void ClusterEvents::ForceNextCheckChangedHandler(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin) { ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance(); if (!listener) return; Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); Dictionary::Ptr params = new Dictionary(); params->Set("host", host->GetName()); if (service) params->Set("service", service->GetShortName()); params->Set("forced", checkable->GetForceNextCheck()); Dictionary::Ptr message = new Dictionary(); message->Set("jsonrpc", "2.0"); message->Set("method", "event::SetForceNextCheck"); message->Set("params", params); listener->RelayMessage(origin, checkable, message, true); }
void CheckerComponent::CheckThreadProc() { Utility::SetThreadName("Check Scheduler"); IcingaApplication::Ptr icingaApp = IcingaApplication::GetInstance(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_Mutex); for (;;) { typedef boost::multi_index::nth_index<CheckableSet, 1>::type CheckTimeView; CheckTimeView& idx = boost::get<1>(m_IdleCheckables); while (idx.begin() == idx.end() && !m_Stopped) m_CV.wait(lock); if (m_Stopped) break; auto it = idx.begin(); CheckableScheduleInfo csi = *it; double wait = csi.NextCheck - Utility::GetTime(); //#ifdef I2_DEBUG // Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent") // << "Pending checks " << Checkable::GetPendingChecks() // << " vs. max concurrent checks " << icingaApp->GetMaxConcurrentChecks() << "."; //#endif /* I2_DEBUG */ if (Checkable::GetPendingChecks() >= icingaApp->GetMaxConcurrentChecks()) wait = 0.5; if (wait > 0) { /* Wait for the next check. */ m_CV.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(long(wait * 1000))); continue; } Checkable::Ptr checkable = csi.Object; m_IdleCheckables.erase(checkable); bool forced = checkable->GetForceNextCheck(); bool check = true; if (!forced) { if (!checkable->IsReachable(DependencyCheckExecution)) { Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent") << "Skipping check for object '" << checkable->GetName() << "': Dependency failed."; check = false; } Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); if (host && !service && (!checkable->GetEnableActiveChecks() || !icingaApp->GetEnableHostChecks())) { Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent") << "Skipping check for host '" << host->GetName() << "': active host checks are disabled"; check = false; } if (host && service && (!checkable->GetEnableActiveChecks() || !icingaApp->GetEnableServiceChecks())) { Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent") << "Skipping check for service '" << service->GetName() << "': active service checks are disabled"; check = false; } TimePeriod::Ptr tp = checkable->GetCheckPeriod(); if (tp && !tp->IsInside(Utility::GetTime())) { Log(LogNotice, "CheckerComponent") << "Skipping check for object '" << checkable->GetName() << "': not in check period '" << tp->GetName() << "'"; check = false; } } /* reschedule the checkable if checks are disabled */ if (!check) { m_IdleCheckables.insert(GetCheckableScheduleInfo(checkable)); lock.unlock(); Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent") << "Checks for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' are disabled. Rescheduling check."; checkable->UpdateNextCheck(); lock.lock(); continue; } csi = GetCheckableScheduleInfo(checkable); Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent") << "Scheduling info for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' (" << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", checkable->GetNextCheck()) << "): Object '" << csi.Object->GetName() << "', Next Check: " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", csi.NextCheck) << "(" << csi.NextCheck << ")."; m_PendingCheckables.insert(csi); lock.unlock(); if (forced) { ObjectLock olock(checkable); checkable->SetForceNextCheck(false); } Log(LogDebug, "CheckerComponent") << "Executing check for '" << checkable->GetName() << "'"; Checkable::IncreasePendingChecks(); Utility::QueueAsyncCallback(std::bind(&CheckerComponent::ExecuteCheckHelper, CheckerComponent::Ptr(this), checkable)); lock.lock(); } }