boost::python::object NotepadPlusWrapper::prompt(boost::python::object promptObj, boost::python::object title, boost::python::object initial)
	PromptDialog promptDlg(m_hInst, m_nppHandle);
	const char *cPrompt = NULL;
	const char *cTitle = NULL;
	const char *cInitial = NULL;
	if (!promptObj | !promptObj.is_none())
		cPrompt = (const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(promptObj.attr("__str__")());
	if (!title | !title.is_none())
		cTitle= (const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(title.attr("__str__")());

	if (!initial | !initial.is_none())
		cInitial = (const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(initial.attr("__str__")());

	PromptDialog::PROMPT_RESULT result;
	GILRelease release;
	result = promptDlg.showPrompt(cPrompt, cTitle, cInitial);

	if (PromptDialog::RESULT_OK == result)
		return boost::python::str(promptDlg.getText());
		return boost::python::object();

예제 #2
boost::python::str ScintillaWrapper::getWord(boost::python::object position, boost::python::object useOnlyWordChars /* = true */)
	int pos;
	if (position.is_none())
		pos = callScintilla(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS);
		pos = boost::python::extract<int>(position);

	bool wordChars;
	if (useOnlyWordChars.is_none())
		wordChars = true;
		wordChars = boost::python::extract<bool>(useOnlyWordChars);

	int startPos = callScintilla(SCI_WORDSTARTPOSITION, pos, wordChars);
	int endPos = callScintilla(SCI_WORDENDPOSITION, pos, wordChars);
	Sci_TextRange tr;
	tr.chrg.cpMin = startPos;
	tr.chrg.cpMax = endPos;
	tr.lpstrText = new char[size_t((endPos - startPos) + 1)];
	callScintilla(SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&tr));
	boost::python::str retVal(const_cast<const char *>(tr.lpstrText));
	delete[] tr.lpstrText;
	return retVal;
예제 #3
void ScintillaWrapper::replace(boost::python::object searchStr, boost::python::object replaceStr, boost::python::object flags)
	int start = 0;
	int end = GetLength();
	int iFlags = 0;

	if (!flags.is_none())
		iFlags |= boost::python::extract<int>(flags);

	const char *replaceChars = boost::python::extract<const char*>(replaceStr.attr("__str__")());
	size_t replaceLength = strlen(replaceChars);

	Sci_TextToFind src;

	src.lpstrText = const_cast<char*>((const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(searchStr.attr("__str__")()));
	int result = 0;

	while(result != -1)
		src.chrg.cpMin = start;
		src.chrg.cpMax = end;
		result = callScintilla(SCI_FINDTEXT, iFlags, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&src));
		// If nothing found, then just finish
		if (-1 == result)
			// Replace the location found with the replacement text
			callScintilla(SCI_REPLACETARGET, replaceLength, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(replaceChars));
			start = src.chrgText.cpMin + (int)replaceLength;
			end = end + ((int)replaceLength - (src.chrgText.cpMax - src.chrgText.cpMin));

예제 #4
파일: Func.cpp 프로젝트: sppalkia/Halide
h::Stage func_setitem_operator1(h::Func &that, p::object arg_passed, T right_hand)
    p::tuple args_passed;
    p::extract<p::tuple> tuple_extract(arg_passed);
        args_passed = tuple_extract();
    else if(arg_passed.is_none())
        // args_passed tuple is left empty
        args_passed = p::make_tuple(arg_passed);

    return func_setitem_operator0(that, args_passed, right_hand);
예제 #5
void ScintillaWrapper::pymlsearch(boost::python::object searchExp, boost::python::object callback, boost::python::object flags, boost::python::object startPosition, boost::python::object endPosition)
	boost::python::object re_module( (boost::python::handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("re"))) );
	if (!re_module.is_none())
		boost::python::str contents;

		contents = GetText();
		int iFlags = 0;
		if (!flags.is_none())
			iFlags = boost::python::extract<int>(flags);
		iFlags |= boost::python::extract<int>(re_module.attr("MULTILINE"));

		boost::python::object re = re_module.attr("compile")(searchExp, iFlags);
		boost::python::object match;

		int pos = 0;
		if (!startPosition.is_none())
			pos = boost::python::extract<int>(startPosition);

		int endPos = 0;

		if (!endPosition.is_none())
			endPos = boost::python::extract<int>(endPosition);

		bool endPosFixed = true;

		if (endPos == 0)
			endPos = GetLength();
			endPosFixed = false;

		int line;
			match = re.attr("search")(contents, pos, endPos);
			// If nothing found, then skip
			if (!match.is_none())
				pos = boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("start")());
				line = LineFromPosition(pos);
				boost::python::object result = callback(line, match);
				// If return value was false, then stop the search
				if (!result.is_none() && !boost::python::extract<bool>(result))

				if (!endPosFixed)
					endPos = GetLength();

				pos = boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("end")());

		} while (!match.is_none());
	} // end re_module check

예제 #6
void ScintillaWrapper::pysearch(boost::python::object searchExp, boost::python::object callback, boost::python::object flags, boost::python::object startLine, boost::python::object endLine)
	boost::python::object re_module( (boost::python::handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("re"))) );
	if (!re_module.is_none())
		int start = 0;
		if (!startLine.is_none())
			start = boost::python::extract<int>(startLine);

		int end;
		int lineCount = GetLineCount();
		bool endFixed = false;

		if (!endLine.is_none())
			endFixed = true;
			end = boost::python::extract<int>(endLine);

			end = lineCount - 1;

		boost::python::object re = re_module.attr("compile")(searchExp, flags);
		bool called;
		boost::python::object match;

		for(int line = start; line <= end && line < lineCount; ++line)
			int pos = 0;
			called = false;
				match = re.attr("search")(GetLine(line), pos);
				// If nothing found, then continue to next line
				if (!match.is_none())

					boost::python::object result = callback(line, match);
					// If return value was false, then stop the search
					if (!result.is_none() && !boost::python::extract<bool>(result))
					pos = boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("end")());
					called = true;

			} while (!match.is_none());
			// If we called the user function, update the lineCount
			// (...Who knows what they've done!) :)
			if (called)
				lineCount = GetLineCount();
				if (!endFixed)
					end = lineCount - 1;
		} // end line loop

	} // end re_module check

예제 #7
void ScintillaWrapper::pyreplace(boost::python::object searchExp, boost::python::object replaceStr, boost::python::object count, boost::python::object flags, boost::python::object startLine, boost::python::object endLine)
	boost::python::object re_module( (boost::python::handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("re"))) );
	if (!re_module.is_none())
		const char *strCount = boost::python::extract<const char *>(count.attr("__str__")());
		int iCount;
		int iFlags = 0;
		if (!flags.is_none())
			iFlags = boost::python::extract<int>(flags);

		int start = 0;
		if (!startLine.is_none())
			start = boost::python::extract<int>(startLine);

		int end = -1;
		if (!startLine.is_none())
			 end = boost::python::extract<int>(endLine);

		iCount = atoi(strCount);
		bool ignoreCount = (iCount == 0);
		bool includeLineEndings = (iFlags & RE_INCLUDELINEENDINGS) == RE_INCLUDELINEENDINGS;

		long lineCount = GetLineCount();
		boost::python::object re = re_module.attr("compile")(searchExp, flags);
		size_t bufferLength = 0;
		Sci_TextRange range;
		range.chrg.cpMin = 0;
		range.lpstrText = NULL;
		boost::python::tuple result;
		idx_t currentStartPosition;
		int infiniteLoopCheck = 0;
		int previousLine = -1;
		for(int line = start; line < lineCount && (ignoreCount || iCount > 0) && (-1 == end || line <= end); ++line)
			if (line == previousLine)
				if (++infiniteLoopCheck >= 1000)
					PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "Infinite loop detected in pyreplace");
					if (range.lpstrText)
						delete[] range.lpstrText;

					throw boost::python::error_already_set();
			previousLine = line;

			if (includeLineEndings)
				result = boost::python::extract<boost::python::tuple>(re.attr("subn")(replaceStr, GetLine(line), ignoreCount ? 0 : iCount));
				range.chrg.cpMin = PositionFromLine(line);
				range.chrg.cpMax = GetLineEndPosition(line);
				if (bufferLength < (size_t)((range.chrg.cpMax - range.chrg.cpMin) + 1))
					if (range.lpstrText)
						delete [] range.lpstrText;
					bufferLength = (size_t)((range.chrg.cpMax - range.chrg.cpMin) + 1);
					range.lpstrText = new char[bufferLength + 1];
				callScintilla(SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&range));

				result = boost::python::extract<boost::python::tuple>(re.attr("subn")(replaceStr, const_cast<const char *>(range.lpstrText), ignoreCount ? 0 : iCount));

			int numSubs = boost::python::extract<int>(result[1]);
			if (numSubs != 0)
				size_t resultLength = _len(result[0]);
				if (includeLineEndings)
					currentStartPosition = (idx_t)PositionFromLine(line);
					replaceWholeLine(line, result[0]);
					currentStartPosition = (idx_t)range.chrg.cpMin;
					replaceLine(line, result[0]);

				int newLine = LineFromPosition((int)(currentStartPosition + resultLength));
				// If the line number has moved on more than one
				// there must have been one or more new lines in the 
				// replacement, or no newline, hence the lines have become less
				if ((newLine - line) != (includeLineEndings ? 1 : 0))
					line = newLine - (includeLineEndings ? 1 : 0);
					lineCount = GetLineCount();
				iCount -= numSubs;

		if (range.lpstrText)
			delete[] range.lpstrText;

예제 #8
void ScintillaWrapper::pymlreplace(boost::python::object searchExp, boost::python::object replaceStr, boost::python::object count, boost::python::object flags, boost::python::object startPosition, boost::python::object endPosition)
	boost::python::str contents;
	offset_t currentOffset = 0;

	if (startPosition.is_none() && endPosition.is_none())
		contents = GetCharacterPointer();

		Sci_TextRange range;
		if (!startPosition.is_none())
			range.chrg.cpMin = boost::python::extract<int>(startPosition);
			range.chrg.cpMin = 0;

		if (!endPosition.is_none())
			range.chrg.cpMax = boost::python::extract<int>(endPosition);
			range.chrg.cpMax = GetLength();
		currentOffset = (offset_t)range.chrg.cpMin;

		range.lpstrText = new char[size_t((range.chrg.cpMax - range.chrg.cpMin) + 1)];
		callScintilla(SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&range));
		contents = boost::python::str(const_cast<const char *>(range.lpstrText));
		delete[] range.lpstrText;

	boost::python::object re_module( (boost::python::handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("re"))) );

	int iFlags = 0;
	int iCount = 0;
	if (!flags.is_none())
		iFlags = boost::python::extract<int>(flags);
	if (!count.is_none())
		iCount = boost::python::extract<int>(count);

	if (0 == iCount)
		iCount = -1;

	boost::python::object re = re_module.attr("compile")(searchExp, iFlags | boost::python::extract<int>(re_module.attr("MULTILINE")));
	if (!re_module.is_none())
		boost::python::object match;
		boost::python::object oreplacement;
		size_t replacementLength;
		idx_t matchStart, matchEnd;
		idx_t startPos = 0;

			match = re.attr("search")(contents, startPos);
			if (!match.is_none())
				// Get expanded replacement string
				oreplacement = match.attr("expand")(replaceStr);
				// Calculate offsets
				matchStart = (idx_t)boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("start")());
				matchEnd   = (idx_t)boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("end")());

				// Extract text replacement
				const char *replacement = boost::python::extract<const char *>(oreplacement);
				replacementLength = _len(oreplacement);

				// Replace text in Scintilla
				callScintilla(SCI_SETTARGETSTART, static_cast<offset_t>(matchStart) + currentOffset);
				callScintilla(SCI_SETTARGETEND, static_cast<offset_t>(matchEnd) + currentOffset);
				callScintilla(SCI_REPLACETARGET, replacementLength, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(replacement));

				// Calculate the difference between the old string, 
				// and the new replacement, and add it to the currentOffset
				currentOffset += static_cast<offset_t>(replacementLength - (matchEnd - matchStart));

				// Set startPos to the end of the last match - startPos is with the original document
				startPos = matchEnd; 

		} while(!match.is_none() && (iCount == -1 || --iCount > 0));

예제 #9
Datum convert_python_to_datum(const boost::python::object &obj) {
    ScopedRecursionGuard srg(" while converting Python object to MWorks datum");
    if (obj.is_none()) {
        return Datum();
    PyObject *pObj = obj.ptr();
    if (PyBool_Check(pObj)) {
        return Datum(bool(pObj == Py_True));
    } else if (PyArray_IsScalar(pObj, Bool)) {
        return Datum(bool(PyObject_IsTrue(pObj)));
    } else if (PyInt_Check(pObj)) {  // Must come *after* PyBool_Check
        long l_val = PyInt_AsLong(pObj);
        if ((l_val == -1) && PyErr_Occurred())
        return Datum(l_val);
    } else if (PyArray_IsScalar(pObj, Integer)) {
        return convert_python_to_datum(manageNewRef(PyNumber_Int(pObj)));
    } else if (PyLong_Check(pObj)) {
        long long ll_val = PyLong_AsLongLong(pObj);
        if ((ll_val == -1) && PyErr_Occurred())
        return Datum(ll_val);
    } else if (PyFloat_Check(pObj)) {
        double value = PyFloat_AsDouble(pObj);
        if ((value == -1.0) && PyErr_Occurred())
        return Datum(value);
    } else if (PyArray_IsScalar(pObj, Floating)) {
        return convert_python_to_datum(manageNewRef(PyNumber_Float(pObj)));
    } else if (PyString_Check(pObj) || PyUnicode_Check(pObj)) {
        boost::python::object string;
        if (!PyUnicode_Check(pObj)) {
            string = obj;
        } else {
            string = manageNewRef( PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(pObj) );
        char *buffer;
        Py_ssize_t size;
        if (PyString_AsStringAndSize(string.ptr(), &buffer, &size))
        return Datum(buffer, int(size));
    } else if (PyMapping_Check(pObj)) {
        int size = int(PyMapping_Size(pObj));
        if (size == -1)
        Datum dict(M_DICTIONARY, size);
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wwritable-strings"
        boost::python::object keys = manageNewRef( PyMapping_Keys(pObj) );
        boost::python::object values = manageNewRef( PyMapping_Values(pObj) );
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            dict.addElement(convert_python_to_datum(manageBorrowedRef( PyList_GetItem(keys.ptr(), i) )),
                            convert_python_to_datum(manageBorrowedRef( PyList_GetItem(values.ptr(), i) )));
        return dict;
    } else if (PySequence_Check(pObj)) {  // Must come *after* PyString_Check, PyUnicode_Check, and PyMapping_Check
        int size = int(PySequence_Size(pObj));
        if (size == -1)
        Datum list(M_LIST, size);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            list.setElement(i, convert_python_to_datum(manageNewRef(PySequence_GetItem(pObj, i))));
        return list;
    PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot convert object of type %s", pObj->ob_type->tp_name);
    return Datum();  // Never reached