/** \brief Clean up privileged jobs if we're a privileged thread. * * Ensures that a privileged job can't queue up other privileged jobs that would potentially create deadlocks. * * \param pfunctor Task to execute. * \param scope Previously created scoped lock. * \param tid Id of this thread. * \return True if cleaned up the queue, false if not. */ static bool cleanup_privileged(const Task &pfunctor, boost::mutex::scoped_lock &pscope, boost::thread::id tid) { if(!is_primary_thread(tid)) { return false; } while(inner_run_privileged(pscope)); pscope.unlock(); pfunctor(); pscope.lock(); return true; }
/** \brief Clean up important jobs if we're a normal thread. * * Ensured that an important job can't queue up other important jobs that could potentially create deadlocks. * * \param pfunctor Task to execute. * \param scope Previously created scoped lock. * \param tid Id of this thread. * \return True if cleaned up the queue, false if not. */ static bool cleanup_important(const Task &pfunctor, boost::mutex::scoped_lock &pscope, boost::thread::id tid) { if(threads.end() == threads.find(tid)) { return false; } while(inner_run_important(pscope)); pscope.unlock(); pfunctor(); pscope.lock(); return true; }
/** \brief Inner task running, important (promised) tasks. * * \param pscope Previously created scoped lock. * \return True if executed something, false if not. */ static bool inner_run_important(boost::mutex::scoped_lock &pscope) { if(tasks_important.empty()) { return false; } Promise *promise = tasks_important.get(); pscope.unlock(); promise->task(); pscope.lock(); return true; }
/** \brief Inner task running, privileged tasks. * * \param tlist Task list. * \param scope Previously created scoped lock. * \return True if executed something, false if not. */ static bool inner_run_privileged(boost::mutex::scoped_lock &pscope) { if(tasks_privileged.empty()) { return false; } Task functor = tasks_privileged.get(); pscope.unlock(); functor(); pscope.lock(); return true; }
inline void boost_threaded_monitor::lock() { lock_.lock(); }