SaveControl::SaveControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_SAVE), _saveControl(false) { // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("savebox", true)) { int saveId; int inputId; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d", &saveId, &inputId); saveElement elmnt; elmnt.inputKey = inputId; elmnt.saveId = saveId; elmnt.exist = false; _inputs.push_back(elmnt); } else if (param.matchString("control_type", true)) { if (values.contains("save")) _saveControl = true; else _saveControl = false; } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } for (saveElmntList::iterator iter = _inputs.begin(); iter != _inputs.end(); ++iter) { Control *ctrl = _engine->getScriptManager()->getControl(iter->inputKey); if (ctrl && ctrl->getType() == Control::CONTROL_INPUT) { InputControl *inp = (InputControl *)ctrl; inp->setReadOnly(!_saveControl); Common::SeekableReadStream *save = _engine->getSaveManager()->getSlotFile(iter->saveId); if (save) { SaveGameHeader header; _engine->getSaveManager()->readSaveGameHeader(save, header); delete save; inp->setText(header.saveName); iter->exist = true; } } } }
void Lua_V1::TextFileGetLine() { char textBuf[1000]; lua_Object nameObj = lua_getparam(1); lua_Object posObj = lua_getparam(2); Common::SeekableReadStream *file; if (lua_isnil(nameObj) || lua_isnil(posObj)) { lua_pushnil(); return; } const char *filename = lua_getstring(nameObj); Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_system->getSavefileManager(); file = saveFileMan->openForLoading(filename); if (!file) { lua_pushnil(); return; } int pos = (int)lua_getnumber(posObj); file->seek(pos, SEEK_SET); memset(textBuf, 0, 1000); file->readLine(textBuf, 1000); delete file; lua_pushstring(textBuf); }
void ScriptManager::parsePuzzle(Puzzle *puzzle, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) { Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (line.matchString("criteria {", true)) { parseCriteria(stream, puzzle->criteriaList); } else if (line.matchString("results {", true)) { parseResults(stream, puzzle->resultActions); } else if (line.matchString("flags {", true)) { setStateFlags(puzzle->key, parseFlags(stream)); } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); } }
LeverControl::LeverControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_LEVER), _frameInfo(0), _frameCount(0), _startFrame(0), _currentFrame(0), _lastRenderedFrame(0), _mouseIsCaptured(false), _isReturning(false), _accumulatedTime(0), _returnRoutesCurrentFrame(0), _animation(NULL), _cursor(CursorIndex_Active), _mirrored(false) { // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); _engine->getScriptManager()->trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("descfile", true)) { char levFileName[25]; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%24s", levFileName); parseLevFile(levFileName); } else if (param.matchString("cursor", true)) { char cursorName[25]; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%24s", cursorName); _cursor = _engine->getCursorManager()->getCursorId(Common::String(cursorName)); } line = stream.readLine(); _engine->getScriptManager()->trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } renderFrame(_currentFrame); }
uint ScriptManager::parseFlags(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) const { uint flags = 0; // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (line.matchString("ONCE_PER_INST", true)) { flags |= ONCE_PER_INST; } else if (line.matchString("DO_ME_NOW", true)) { flags |= DO_ME_NOW; } else if (line.matchString("DISABLED", true)) { flags |= DISABLED; } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); } return flags; }
TitlerControl::TitlerControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_TITLER) { _surface = NULL; _curString = -1; // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("string_resource_file", true)) { readStringsFile(values); } else if (param.matchString("rectangle", true)) { int x; int y; int x2; int y2; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &x2, &y2); _rectangle = Common::Rect(x, y, x2, y2); } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } if (!_rectangle.isEmpty()) { _surface = new Graphics::Surface; _surface->create(_rectangle.width(), _rectangle.height(), _engine->_pixelFormat); _surface->fillRect(Common::Rect(_surface->w, _surface->h), 0); } }
SourceListing *BasicSourceListingProvider::getListing(const Common::String &filename, ErrorCode &_err) { _err = OK; if (!_fsDirectory) { _err = SOURCE_PATH_NOT_SET; return nullptr; }; Common::String unixFilename; for (uint i = 0; i < filename.size(); i++) { if (filename[i] == '\\') { unixFilename.insertChar('/', unixFilename.size()); } else { unixFilename.insertChar(filename[i], unixFilename.size()); } } Common::SeekableReadStream *file = _fsDirectory->createReadStreamForMember(unixFilename); Common::Array<Common::String> strings; if (!file) { _err = NO_SUCH_SOURCE; } else { if (file->err()) { _err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } while (!file->eos()) { strings.push_back(file->readLine()); if (file->err()) { _err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } } if (_err == OK) { return new SourceListing(strings); } else { return nullptr; } }
void Lua_V1::TextFileGetLineCount() { char textBuf[1000]; lua_Object nameObj = lua_getparam(1); if (lua_isnil(nameObj)) { lua_pushnil(); return; } const char *filename = luaL_check_string(1); Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_system->getSavefileManager(); Common::SeekableReadStream *file = saveFileMan->openForLoading(filename); if (!file) { lua_pushnil(); return; } lua_Object result = lua_createtable(); int line = 0; for (;;) { if (file->eos()) break; lua_pushobject(result); lua_pushnumber(line); int pos = file->pos(); lua_pushnumber(pos); lua_settable(); file->readLine(textBuf, 1000); line++; } delete file; lua_pushobject(result); lua_pushstring("count"); lua_pushnumber(line); lua_settable(); lua_pushobject(result); }
/** * This test does the following: * 1) acquires the game-data path * 2) In the game-root it navigates to "directory" and opens the file "file" * * The code accesses the appropriate file using the fileSystem API, creates a read stream of it and * compares the message contained in it, with what it expects. * */ bool FStests::readDataFromFile(Common::FSDirectory *directory, const char *file) { Common::SeekableReadStream *readStream = directory->createReadStreamForMember(file); if (!readStream) { Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Can't open game file for reading\n"); return false; } Common::String msg = readStream->readLine(); delete readStream; Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Message Extracted from %s/%s : %s\n", directory->getFSNode().getName().c_str(), file, msg.c_str()); Common::String expectedMsg = "It works!"; if (!msg.equals(expectedMsg)) { Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Can't read Correct data from file\n"); return false; } return true; }
/** * This test creates a file testbed.out, writes a sample data and confirms if * it is same by reading the file again. */ TestExitStatus FStests::testWriteFile() { const Common::String &path = ConfMan.get("path"); Common::FSNode gameRoot(path); if (!gameRoot.exists()) { Testsuite::logPrintf("Couldn't open the game data directory %s", path.c_str()); return kTestFailed; } Common::FSNode fileToWrite = gameRoot.getChild("testbed.out"); Common::WriteStream *ws = fileToWrite.createWriteStream(); if (!ws) { Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Can't open writable file in game data dir\n"); return kTestFailed; } ws->writeString("ScummVM Rocks!"); ws->flush(); delete ws; Common::SeekableReadStream *rs = fileToWrite.createReadStream(); if (!rs) { Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Can't open recently written file testbed.out in game data dir\n"); return kTestFailed; } Common::String readFromFile = rs->readLine(); delete rs; if (readFromFile.equals("ScummVM Rocks!")) { // All good Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Data written and read correctly\n"); return kTestPassed; } return kTestFailed; }
PaintControl::PaintControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_PAINT) { _cursor = CursorIndex_Active; _paint = NULL; _bkg = NULL; _brush = NULL; _colorKey = 0; _mouseDown = false; // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("rectangle", true)) { int x; int y; int width; int height; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &width, &height); _rectangle = Common::Rect(x, y, width + x, height + y); } else if (param.matchString("cursor", true)) { _cursor = _engine->getCursorManager()->getCursorId(values); } else if (param.matchString("brush_file", true)) { _brush = _engine->getRenderManager()->loadImage(values, false); } else if (param.matchString("venus_id", true)) { _venusId = atoi(values.c_str()); } else if (param.matchString("paint_file", true)) { _paint = _engine->getRenderManager()->loadImage(values, false); } else if (param.matchString("eligible_objects", true)) { char buf[256]; memset(buf, 0, 256); strcpy(buf, values.c_str()); char *curpos = buf; char *strend = buf + strlen(buf); while (true) { char *st = curpos; if (st >= strend) break; while (*curpos != ' ' && curpos < strend) curpos++; *curpos = 0; curpos++; int obj = atoi(st); _eligibleObjects.push_back(obj); } } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } if (_paint) { _colorKey = _paint->format.RGBToColor(255, 0, 255); _bkg = new Graphics::Surface; _bkg->create(_rectangle.width(), _rectangle.height(), _paint->format); _bkg->fillRect(Common::Rect(_rectangle.width(), _rectangle.height()), _colorKey); Graphics::Surface *tmp = new Graphics::Surface; tmp->create(_rectangle.width(), _rectangle.height(), _paint->format); _engine->getRenderManager()->blitSurfaceToSurface(*_paint, _rectangle, *tmp, 0, 0); _paint->free(); delete _paint; _paint = tmp; } }
void Init::initGame() { initVideo(); updateConfig(); if (!_vm->isDemo()) { if (_vm->_dataIO->hasFile(_vm->_startStk)) _vm->_dataIO->openArchive(_vm->_startStk, true); } _vm->_util->initInput(); _vm->_video->initPrimary(_vm->_global->_videoMode); _vm->_global->_mouseXShift = 1; _vm->_global->_mouseYShift = 1; _palDesc = new Video::PalDesc; _vm->validateVideoMode(_vm->_global->_videoMode); _vm->_global->_setAllPalette = true; _palDesc->vgaPal = _vm->_draw->_vgaPalette; _palDesc->unused1 = _vm->_draw->_unusedPalette1; _palDesc->unused2 = _vm->_draw->_unusedPalette2; _vm->_video->setFullPalette(_palDesc); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) _vm->_draw->_fascinWin[i].id = -1; _vm->_draw->_winCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) _vm->_draw->_fonts[i] = 0; if (_vm->isDemo()) { doDemo(); delete _palDesc; _vm->_video->initPrimary(-1); cleanup(); return; } Common::SeekableReadStream *infFile = _vm->_dataIO->getFile("intro.inf"); if (!infFile) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) _vm->_draw->loadFont(i, _fontNames[i]); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (infFile->eos()) break; Common::String font = infFile->readLine(); if (infFile->eos() && font.empty()) break; font += ".let"; _vm->_draw->loadFont(i, font.c_str()); } delete infFile; } if (_vm->_dataIO->hasFile(_vm->_startTot)) { _vm->_inter->allocateVars(Script::getVariablesCount(_vm->_startTot.c_str(), _vm)); strcpy(_vm->_game->_curTotFile, _vm->_startTot.c_str()); _vm->_sound->cdTest(1, "GOB"); _vm->_sound->cdLoadLIC("gob.lic"); // Search for a Coktel logo animation or image to display if (_vm->_dataIO->hasFile("coktel.imd")) { _vm->_draw->initScreen(); _vm->_draw->_cursorIndex = -1; _vm->_util->longDelay(200); // Letting everything settle VideoPlayer::Properties props; int slot; if ((slot = _vm->_vidPlayer->openVideo(true, "coktel.imd", props)) >= 0) { _vm->_vidPlayer->play(slot, props); _vm->_vidPlayer->closeVideo(slot); } _vm->_draw->closeScreen(); } else if (_vm->_dataIO->hasFile("coktel.clt")) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _vm->_dataIO->getFile("coktel.clt"); if (stream) { _vm->_draw->initScreen(); _vm->_util->clearPalette(); stream->read((byte *)_vm->_draw->_vgaPalette, 768); delete stream; int32 size; byte *sprite = _vm->_dataIO->getFile("coktel.ims", size); if (sprite) { _vm->_video->drawPackedSprite(sprite, 320, 200, 0, 0, 0, *_vm->_draw->_frontSurface); _vm->_palAnim->fade(_palDesc, 0, 0); _vm->_util->delay(500); delete[] sprite; } _vm->_draw->closeScreen(); } } _vm->_game->start(); _vm->_sound->cdStop(); _vm->_sound->cdUnloadLIC(); } delete _palDesc; _vm->_dataIO->closeArchive(true); _vm->_video->initPrimary(-1); cleanup(); }
InputControl::InputControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_INPUT), _nextTabstop(0), _focused(false), _textChanged(false), _cursorOffset(0), _enterPressed(false), _readOnly(false), _txtWidth(0), _animation(NULL) { // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("rectangle", true)) { int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); _textRectangle = Common::Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if (param.matchString("aux_hotspot", true)) { int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); _headerRectangle = Common::Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if (param.matchString("string_init", true)) { uint fontFormatNumber; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%u", &fontFormatNumber); _stringInit.readAllStyle(_engine->getStringManager()->getTextLine(fontFormatNumber)); } else if (param.matchString("chooser_init_string", true)) { uint fontFormatNumber; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%u", &fontFormatNumber); _stringChooserInit.readAllStyle(_engine->getStringManager()->getTextLine(fontFormatNumber)); } else if (param.matchString("next_tabstop", true)) { sscanf(values.c_str(), "%u", &_nextTabstop); } else if (param.matchString("cursor_dimensions", true)) { // Ignore, use the dimensions in the animation file } else if (param.matchString("cursor_animation_frames", true)) { // Ignore, use the frame count in the animation file } else if (param.matchString("cursor_animation", true)) { char fileName[25]; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%25s %*u", fileName); _animation = new MetaAnimation(fileName, _engine); _frame = -1; _frameDelay = 0; } else if (param.matchString("focus", true)) { _focused = true; _engine->getScriptManager()->setFocusControlKey(_key); } else if (param.matchString("venus_id", true)) { _venusId = atoi(values.c_str()); } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } }
bool WintermuteEngine::getGameInfo(const Common::FSList &fslist, Common::String &name, Common::String &caption) { bool retVal = false; caption = name = "(invalid)"; Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = NULL; // Quick-fix, instead of possibly breaking the persistence-system, let's just roll with it BaseFileManager *fileMan = new BaseFileManager(Common::UNK_LANG); fileMan->registerPackages(fslist); stream = fileMan->openFile("startup.settings", false, false); // The process is as follows: Check the "GAME=" tag in startup.settings, to decide where the // game-settings are (usually ""), then look into the game-settings to find // the NAME = and CAPTION = tags, to use them to generate a gameid and extras-field Common::String settingsGameFile = ""; // If the stream-open failed, lets at least attempt to open the default game file afterwards // so, we don't call it a failure yet. if (stream) { while (!stream->eos() && !stream->err()) { Common::String line = stream->readLine(); line.trim(); // Get rid of indentation // Expect "SETTINGS {" or comment, or empty line if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == ';' || (line.contains("{"))) { continue; } else { // We are looking for "GAME =" Common::StringTokenizer token(line, "="); Common::String key = token.nextToken(); Common::String value = token.nextToken(); if (value.size() == 0) { continue; } if (value[0] == '\"') { value.deleteChar(0); } else { continue; } if (value.lastChar() == '\"') { value.deleteLastChar(); } if (key == "GAME") { settingsGameFile = value; break; } } } } delete stream; stream = fileMan->openFile(settingsGameFile, false, false); if (stream) { // We do some manual parsing here, as the engine needs gfx to be initalized to do that. while (!stream->eos() && !stream->err()) { Common::String line = stream->readLine(); line.trim(); // Get rid of indentation // Expect "GAME {" or comment, or empty line if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == ';' || (line.contains("{"))) { continue; } else { Common::StringTokenizer token(line, "="); Common::String key = token.nextToken(); Common::String value = token.nextToken(); if (value.size() == 0) { continue; } if (value[0] == '\"') { value.deleteChar(0); } else { continue; // not a string } if (value.lastChar() == '\"') { value.deleteLastChar(); } if (key == "NAME") { retVal = true; name = value; } else if (key == "CAPTION") { retVal = true; caption = value; } } } delete stream; } delete fileMan; BaseEngine::destroy(); return retVal; }
SlotControl::SlotControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_SLOT), _cursor(CursorIndex_Active), _distanceId('0') { _renderedItem = 0; _bkg = NULL; // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); _engine->getScriptManager()->trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("hotspot", true)) { int x; int y; int width; int height; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &width, &height); _hotspot = Common::Rect(x, y, width, height); } else if (param.matchString("rectangle", true)) { int x; int y; int width; int height; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &width, &height); _rectangle = Common::Rect(x, y, width, height); } else if (param.matchString("cursor", true)) { _cursor = _engine->getCursorManager()->getCursorId(values); } else if (param.matchString("distance_id", true)) { sscanf(values.c_str(), "%c", &_distanceId); } else if (param.matchString("venus_id", true)) { _venusId = atoi(values.c_str()); } else if (param.matchString("eligible_objects", true)) { char buf[256]; memset(buf, 0, 256); strncpy(buf, values.c_str(), 255); char *curpos = buf; char *strend = buf + strlen(buf); while (true) { char *st = curpos; if (st >= strend) break; while (*curpos != ' ' && curpos < strend) curpos++; *curpos = 0; curpos++; int obj = atoi(st); _eligibleObjects.push_back(obj); } } line = stream.readLine(); _engine->getScriptManager()->trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } if (_hotspot.isEmpty() || _rectangle.isEmpty()) { warning("Slot %u was parsed incorrectly", key); } }
void dumpEveryResultAction(const Common::String &destFile) { Common::HashMap<Common::String, byte> count; Common::HashMap<Common::String, bool> fileAlreadyUsed; Common::DumpFile output;; // Find scr files Common::ArchiveMemberList list; SearchMan.listMatchingMembers(list, "*.scr"); for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = (*iter)->createReadStream(); Common::String line = stream->readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); while (!stream->eos()) { if (line.matchString("*:add*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("add", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:animplay*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("animplay", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:animpreload*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("animpreload", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:animunload*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("animunload", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:attenuate*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("attenuate", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:assign*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("assign", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:change_location*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("change_location", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:crossfade*", true) && !fileAlreadyUsed["add"]) { tryToDumpLine("crossfade", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:debug*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("debug", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:delay_render*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("delay_render", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:disable_control*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("disable_control", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:disable_venus*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("disable_venus", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:display_message*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("display_message", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:dissolve*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("dissolve", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:distort*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("distort", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:enable_control*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("enable_control", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:flush_mouse_events*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("flush_mouse_events", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:inventory*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("inventory", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:kill*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("kill", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:menu_bar_enable*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("menu_bar_enable", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:music*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("music", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:pan_track*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("pan_track", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:playpreload*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("playpreload", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:preferences*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("preferences", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:quit*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("quit", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:random*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("random", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:region*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("region", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:restore_game*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("restore_game", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:rotate_to*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("rotate_to", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:save_game*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("save_game", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:set_partial_screen*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("set_partial_screen", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:set_screen*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("set_screen", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:set_venus*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("set_venus", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:stop*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("stop", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:streamvideo*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("streamvideo", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:syncsound*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("syncsound", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:timer*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("timer", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:ttytext*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("ttytext", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } else if (line.matchString("*:universe_music*", true)) { tryToDumpLine("universe_music", line, &count, &fileAlreadyUsed, output); } line = stream->readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); } for (Common::HashMap<Common::String, bool>::iterator fileUsedIter = fileAlreadyUsed.begin(); fileUsedIter != fileAlreadyUsed.end(); ++fileUsedIter) { fileUsedIter->_value = false; } } output.close(); }
void ScriptManager::parseResults(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::List<ResultAction *> &actionList) const { // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); // TODO: Re-order the if-then statements in order of highest occurrence while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (line.empty()) { line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); continue; } // Parse for the action type if (line.matchString("*:add*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionAdd(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:animplay*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionPlayAnimation(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:animpreload*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionPreloadAnimation(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:animunload*", true)) { //actionList.push_back(new ActionUnloadAnimation(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:attenuate*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionAttenuate } else if (line.matchString("*:assign*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionAssign(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:change_location*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionChangeLocation(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:crossfade*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionCrossfade } else if (line.matchString("*:debug*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionDebug } else if (line.matchString("*:delay_render*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionDelayRender } else if (line.matchString("*:disable_control*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionDisableControl(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:disable_venus*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionDisableVenus } else if (line.matchString("*:display_message*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionDisplayMessage } else if (line.matchString("*:dissolve*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionDissolve } else if (line.matchString("*:distort*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionDistort } else if (line.matchString("*:enable_control*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionEnableControl(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:flush_mouse_events*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionFlushMouseEvents } else if (line.matchString("*:inventory*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionInventory } else if (line.matchString("*:kill*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionKill } else if (line.matchString("*:menu_bar_enable*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionMenuBarEnable } else if (line.matchString("*:music*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionMusic(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:pan_track*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionPanTrack } else if (line.matchString("*:playpreload*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionPlayPreloadAnimation(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:preferences*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionPreferences } else if (line.matchString("*:quit*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionQuit()); } else if (line.matchString("*:random*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionRandom(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:region*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionRegion } else if (line.matchString("*:restore_game*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionRestoreGame } else if (line.matchString("*:rotate_to*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionRotateTo } else if (line.matchString("*:save_game*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionSaveGame } else if (line.matchString("*:set_partial_screen*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionSetPartialScreen(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:set_screen*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionSetScreen(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:set_venus*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionSetVenus } else if (line.matchString("*:stop*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionStop } else if (line.matchString("*:streamvideo*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionStreamVideo(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:syncsound*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionSyncSound } else if (line.matchString("*:timer*", true)) { actionList.push_back(new ActionTimer(line)); } else if (line.matchString("*:ttytext*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionTTYText } else if (line.matchString("*:universe_music*", true)) { // TODO: Implement ActionUniverseMusic } else if (line.matchString("*:copy_file*", true)) { // Not used. Purposely left empty } else { warning("Unhandled result action type: %s", line.c_str()); } line = stream.readLine(); trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); } return; }
SafeControl::SafeControl(ZVision *engine, uint32 key, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) : Control(engine, key, CONTROL_SAFE) { _statesCount = 0; _curState = 0; _animation = NULL; _innerRaduis = 0; _innerRadiusSqr = 0; _outerRadius = 0; _outerRadiusSqr = 0; _zeroPointer = 0; _startPointer = 0; _targetFrame = 0; // Loop until we find the closing brace Common::String line = stream.readLine(); _engine->getScriptManager()->trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); Common::String param; Common::String values; getParams(line, param, values); while (!stream.eos() && !line.contains('}')) { if (param.matchString("animation", true)) { _animation = _engine->loadAnimation(values); _animation->start(); } else if (param.matchString("rectangle", true)) { int x; int y; int width; int height; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x, &y, &width, &height); _rectangle = Common::Rect(x, y, width, height); } else if (param.matchString("num_states", true)) { _statesCount = atoi(values.c_str()); } else if (param.matchString("center", true)) { int x; int y; sscanf(values.c_str(), "%d %d", &x, &y); _center = Common::Point(x, y); } else if (param.matchString("dial_inner_radius", true)) { _innerRaduis = atoi(values.c_str()); _innerRadiusSqr = _innerRaduis * _innerRaduis; } else if (param.matchString("radius", true)) { _outerRadius = atoi(values.c_str()); _outerRadiusSqr = _outerRadius * _outerRadius; } else if (param.matchString("zero_radians_offset", true)) { _zeroPointer = atoi(values.c_str()); } else if (param.matchString("pointer_offset", true)) { _startPointer = atoi(values.c_str()); _curState = _startPointer; } else if (param.matchString("cursor", true)) { // Not used } else if (param.matchString("mirrored", true)) { // Not used } else if (param.matchString("venus_id", true)) { _venusId = atoi(values.c_str()); } line = stream.readLine(); _engine->getScriptManager()->trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); getParams(line, param, values); } if (_animation) _animation->seekToFrame(_curState); }