예제 #1
int main( int ac, char** av )
    boost::scoped_ptr< boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream > stream;
        comma::command_line_options options( ac, av );
        if( options.exists( "--help,-h" ) ) { usage(); }
        verbose = options.exists( "--verbose,-v" );
        std::vector< std::string > v = options.unnamed( "--help,-h,--get-status,--reset,--reset-dsp,--start,--stop,--verbose,-v,--no-discard,--no-flush", "--get,--set" );
        std::vector< std::string > a = comma::split( ( v.empty() ? std::string( "" ) : v[0] ), ':' );
        if( a.size() != 2 ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: expected address, got \"" << v[0] << "\"" << std::endl; usage(); }
        std::string address = a[0];
        unsigned short port = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned short >( a[1] );
        boost::asio::io_service service;
        boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver( service );
        boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query( a[0], a[1] );
        boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator it = resolver.resolve( query );
        if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: connecting to " << it->endpoint() << "..." << std::endl; }
        stream.reset( new boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream( it->endpoint() ) );
        if( !( *stream ) ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to connect to " << address << ":" << port ); }
        if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: connected to " << address << ":" << port << std::endl; }
        protocol.reset( new sick::ibeo::protocol( *stream ) );
        options.assert_mutually_exclusive( "--get,--get-status,--reset,--set,--reset-dsp,--start,--stop,--publish" );
        bool ok = true;
        if( options.exists( "--reset" ) )
            sick::ibeo::commands::reset::response response = protocol->write( sick::ibeo::commands::reset() );
            ok = response.ok();
            if( ok ) { if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: reset to factory settings; next time connect to the default ip address" << std::endl; } }
        else if( options.exists( "--reset-dsp" ) )
        else if( options.exists( "--set" ) )
            comma::name_value::map m( options.value< std::string >( "--set" ), ',' );
            sick::ibeo::commands::set command;
            for( comma::name_value::map::map_type::const_iterator it = m.get().begin(); ok && it != m.get().end(); ++it )
                if( it->first == "address" )
                    command.index = sick::ibeo::commands::set::ip_address;
                    std::vector< std::string > bytes = comma::split( it->second, '.' );
                    if( bytes.size() != 4 ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected ip address, got " << it->second ); }
                    command.value.data()[0] = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( bytes[3] ); // little endian
                    command.value.data()[1] = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( bytes[2] );
                    command.value.data()[2] = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( bytes[1] );
                    command.value.data()[3] = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >( bytes[0] );
                else if( it->first == "port" )
                    command.index = sick::ibeo::commands::set::tcp_port;
                    command.value = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned short >( it->second ); // todo: sort out endianness!
                    COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected parameter, got " << it->first );
                ok = protocol->write( command ).ok();
                if( !ok ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: failed to set " << it->first << " to " << it->second << std::endl; }
            if( ok )
                ok = protocol->write( sick::ibeo::commands::save_configuration() ).ok();
                if( !ok ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: failed to save configuration" << std::endl; }
                else if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: saved configuration for " << options.value< std::string >( "--set" ) << std::endl; }
        else if( options.exists( "--get" ) )
            std::vector< std::string > v = comma::split( options.value< std::string >( "--get" ), ',' );
            sick::ibeo::commands::get command;
            sick::ibeo::commands::get::response response;
            std::string comma;
            for( std::size_t i = 0; ok && i < v.size(); ++i, ok = ok && response.ok() )
                if( v[i] == "address" ) { command.index = sick::ibeo::commands::set::ip_address; }
                else if( v[i] == "port" ) { command.index = sick::ibeo::commands::set::tcp_port; }
                else { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "expected parameter, got " << v[i] ); }
                response = protocol->write( command );
                if( response.ok() ) { std::cout << comma << response << std::endl; }
                comma = ",";
        else if( options.exists( "--get-status" ) )
            sick::ibeo::commands::get_status::response response = protocol->write( sick::ibeo::commands::get_status() );
            ok = response.ok();
            if( ok ) { std::cout << response << std::endl; }
        else if( options.exists( "--start" ) )
            ok = protocol->write( sick::ibeo::commands::start() ).ok();
        else if( options.exists( "--stop" ) )
            ok = protocol->write( sick::ibeo::commands::stop() ).ok();
            std::string publisher_name;
            boost::shared_ptr< comma::io::publisher > publisher;
            if( options.exists( "--publish" ) ) 
                publisher_name = options.value< std::string >( "--publish" ); 
                bool blocking = options.exists( "--no-discard" );
                bool flush = !options.exists( "--no-flush" );
                publisher = boost::shared_ptr< comma::io::publisher >( new comma::io::publisher( publisher_name, comma::io::mode::binary, blocking, flush ) );
                if( verbose ) { 
                    std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: will be publishing on " << publisher_name << ( blocking? ", blocking enabled": "" ) << ( flush? ", flush enabled": "" ) << std::endl; 
            update_timestamp( true );
            if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: starting scanning..." << std::endl; }
            if( !protocol->write( sick::ibeo::commands::start() ).ok() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "failed to start scanning" ); }
            if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: started scanning" << std::endl; }
            bool first = true;
            comma::signal_flag is_shutdown;
#ifdef WIN32
            _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY ); 
            while( !is_shutdown )
                const sick::ibeo::scan_packet* scan;
                try { scan = protocol->readscan(); }
                catch( sick::ibeo::protocol::faultException& ex ) { continue; }
                if( scan == NULL ) { break; }
                if( verbose && first ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: got first scan" << std::endl; first = false; }
                if( !scan->packet_header.valid() ) { COMMA_THROW( comma::exception, "invalid scan" ); }
                if( options.exists( "--publish" ) )
                    publisher->write( scan->data(), sick::ibeo::header::size + scan->packet_header.payload_size() );
                    std::cout.write( scan->data(), sick::ibeo::header::size + scan->packet_header.payload_size() ); 
                if( verbose && ( scan->packet_scan.scan_header.measurement_number() % 10 == 0 ) )
                    std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: got " << scan->packet_scan.scan_header.measurement_number() << " scans              \r";
            if( is_shutdown ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: caught signal" << std::endl; }
        if( ok ) { if( verbose ) { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: done" << std::endl; } }
        else { std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: failed" << std::endl; }
        if( stream ) { stream->close(); }
        return ok ? 0 : -1;
    catch( std::exception& ex )
        std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
    catch( ... )
        std::cerr << "sick-ldmrs-stream: unknown exception" << std::endl;
    if( stream ) { stream->close(); }