int main( int argc, char **argv) { if ( argc != 3) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <infile1> <infile2>" << endl; cerr << " Minkowsky sum of two 3d polyhedra in OFF format." << endl; cerr << " Output in OFF to stdout." << endl; exit(1); } Polyhedron P1; Polyhedron P2; read( argv[1], P1); read( argv[2], P2); CGAL::Timer t; t.start(); vector<Point> points; Add_points add; fold( P1.vertices_begin(), P1.vertices_end(), P2.vertices_begin(), P2.vertices_end(), back_inserter( points), add); Polyhedron P3; convex_hull_3( points.begin(), points.end(), P3); t.stop(); std::cout << "Runtime Minkowski Sum: " << t.time() << std::endl; // cout << P3; return 0; }
void Scene::bench_distance(Facet_tree& tree, const int function, const double duration) { // generates 100K random point queries srand(0); unsigned int nb_queries = 100000; std::vector<Point> queries; for(unsigned int i=0;i<nb_queries;i++) queries.push_back(random_point(tree.bbox())); CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); unsigned int nb = 0; while(timer.time() < duration) { const Point& query = queries[nb%nb_queries]; switch(function) { case SQ_DISTANCE: tree.squared_distance(query); break; case CLOSEST_POINT: tree.closest_point(query); break; case CLOSEST_POINT_AND_PRIMITIVE_ID: tree.closest_point_and_primitive(query); } nb++; } double speed = (double)nb / (double)timer.time(); std::cout << speed << " queries/s" << std::endl; }
//create a plane passing the center, with the average of some normals as normal //the plane created is stored in m_basePlane //用:CGAL::Plane_3<Kernel>我们这里默认了所得到的边界点是有顺序的!!! void SgpProp::createPlane(Vertex_handle ¢er, Polyhedron* mesh) { std::cout << " SgpProp::createPlane() begin!" <<std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::list<Vertex_handle>& main_border = mesh->main_border(); if (main_border.empty()) { main_border = mesh->extract_longest_border(); } std::list<Vector_3 > spokes;//a circular linked list for (std::list<Vertex_handle>::iterator it=main_border.begin(); it!=main_border.end(); ++it) { Vertex_handle vh = *it; spokes.push_back(vh->point() - center->point()); } spokes.push_back(*(spokes.begin()) ); std::list<Vector_3 >::iterator bVector = spokes.begin(); std::list<Vector_3 >::iterator nVector = bVector; Vector_3 sum_norm(0,0,0); for(++nVector; nVector != spokes.end(); ++nVector,++bVector) { sum_norm = sum_norm + CGAL::cross_product(*bVector,*nVector); } m_basePlaneNormal = sum_norm/(spokes.size()+1); std::cout << "....Time: " << timer.time() << " seconds." << std::endl<<std::endl; }
template < class Traits > double test_sort(unsigned int degree, unsigned int n) { typedef CGAL::Kinetic::Sort < Traits > Sort; Traits tr(0, 10000); Sort sort(tr); CGAL::Random r; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::vector < double >cf; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < degree + 1; ++j) { cf.push_back(r.get_double()); } typename Traits::Kinetic_kernel::Motion_function fn(cf.begin(), cf.end()); typename Traits::Kinetic_kernel::Point_1 pt(fn); tr.active_points_1_table_handle()->insert(pt); } CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); int ne = 0; while (tr.simulator_handle()->next_event_time() != tr.simulator_handle()->end_time()) { tr.simulator_handle()->set_current_event_number(tr. simulator_handle()-> current_event_number() + 1); ++ne; if (ne == 1000) break; } timer.stop(); return timer.time() / static_cast < double >(ne); }
// just reusing the tests from the T3 package to check whether the // periodic vertices and cells fulfill the requirements. int main(int, char**) { CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); _test_cls_periodic_3_tds_3(Tds()); std::cerr << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // Cube std::list<Plane> planes; planes.push_back(Plane(1, 0, 0, -1)); planes.push_back(Plane(-1, 0, 0, -1)); planes.push_back(Plane(0, 1, 0, -1)); planes.push_back(Plane(0, -1, 0, -1)); planes.push_back(Plane(0, 0, 1, -1)); planes.push_back(Plane(0, 0, -1, -1)); std::vector<Point> points; int N, steps; // Number of points if (argc > 1) { N = atoi(argv[1]); } else { N = 50; } // Number of steps if (argc > 2) { steps = atoi(argv[2]); } else { steps = 10; } CGAL::Random_points_in_sphere_3<Point> g; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { Point p = *g++; points.push_back(p); } std::ofstream bos(""); std::copy(points.begin(), points.end(), std::ostream_iterator<Point>(bos, "\n")); // Apply Lloyd algorithm: will generate points // uniformly sampled inside a cube. for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { std::cout << "iteration " << i + 1 << std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); lloyd_algorithm(planes.begin(), planes.end(), points); timer.stop(); std::cout << "Execution time : " << timer.time() << "s\n"; } std::ofstream aos(""); std::copy(points.begin(), points.end(), std::ostream_iterator<Point>(aos, "\n")); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // Get the name of the input file from the command line, or use the default // fan_grids.dat file if no command-line parameters are given. const char * filename = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "fan_grids.dat"; // Open the input file. std::ifstream in_file (filename); if (! in_file.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << " ..." << std::endl; return (1); } // Read the segments from the file. // The input file format should be (all coordinate values are integers): // <n> // number of segments. // <sx_1> <sy_1> <tx_1> <ty_1> // source and target of segment #1. // <sx_2> <sy_2> <tx_2> <ty_2> // source and target of segment #2. // : : : : // <sx_n> <sy_n> <tx_n> <ty_n> // source and target of segment #n. std::list<Segment_2> segments; unsigned int n; in_file >> n; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { int sx, sy, tx, ty; in_file >> sx >> sy >> tx >> ty; segments.push_back (Segment_2 (Point_2 (Number_type(sx), Number_type(sy)), Point_2 (Number_type(tx), Number_type(ty)))); } in_file.close(); // Construct the arrangement by aggregately inserting all segments. Arrangement_2 arr; CGAL::Timer timer; std::cout << "Performing aggregated insertion of " << n << " segments." << std::endl; timer.start(); insert (arr, segments.begin(), segments.end()); timer.stop(); // Print the arrangement dimensions. std::cout << "V = " << arr.number_of_vertices() << ", E = " << arr.number_of_edges() << ", F = " << arr.number_of_faces() << std::endl; std::cout << "Construction took " << timer.time() << " seconds." << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); _test_cls_alpha_shape_3<Alpha_shape_3>(); _test_cls_alpha_shape_3_exact<EAlpha_shape_3>(); std::cerr << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; return 0; }
void Scene::generate_points_in(const unsigned int nb_points, const double min, const double max) { if(m_pPolyhedron == NULL) { std::cout << "Load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } typedef CGAL::AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive<Polyhedron> Primitive; typedef CGAL::AABB_traits<Kernel, Primitive> Traits; typedef CGAL::AABB_tree<Traits> Tree; std::cout << "Construct AABB tree..."; Tree tree(faces(*m_pPolyhedron).first, faces(*m_pPolyhedron).second, *m_pPolyhedron); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::cout << "Generate " << nb_points << " points in interval [" << min << ";" << max << "]"; unsigned int nb_trials = 0; Vector vec = random_vector(); while(m_points.size() < nb_points) { Point p = random_point(tree.bbox()); // measure distance FT signed_distance = std::sqrt(tree.squared_distance(p)); // measure sign Ray ray(p,vec); int nb_intersections = (int)tree.number_of_intersected_primitives(ray); if(nb_intersections % 2 != 0) signed_distance *= -1.0; if(signed_distance >= min && signed_distance <= max) { m_points.push_back(p); if(m_points.size()%(nb_points/10) == 0) std::cout << "."; // ASCII progress bar } nb_trials++; } double speed = (double)nb_trials / timer.time(); std::cout << "done (" << nb_trials << " trials, " << timer.time() << " s, " << speed << " queries/s)" << std::endl; changed(); }
void Scene::generate_edge_points(const unsigned int nb_points) { if(m_pPolyhedron == NULL) { std::cout << "Load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } typedef CGAL::AABB_halfedge_graph_segment_primitive<Polyhedron> Primitive; typedef CGAL::AABB_traits<Kernel, Primitive> Traits; typedef CGAL::AABB_tree<Traits> Tree; typedef Tree::Object_and_primitive_id Object_and_primitive_id; std::cout << "Construct AABB tree..."; Tree tree( CGAL::edges(*m_pPolyhedron).first, CGAL::edges(*m_pPolyhedron).second, *m_pPolyhedron); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::cout << "Generate edge points: "; unsigned int nb = 0; unsigned int nb_planes = 0; while(nb < nb_points) { Plane plane = random_plane(tree.bbox()); std::list<Object_and_primitive_id> intersections; tree.all_intersections(plane,std::back_inserter(intersections)); nb_planes++; std::list<Object_and_primitive_id>::iterator it; for(it = intersections.begin(); it != intersections.end(); it++) { Object_and_primitive_id op = *it; CGAL::Object object = op.first; Point point; if(CGAL::assign(point,object)) { m_points.push_back(point); nb++; } } } std::cout << nb_planes << " plane queries, " << timer.time() << " s." << std::endl; changed(); }
void test_speed_for_query(const Tree& tree, const Query_type query_type, const char *query_name, const double duration) { typedef typename K::Ray_3 Ray; typedef typename K::Line_3 Line; typedef typename K::Point_3 Point; typedef typename K::Vector_3 Vector; typedef typename K::Segment_3 Segment; CGAL::Timer timer; unsigned int nb = 0; timer.start(); while(timer.time() < duration) { switch(query_type) { case RAY_QUERY: { Point source = random_point_in<K>(tree.bbox()); Vector vec = random_vector<K>(); Ray ray(source, vec); tree.do_intersect(ray); break; } case SEGMENT_QUERY: { Point a = random_point_in<K>(tree.bbox()); Point b = random_point_in<K>(tree.bbox()); tree.do_intersect(Segment(a,b)); break; } break; case LINE_QUERY: { Point a = random_point_in<K>(tree.bbox()); Point b = random_point_in<K>(tree.bbox()); tree.do_intersect(Line(a,b)); break; } } nb++; } unsigned int speed = (unsigned int)(nb / timer.time()); std::cout.precision(10); std::cout.width(15); std::cout << speed << " intersections/s with " << query_name << std::endl; timer.stop(); }
void build_skeleton(const char* fname) { typedef typename Kernel::Point_2 Point_2; typedef CGAL::Polygon_2<Kernel> Polygon_2; typedef CGAL::Straight_skeleton_builder_traits_2<Kernel> SsBuilderTraits; typedef CGAL::Straight_skeleton_2<Kernel> Ss; typedef CGAL::Straight_skeleton_builder_2<SsBuilderTraits,Ss> SsBuilder; Polygon_2 pgn; std::ifstream input(fname); FT x,y; while(input) { input >> x; if (!input) break; input >> y; if (!input) break; pgn.push_back( Point_2( typename Kernel::FT(x), typename Kernel::FT(y) ) ); } input.close(); std::cout << "Polygon has " << pgn.size() << " points\n"; if(!pgn.is_counterclockwise_oriented()) { std::cerr << "Polygon is not CCW Oriented" << std::endl; } if(!pgn.is_simple()) { std::cerr << "Polygon is not simple" << std::endl; } CGAL::Timer time; time.start(); SsBuilder ssb; ssb.enter_contour(pgn.vertices_begin(), pgn.vertices_end()); boost::shared_ptr<Ss> straight_ske = ssb.construct_skeleton(); time.stop(); std::cout << "Time spent to build skeleton " << time.time() << "\n"; if(!straight_ske->is_valid()) { std::cerr << "Straight skeleton is not valid" << std::endl; } std::cerr.precision(60); print_straight_skeleton(*straight_ske); }
void Scene::generate_boundary_segments(const unsigned int nb_slices) { if(m_pPolyhedron == NULL) { std::cout << "Load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } typedef CGAL::AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive<Polyhedron> Primitive; typedef CGAL::AABB_traits<Kernel, Primitive> Traits; typedef CGAL::AABB_tree<Traits> Tree; typedef Tree::Object_and_primitive_id Object_and_primitive_id; std::cout << "Construct AABB tree..."; Tree tree(faces(*m_pPolyhedron).first,faces(*m_pPolyhedron).second,*m_pPolyhedron); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::cout << "Generate boundary segments from " << nb_slices << " slices: "; Vector normal((FT)0.0,(FT)0.0,(FT)1.0); unsigned int i; const double dz = m_bbox.zmax() - m_bbox.zmin(); for(i=0;i<nb_slices;i++) { FT z = m_bbox.zmin() + (FT)i / (FT)nb_slices * dz; Point p((FT)0.0, (FT)0.0, z); Plane plane(p,normal); std::list<Object_and_primitive_id> intersections; tree.all_intersections(plane,std::back_inserter(intersections)); std::list<Object_and_primitive_id>::iterator it; for(it = intersections.begin(); it != intersections.end(); it++) { Object_and_primitive_id op = *it; CGAL::Object object = op.first; Segment segment; if(CGAL::assign(segment,object)) m_segments.push_back(segment); } } std::cout << m_segments.size() << " segments, " << timer.time() << " s." << std::endl; changed(); }
int main(){ int N = 3; CGAL::Timer cost; std::vector<Point_d> points; Point_d point1(1,3,5); Point_d point2(4,8,10); Point_d point3(2,7,9); Point_d point(1,2,3); points.push_back(point1); points.push_back(point2); points.push_back(point3); K Kernel D Dt(d,Kernel,Kernel); // CGAL_assertion(Dt.empty()); // insert the points in the triangulation cost.reset();cost.start(); std::cout << " Delaunay triangulation of "<<N<<" points in dim "<<d<< std::flush; std::vector<Point_d>::iterator it; for(it = points.begin(); it!= points.end(); ++it){ Dt.insert(*it); } std::list<Simplex_handle> NL = Dt.all_simplices(D::NEAREST); std::cout << " done in "<<cost.time()<<" seconds." << std::endl; CGAL_assertion(Dt.is_valid() ); CGAL_assertion(!Dt.empty()); Vertex_handle v = Dt.nearest_neighbor(point); Simplex_handle s = Dt.simplex(v); std::vector<Point_d> Simplex_vertices; for(int j=0; j<=d; ++j){ Vertex_handle vertex = Dt.vertex_of_simplex(s,j); Simplex_vertices.push_back(Dt.associated_point(vertex)); } std::vector<K::FT> coords; K::Barycentric_coordinates_d BaryCoords; BaryCoords(Simplex_vertices.begin(), Simplex_vertices.end(),point,std::inserter(coords, coords.begin())); std::cout << coords[0] << std::endl; return 0; }
bool load_cin_file(std::istream& ifs, SDG& sdg) { std::cerr << "Loading file... "; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); bool not_first = false; if(!ifs.good()) return false; Point_2 p, q, qold; int point_counter = 0; SDGLinf::Site_2 site; while (ifs >> site) { //std::cout << site << std::endl; if (site.is_point()) { //std::cout << "site is point" << std::endl; q = site.point(); points.push_back(q); ++point_counter; } else if (site.is_segment()) { //std::cout << "site is seg" << std::endl; p = site.source(); q =; if(not_first and (p == qold)) { points.push_back(q); //std::cout << "push pq old" << std::endl; constraints.push_back(std::make_pair(point_counter-1, point_counter)); ++point_counter; } else { points.push_back(p); points.push_back(q); //std::cout << "push pq new" << std::endl; constraints.push_back(std::make_pair(point_counter, point_counter+1)); point_counter += 2; } } else { if (not_first) { return false; } else { continue; } } qold = q; not_first = true; } std::cerr << "done (" << timer.time() << "s)" << std::endl; insert_constraints_using_spatial_sort(sdg); return true; }
Meshing_thread* cgal_code_mesh_3(const Polyhedron* pMesh, const Polylines_container& polylines, QString filename, const double facet_angle, const double facet_sizing, const double facet_approx, const double tet_sizing, const double tet_shape, bool protect_features, CGAL::Three::Scene_interface* scene) { if(!pMesh) return 0; std::cerr << "Meshing file \"" << qPrintable(filename) << "\"\n"; std::cerr << " angle: " << facet_angle << std::endl << " facets size bound: " << facet_sizing << std::endl << " approximation bound: " << facet_approx << std::endl << " tetrahedra size bound: " << tet_sizing << std::endl; std::cerr << "Build AABB tree..."; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); // Create domain Polyhedral_mesh_domain* p_domain = new Polyhedral_mesh_domain(*pMesh); if(polylines.empty() && protect_features) { p_domain->detect_features(); } if(! polylines.empty()){ p_domain->add_features(polylines.begin(), polylines.end()); protect_features = true; // so that it will be passed in make_mesh_3 } std::cerr << "done (" << timer.time() << " ms)" << std::endl; Scene_c3t3_item* p_new_item = new Scene_c3t3_item; p_new_item->set_scene(scene); Mesh_parameters param; param.facet_angle = facet_angle; param.facet_sizing = facet_sizing; param.facet_approx = facet_approx; param.tet_sizing = tet_sizing; param.tet_shape = tet_shape; param.protect_features = protect_features; typedef ::Mesh_function<Polyhedral_mesh_domain> Mesh_function; Mesh_function* p_mesh_function = new Mesh_function(p_new_item->c3t3(), p_domain, param); return new Meshing_thread(p_mesh_function, p_new_item); }
void run_benchmark(SDG& sdg) { load_cin_file(std::cin, sdg); CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); if(! sdg.is_valid(true, 1) ){ std::cerr << "invalid data structure" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "valid data structure" << std::endl; } timer.stop(); std::cerr << "Data structure checking time = " << timer.time() << "s\n"; }
TrianglesList meshRemoveIntersectedTriangles(TrianglesList &triangles) { CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); TrianglesList result; //Collision boxes std::vector<BoxInt> boxes; std::list<Triangle>::iterator triangleIter; for(triangleIter = triangles.begin(); triangleIter != triangles.end(); ++triangleIter) { //Triangle t = *triangleIter; TriangleVisitedInfoMC *tvi = new TriangleVisitedInfoMC; tvi->triangle = &(*triangleIter); //Use the pointer, it should not change into the container, since there aren't new added elements tvi->intersected = false; boxes.push_back( BoxInt( (*triangleIter).bbox(), tvi )); } //Do intersection CGAL::box_self_intersection_d( boxes.begin(), boxes.end(), reportSelfIntersectionCallback); //cycle on boxes and build result and delete tvi std::vector<BoxInt>::iterator vectorBoxesIter; for(vectorBoxesIter = boxes.begin(); vectorBoxesIter != boxes.end(); ++vectorBoxesIter) { BoxInt boxInt = *vectorBoxesIter; TriangleVisitedInfoMC *tviHandled = boxInt.handle(); if ((!(tviHandled->intersected)) && (!(tviHandled->triangle->is_degenerate()))) { Triangle t = *(tviHandled->triangle); result.push_back(t); } delete tviHandled; } timer.stop(); std::cout << "Total meshRemoveIntersectedTriangles time: " << timer.time() << std::endl; return result; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { CavConfig cfg; const char *run_control_file = "cavity_volumes_fin.inp"; if (argc > 1) run_control_file = argv[1]; if (!cfg.init(run_control_file)) { std::cerr << "Error while initializing from run control file : " << run_control_file << std::endl; return 2; } cfg.out_inf << "Run control file : " << run_control_file << std::endl; CGAL::Timer t; int processed_cnt = 0; cfg.out_inf << std::endl; t.start(); while (cfg.next_timestep()) { const Array_double_3 &a = cfg.atoms.back(); cfg.out_inf << "Number of input atoms : " << cfg.atoms.size() << std::endl; cfg.out_inf << "MD info : " << cfg.ts_info << std::endl; cfg.out_inf << "Box : [ " <<[0] << ", " <<[1] << ", " <<[2] << " ]" << std::endl; cfg.out_inf << "Last atom : " << a[0] << " " << a[1] << " " << a[2] << std::endl; if (!process_conf(cfg)) { cfg.out_inf << "process_conf() error. Exiting..." << std::endl; return 1; } processed_cnt++; } t.stop(); // save accumulated per-atom surfaces if (cfg.out_asf.is_open()) { long double total_surf = std::accumulate(cfg.atom_confs_surf.begin(), cfg.atom_confs_surf.end(), 0.0L); cfg.out_asf << total_surf << std::endl; // first line is total exposed surface of all atoms in all confs cfg.out_asf << cfg.atom_confs_surf.size() << std::endl; // second line is the number of atoms for (size_t i = 0; i < cfg.atom_confs_surf.size(); i++) cfg.out_asf << cfg.atom_confs_surf[i] << std::endl; } cfg.out_inf << "Processed " << processed_cnt << " (of " << cfg.traj_ts_cnt() << ") configurations." << std::endl; cfg.out_inf << "Time: " << t.time() << " sec." << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); typedef CGAL::Periodic_3_Delaunay_triangulation_3< PTT1 > P3T3_1; _test_cls_periodic_3_delaunay_3( P3T3_1() ); typedef CGAL::Periodic_3_Delaunay_triangulation_3< PTT2 > P3T3_2; _test_cls_periodic_3_delaunay_3( P3T3_2() ); // typedef CGAL::Periodic_3_Delaunay_triangulation_3< PTT3 > P3T3_3; // this takes too much time for the test suite. //_test_cls_periodic_3_delaunay_3( P3T3_3(), true ); std::cerr << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; return 0; }
//TODO: still sometimes is crashing: test on linux and using a different compiler or TBB libs std::list<MeshData> voronoiShatter(MeshData &meshData, std::list<KDPoint> points, bool useDelaunay, double bCriteria, double sCriteria) { CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::list<MeshData> resultMeshdata; //tbb::concurrent_vector<MeshData> concurrentResultMeshdata; Delaunay T(points.begin(), points.end()); std::cout << "T.number_of_vertices:" << T.number_of_vertices() << std::endl; std::cout << "T.number_of_edges:" << T.number_of_finite_edges() << std::endl; std::cout << "T.is_valid:" << T.is_valid() << std::endl; std::vector<DVertex_handle> vertexHandleVector; Delaunay::Finite_vertices_iterator vit; for (vit = T.finite_vertices_begin(); vit != T.finite_vertices_end(); ++vit) { DVertex_handle vh = vit; vertexHandleVector.push_back(vh); } //Run multiple Thread using TBB //TBBVoronoiCell tbbVC(meshData, T, concurrentResultMeshdata); TBBVoronoiCell tbbVC(meshData, T, resultMeshdata, useDelaunay, bCriteria, sCriteria); int numberThreads = tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads(); std::cout << "numberThreads: " << numberThreads << std::endl; tbb::task_scheduler_init init(numberThreads); //tbb::parallel_do(T.finite_vertices_begin(), T.finite_vertices_end(), tbbVC); tbb::parallel_do(vertexHandleVector.begin(), vertexHandleVector.end(), tbbVC); /* //Build result std::cout << "Building result..." << std::endl; tbb::concurrent_vector<MeshData>::iterator crmi; for (crmi = concurrentResultMeshdata.begin(); crmi != concurrentResultMeshdata.end(); ++crmi) { //MeshData md = *crmi; resultMeshdata.push_back(*crmi); } */ timer.stop(); std::cout << "Total tbb voronoiShatter construction took " << timer.time() << " seconds, total cells:" << resultMeshdata.size() << std::endl; return resultMeshdata; }
void read_handle_difs_and_deform(DeformMesh& deform_mesh, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) { typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double>::Vector_3 Vector; if(!deform_mesh.preprocess()) { std::cerr << "Error: preprocess() failed!" << std::endl; assert(false); } std::ifstream dif_stream("data/cactus_handle_differences.txt"); std::vector<Vector> dif_vector; double x, y, z; while(dif_stream >> x >> y >> z) { dif_vector.push_back(Vector(x, y, z)); } CGAL::Timer timer; //the original behavior of translate was to overwrite the previous //translation. Now that it is cumulative, we need to substract the //previous translation vector to mimic the overwrite Vector previous(0,0,0); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < dif_vector.size(); ++i) { timer.start(); deform_mesh.translate(begin, end, dif_vector[i]-previous); deform_mesh.deform(); timer.stop(); previous=dif_vector[i]; // read pre-deformed cactus std::stringstream predeformed_cactus_file; predeformed_cactus_file << "data/cactus_deformed/cactus_deformed_" << i << ".off"; Mesh predeformed_cactus; OpenMesh::IO::read_mesh(predeformed_cactus, predeformed_cactus_file.str().c_str()); compare_mesh(predeformed_cactus, deform_mesh.halfedge_graph()); // for saving deformation //std::ofstream(predeformed_cactus_file) << deform_mesh.halfedge_graph(); //std::cerr << predeformed_cactus_file << std::endl; } std::cerr << "Deformation performance (with default number_of_iteration and tolerance) " << std::endl << dif_vector.size() << " translation: " << timer.time() << std::endl; }
void Scene::bench_distances_vs_nbt() { if(m_pPolyhedron == NULL) { std::cout << "Load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } std::cout << std::endl << "Benchmark distances against #triangles" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "for random point queries and closest_point()" << std::endl; std::cout << "#Facets, #queries/s" << std::endl; // generates 10K random point queries const int nb_queries = 10000; std::vector<Point> queries; srand(0); for(int i=0;i<nb_queries;i++) queries.push_back(random_point(m_bbox)); while(m_pPolyhedron->size_of_facets() < 1000000) { // refines mesh at increasing speed Refiner<Kernel,Polyhedron> refiner(m_pPolyhedron); std::size_t digits = nb_digits(m_pPolyhedron->size_of_facets()); unsigned int nb_splits = static_cast<unsigned int>(0.2 * std::pow(10.0,(double)digits - 1.0)); refiner.run_nb_splits(nb_splits); // constructs tree (out of timing) Facet_tree tree(m_pPolyhedron->facets_begin(),m_pPolyhedron->facets_end()); tree.accelerate_distance_queries(); // calls queries CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); for(int i=0;i<nb_queries;i++) tree.closest_point(queries[i]); double duration = timer.time(); int speed = (int)((double)nb_queries / (double)duration); std::cout << m_pPolyhedron->size_of_facets() << ", " << speed << std::endl; } }
Meshing_thread* cgal_code_mesh_3(const Image* pImage, const Polylines_container& polylines, const double facet_angle, const double facet_sizing, const double facet_approx, const double tet_sizing, const double tet_shape, bool protect_features, CGAL::Three::Scene_interface* scene) { if (NULL == pImage) { return NULL; } Image_mesh_domain* p_domain = new Image_mesh_domain(*pImage, 1e-6); if(protect_features && polylines.empty()){ std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> > polylines_on_bbox; CGAL::polylines_to_protect<Point_3>(*pImage, polylines_on_bbox); p_domain->add_features(polylines_on_bbox.begin(), polylines_on_bbox.end()); } if(! polylines.empty()){ // Insert edge in domain p_domain->add_features(polylines.begin(), polylines.end()); protect_features = true; // so that it will be passed in make_mesh_3 } CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); Scene_c3t3_item* p_new_item = new Scene_c3t3_item; p_new_item->set_scene(scene); Mesh_parameters param; param.protect_features = false; param.facet_angle = facet_angle; param.facet_sizing = facet_sizing; param.facet_approx = facet_approx; param.tet_sizing = tet_sizing; param.tet_shape = tet_shape; typedef ::Mesh_function<Image_mesh_domain> Mesh_function; Mesh_function* p_mesh_function = new Mesh_function(p_new_item->c3t3(), p_domain, param); return new Meshing_thread(p_mesh_function, p_new_item); }
void Scene::build_edge_tree() { if ( NULL == m_pPolyhedron ) { std::cerr << "Build edge tree failed: load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } // Don't rebuild tree if it is already built if ( !m_edge_tree.empty() ) { return; } // build tree CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::cout << "Construct Edge AABB tree..."; m_edge_tree.rebuild(edges(*m_pPolyhedron).first,edges(*m_pPolyhedron).second,*m_pPolyhedron); m_edge_tree.accelerate_distance_queries(); std::cout << "done (" << timer.time() << " s)" << std::endl; }
int main () { // Open the input file. std::ifstream in_file ("tight.dat"); if (! in_file.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Failed to open the input file." << std::endl; return (1); } // Read the input polygon. Polygon_2 P; in_file >> P; in_file.close(); std::cout << "Read an input polygon with " << P.size() << " vertices." << std::endl; // Approximate the offset polygon. const Number_type radius = 1; const double err_bound = 0.00001; std::list<Offset_polygon_2> inset_polygons; std::list<Offset_polygon_2>::iterator iit; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); approximated_inset_2 (P, radius, err_bound, std::back_inserter (inset_polygons)); timer.stop(); std::cout << "The inset comprises " << inset_polygons.size() << " polygon(s)." << std::endl; for (iit = inset_polygons.begin(); iit != inset_polygons.end(); ++iit) { std::cout << " Polygon with " << iit->size() << " vertices." << std::endl; } std::cout << "Inset computation took " << timer.time() << " seconds." << std::endl; return (0); }
void Scene::benchmark_intersections(const double duration) { if(m_pPolyhedron == NULL) { std::cout << "Load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } // constructs tree std::cout << "Construct AABB tree..."; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); Facet_tree tree(m_pPolyhedron->facets_begin(),m_pPolyhedron->facets_end()); std::cout << "done (" << timer.time() << " s)" << std::endl; // generates random queries const int nb_queries = 1000000; std::cout << "Generates random queries..."; std::vector<Ray> rays; std::vector<Line> lines; std::vector<Plane> planes; std::vector<Segment> segments; timer.start(); srand(0); int i = 0; for(i=0; i<nb_queries; i++) { rays.push_back(random_ray(tree.bbox())); lines.push_back(random_line(tree.bbox())); planes.push_back(random_plane(tree.bbox())); segments.push_back(random_segment(tree.bbox())); } std::cout << "done (" << timer.time() << " s)" << std::endl; // bench for all functions and query types bench_intersections(tree,duration,DO_INTERSECT,"do_intersect()",rays,lines,planes,segments,nb_queries); bench_intersections(tree,duration,ANY_INTERSECTED_PRIMITIVE,"any_intersected_primitive()",rays,lines,planes,segments,nb_queries); bench_intersections(tree,duration,ANY_INTERSECTION,"any_intersection()",rays,lines,planes,segments,nb_queries); bench_intersections(tree,duration,NB_INTERSECTIONS,"number_of_intersected_primitives()",rays,lines,planes,segments,nb_queries); bench_intersections(tree,duration,ALL_INTERSECTED_PRIMITIVES,"all_intersected_primitives()",rays,lines,planes,segments,nb_queries); bench_intersections(tree,duration,ALL_INTERSECTIONS,"all_intersections()",rays,lines,planes,segments,nb_queries); }
void Scene::benchmark_distances(const double duration) { if(m_pPolyhedron == NULL) { std::cout << "Load polyhedron first." << std::endl; return; } CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::cout << "Construct AABB tree and internal KD tree..."; Facet_tree tree(m_pPolyhedron->facets_begin(),m_pPolyhedron->facets_end()); tree.accelerate_distance_queries(); std::cout << "done (" << timer.time() << " s)" << std::endl; // benchmark bench_closest_point(tree,duration); bench_squared_distance(tree,duration); bench_closest_point_and_primitive(tree,duration); }
void Scene::bench_intersection(Facet_tree& tree, const int function, const double duration, const char *query_name, const std::vector<Query>& queries, const int nb_queries) { CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); unsigned int nb = 0; std::list<Facet_tree::Primitive_id> primitive_ids; std::list<Facet_tree::Object_and_primitive_id> intersections; while(timer.time() < duration) { const Query& query = queries[nb % nb_queries]; // loop over vector switch(function) { case DO_INTERSECT: tree.do_intersect(query); break; case ANY_INTERSECTION: tree.any_intersection(query); break; case NB_INTERSECTIONS: tree.number_of_intersected_primitives(query); break; case ALL_INTERSECTIONS: tree.all_intersections(query,std::back_inserter(intersections)); break; case ANY_INTERSECTED_PRIMITIVE: tree.any_intersected_primitive(query); break; case ALL_INTERSECTED_PRIMITIVES: tree.all_intersected_primitives(query,std::back_inserter(primitive_ids)); } nb++; } double speed = (double)nb / (double)timer.time(); std::cout << speed << " queries/s with " << query_name << std::endl; }
int main() { const int d = 10; // change this in order to experiment const int n = 100000; // change this in order to experiment // generate n random d-dimensional points in [0,1]^d CGAL::Random rd; std::vector<Point_d> points; for (int j =0; j<n; ++j) { std::vector<double> coords; for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) coords.push_back(rd.get_double()); points.push_back (Point_d (d, coords.begin(), coords.end())); } // benchmark all pricing strategies in turn CGAL::Quadratic_program_pricing_strategy strategy[] = { CGAL::QP_CHOOSE_DEFAULT, // QP_PARTIAL_FILTERED_DANTZIG CGAL::QP_DANTZIG, // Dantzig's pivot rule... CGAL::QP_PARTIAL_DANTZIG, // ... with partial pricing CGAL::QP_BLAND, // Bland's pivot rule CGAL::QP_FILTERED_DANTZIG, // Dantzig's filtered pivot rule... CGAL::QP_PARTIAL_FILTERED_DANTZIG // ... with partial pricing }; CGAL::Timer t; for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { // test strategy i CGAL::Quadratic_program_options options; options.set_pricing_strategy (strategy[i]); t.reset(); t.start(); // is origin in convex hull of the points? (most likely, not) solve_convex_hull_containment_lp (Point_d (d, CGAL::ORIGIN), points.begin(), points.end(), ET(0), options); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time (s) = " << t.time() << std::endl; } return 0; }