Progress_to_std_cerr_callback (const char* name) : name (name) { timer.start(); t_start = timer.time(); t_latest = t_start; }
int main() { const int N = 10000000; // 10M CGAL::Real_timer timer; timer.start(); std::vector<Point_3> points; points.reserve(N); CGAL::Random_points_in_sphere_3<Point_3> g( 100.0); CGAL::cpp11::copy_n( g, N, std::back_inserter(points)); timer.stop(); std::cout << "Fill vector: " << timer.time() << " sec" << std::endl; timer.reset(); timer.start(); int res=0; Predicate predicate; for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < N-4; i++) { res += predicate(points[i], points[i+1], points[i+2], points[i+3]); } } timer.stop(); std::cout << "result = " << res << std::endl; #ifndef ONLY_TEST_COMPARISONS std::cout << "Orientation: "; #else std::cout << "Comparisons: "; #endif std::cout << timer.time() << " sec" << std::endl; }
void check_timeout() { if ( sTimeout > 0.0 && sTimeoutWatchdog.time() > sTimeout ) { sHadTimedOut = true ; throw Timed_out() ; } }
int main(int, char** argv) { Mesh m1,m2; std::ifstream input(argv[1]); input >> m1; input.close();[2]); input >> m2; std::cout << "First mesh has " << num_faces(m1) << " faces\n"; std::cout << "Second mesh has " << num_faces(m2) << " faces\n"; CGAL::Real_timer time; #if defined(CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB) time.start(); std::cout << "Distance between meshes (parallel) " << PMP::approximate_Hausdorff_distance<CGAL::Parallel_tag>( m1,m2,PMP::parameters::number_of_points_per_area_unit(4000)) << "\n"; time.stop(); std::cout << "done in " << time.time() << "s.\n"; #endif time.reset(); time.start(); std::cout << "Distance between meshes (sequential) " << PMP::approximate_Hausdorff_distance<CGAL::Sequential_tag>( m1,m2,PMP::parameters::number_of_points_per_area_unit(4000)) << "\n"; time.stop(); std::cout << "done in " << time.time() << "s.\n"; general_tests<K>(m1,m2); test_concept(); return 0; }
bool operator()(double advancement) const { // Avoid calling time() at every single iteration, which could // impact performances very badly ++ nb; if (advancement != 1 && nb % 100 != 0) return true; double t = timer.time(); if (advancement == 1 || (t - t_latest) > 0.1) // Update every 1/10th of second { std::cerr << "\r" // Return at the beginning of same line and overwrite << name << ": " << int(advancement * 100) << "%"; if (advancement == 1) std::cerr << std::endl; t_latest = t; } return true; }
void end_timeout_watchdog() { sTimeoutWatchdog.stop(); }
void start_timeout_watchdog() { sTimeoutWatchdog.reset(); sTimeoutWatchdog.start(); sHadTimedOut = false ; }
Meshing_thread* cgal_code_mesh_3_templated(const Mesh* pMesh, const Polylines_container& polylines, const Mesh* pBoundingMesh, QString filename, const double facet_angle, const double facet_sizing, const double facet_approx, const double tet_sizing, const double edge_size, const double tet_shape, bool protect_features, bool protect_borders, const double sharp_edges_angle, const int manifold, const bool surface_only, CGAL::Three::Scene_interface* scene) { if(!pMesh) return 0; std::cerr << "Meshing file \"" << qPrintable(filename) << "\"\n"; std::cerr << " angle: " << facet_angle << std::endl << " edge size bound: " << edge_size << std::endl << " facets size bound: " << facet_sizing << std::endl << " approximation bound: " << facet_approx << std::endl; if (is_closed(*pMesh)) std::cerr << " tetrahedra size bound: " << tet_sizing << std::endl; std::cerr << "Build AABB tree..."; CGAL::Real_timer timer; timer.start(); typedef typename Polyhedral_mesh_domain_selector<Mesh>::type Polyhedral_mesh_domain; // Create domain Polyhedral_mesh_domain* p_domain = NULL; if (!surface_only && is_closed(*pMesh)) p_domain = new Polyhedral_mesh_domain(*pMesh); else if (!surface_only && pBoundingMesh != NULL && is_closed(*pBoundingMesh)) p_domain = new Polyhedral_mesh_domain(*pMesh, *pBoundingMesh); else { std::vector<const Mesh*> poly_ptrs_vector(1, pMesh); p_domain = new Polyhedral_mesh_domain(poly_ptrs_vector.begin(), poly_ptrs_vector.end()); } // Features if(polylines.empty() && protect_features) { //includes detection of borders in the surface case p_domain->detect_features(sharp_edges_angle); } else if (polylines.empty() && protect_borders) { p_domain->detect_borders(); } if(! polylines.empty()){ p_domain->add_features(polylines.begin(), polylines.end()); protect_features = true; // so that it will be passed in make_mesh_3 } std::cerr << " done (" << timer.time() * 1000 << " ms)" << std::endl; Scene_c3t3_item* p_new_item = new Scene_c3t3_item(surface_only); p_new_item->setScene(scene); QString tooltip = QString("<div>From \"") + filename + QString("\" with the following mesh parameters" "<ul>" "<li>Angle: %1</li>" "<li>Edge size bound: %2</li>" "<li>Facets size bound: %3</li>" "<li>Approximation bound: %4</li>") .arg(facet_angle) .arg(edge_size) .arg(facet_sizing) .arg(facet_approx); if (is_closed(*pMesh)) tooltip += QString("<li>Tetrahedra size bound: %1</li>" ) .arg(tet_sizing); tooltip += "</ul></div>"; p_new_item->setProperty("toolTip",tooltip); Mesh_parameters param; param.facet_angle = facet_angle; param.facet_sizing = facet_sizing; param.facet_approx = facet_approx; param.tet_sizing = tet_sizing; param.tet_shape = tet_shape; param.edge_sizing = edge_size; param.manifold = manifold; param.protect_features = protect_features || protect_borders; param.use_sizing_field_with_aabb_tree = polylines.empty() && protect_features; typedef ::Mesh_function<Polyhedral_mesh_domain, Mesh_fnt::Polyhedral_domain_tag> Mesh_function; Mesh_function* p_mesh_function = new Mesh_function(p_new_item->c3t3(), p_domain, param); return new Meshing_thread(p_mesh_function, p_new_item); }