int main(void){ #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::mpi_init(); #endif CheMPS2::Initialize::Init(); //Square 2D Hubbard model with PBC const int L_linear = 3; // Linear size const int L_square = L_linear * L_linear; // Number of orbitals const int group = 0; // C1 symmetry const double U = 5.0; // On-site repulsion const double T = -1.0; // Hopping term const int N = 9; // Number of electrons const int TwoS = 1; // Two times the spin const int Irrep = 0; // Irrep = A (C1 symmetry) //Create the Hamiltonian (eightfold permutation symmetry is OK for site basis) int * irreps = new int[L_square]; for (int cnt=0; cnt<L_square; cnt++){ irreps[cnt] = 0; } //The Hamiltonian initializes all its matrix elements to 0.0 CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham = new CheMPS2::Hamiltonian(L_square, group, irreps); delete [] irreps; //Fill with the site-basis matrix elements for (int cnt=0; cnt<L_square; cnt++){ Ham->setVmat(cnt,cnt,cnt,cnt,U); } for (int ix=0; ix<L_linear; ix++){ for (int iy=0; iy<L_linear; iy++){ const int idx1 = ix + L_linear * iy; // This site const int idx2 = (( ix + 1 ) % L_linear) + L_linear * iy; // Right neighbour (PBC) const int idx3 = ix + L_linear * ((( iy + 1 ) % L_linear)); //Upper neighbour (PBC) Ham->setTmat(idx1,idx2,T); Ham->setTmat(idx1,idx3,T); } } //The problem object CheMPS2::Problem * Prob = new CheMPS2::Problem(Ham, TwoS, N, Irrep); //The convergence scheme CheMPS2::ConvergenceScheme * OptScheme = new CheMPS2::ConvergenceScheme(2); //OptScheme->setInstruction(instruction, DSU(2), Econvergence, maxSweeps, noisePrefactor); OptScheme->setInstruction(0, 500, 1e-10, 3, 0.05); OptScheme->setInstruction(1, 1000, 1e-10, 10, 0.0 ); //Run ground state calculation CheMPS2::DMRG * theDMRG = new CheMPS2::DMRG(Prob, OptScheme); const double EnergySite = theDMRG->Solve(); theDMRG->calc2DMandCorrelations(); //Clean up DMRG if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeMpsOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredMPS(); } if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeRenormOptrOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredOperators(); } delete theDMRG; //Hack: overwrite the matrix elements in momentum space (4-fold symmetry!!!) directly in the Problem object theDMRG = new CheMPS2::DMRG(Prob, OptScheme); // Prob->construct_mxelem() is called now for (int orb1=0; orb1<L_square; orb1++){ const int k1x = orb1 % L_linear; const int k1y = orb1 / L_linear; const double Telem1 = 2*T*( cos((2*M_PI*k1x)/L_linear) + cos((2*M_PI*k1y)/L_linear) ); for (int orb2=0; orb2<L_square; orb2++){ const int k2x = orb2 % L_linear; const int k2y = orb2 / L_linear; const double Telem2 = 2*T*( cos((2*M_PI*k2x)/L_linear) + cos((2*M_PI*k2y)/L_linear) ); for (int orb3=0; orb3<L_square; orb3++){ const int k3x = orb3 % L_linear; const int k3y = orb3 / L_linear; for (int orb4=0; orb4<L_square; orb4++){ const int k4x = orb4 % L_linear; const int k4y = orb4 / L_linear; const bool kx_conservation = (((k1x+k2x) % L_linear) == ((k3x+k4x) % L_linear))?true:false; const bool ky_conservation = (((k1y+k2y) % L_linear) == ((k3y+k4y) % L_linear))?true:false; double temp = 0.0; if ( kx_conservation && ky_conservation ){ temp += U/L_square; } if (( orb1 == orb3 ) && ( orb2 == orb4 )){ temp += (Telem1+Telem2)/(N-1); } Prob->setMxElement(orb1,orb2,orb3,orb4,temp); } } } } theDMRG->PreSolve(); // New matrix elements require reconstruction of complementary renormalized operators const double EnergyMomentum = theDMRG->Solve(); theDMRG->calc2DMandCorrelations(); //Clean up if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeMpsOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredMPS(); } if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeRenormOptrOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredOperators(); } delete theDMRG; delete OptScheme; delete Prob; delete Ham; //Check succes const bool success = ( fabs( EnergySite - EnergyMomentum ) < 1e-8 ) ? true : false; #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::mpi_finalize(); #endif cout << "================> Did test 10 succeed : "; if (success){ cout << "yes" << endl; return 0; //Success } cout << "no" << endl; return 7; //Fail }
double CheMPS2::CASSCF::caspt2( const int Nelectrons, const int TwoS, const int Irrep, ConvergenceScheme * OptScheme, const int rootNum, DMRGSCFoptions * scf_options, const double IPEA, const double IMAG, const bool PSEUDOCANONICAL, const bool CHECKPOINT, const bool CUMULANT ){ #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION const bool am_i_master = ( MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); #else const bool am_i_master = true; #endif const int num_elec = Nelectrons - 2 * iHandler->getNOCCsum(); assert( num_elec >= 0 ); if ( CASPT2::vector_length( iHandler ) == 0 ){ if ( am_i_master ){ cout << "CheMPS2::CASSCF::caspt2 : There are no CASPT2 excitations between the CORE, ACTIVE, and VIRTUAL orbital spaces." << endl; } return 0.0; } //Determine the maximum NORB(irrep) and the max_block_size for the ERI orbital rotation const int maxlinsize = iHandler->getNORBmax(); const long long fullsize = ((long long) maxlinsize ) * ((long long) maxlinsize ) * ((long long) maxlinsize ) * ((long long) maxlinsize ); const string tmp_filename = tmp_folder + "/" + CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_eri_storage_name; const int dmrgsize_power4 = nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG; //For (ERI rotation, update unitary, block diagonalize, orbital localization) DMRGSCFintegrals * theRotatedTEI = new DMRGSCFintegrals( iHandler ); const int temp_work_size = (( fullsize > CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_max_mem_eri_tfo ) ? CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_max_mem_eri_tfo : fullsize ); const int work_mem_size = max( max( temp_work_size , maxlinsize * maxlinsize * 4 ) , dmrgsize_power4 ); const int tot_dmrg_power6 = dmrgsize_power4 * nOrbDMRG * nOrbDMRG; double * mem1 = new double[ work_mem_size ]; double * mem2 = new double[ ( PSEUDOCANONICAL ) ? work_mem_size : max( work_mem_size, tot_dmrg_power6 ) ]; // Rotate to pseudocanonical orbitals if ( PSEUDOCANONICAL ){ assert( successful_solve ); // DMRG1RDM needs to be set by CASSCF::solve for buildQmatACT() buildTmatrix(); buildQmatOCC(); buildQmatACT(); construct_fock( theFmatrix, theTmatrix, theQmatOCC, theQmatACT, iHandler ); block_diagonalize( 'O', theFmatrix, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, false, NULL, NULL, NULL ); block_diagonalize( 'A', theFmatrix, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, false, NULL, NULL, NULL ); block_diagonalize( 'V', theFmatrix, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, false, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } else { if ( successful_solve == false ){ assert( scf_options->getStoreUnitary() ); if ( am_i_master ){ struct stat file_info; const int file_stat = stat( (scf_options->getUnitaryStorageName()).c_str(), &file_info ); assert( file_stat == 0 ); unitary->loadU( scf_options->getUnitaryStorageName() ); } #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION unitary->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); #endif } } // Fill active space Hamiltonian Hamiltonian * HamAS = new Hamiltonian( nOrbDMRG, SymmInfo.getGroupNumber(), iHandler->getIrrepOfEachDMRGorbital() ); Problem * Prob = new Problem( HamAS, TwoS, num_elec, Irrep ); Prob->SetupReorderD2h(); // Doesn't matter if the group isn't D2h, Prob checks it. buildTmatrix(); buildQmatOCC(); fillConstAndTmatDMRG( HamAS ); if ( am_i_master ){ DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, HamAS->getVmat(), NULL, 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename ); } #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION HamAS->getVmat()->broadcast( MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); #endif double E_CASSCF = 0.0; double * three_dm = new double[ tot_dmrg_power6 ]; double * contract = new double[ tot_dmrg_power6 ]; for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < tot_dmrg_power6; cnt++ ){ contract[ cnt ] = 0.0; } int next_hamorb1 = 0; int next_hamorb2 = 0; const bool make_checkpt = (( CUMULANT == false ) && ( CHECKPOINT )); bool checkpt_loaded = false; if ( make_checkpt ){ assert(( OptScheme != NULL ) || ( rootNum > 1 )); checkpt_loaded = read_f4rdm_checkpoint( CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_f4rdm_name, &next_hamorb1, &next_hamorb2, tot_dmrg_power6, contract ); } // Solve the active space problem if (( OptScheme == NULL ) && ( rootNum == 1 )){ // Do FCI if ( am_i_master ){ const int nalpha = ( num_elec + TwoS ) / 2; const int nbeta = ( num_elec - TwoS ) / 2; const double workmem = 1000.0; // 1GB const int verbose = 2; CheMPS2::FCI * theFCI = new CheMPS2::FCI( HamAS, nalpha, nbeta, Irrep, workmem, verbose ); double * inoutput = new double[ theFCI->getVecLength(0) ]; theFCI->ClearVector( theFCI->getVecLength(0), inoutput ); inoutput[ theFCI->LowestEnergyDeterminant() ] = 1.0; E_CASSCF = theFCI->GSDavidson( inoutput ); theFCI->Fill2RDM( inoutput, DMRG2DM ); // 2-RDM theFCI->Fill3RDM( inoutput, three_dm ); // 3-RDM setDMRG1DM( num_elec, nOrbDMRG, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM ); // 1-RDM buildQmatACT(); construct_fock( theFmatrix, theTmatrix, theQmatOCC, theQmatACT, iHandler ); copy_active( theFmatrix, mem2, iHandler ); // Fock theFCI->Fock4RDM( inoutput, three_dm, mem2, contract ); // trace( Fock * 4-RDM ) delete theFCI; delete [] inoutput; } #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( &E_CASSCF, 1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( DMRG2DM, dmrgsize_power4, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( three_dm, tot_dmrg_power6, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( contract, tot_dmrg_power6, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); setDMRG1DM( num_elec, nOrbDMRG, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM ); #endif } else { // Do the DMRG sweeps assert( OptScheme != NULL ); for ( int cnt = 0; cnt < dmrgsize_power4; cnt++ ){ DMRG2DM[ cnt ] = 0.0; } // Clear the 2-RDM CheMPS2::DMRG * theDMRG = new DMRG( Prob, OptScheme, make_checkpt, tmp_folder ); for ( int state = 0; state < rootNum; state++ ){ if ( state > 0 ){ theDMRG->newExcitation( fabs( E_CASSCF ) ); } if ( checkpt_loaded == false ){ E_CASSCF = theDMRG->Solve(); } if (( state == 0 ) && ( rootNum > 1 )){ theDMRG->activateExcitations( rootNum - 1 ); } } theDMRG->calc_rdms_and_correlations( true ); copy2DMover( theDMRG->get2DM(), nOrbDMRG, DMRG2DM ); // 2-RDM setDMRG1DM( num_elec, nOrbDMRG, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM ); // 1-RDM buildQmatACT(); construct_fock( theFmatrix, theTmatrix, theQmatOCC, theQmatACT, iHandler ); copy_active( theFmatrix, mem2, iHandler ); // Fock if ( CUMULANT ){ CheMPS2::Cumulant::gamma4_fock_contract_ham( Prob, theDMRG->get3DM(), theDMRG->get2DM(), mem2, contract ); } else { for ( int ham_orbz = 0; ham_orbz < nOrbDMRG; ham_orbz++ ){ if (( next_hamorb1 == ham_orbz ) && ( next_hamorb2 == ham_orbz )){ theDMRG->Symm4RDM( three_dm, ham_orbz, ham_orbz, false ); int size = tot_dmrg_power6; double f_zz = 0.5 * mem2[ ham_orbz + nOrbDMRG * ham_orbz ]; int inc1 = 1; daxpy_( &size, &f_zz, three_dm, &inc1, contract, &inc1 ); // trace( Fock * 4-RDM ) if ( ham_orbz == nOrbDMRG - 1 ){ next_hamorb1 = 0; next_hamorb2 = 1; } else { next_hamorb1 = ham_orbz + 1; next_hamorb2 = ham_orbz + 1; } if ( make_checkpt ){ write_f4rdm_checkpoint( CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_f4rdm_name, &next_hamorb1, &next_hamorb2, tot_dmrg_power6, contract ); } } } if ( PSEUDOCANONICAL == false ){ for ( int ham_orb1 = 0; ham_orb1 < nOrbDMRG; ham_orb1++ ){ for ( int ham_orb2 = ham_orb1 + 1; ham_orb2 < nOrbDMRG; ham_orb2++ ){ if (( next_hamorb1 == ham_orb1 ) && ( next_hamorb2 == ham_orb2 )){ if ( HamAS->getOrbitalIrrep( ham_orb1 ) == HamAS->getOrbitalIrrep( ham_orb2 ) ){ theDMRG->Symm4RDM( three_dm, ham_orb1, ham_orb2, false ); int size = tot_dmrg_power6; double f_12 = 0.5 * ( mem2[ ham_orb1 + nOrbDMRG * ham_orb2 ] + mem2[ ham_orb2 + nOrbDMRG * ham_orb1 ] ); int inc1 = 1; daxpy_( &size, &f_12, three_dm, &inc1, contract, &inc1 ); // trace( Fock * 4-RDM ) } if ( ham_orb2 == nOrbDMRG - 1 ){ next_hamorb1 = next_hamorb1 + 1; next_hamorb2 = next_hamorb1 + 1; } else { next_hamorb2 = next_hamorb2 + 1; } if (( HamAS->getOrbitalIrrep( ham_orb1 ) == HamAS->getOrbitalIrrep( ham_orb2 ) ) && ( make_checkpt )){ write_f4rdm_checkpoint( CheMPS2::DMRGSCF_f4rdm_name, &next_hamorb1, &next_hamorb2, tot_dmrg_power6, contract ); } } } } } } theDMRG->get3DM()->fill_ham_index( 1.0, false, three_dm, 0, nOrbDMRG ); if (( CheMPS2::DMRG_storeMpsOnDisk ) && ( make_checkpt == false )){ theDMRG->deleteStoredMPS(); } if ( CheMPS2::DMRG_storeRenormOptrOnDisk ){ theDMRG->deleteStoredOperators(); } delete theDMRG; } delete Prob; delete HamAS; if ( PSEUDOCANONICAL == false ){ if ( am_i_master ){ cout << "CASPT2 : Deviation from pseudocanonical = " << deviation_from_blockdiag( theFmatrix, iHandler ) << endl; } block_diagonalize( 'O', theFmatrix, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, false, NULL, NULL, NULL ); block_diagonalize( 'A', theFmatrix, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, false, DMRG2DM, three_dm, contract ); // 2-RDM, 3-RDM, and trace( Fock * cu(4)-4-RDM ) block_diagonalize( 'V', theFmatrix, unitary, mem1, mem2, iHandler, false, NULL, NULL, NULL ); setDMRG1DM( num_elec, nOrbDMRG, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM ); // 1-RDM buildTmatrix(); buildQmatOCC(); buildQmatACT(); construct_fock( theFmatrix, theTmatrix, theQmatOCC, theQmatACT, iHandler ); // Fock } // Calculate the matrix elements needed to calculate the CASPT2 V-vector if ( am_i_master ){ DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, NULL, theRotatedTEI, 'C', 'C', 'F', 'F', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename ); DMRGSCFrotations::rotate( VMAT_ORIG, NULL, theRotatedTEI, 'C', 'V', 'C', 'V', iHandler, unitary, mem1, mem2, work_mem_size, tmp_filename ); delete_file( tmp_filename ); } delete [] mem1; delete [] mem2; double E_CASPT2 = 0.0; if ( am_i_master ){ cout << "CASPT2 : Deviation from pseudocanonical = " << deviation_from_blockdiag( theFmatrix, iHandler ) << endl; CheMPS2::CASPT2 * myCASPT2 = new CheMPS2::CASPT2( iHandler, theRotatedTEI, theTmatrix, theFmatrix, DMRG1DM, DMRG2DM, three_dm, contract, IPEA ); delete theRotatedTEI; delete [] three_dm; delete [] contract; E_CASPT2 = myCASPT2->solve( IMAG ); delete myCASPT2; } else { delete theRotatedTEI; delete [] three_dm; delete [] contract; } #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( &E_CASPT2, 1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); #endif return E_CASPT2; }
int main(void){ #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::mpi_init(); #endif CheMPS2::Initialize::Init(); //The Hamiltonian: 1D Hubbard model const int L = 10; const int Group = 0; const double U = 2.0; const double T = -1.0; int * irreps = new int[L]; for (int cnt=0; cnt<L; cnt++){ irreps[cnt] = 0; } //The Hamiltonian initializes all its matrix elements to 0.0 CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham = new CheMPS2::Hamiltonian(L, Group, irreps); delete [] irreps; for (int cnt=0; cnt<L; cnt++){ Ham->setVmat(cnt,cnt,cnt,cnt,U); } for (int cnt=0; cnt<L-1; cnt++){ Ham->setTmat(cnt,cnt+1,T); } //The targeted state const int TwoS = 5; const int N = 9; const int Irrep = 0; CheMPS2::Problem * Prob = new CheMPS2::Problem(Ham, TwoS, N, Irrep); //The convergence scheme CheMPS2::ConvergenceScheme * OptScheme = new CheMPS2::ConvergenceScheme(2); //OptScheme->setInstruction(instruction, DSU(2), Econvergence, maxSweeps, noisePrefactor); OptScheme->setInstruction(0, 30, 1e-10, 3, 0.1); OptScheme->setInstruction(1, 1000, 1e-10, 10, 0.0); //Run ground state calculation CheMPS2::DMRG * theDMRG = new CheMPS2::DMRG(Prob, OptScheme); const double EnergyDMRG = theDMRG->Solve(); theDMRG->calc2DMandCorrelations(); #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION if ( CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ) #endif { theDMRG->getCorrelations()->Print(); } //Clean up DMRG if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeMpsOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredMPS(); } if (CheMPS2::DMRG_storeRenormOptrOnDisk){ theDMRG->deleteStoredOperators(); } delete theDMRG; delete OptScheme; delete Prob; //Calculate FCI reference energy double EnergyFCI = 0.0; #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION if ( CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::mpi_rank() == MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ) #endif { const int Nel_up = ( N + TwoS ) / 2; const int Nel_down = ( N - TwoS ) / 2; const double maxMemWorkMB = 10.0; const int FCIverbose = 1; CheMPS2::FCI * theFCI = new CheMPS2::FCI(Ham, Nel_up, Nel_down, Irrep, maxMemWorkMB, FCIverbose); EnergyFCI = theFCI->GSDavidson(NULL); delete theFCI; } #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::broadcast_array_double( &EnergyFCI, 1, MPI_CHEMPS2_MASTER ); #endif //Clean up the Hamiltonian delete Ham; //Check succes const bool success = ( fabs( EnergyDMRG - EnergyFCI ) < 1e-8 ) ? true : false; #ifdef CHEMPS2_MPI_COMPILATION CheMPS2::MPIchemps2::mpi_finalize(); #endif cout << "================> Did test 4 succeed : "; if (success){ cout << "yes" << endl; return 0; //Success } cout << "no" << endl; return 7; //Fail }