int main() { m.lock(); boost::thread t(f); m.unlock(); t.join(); return boost::report_errors(); }
void f1() { time_point t0 = Clock::now(); BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock_until(Clock::now() + ms(300) ) == true); time_point t1 = Clock::now(); m.unlock(); ns d = t1 - t0 ; BOOST_TEST(d < ns(5000000)); // within 5ms }
void f() { #if defined BOOST_THREAD_USES_CHRONO time_point t0 = Clock::now(); BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock()); time_point t1 = Clock::now(); BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock()); m.unlock(); m.unlock(); ns d = t1 - t0; // This test is spurious as it depends on the time the thread system switches the threads BOOST_TEST(d < ns(50000000)); // within 50ms #else BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock()); BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock()); m.unlock(); m.unlock(); #endif }
void f1() { time_point t0 = Clock::now(); // This test is spurious as it depends on the time the thread system switches the threads BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock_for(ms(100)) == true); time_point t1 = Clock::now(); BOOST_TEST(m.try_lock()); m.unlock(); m.unlock(); ns d = t1 - t0 ; // This test is spurious as it depends on the time the thread system switches the threads BOOST_TEST(d < ns(5000000)); // within 5ms }