void ocvColorQuantizeApp::setup()
    // Image copyright Eric J Paparatto
    // http://www.flickr.com/photos/ejpphoto/2633923684/

    mInputImage = ci::Surface8u( loadImage( loadResource( RES_IMAGE ) ) );
    setWindowSize( mInputImage.getWidth(), mInputImage.getHeight() );

void ocvColorQuantizeApp::updateImage()
    const int colorCount = 32;
    const int sampleCount = mInputImage.getHeight() * mInputImage.getWidth();
    cv::Mat colorSamples( sampleCount, 1, CV_32FC3 );

    // build our matrix of samples
    Surface::ConstIter imageIt = mInputImage.getIter();
    cv::MatIterator_<cv::Vec3f> sampleIt = colorSamples.begin<cv::Vec3f>();
    while( imageIt.line() )
        while( imageIt.pixel() )
            *sampleIt++ = cv::Vec3f( imageIt.r(), imageIt.g(), imageIt.b() );

    // call kmeans
    cv::Mat labels, clusters;
    cv::kmeans( colorSamples, colorCount, labels, cv::TermCriteria( cv::TermCriteria::COUNT, 8, 0 ), 2, cv::KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, &clusters );

    Color8u clusterColors[colorCount];
    for( int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i )
        clusterColors[i] = Color8u( clusters.at<cv::Vec3f>(i,0)[0], clusters.at<cv::Vec3f>(i,0)[1], clusters.at<cv::Vec3f>(i,0)[2] );

    Surface result( mInputImage.getWidth(), mInputImage.getHeight(), false );
    Surface::Iter resultIt = result.getIter();
    cv::MatIterator_<int> labelIt = labels.begin<int>();
    while( resultIt.line() ) {
        while( resultIt.pixel() ) {
            resultIt.r() = clusterColors[*labelIt].r;
            resultIt.g() = clusterColors[*labelIt].g;
            resultIt.b() = clusterColors[*labelIt].b;

    // draw the color palette across the bottom of the image
    const int swatchSize = 12;
    for( int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i ) {
        ip::fill( &result, clusterColors[i], Area( i * swatchSize, result.getHeight() - swatchSize, ( i + 1 ) * swatchSize, result.getHeight() ) );

    mTexture = gl::Texture( result );
예제 #3
void testApp::setup(){
    //load image file
    string path = ofToDataPath("logo.png");
    of_image.loadImage( path );
    ci_surface = ci::loadImage( path );
    //convert images
    ci_texture = ci::gl::Texture( ofxCi::toCi(of_image), GL_RGBA, of_image.getWidth(), of_image.getHeight() );
    of_image.setFromPixels(ofxCi::toOf(ci_surface), ci_surface.getWidth(), ci_surface.getHeight(), OF_IMAGE_COLOR_ALPHA);
bool HaarHandDetector::doUpdateDetection(ci::Surface pSurface)
	//Set a Scale for the image to increase the processing time
	int lScale = 2;

	//Create a GrayScale copy of the input image
	cv::Mat	lGrayScaleImage(toOcv(pSurface, CV_8UC1));

	//Scale the GrayScaleImage
	cv::Mat lSmallGrayScaleImage(pSurface.getHeight() / lScale, pSurface.getWidth() / lScale, CV_8UC1);
	cv::resize(lGrayScaleImage, lSmallGrayScaleImage, lSmallGrayScaleImage.size(), 0,0,cv::INTER_LINEAR);

	//Equalize the Histogram to improve Edges Detection
	cv::equalizeHist(lSmallGrayScaleImage, lSmallGrayScaleImage);

	//Clear out the previous Detected Closed Hands

	//Start the Detection 
	std::vector<cv::Rect> lCVRectangles;
	int lCount = 0;
	mClosedHandCascade.detectMultiScale(lSmallGrayScaleImage, lCVRectangles, 1.2f, 2, CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT, cv::Size(24,24));

	for (std::vector<cv::Rect>::iterator lIter = lCVRectangles.begin(); lIter != lCVRectangles.end(); lIter++)
		ci::Rectf lClosedHand(ci::fromOcv(*lIter));
		lClosedHand *= lScale;

	//Return detection success flag
	if (lCount > 0)
		return true;

		return false;