SaveStateList CruiseMetaEngine::listSaves(const char *target) const { Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_system->getSavefileManager(); Common::StringList filenames; Common::String pattern("cruise.s??"); filenames = saveFileMan->listSavefiles(pattern); sort(filenames.begin(), filenames.end()); // Sort (hopefully ensuring we are sorted numerically..) SaveStateList saveList; for (Common::StringList::const_iterator file = filenames.begin(); file != filenames.end(); ++file) { // Obtain the last 2 digits of the filename, since they correspond to the save slot int slotNum = atoi(file->c_str() + file->size() - 2); if (slotNum >= 0 && slotNum <= 99) { Common::InSaveFile *in = saveFileMan->openForLoading(*file); if (in) { Cruise::CruiseSavegameHeader header; Cruise::readSavegameHeader(in, header); saveList.push_back(SaveStateDescriptor(slotNum, header.saveName)); if (header.thumbnail) delete header.thumbnail; delete in; } } } return saveList; }
void listSavegames(Common::Array<SavegameDesc> &saves) { Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_engine->getSaveFileManager(); // Load all saves Common::StringList saveNames = saveFileMan->listSavefiles(((SciEngine *)g_engine)->getSavegamePattern()); for (Common::StringList::const_iterator iter = saveNames.begin(); iter != saveNames.end(); ++iter) { Common::String filename = *iter; Common::SeekableReadStream *in; if ((in = saveFileMan->openForLoading(filename))) { SavegameMetadata meta; if (!get_savegame_metadata(in, &meta)) { // invalid delete in; continue; } delete in; SavegameDesc desc; = strtol(filename.end() - 3, NULL, 10); = meta.savegame_date; desc.time = meta.savegame_time; debug(3, "Savegame in file %s ok, id %d", filename.c_str(),; saves.push_back(desc); } } // Sort the list by creation date of the saves qsort(saves.begin(), saves.size(), sizeof(SavegameDesc), _savegame_index_struct_compare); }
SaveStateList SwordMetaEngine::listSaves(const char *target) const { Common::SaveFileManager *saveFileMan = g_system->getSavefileManager(); SaveStateList saveList; char saveName[40]; Common::StringList filenames = saveFileMan->listSavefiles("sword1.???"); sort(filenames.begin(), filenames.end()); // Sort (hopefully ensuring we are sorted numerically..) int slotNum = 0; for (Common::StringList::const_iterator file = filenames.begin(); file != filenames.end(); ++file) { // Obtain the last 3 digits of the filename, since they correspond to the save slot slotNum = atoi(file->c_str() + file->size() - 3); if (slotNum >= 0 && slotNum <= 999) { Common::InSaveFile *in = saveFileMan->openForLoading(*file); if (in) { in->readUint32LE(); // header in->read(saveName, 40); saveList.push_back(SaveStateDescriptor(slotNum, saveName)); delete in; } } } return saveList; }
virtual SaveStateList listSaves(const char *target) const { Common::String pattern = Tucker::generateGameStateFileName(target, 0, true); Common::StringList filenames = g_system->getSavefileManager()->listSavefiles(pattern); bool slotsTable[Tucker::kLastSaveSlot + 1]; memset(slotsTable, 0, sizeof(slotsTable)); SaveStateList saveList; for (Common::StringList::const_iterator file = filenames.begin(); file != filenames.end(); ++file) { int slot; const char *ext = strrchr(file->c_str(), '.'); if (ext && (slot = atoi(ext + 1)) >= 0 && slot <= Tucker::kLastSaveSlot) { Common::InSaveFile *in = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(*file); if (in) { slotsTable[slot] = true; delete in; } } } for (int slot = 0; slot <= Tucker::kLastSaveSlot; ++slot) { if (slotsTable[slot]) { char description[64]; snprintf(description, sizeof(description), "savegm.%02d", slot); saveList.push_back(SaveStateDescriptor(slot, description)); } } return saveList; }
char* AutoCompleteGet(const char* text, int state) { static int index = 0; int length = strlen(text); std::string name; if (!state) // First run { index = 0; } while (autocomplete_list.size() > (unsigned int) index) { name = autocomplete_list[index]; index++; if (strncmp(, text, length) == 0) { char *result = (char*)malloc(name.size() + 1); strcpy(result,; return result; } } return NULL; }
void bringWordtoTop(char *str, int wordnum) { // This function reorders the words on the given pred.dic line // by moving the word at position 'wordnum' to the front (that is, right behind // right behind the numerical code word at the start of the line). Common::StringList words; char buf[MAXLINELEN]; if (!str) return; strncpy(buf, str, MAXLINELEN); char *word = strtok(buf, " "); if (!word) { debug("Invalid dictionary line"); return; } words.push_back(word); while ((word = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL) words.push_back(word); words.insert_at(1, words.remove_at(wordnum + 1)); Common::String tmp; for (uint8 i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) tmp += words[i] + " "; tmp.deleteLastChar(); memcpy(str, tmp.c_str(), strlen(str)); }
Common::StringList DefaultSaveFileManager::listSavefiles(const Common::String &pattern) { Common::String savePathName = getSavePath(); checkPath(Common::FSNode(savePathName)); if (getError() != Common::kNoError) return Common::StringList(); // recreate FSNode since checkPath may have changed/created the directory Common::FSNode savePath(savePathName); Common::FSDirectory dir(savePath); Common::ArchiveMemberList savefiles; Common::StringList results; Common::String search(pattern); if (dir.listMatchingMembers(savefiles, search) > 0) { for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::const_iterator file = savefiles.begin(); file != savefiles.end(); ++file) { results.push_back((*file)->getName()); } } return results; }
bool Sword2Engine::saveExists() { Common::String pattern = _targetName + ".???"; Common::StringList filenames = _saveFileMan->listSavefiles(pattern); return !filenames.empty(); }
void SlotOnNewDataHandler(net::ClientId client_id, net::ServerId server_id, common::Byteset data) { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < data.GetSize(); n++) { this->buffer_.push_back(data[n]); } while (this->buffer_.size() >= 8) { std::string command = ""; command += (char)this->buffer_[0]; command += (char)this->buffer_[1]; command += (char)this->buffer_[2]; command += (char)this->buffer_[3]; std::string payload_length_str = ""; payload_length_str += (char)this->buffer_[4]; payload_length_str += (char)this->buffer_[5]; payload_length_str += (char)this->buffer_[6]; payload_length_str += (char)this->buffer_[7]; unsigned int payload_length = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(payload_length_str); if (this->buffer_.size() - 8 < payload_length) { return; } std::string payload = ""; for (unsigned int n = 8; n < payload_length + 8; n++) { payload += (char)this->buffer_[n]; } this->buffer_.erase(this->buffer_.begin(), this->buffer_.begin() + payload_length + 8); if (command == "TEXT") { std::cout << payload << std::flush; } else if (command == "PROM") { this->prompt_ = payload; on_message_condition.notify_all(); } else if (command == "COMP") { autocomplete_list.clear(); if (payload.length() > 0) { boost::algorithm::split(autocomplete_list, payload, boost::is_any_of("\n"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); } on_message_condition.notify_all(); } else { std::cerr << "Could not parse package." << std::endl; finish = true; on_message_condition.notify_all(); break; } } }
void OSystem_SDL::displayMessageOnOSD(const char *msg) { assert (_transactionMode == kTransactionNone); assert(msg); uint i; // Lock the OSD surface for drawing if (SDL_LockSurface(_osdSurface)) error("displayMessageOnOSD: SDL_LockSurface failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); Graphics::Surface dst; dst.pixels = _osdSurface->pixels; dst.w = _osdSurface->w; dst.h = _osdSurface->h; dst.pitch = _osdSurface->pitch; dst.bytesPerPixel = _osdSurface->format->BytesPerPixel; // The font we are going to use: const Graphics::Font *font = FontMan.getFontByUsage(Graphics::FontManager::kOSDFont); // Clear everything with the "transparent" color, i.e. the colorkey SDL_FillRect(_osdSurface, 0, kOSDColorKey); // Split the message into separate lines. Common::StringList lines; const char *ptr; for (ptr = msg; *ptr; ++ptr) { if (*ptr == '\n') { lines.push_back(Common::String(msg, ptr - msg)); msg = ptr + 1; } } lines.push_back(Common::String(msg, ptr - msg)); // Determine a rect which would contain the message string (clipped to the // screen dimensions). const int vOffset = 6; const int lineSpacing = 1; const int lineHeight = font->getFontHeight() + 2 * lineSpacing; int width = 0; int height = lineHeight * lines.size() + 2 * vOffset; for (i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { width = MAX(width, font->getStringWidth(lines[i]) + 14); } // Clip the rect if (width > dst.w) width = dst.w; if (height > dst.h) height = dst.h; // Draw a dark gray rect // TODO: Rounded corners ? Border? SDL_Rect osdRect; osdRect.x = (dst.w - width) / 2; osdRect.y = (dst.h - height) / 2; osdRect.w = width; osdRect.h = height; SDL_FillRect(_osdSurface, &osdRect, SDL_MapRGB(_osdSurface->format, 64, 64, 64)); // Render the message, centered, and in white for (i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { font->drawString(&dst, lines[i], osdRect.x, osdRect.y + i * lineHeight + vOffset + lineSpacing, osdRect.w, SDL_MapRGB(_osdSurface->format, 255, 255, 255), Graphics::kTextAlignCenter); } // Finished drawing, so unlock the OSD surface again SDL_UnlockSurface(_osdSurface); // Init the OSD display parameters, and the fade out _osdAlpha = SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT + kOSDInitialAlpha * (SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE - SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT) / 100; _osdFadeStartTime = SDL_GetTicks() + kOSDFadeOutDelay; SDL_SetAlpha(_osdSurface, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCCOLORKEY | SDL_SRCALPHA, _osdAlpha); // Ensure a full redraw takes place next time the screen is updated _forceFull = true; }