceTestApp::draw() { gl::clear(); if( mMonitor && mMonitor->getNumConnectedInputs() ) { Vec2f padding( 20, 4 ); Rectf scopeRect( padding.x, padding.y, getWindowWidth() - padding.x, getWindowHeight() - padding.y ); drawAudioBuffer( mMonitor->getBuffer(), scopeRect, true ); } drawWidgets( mWidgets ); }
void NodeAdvancedApp::draw() { gl::clear(); // Draw the Scope's recorded Buffer in the upper right. if( mMonitor && mMonitor->getNumConnectedInputs() ) { Rectf scopeRect( getWindowWidth() - 210, 10, getWindowWidth() - 10, 110 ); drawAudioBuffer( mMonitor->getBuffer(), scopeRect, true ); } // Visualize the Gen's current pitch with a circle. float pitchMin = mCPentatonicScale.front(); float pitchMax = mCPentatonicScale.back(); float currentPitch = audio::freqToMidi( mGen->getFreq() ); // MIDI values do not have to be integers for us. float percent = ( currentPitch - pitchMin ) / ( pitchMax - pitchMin ); float circleX = percent * getWindowWidth(); gl::color( 0, 0.8f, 0.8f ); gl::drawSolidCircle( vec2( circleX, getWindowCenter().y ), 50 ); }