예제 #1
// setSlotNetworks() -- Set our list of networks
bool Station::setSlotNetworks(Basic::PairStream* const a)
    bool ok = true;

    // Remove the old networks list
    if (networks != 0) {
        // we are no longer the container for these networks
        for (Basic::List::Item* item = networks->getFirstItem(); item != 0; item = item->getNext()) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
            NetIO* p = (NetIO*)( pair->object() );

    // Set our network list pointer
    networks = a;

    // Make sure the new network list is setup correctly
    if (networks != 0) {
        for (Basic::List::Item* item = networks->getFirstItem(); item != 0; item = item->getNext()) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
            NetIO* p = dynamic_cast<NetIO*>( pair->object() );
            if (p != 0) {
                // We are this network's container
            else {
                // Not of the proper type
                std::cerr << "Player::setSlotNetworks: network at slot \"" << pair->slot() << "\" is not of class type NetIO" << std::endl;
                ok = false;
    return ok;
예제 #2
// Get the next free missile of type 'missileType'
Missile* SimpleStoresMgr::getSpecificMissile(const Basic::String* const missileType)
   Missile* msl = 0;
   if (missileType != 0) {

      Basic::PairStream* list = getWeapons();
      if (list != 0) {

         // Find the first free (inactive) missile of type weaponType
         Basic::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
         while (item != 0 && msl == 0) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
            Missile* p = dynamic_cast<Missile*>( pair->object() );
            if (p != 0 && p->isInactive()) {
               // Ok, we have a missile, but is it the type we want?
               if (*p->getType() == *missileType) {
                  msl = p;
            item = item->getNext();


   return msl;
예제 #3
		// Eaagles::Swarms::builder() -- builds simulation tree
		static void builder()
			cout << "Reading file : " << configFile << endl;

			// Read the description file
			int errors = 0;
			Basic::Object* q1 = Basic::lcParser(configFile, Factory::createObj, &errors);
			if (errors > 0) {
				cerr << "File: " << configFile << ", errors: " << errors << endl;

			station = 0;
			if (q1 != 0) {
				// When we were given a Basic::Pair, get the pointer to its object.
				Basic::Pair* pp = dynamic_cast<Basic::Pair*>(q1);
				if (pp != 0) {
					q1 = pp->object();

				// What we should have here is the Station object
				station = dynamic_cast<Simulation::Station*>(q1);

			// Make sure we did get a valid Station object (we must have one!)
			if (station == 0) {
				cout << "Invalid description file!" << endl;
예제 #4
// Removes a symbol from the master symbol table
bool SymbolLoader::removeSymbol(const int idx)
    bool ok = false;

    // Find the symbol
    if (idx >= 1 && idx <= MAX_SYMBOLS) {
        const int i = (idx - 1);
        if (symbols[i] != 0) {

            // ---
            // remove the symbol's graphical component from our subcomponent list
            // ---
                // Get the symbol's graphical component
                Basic::Pair* pair = symbols[i]->getSymbolPair();
                BasicGL::Graphic* g = (BasicGL::Graphic*) pair->object();

                Basic::PairStream* x = getComponents();
                Basic::Component::processComponents(x, typeid(BasicGL::Graphic), 0, g);

            // ---
            // and remove it from our master symbol table
            // ---
            symbols[i] = 0;

            ok = true;

    return ok;
예제 #5
// stepOwnshipPlayer() -- Step to the next local player
void SimStation::stepOwnshipPlayer()
   Basic::PairStream* pl = getSimulation()->getPlayers();
   if (pl != nullptr) {

      Simulation::Player* f = nullptr;
      Simulation::Player* n = nullptr;
      bool found = false;

      // Find the next player
      Basic::List::Item* item = pl->getFirstItem();
      while (item != nullptr) {
         Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
         if (pair != nullptr) {
            Simulation::Player* ip = static_cast<Simulation::Player*>(pair->object());
            if ( ip->isMode(Simulation::Player::ACTIVE) &&
               ip->isLocalPlayer() &&
               ) {
                  if (f == nullptr) { f = ip; }  // Remember the first
                  if (found) { n = ip; ; break; }
                  if (ip == getOwnship()) found = true;
         item = item->getNext();
      if (found && n == nullptr) n = f;
      if (n != nullptr) setOwnshipPlayer(n);

예제 #6
// Default external equipment jettison event handler
bool Stores::onJettisonEvent(ExternalStore* const sys)
   bool ok = false;
   if (sys != 0) {

      Basic::PairStream* list = getStores();
      if (list != 0) {

         // First, make sure it's one of ours!
         bool found = false;
         Basic::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
         while (item != 0 && !found) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            found = (sys == pair->object());  // is it a match?
            item = item->getNext();

         if (found) {
            // Send a jettison event to the system
            ok = sys->event(JETTISON_EVENT);

         list = 0;
   return ok;
예제 #7
// processBackgroundTasks() -- Process the background models and interfaces
void Station::processBackgroundTasks(const LCreal dt)
   // Note: interoperability networks are handled by
   // processNetworkInputTasks() and processNetworkOutputTasks()

   // The I/O handers
   if (ioHandlers != 0) {
      Basic::List::Item* item = ioHandlers ->getFirstItem();
      while (item != 0) {
         Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
         Basic::IoHandler* p = (Basic::IoHandler*)( pair->object() );
         item = item->getNext();

   // Our simulation model
   if (sim != 0) sim->updateData(dt);

   // The OTW interfaces
   if (otw != 0) {
      Basic::List::Item* item = otw ->getFirstItem();
      while (item != 0) {
         Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
         Otw* p = (Otw*)( pair->object() );
         item = item->getNext();
// createWindow() -- create the main window
int GlutDisplay::createWindow()
   winId = -1;

#ifdef __FREEGLUT_EXT_H__     /* freeglut only */

   unsigned int wmode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_ALPHA;
   if (getClearDepth() >= 0.0f) { wmode = wmode | GLUT_DEPTH; }
   if (accumBuff) { wmode = wmode | GLUT_ACCUM; }
   if (stencilBuff) { wmode = wmode | GLUT_STENCIL; }
   glutInitDisplayMode( wmode );

   GLint  vpX(0), vpY(0);                   // our initial viewport position
   GLsizei vpWidth(0), vpHeight(0);    // our initial viewport size
   getViewport(&vpX, &vpY, &vpWidth, &vpHeight);
   glutInitWindowPosition(vpX, vpY);
   glutInitWindowSize(vpWidth, vpHeight);
   winId = glutCreateWindow(getName());
   if (winId > 0) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
         std::cout << "GlutDisplay::createWindow() name = " << getName() << ", winId = " << winId << std::endl;

      // Configure the new window
      if (fullScreenFlg) glutFullScreen();
      registerGlutDisplay(winId, this);

      // Create sub windows (if any)
      if (subDisplays() != nullptr) {
         Basic::List::Item* item = subDisplays()->getFirstItem();
         while (item != nullptr) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = dynamic_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            if (pair != nullptr) {
               GlutDisplay* dobj = dynamic_cast<GlutDisplay*>( pair->object() );
               if (dobj != nullptr) dobj->createSubWindow(winId);
            item = item->getNext();

      // Select this window

   return winId;
예제 #9
// Search all of the objects in the main list for objects of 'type' and add
// them to the sublist.  Also check all Stores type objects for any 'type' objects.
void StoresMgr::searchAndAdd(Basic::PairStream* const mainList, const std::type_info& type, Basic::PairStream* sublist)
   if (mainList != 0 && sublist != 0) {

      const Basic::List::Item* item = mainList->getFirstItem();
      while (item != 0) {

         Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
         Basic::Component* p = (Basic::Component*)( pair->object() );

         // Check the type and add to the list
         bool isType = p->isClassType(type);
         if (isType) sublist->put(pair);

         // If this is a Stores object then check its stores for 'type' objects as well
         Stores* sp = dynamic_cast<Stores*>(p);
         if ( sp != 0 ) {
            Basic::PairStream* pstores = sp->getStores();
            searchAndAdd(pstores, type, sublist);

         item = item->getNext();
예제 #10
// Get the next free bomb of type 'bombType'
Bomb* SimpleStoresMgr::getSpecificBomb(const Basic::String* const bombType)
   Bomb* bomb = 0;
   if (bombType != 0)  {

      Basic::PairStream* list = getWeapons();
      if (list != 0)  {

         // Find the first free (inactive) bomb
         Basic::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
         while (item != 0 && bomb == 0) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
            Bomb* p = dynamic_cast<Bomb*>( pair->object() );
            if (p != 0 && p->isInactive()) {
               // Ok, we have a bomb, but is it the type we want?
               if (*p->getType() == *bombType) {
                  bomb = p;
            item = item->getNext();


   return bomb;
예제 #11
// Set slot functions
bool StoresMgr::setSlotStores(const Basic::PairStream* const msg)
   // First let our base class do everything that it needs to.

   // ---
   // Clear all previous stores and assigned weapons
   // ---
   weaponsList = 0;
   externalList = 0;
   fuelList = 0;
   gunPtr = 0;

   // ---
   // Use the stores list that the Stores class just processed.
   Basic::PairStream* stores = getStores();
   if (stores != 0){

      // Create the new weapons list that contains all weapons
         Basic::PairStream* newWeapons = new Basic::PairStream();
         searchAndAdd(stores, typeid(Weapon), newWeapons);
         if (newWeapons->entries() > 0) weaponsList = newWeapons;

      // Create the new external stores list that contains all
      // non-weapon, external stores (e.g., fuel tanks, pods, guns)
         Basic::PairStream* newExternal = new Basic::PairStream();
         searchAndAdd(stores, typeid(ExternalStore), newExternal);
         if (newExternal->entries() > 0) externalList = newExternal;

      // Create the new fuel tank list that contains all fuel tanks
         Basic::PairStream* newFuel = new Basic::PairStream();
         searchAndAdd(stores, typeid(FuelTank), newFuel);
         if (newFuel->entries() > 0) fuelList = newFuel;

      // Find the primary gun; i.e., the first gun found on our stores
      Basic::List::Item* item = stores->getFirstItem();
      while (item != 0 && gunPtr == 0) {
         Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());

         Gun* p = dynamic_cast<Gun*>( pair->object() );
         if (p != 0) gunPtr = p;

         item = item->getNext();

      stores = 0;

   return true;
예제 #12
// determineColors() - take our value, and look for a corresponding color
// and breakpoint
bool ColorRotary::determineColor(const LCreal value)
    bool ok = false;
    int breakPoint = 0;

    // find out where we are in the break table
    unsigned int i = 0;
    // do an endpoint check while we are at it
    if (value >= myValues[numVals-1]) breakPoint = numVals;
    while (!ok && i < numVals) {
        if (value >= myValues[i] && value < myValues[i+1]) {
            breakPoint = (i + 1);
            ok = true;
        else i++;

    // now set the proper color (using the breakpoint index)
    if (myColors != 0) {
        Basic::Pair* pair = myColors->getPosition(breakPoint);
        if (pair != 0) {
            Basic::Color* listcolor = dynamic_cast<Basic::Color*>(pair->object());
            if (listcolor != 0) {
                osg::Vec4* vec = (osg::Vec4*) listcolor->getRGBA();
                color = *vec;
                ok = true;
    return ok;
예제 #13
// getRCS() -- Get the RCS
LCreal SigSwitch::getRCS(const Emission* const em)
   LCreal rcs = 0.0;

   // Find our ownship player ...
   const Player* ownship = (const Player*) findContainerByType(typeid(Player));
   if (ownship != 0) {

      // get our ownship's camouflage type
      unsigned int camouflage = ownship->getCamouflageType();
      camouflage++; // our components are one based

      // find a RfSignature with this index
      Basic::Pair* pair = findByIndex(camouflage);
      if (pair != 0) {
         RfSignature* sig = dynamic_cast<RfSignature*>( pair->object() );
         if (sig != 0) {

            // OK -- we've found the correct RfSignature subcomponet
            // now let it do all of the work
            rcs = sig->getRCS(em);



   return rcs;
예제 #14
// Default weapon jettison event handler
bool Stores::onJettisonEvent(Weapon* const wpn)
   bool ok = false;
   if (wpn != nullptr) {

      Basic::PairStream* list = getStores();
      if (list != nullptr) {

         // First, make sure it's one of ours!
         bool found = false;
         Basic::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
         while (item != nullptr && !found) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            found = (wpn == pair->object());  // is it a match?
            item = item->getNext();

         if (found) {
            // Send a jettison event to the weapon
            ok = wpn->event(JETTISON_EVENT);

         list = nullptr;
   return ok;
// reshape it function, for reshaping our subdisplays
void GlutDisplay::reshapeIt(int w, int h)
   //std::cout << "reshapeIt() winID = " << winId;
   //std::cout << "; size(" << w << ", " << h << ")";
   //std::cout << std::endl;
   // make sure we have a min height and width or our displays will get destroyed
   if (w > 10 && h > 10) {
      BaseClass::reshapeIt(w, h);

      if (subDisplays() != nullptr && okToResize) {

         // go through and put our new numbers in
         Basic::List::Item* item = subDisplays()->getFirstItem();
         while (item != nullptr) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            if (pair != nullptr) {
               GlutDisplay* gd = dynamic_cast<GlutDisplay*>(pair->object());
               if (gd != nullptr) gd->reshapeSubWindow();
            item = item->getNext();

         // Restore our window ID
예제 #16
// setOwnshipByName() -- set our ownship by name
bool Station::setOwnshipByName(const char* const newOS)
   bool set = false;
   Basic::PairStream* pl = 0;
   if (sim != 0) pl = sim->getPlayers();

   // Look for this ownship in our list of players
   if (newOS != 0 && pl != 0) {
      Basic::Pair* p = pl->findByName(newOS);
      if (p != 0) {
         Player* newOwnship = (Player*) p->object();
         if (newOwnship != ownship) {
            // Ok, we found the new ownship and it IS a different 
            // player then the previous ownship ...
            setOwnshipPlayer( newOwnship );
            set = true;

      // Cleanup
      pl = 0;

   return set;
예제 #17
// MyObj builder
static MyObj* builder(const char* const filename)
   // read configuration file
   int errors = 0;
   Basic::Object* obj = Basic::lcParser(filename, factory, &errors);
   if (errors > 0) {
      std::cerr << "File: " << filename << ", errors: " << errors << std::endl;

   // test to see if an object was created
   if (obj == 0) {
      std::cerr << "Invalid configuration file, no objects defined!" << std::endl;

   // do we have a Basic::Pair, if so, point to object in Pair, not Pair itself
   Basic::Pair* pair = dynamic_cast<Basic::Pair*>(obj);
   if (pair != 0) {
      obj = pair->object();

   // try to cast to proper object, and check
   MyObj* myObj = dynamic_cast<MyObj*>(obj);
   if (myObj == 0) {
      std::cerr << "Invalid configuration file!" << std::endl;
   return myObj;
예제 #18
// Get the next free weapon of this 'type'
Weapon* SimpleStoresMgr::getSpecificWeapon(const std::type_info& type)
   Weapon* wpn = 0;
   if (&type != 0) {

      Basic::PairStream* list = getWeapons();
      if (list != 0) {

         // Find the first free (inactive) bomb
         Basic::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
         while (item != 0 && wpn == 0) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
            Weapon* p = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>( pair->object() );
            if (p != 0 && p->isInactive() && p->isClassType(type)) {
               wpn = p;
            item = item->getNext();


   return wpn;
예제 #19
// getTrackManagerByType() -- return the first track manager of type 
TrackManager* OnboardComputer::getTrackManagerByType(const std::type_info& type)
   TrackManager* p = 0;
   Basic::Pair* pair = findByType(type);
   if (pair != 0) {
      p = dynamic_cast<TrackManager*>( pair->object() );
   return p;
예제 #20
// getTrackManagerByName() -- return a track manager by name
TrackManager* OnboardComputer::getTrackManagerByName(const char* const name)
   TrackManager* p = 0;
   Basic::Pair* pair = findByName(name);
   if (pair != 0) {
      p = dynamic_cast<TrackManager*>( pair->object() );
   return p;
예제 #21
// outputDevices() -- Process station hardware outputs
void Station::outputDevices(const LCreal dt)
   if (ioHandlers != 0) {
     Basic::List::Item* item = ioHandlers ->getFirstItem();
     while (item != 0) {
        Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
        Basic::IoHandler* p = (Basic::IoHandler*)( pair->object() );
        item = item->getNext();
예제 #22
//  setSlotModeSingle() -- takes a single Mode and inits the mode list
bool RfSensor::setSlotModeSingle(RfSensor* const obj)
    if (modes != 0) modes->unref();

    modes = new Basic::PairStream();

    Basic::Pair* p = new Basic::Pair("1",obj);
    modes->put( p );

    return processModes();
예제 #23
// getSymbolIndex() - returns the symbol index for a particular object, if
// it exists in our list of symbols.  If it doesn't exist, we return 0.
int SymbolLoader::getSymbolIndex(const BasicGL::Graphic* const mySymbol) const
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SYMBOLS; i++) {
        if (symbols[i] != 0) {
            Basic::Pair* p = symbols[i]->getSymbolPair();
            BasicGL::Graphic* graph = (BasicGL::Graphic*)p->object();
            if (mySymbol == graph) index = (i + 1);
    return index;
예제 #24
// findSelected() -- find the selected graphic from the 'select buffer'.
// 1) When item == 0, returns nearest (by depth buffer) entry.
// 2) When item < 0, returns furthest (by depth buffer) entry.
// 3) When item > 0, returns the item'th selected entry or the first entry if
//    there are less than 'item' entries
// 4) Returns zero(0) when there are no entries in the select buffer or if the
//    Graphic for the select ID is not found.
BasicGL::Graphic* FoxDisplay::findSelected(const GLuint sbuff[], const int size, const int item)
   BasicGL::Graphic* sel = nullptr;
   GLuint id = 0;

   GLuint dmin = 0;
   GLuint dmax = 0;
   int cnt = 0;
   int idx = 0;
   while (idx < size && sbuff[idx] > 0) {
      int n = sbuff[idx++];           // Number of select names
      GLuint xmin = sbuff[idx++];     // Min Depth
      GLuint xmax = sbuff[idx++];     // Max Depth

      // First select name only
      GLuint xId = sbuff[idx++];
      for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { idx++; }

      if (cnt == 0) {
         // First item
         id = xId;
         dmin = xmin;
         dmax = xmax;
      else if (item == 0 && xmin < dmin) {
         // Nearest --
         dmin = xmin;
         id = xId;
      else if (item < 0 && xmax > dmax) {
         // Nearest --
         dmax = xmax;
         id = xId;
      else if (item == (cnt+1)) {
         id = xId;

   // Find the Graphic with this id
   if (id > 0) {
      //std::cout << "selected id = " << id << std::endl;
      Basic::Pair* pair = findBySelectName(id);
      if (pair != nullptr) {
         sel = dynamic_cast<BasicGL::Graphic*>(pair->object());
         if (sel != nullptr) {
            return sel;
   return sel;
예제 #25
// resetStores() -- Reset all stores
void Stores::resetStores(Basic::PairStream* const list)
   // Reset the external stores
   if (list != 0) {
      Basic::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
      while (item != 0) {
         Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
         Basic::Component* p = static_cast<Basic::Component*>( pair->object() );
         item = item->getNext();
void MultiActorAgent::setState(Basic::Ubf::State* const x)
   if (x == nullptr)
   if (state != nullptr)
   state = x;
   Basic::Pair* p = new Basic::Pair("", state);
예제 #27
// setOwnshipPlayer() -- set this player as our ownship
bool Station::setOwnshipPlayer(Player* const newOS)
    // Is it already own ownship?  Yes, then nothing else to do.
    if (newOS == ownship) return true;

    // When we're just setting a null(0) ownship ...
    if (newOS == 0) {
        // Unref the old player
        if (ownshipName != 0) { ownshipName->unref(); ownshipName = 0; }
        if (ownship != 0) {
            ownship = 0;
        return true;

    // Look for this ownship in our list of players
    bool set = false;
    Basic::PairStream* pl = sim->getPlayers();
    if (pl != 0) {
        Basic::List::Item* item = pl->getFirstItem();
        while (item != 0 && !set) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = dynamic_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            if (pair != 0) {
                Player* ip = dynamic_cast<Player*>( pair->object() );
                if (ip == newOS && ip->isLocalPlayer()) {
                    // Unref the old stuff
                    if (ownshipName != 0) { ownshipName->unref(); ownshipName = 0; }
                    if (ownship != 0) {
                        ownship = 0;
                    // Ok, we found the player -- make it our ownship
                    ownship = newOS;
                    ownshipName = pair->slot();
                    set = true;
            item = item->getNext();

        pl = 0;
    return set;
예제 #28
// build() -- build the table in our components list
void Table::build()
   Basic::PairStream* newList = 0;

   if (rows > 0 && columns != 0) {

      newList = new Basic::PairStream();

      // For each row: create a TableRow containing all the items in 'columns'
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) {

         // new row
         TableRow* row = new TableRow(); 

         const Basic::List::Item* item = columns->getFirstItem();
         while (item != 0) {
            const Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<const Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            const Basic::Object* obj = pair->object();
            if (obj->isClassType(typeid(BasicGL::Graphic))) {
               Basic::Pair* pp = pair->clone();
               BasicGL::Graphic* gobj = static_cast<BasicGL::Graphic*>(pp->object());

            item = item->getNext();

         // put the row on our components list with a slotname equal to its row number
            char cbuf[8];
            Basic::Pair* pp = new Basic::Pair(cbuf,row);


      // Position our subcomponents

   // These are new our subcomponents ...
   if (newList != 0) newList->unref();
예제 #29
// reset() -- Reset parameters
void Page::reset()
    if (subpages != 0) {
        // Reset all of our sub-pages
        Basic::List::Item* item = subpages->getFirstItem();
        while (item != 0) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = (Basic::Pair*)(item->getValue());
            Component* obj = (Component*)( pair->object() );
            if (obj != 0) obj->reset();
            item = item->getNext();
예제 #30
// DATALINK_MESSAGE event handler
bool Datalink::onDatalinkMessageEvent(Basic::Object* const msg)
   // Just pass it down to all of our subcomponents
   Basic::PairStream* subcomponents = getComponents();
   if (subcomponents != 0) {
      for (Basic::List::Item* item = subcomponents->getFirstItem(); item != 0; item = item->getNext()) {
         Basic::Pair* pair = static_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
         Basic::Component* sc = static_cast<Basic::Component*>(pair->object());
         sc->event(DATALINK_MESSAGE, msg);
      subcomponents = 0;
   return true;