BundleTaskState GetBundleTaskStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == pending_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::pending; } else if (hashCode == waiting_for_shutdown_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::waiting_for_shutdown; } else if (hashCode == bundling_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::bundling; } else if (hashCode == storing_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::storing; } else if (hashCode == cancelling_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::cancelling; } else if (hashCode == complete_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::complete; } else if (hashCode == failed_HASH) { return BundleTaskState::failed; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<BundleTaskState>(hashCode); } return BundleTaskState::NOT_SET; }
Method GetMethodForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == GET__HASH) { return Method::GET_; } else if (hashCode == HEAD_HASH) { return Method::HEAD; } else if (hashCode == POST_HASH) { return Method::POST; } else if (hashCode == PUT_HASH) { return Method::PUT; } else if (hashCode == PATCH_HASH) { return Method::PATCH; } else if (hashCode == OPTIONS_HASH) { return Method::OPTIONS; } else if (hashCode == DELETE__HASH) { return Method::DELETE_; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<Method>(hashCode); } return Method::NOT_SET; }
ImageState GetImageStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == pending_HASH) { return ImageState::pending; } else if (hashCode == available_HASH) { return ImageState::available; } else if (hashCode == invalid_HASH) { return ImageState::invalid; } else if (hashCode == deregistered_HASH) { return ImageState::deregistered; } else if (hashCode == transient_HASH) { return ImageState::transient; } else if (hashCode == failed_HASH) { return ImageState::failed; } else if (hashCode == error_HASH) { return ImageState::error; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<ImageState>(hashCode); } return ImageState::NOT_SET; }
PolicySourceType GetPolicySourceTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == user_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::user; } else if (hashCode == group_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::group; } else if (hashCode == role_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::role; } else if (hashCode == aws_managed_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::aws_managed; } else if (hashCode == user_managed_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::user_managed; } else if (hashCode == resource_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::resource; } else if (hashCode == none_HASH) { return PolicySourceType::none; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<PolicySourceType>(hashCode); } return PolicySourceType::NOT_SET; }
CertificateStatus GetCertificateStatusForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == PENDING_VALIDATION_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::PENDING_VALIDATION; } else if (hashCode == ISSUED_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::ISSUED; } else if (hashCode == INACTIVE_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::INACTIVE; } else if (hashCode == EXPIRED_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::EXPIRED; } else if (hashCode == VALIDATION_TIMED_OUT_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::VALIDATION_TIMED_OUT; } else if (hashCode == REVOKED_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::REVOKED; } else if (hashCode == FAILED_HASH) { return CertificateStatus::FAILED; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<CertificateStatus>(hashCode); } return CertificateStatus::NOT_SET; }
JobStatus GetJobStatusForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == Created_HASH) { return JobStatus::Created; } else if (hashCode == Queued_HASH) { return JobStatus::Queued; } else if (hashCode == Dispatched_HASH) { return JobStatus::Dispatched; } else if (hashCode == InProgress_HASH) { return JobStatus::InProgress; } else if (hashCode == TimedOut_HASH) { return JobStatus::TimedOut; } else if (hashCode == Succeeded_HASH) { return JobStatus::Succeeded; } else if (hashCode == Failed_HASH) { return JobStatus::Failed; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<JobStatus>(hashCode); } return JobStatus::NOT_SET; }
AppType GetAppTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == aws_flow_ruby_HASH) { return AppType::aws_flow_ruby; } else if (hashCode == java_HASH) { return AppType::java; } else if (hashCode == rails_HASH) { return AppType::rails; } else if (hashCode == php_HASH) { return AppType::php; } else if (hashCode == nodejs_HASH) { return AppType::nodejs; } else if (hashCode == static__HASH) { return AppType::static_; } else if (hashCode == other_HASH) { return AppType::other; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<AppType>(hashCode); } return AppType::NOT_SET; }
FleetStateCode GetFleetStateCodeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == submitted_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::submitted; } else if (hashCode == active_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::active; } else if (hashCode == deleted_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::deleted; } else if (hashCode == failed_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::failed; } else if (hashCode == deleted_running_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::deleted_running; } else if (hashCode == deleted_terminating_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::deleted_terminating; } else if (hashCode == modifying_HASH) { return FleetStateCode::modifying; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<FleetStateCode>(hashCode); } return FleetStateCode::NOT_SET; }
StepExecutionState GetStepExecutionStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == PENDING_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::PENDING; } else if (hashCode == RUNNING_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::RUNNING; } else if (hashCode == CONTINUE_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::CONTINUE; } else if (hashCode == COMPLETED_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::COMPLETED; } else if (hashCode == CANCELLED_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::CANCELLED; } else if (hashCode == FAILED_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::FAILED; } else if (hashCode == INTERRUPTED_HASH) { return StepExecutionState::INTERRUPTED; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<StepExecutionState>(hashCode); } return StepExecutionState::NOT_SET; }
ClusterState GetClusterStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == STARTING_HASH) { return ClusterState::STARTING; } else if (hashCode == BOOTSTRAPPING_HASH) { return ClusterState::BOOTSTRAPPING; } else if (hashCode == RUNNING_HASH) { return ClusterState::RUNNING; } else if (hashCode == WAITING_HASH) { return ClusterState::WAITING; } else if (hashCode == TERMINATING_HASH) { return ClusterState::TERMINATING; } else if (hashCode == TERMINATED_HASH) { return ClusterState::TERMINATED; } else if (hashCode == TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS_HASH) { return ClusterState::TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<ClusterState>(hashCode); } return ClusterState::NOT_SET; }
JobFlowExecutionState GetJobFlowExecutionStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == STARTING_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::STARTING; } else if (hashCode == BOOTSTRAPPING_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::BOOTSTRAPPING; } else if (hashCode == RUNNING_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::RUNNING; } else if (hashCode == WAITING_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::WAITING; } else if (hashCode == SHUTTING_DOWN_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::SHUTTING_DOWN; } else if (hashCode == TERMINATED_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::TERMINATED; } else if (hashCode == COMPLETED_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::COMPLETED; } else if (hashCode == FAILED_HASH) { return JobFlowExecutionState::FAILED; } return JobFlowExecutionState::NOT_SET; }
InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode GetInstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCodeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == INTERNAL_ERROR_HASH) { return InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode::INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (hashCode == VALIDATION_ERROR_HASH) { return InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode::VALIDATION_ERROR; } else if (hashCode == INSTANCE_FAILURE_HASH) { return InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode::INSTANCE_FAILURE; } else if (hashCode == CLUSTER_TERMINATED_HASH) { return InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode::CLUSTER_TERMINATED; } return InstanceGroupStateChangeReasonCode::NOT_SET; }
State GetStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == Pending_HASH) { return State::Pending; } else if (hashCode == Available_HASH) { return State::Available; } else if (hashCode == Deleting_HASH) { return State::Deleting; } else if (hashCode == Deleted_HASH) { return State::Deleted; } return State::NOT_SET; }
ReplicationStatus GetReplicationStatusForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == COMPLETE_HASH) { return ReplicationStatus::COMPLETE; } else if (hashCode == PENDING_HASH) { return ReplicationStatus::PENDING; } else if (hashCode == FAILED_HASH) { return ReplicationStatus::FAILED; } else if (hashCode == REPLICA_HASH) { return ReplicationStatus::REPLICA; } return ReplicationStatus::NOT_SET; }
Platform GetPlatformForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == APNS_HASH) { return Platform::APNS; } else if (hashCode == APNS_SANDBOX_HASH) { return Platform::APNS_SANDBOX; } else if (hashCode == GCM_HASH) { return Platform::GCM; } else if (hashCode == ADM_HASH) { return Platform::ADM; } return Platform::NOT_SET; }
StreamStatus GetStreamStatusForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == CREATING_HASH) { return StreamStatus::CREATING; } else if (hashCode == DELETING_HASH) { return StreamStatus::DELETING; } else if (hashCode == ACTIVE_HASH) { return StreamStatus::ACTIVE; } else if (hashCode == UPDATING_HASH) { return StreamStatus::UPDATING; } return StreamStatus::NOT_SET; }
StatusType GetStatusTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == passed_HASH) { return StatusType::passed; } else if (hashCode == failed_HASH) { return StatusType::failed; } else if (hashCode == insufficient_data_HASH) { return StatusType::insufficient_data; } else if (hashCode == initializing_HASH) { return StatusType::initializing; } return StatusType::NOT_SET; }
VolumeAttachmentState GetVolumeAttachmentStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == attaching_HASH) { return VolumeAttachmentState::attaching; } else if (hashCode == attached_HASH) { return VolumeAttachmentState::attached; } else if (hashCode == detaching_HASH) { return VolumeAttachmentState::detaching; } else if (hashCode == detached_HASH) { return VolumeAttachmentState::detached; } return VolumeAttachmentState::NOT_SET; }
SourceType GetSourceTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == cluster_HASH) { return SourceType::cluster; } else if (hashCode == cluster_parameter_group_HASH) { return SourceType::cluster_parameter_group; } else if (hashCode == cluster_security_group_HASH) { return SourceType::cluster_security_group; } else if (hashCode == cluster_snapshot_HASH) { return SourceType::cluster_snapshot; } return SourceType::NOT_SET; }
AppAttributesKeys GetAppAttributesKeysForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == DocumentRoot_HASH) { return AppAttributesKeys::DocumentRoot; } else if (hashCode == RailsEnv_HASH) { return AppAttributesKeys::RailsEnv; } else if (hashCode == AutoBundleOnDeploy_HASH) { return AppAttributesKeys::AutoBundleOnDeploy; } else if (hashCode == AwsFlowRubySettings_HASH) { return AppAttributesKeys::AwsFlowRubySettings; } return AppAttributesKeys::NOT_SET; }
LifeCycleState GetLifeCycleStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == creating_HASH) { return LifeCycleState::creating; } else if (hashCode == available_HASH) { return LifeCycleState::available; } else if (hashCode == deleting_HASH) { return LifeCycleState::deleting; } else if (hashCode == deleted_HASH) { return LifeCycleState::deleted; } return LifeCycleState::NOT_SET; }
StreamViewType GetStreamViewTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == NEW_IMAGE_HASH) { return StreamViewType::NEW_IMAGE; } else if (hashCode == OLD_IMAGE_HASH) { return StreamViewType::OLD_IMAGE; } else if (hashCode == NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES_HASH) { return StreamViewType::NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES; } else if (hashCode == KEYS_ONLY_HASH) { return StreamViewType::KEYS_ONLY; } return StreamViewType::NOT_SET; }
MonitoringState GetMonitoringStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == disabled_HASH) { return MonitoringState::disabled; } else if (hashCode == disabling_HASH) { return MonitoringState::disabling; } else if (hashCode == enabled_HASH) { return MonitoringState::enabled; } else if (hashCode == pending_HASH) { return MonitoringState::pending; } return MonitoringState::NOT_SET; }
NetworkInterfaceStatus GetNetworkInterfaceStatusForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == available_HASH) { return NetworkInterfaceStatus::available; } else if (hashCode == attaching_HASH) { return NetworkInterfaceStatus::attaching; } else if (hashCode == in_use_HASH) { return NetworkInterfaceStatus::in_use; } else if (hashCode == detaching_HASH) { return NetworkInterfaceStatus::detaching; } return NetworkInterfaceStatus::NOT_SET; }
Aws::String AWSAuthV4Signer::GenerateSignature(const AWSCredentials& credentials, const Aws::String& stringToSign, const Aws::String& simpleDate) const { AWS_LOGSTREAM_DEBUG(v4LogTag, "Final String to sign: " << stringToSign); Aws::StringStream ss; auto& partialSignature = ComputeLongLivedHash(credentials.GetAWSSecretKey(), simpleDate); auto hashResult = m_HMAC->Calculate(ByteBuffer((unsigned char*)stringToSign.c_str(), stringToSign.length()), partialSignature); if (!hashResult.IsSuccess()) { AWS_LOGSTREAM_ERROR(v4LogTag, "Unable to hmac (sha256) final string \"" << stringToSign << "\""); return ""; } //now we finally sign our request string with our hex encoded derived hash. auto finalSigningDigest = hashResult.GetResult(); auto finalSigningHash = HashingUtils::HexEncode(finalSigningDigest); AWS_LOGSTREAM_DEBUG(v4LogTag, "Final computed signing hash: " << finalSigningHash); return finalSigningHash; }
ConversionTaskState GetConversionTaskStateForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == active_HASH) { return ConversionTaskState::active; } else if (hashCode == cancelling_HASH) { return ConversionTaskState::cancelling; } else if (hashCode == cancelled_HASH) { return ConversionTaskState::cancelled; } else if (hashCode == completed_HASH) { return ConversionTaskState::completed; } return ConversionTaskState::NOT_SET; }
CancelBatchErrorCode GetCancelBatchErrorCodeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == fleetRequestIdDoesNotExist_HASH) { return CancelBatchErrorCode::fleetRequestIdDoesNotExist; } else if (hashCode == fleetRequestIdMalformed_HASH) { return CancelBatchErrorCode::fleetRequestIdMalformed; } else if (hashCode == fleetRequestNotInCancellableState_HASH) { return CancelBatchErrorCode::fleetRequestNotInCancellableState; } else if (hashCode == unexpectedError_HASH) { return CancelBatchErrorCode::unexpectedError; } return CancelBatchErrorCode::NOT_SET; }
SourceType GetSourceTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == db_instance_HASH) { return SourceType::db_instance; } else if (hashCode == db_parameter_group_HASH) { return SourceType::db_parameter_group; } else if (hashCode == db_security_group_HASH) { return SourceType::db_security_group; } else if (hashCode == db_snapshot_HASH) { return SourceType::db_snapshot; } else if (hashCode == db_cluster_HASH) { return SourceType::db_cluster; } else if (hashCode == db_cluster_snapshot_HASH) { return SourceType::db_cluster_snapshot; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<SourceType>(hashCode); } return SourceType::NOT_SET; }
WafActionType GetWafActionTypeForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == BLOCK_HASH) { return WafActionType::BLOCK; } else if (hashCode == ALLOW_HASH) { return WafActionType::ALLOW; } else if (hashCode == COUNT_HASH) { return WafActionType::COUNT; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<WafActionType>(hashCode); } return WafActionType::NOT_SET; }
BucketLogsPermission GetBucketLogsPermissionForName(const Aws::String& name) { int hashCode = HashingUtils::HashString(name.c_str()); if (hashCode == FULL_CONTROL_HASH) { return BucketLogsPermission::FULL_CONTROL; } else if (hashCode == READ_HASH) { return BucketLogsPermission::READ; } else if (hashCode == WRITE_HASH) { return BucketLogsPermission::WRITE; } EnumParseOverflowContainer* overflowContainer = Aws::GetEnumOverflowContainer(); if(overflowContainer) { overflowContainer->StoreOverflow(hashCode, name); return static_cast<BucketLogsPermission>(hashCode); } return BucketLogsPermission::NOT_SET; }