예제 #1
ActionID ActionTypeData::GetActionID(const BWAPI::UnitType & type) 
    const RaceID raceID = GetRaceID(type.getRace());
    BOSS_ASSERT(raceID < Races::NUM_RACES, "Race ID invalid: %d %s", (int)raceID, type.getName().c_str());

    for (ActionID a(0); a < ActionTypeData::GetNumActionTypes(raceID); ++a)
        const ActionTypeData & data = GetActionTypeData(raceID, a);
        if (data.isUnit() && data.getUnitType() == type)
            return data.getActionID();
	BOSS_ASSERT(false, "Could not find UnitType: %d %s", type.getID(), type.getName().c_str());
    return 0;
예제 #2
// UnitType constructor
ActionTypeData::ActionTypeData(BWAPI::UnitType t, const ActionID id) 
	: type                      (UnitType)
	, unit                      (t)
    , raceID                    (GetRaceID(t.getRace()))
	, actionID                  (id)
	, mineralPriceVal           (t.mineralPrice() * Constants::RESOURCE_SCALE)
	, gasPriceVal               (t.gasPrice() * Constants::RESOURCE_SCALE)
	, supplyRequiredVal         (t.supplyRequired())
	, supplyProvidedVal         (t.supplyProvided())
	, buildTimeVal              (t.buildTime())
	, numberProduced            (1)
	, name                      (t.getName())
	, metaName                  (t.getName())
	, building                  (t.isBuilding())
	, worker                    (t.isWorker())
	, refinery                  (t.isRefinery())
	, resourceDepot             (t.isResourceDepot())
	, supplyProvider            (t.supplyProvided() > 0 && !t.isResourceDepot())
	, canProduceBool            (t.isBuilding() && t.canProduce())
	, canAttackBool             (t.canAttack())
	, whatBuildsUnitType        (t.whatBuilds().first)
    , addon                     (t.isAddon())
    , morphed                   (false)
    , reqAddon                  (false)
    , reqAddonID                (0)
	if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Zergling || t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Scourge)
		numberProduced = 2;

    if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Lair ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Hive ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Greater_Spire ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Lurker ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Guardian ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Sunken_Colony ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spore_Colony)
        morphed = true;

MetaType::MetaType (BWAPI::UnitType t)
    : _unitType(t)
    , _type(MetaTypes::Unit)
    , _race(t.getRace())
예제 #4
	// returns an ActionSet of prerequisites for a given action
	ActionSet calculatePrerequisites(StarcraftAction & action)
		ActionSet pre;

		if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) 
			printf("DEBUG: Hello\n");
			printf("DEBUG: %d  \t%s \t%s\n", getAction(action), action.getName().c_str(), actions[getAction(action)].getName().c_str());

		// if it's a UnitType
		if (action.getType() == StarcraftAction::UnitType)
			std::map<BWAPI::UnitType, int> requiredUnits = action.getUnitType().requiredUnits();
			BWAPI::UnitType actionType = action.getUnitType();

			// if it's a protoss building that isn't a Nexus or Assimilator, we need a pylon (indirectly)
			if (actionType.getRace() == BWAPI::Races::Protoss && actionType.isBuilding() && !actionType.isResourceDepot() && 
				!(actionType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon) && !(actionType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Assimilator))

			// for each of the required UnitTypes
			for (std::map<BWAPI::UnitType, int>::iterator unitIt = requiredUnits.begin(); unitIt != requiredUnits.end(); unitIt++)
				if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", unitIt->first.getName().c_str());
				BWAPI::UnitType type = unitIt->first;

				// add the action to the ActionSet if it is not a larva
				if (type != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva)
					//printf("\t\tAdding %s\n", type.getName().c_str());

			// if there is a TechType required
			if (action.getUnitType().requiredTech() != BWAPI::TechTypes::None)
				if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", action.getUnitType().requiredTech().getName().c_str());

				// add it to the ActionSet

		// if it's a TechType
		if (action.getType() == StarcraftAction::TechType)
			if (action.getTechType().whatResearches() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::None)
				if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", action.getTechType().whatResearches().getName().c_str());

				// add what researches it

		// if it's an UpgradeType
		if (action.getType() == StarcraftAction::UpgradeType)
			if (action.getUpgradeType().whatUpgrades() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::None)
				if (DEBUG_StarcraftData) printf("\tPRE: %s\n", action.getUpgradeType().whatUpgrades().getName().c_str());

				// add what upgrades it

		//printf("Finish Prerequisites\n");
		return pre;
예제 #5
ActionTypeData ActionTypeData::GetActionTypeData(const BWAPI::UnitType & a)
    return GetActionTypeData(GetRaceID(a.getRace()), GetActionID(a));