예제 #1
파일: SkeletonX.cpp 프로젝트: 2asoft/xray
// Fill Vertices
void CSkeletonX::_FillVerticesSoft1W(const Fmatrix& view, CSkeletonWallmark& wm, const Fvector& normal, float size, u16* indices, CBoneData::FacesVec& faces)
	VERIFY				(*Vertices1W);
	for (CBoneData::FacesVecIt it=faces.begin(); it!=faces.end(); it++){
		Fvector			p[3];
		u32 idx			= (*it)*3;
		CSkeletonWallmark::WMFace F;
		for (u32 k=0; k<3; k++){
			vertBoned1W& vert		= Vertices1W[indices[idx+k]];
			F.bone_id[k][0]			= (u16)vert.matrix;
			F.bone_id[k][1]			= F.bone_id[k][0];
			F.weight[k]				= 0.f;
			const Fmatrix& xform	= Parent->LL_GetBoneInstance(F.bone_id[k][0]).mRenderTransform; 
			F.vert[k].set			(vert.P);
			xform.transform_tiny	(p[k],F.vert[k]);
		Fvector test_normal;
		test_normal.mknormal	(p[0],p[1],p[2]);
		float cosa				= test_normal.dotproduct(normal);
		if (cosa<EPS)			continue;
		if (CDB::TestSphereTri(wm.ContactPoint(),size,p))
			Fvector				UV;
			for (u32 k=0; k<3; k++){
				Fvector2& uv	= F.uv[k];
				uv.x			= (1+UV.x)*.5f;
				uv.y			= (1-UV.y)*.5f;
예제 #2
void	CKinematics::Load(const char* N, IReader *data, u32 dwFlags)
	//Msg				("skeleton: %s",N);
	inherited::Load	(N, data, dwFlags);

    pUserData		= NULL;
    m_lod			= NULL;
    // loading lods

	IReader* LD 	= data->open_chunk(OGF_S_LODS);
    if (LD)
        string_path		short_name;
        strcpy_s		(short_name,sizeof(short_name),N);

        if (strext(short_name)) *strext(short_name)=0;
        // From stream
			string_path		lod_name;
			LD->r_string	(lod_name, sizeof(lod_name));
//.         strconcat		(sizeof(name_load),name_load, short_name, ":lod:", lod_name.c_str());
            m_lod 			= ::Render->model_CreateChild(lod_name, NULL);
            VERIFY3(m_lod,"Cant create LOD model for", N);
//.			VERIFY2			(m_lod->Type==MT_HIERRARHY || m_lod->Type==MT_PROGRESSIVE || m_lod->Type==MT_NORMAL,lod_name.c_str());
			strconcat		(name_load, short_name, ":lod:1");
            m_lod 			= ::Render->model_CreateChild(name_load,LD);
        LD->close	();

#ifndef _EDITOR    
	// User data
	IReader* UD 	= data->open_chunk(OGF_S_USERDATA);
    pUserData		= UD?xr_new<CInifile>(UD,FS.get_path("$game_config$")->m_Path):0;
    if (UD)			UD->close();

	// Globals
	bone_map_N		= xr_new<accel>		();
	bone_map_P		= xr_new<accel>		();
	bones			= xr_new<vecBones>	();
	bone_instances	= NULL;

	// Load bones
#pragma todo("container is created in stack!")
	xr_vector<shared_str>	L_parents;

	R_ASSERT		(data->find_chunk(OGF_S_BONE_NAMES));

    visimask.zero	();
	int dwCount 	= data->r_u32();
	// Msg				("!!! %d bones",dwCount);
	// if (dwCount >= 64)	Msg			("!!! More than 64 bones is a crazy thing! (%d), %s",dwCount,N);
	VERIFY3			(dwCount < 64, "More than 64 bones is a crazy thing!",N);
	for (; dwCount; dwCount--)		{
		string256	buf;

		// Bone
		u16			ID				= u16(bones->size());
		data->r_stringZ				(buf,sizeof(buf));	strlwr(buf);
		CBoneData* pBone 			= CreateBoneData(ID);
		pBone->name					= shared_str(buf);
		pBone->child_faces.resize	(children.size());
		bones->push_back			(pBone);
		bone_map_N->push_back		(mk_pair(pBone->name,ID));
		bone_map_P->push_back		(mk_pair(pBone->name,ID));

		// It's parent
		data->r_stringZ				(buf,sizeof(buf));	strlwr(buf);
		L_parents.push_back			(buf);

		data->r						(&pBone->obb,sizeof(Fobb));
        visimask.set				(u64(1)<<ID,TRUE);
	std::sort	(bone_map_N->begin(),bone_map_N->end(),pred_sort_N);
	std::sort	(bone_map_P->begin(),bone_map_P->end(),pred_sort_P);

	// Attach bones to their parents
	iRoot = BI_NONE;
	for (u32 i=0; i<bones->size(); i++) {
		shared_str	P 		= L_parents[i];
		CBoneData* B	= (*bones)[i];
		if (!P||!P[0]) {
			// no parent - this is root bone
			R_ASSERT	(BI_NONE==iRoot);
			iRoot		= u16(i);
		} else {
			u16 ID		= LL_BoneID(P);
	R_ASSERT	(BI_NONE != iRoot);

	// Free parents

    // IK data
	IReader* IKD 	= data->open_chunk(OGF_S_IKDATA);
    if (IKD){
        for (u32 i=0; i<bones->size(); i++) {
            CBoneData*	B 	= (*bones)[i];
            u16 vers		= (u16)IKD->r_u32();
            IKD->r_stringZ	(B->game_mtl_name);
            IKD->r			(&B->shape,sizeof(SBoneShape));
            Fvector vXYZ,vT;
            IKD->r_fvector3	(vXYZ);
            IKD->r_fvector3	(vT);
	        B->mass			= IKD->r_float();
    	    IKD->r_fvector3	(B->center_of_mass);
        // calculate model to bone converting matrix

	// after load process
		for (u16 child_idx=0; child_idx<(u16)children.size(); child_idx++)
			LL_GetChild(child_idx)->AfterLoad	(this,child_idx);

	// unique bone faces
		for (u32 bone_idx=0; bone_idx<bones->size(); bone_idx++) {
			CBoneData*	B 	= (*bones)[bone_idx];
			for (u32 child_idx=0; child_idx<children.size(); child_idx++){
				CBoneData::FacesVec faces		= B->child_faces[child_idx];
				std::sort						(faces.begin(),faces.end());
				CBoneData::FacesVecIt new_end	= std::unique(faces.begin(),faces.end());
				faces.erase						(new_end,faces.end());
				B->child_faces[child_idx]		= faces;

	// reset update_callback
	Update_Callback	= NULL;
	// reset update frame
	wm_frame		= u32(-1);

    LL_Validate		();