예제 #1
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Aurorer/citra
/// Set the priority of the thread specified by handle
Result SetThreadPriority(Handle handle, s32 priority) {
    Thread* thread = nullptr;
    if (!handle) {
        thread = GetCurrentThread(); // TODO(bunnei): Is this correct behavior?
    } else {
        thread = g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(handle);
    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (thread != nullptr), "called, but thread is nullptr!");

    // If priority is invalid, clamp to valid range
    if (priority < THREADPRIO_HIGHEST || priority > THREADPRIO_LOWEST) {
        s32 new_priority = CLAMP(priority, THREADPRIO_HIGHEST, THREADPRIO_LOWEST);
        WARN_LOG(KERNEL, "invalid priority=0x%08X, clamping to %08X", priority, new_priority);
        // TODO(bunnei): Clamping to a valid priority is not necessarily correct behavior... Confirm
        // validity of this
        priority = new_priority;

    // Change thread priority
    s32 old = thread->current_priority;
    g_thread_ready_queue.remove(old, handle);
    thread->current_priority = priority;

    // Change thread status to "ready" and push to ready queue
    if (thread->IsRunning()) {
        thread->status = (thread->status & ~THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) | THREADSTATUS_READY;
    if (thread->IsReady()) {
        g_thread_ready_queue.push_back(thread->current_priority, handle);

    return 0;
예제 #2
 * Switches the CPU's active thread context to that of the specified thread
 * @param new_thread The thread to switch to
static void SwitchContext(Thread* new_thread) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(new_thread->status == THREADSTATUS_READY, "Thread must be ready to become running.");

    Thread* previous_thread = GetCurrentThread();

    // Save context for previous thread
    if (previous_thread) {

        if (previous_thread->status == THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) {
            // This is only the case when a reschedule is triggered without the current thread
            // yielding execution (i.e. an event triggered, system core time-sliced, etc)
            ready_queue.push_front(previous_thread->current_priority, previous_thread);
            previous_thread->status = THREADSTATUS_READY;

    // Load context of new thread
    if (new_thread) {
        current_thread = new_thread;

        ready_queue.remove(new_thread->current_priority, new_thread);
        new_thread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;

    } else {
        current_thread = nullptr;
예제 #3
 * Pops and returns the next thread from the thread queue
 * @return A pointer to the next ready thread
static Thread* PopNextReadyThread() {
    Thread* next;
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();

    if (thread && thread->status == THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) {
        // We have to do better than the current thread.
        // This call returns null when that's not possible.
        next = ready_queue.pop_first_better(thread->current_priority);
    } else  {
        next = ready_queue.pop_first();

    return next;
예제 #4
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Aurorer/citra
/// Gets the next thread that is ready to be run by priority
Thread* NextThread() {
    Handle next;
    Thread* cur = GetCurrentThread();
    if (cur && cur->IsRunning()) {
        next = g_thread_ready_queue.pop_first_better(cur->current_priority);
    } else  {
        next = g_thread_ready_queue.pop_first();
    if (next == 0) {
        return nullptr;
    return Kernel::g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(next);
예제 #5
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Aurorer/citra
/// Change a thread to "ready" state
void ChangeReadyState(Thread* t, bool ready) {
    Handle handle = t->GetHandle();
    if (t->IsReady()) {
        if (!ready) {
            g_thread_ready_queue.remove(t->current_priority, handle);
    }  else if (ready) {
        if (t->IsRunning()) {
            g_thread_ready_queue.push_front(t->current_priority, handle);
        } else {
            g_thread_ready_queue.push_back(t->current_priority, handle);
        t->status = THREADSTATUS_READY;
예제 #6
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Breadmouth/citra
void Thread::Stop() {
    // Release all the mutexes that this thread holds

    // Cancel any outstanding wakeup events for this thread
    CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(ThreadWakeupEventType, callback_handle);
    callback_handle = 0;

    // Clean up thread from ready queue
    // This is only needed when the thread is termintated forcefully (SVC TerminateProcess)
    if (status == THREADSTATUS_READY){
        ready_queue.remove(current_priority, this);



    // Clean up any dangling references in objects that this thread was waiting for
    for (auto& wait_object : wait_objects) {

    // Mark the TLS slot in the thread's page as free.
    u32 tls_page = (tls_address - Memory::TLS_AREA_VADDR) / Memory::PAGE_SIZE;
    u32 tls_slot = ((tls_address - Memory::TLS_AREA_VADDR) % Memory::PAGE_SIZE) / Memory::TLS_ENTRY_SIZE;

예제 #7
void Thread::SetPriority(s32 priority) {
    ClampPriority(this, &priority);

    if (current_priority == priority) {

    if (status == THREADSTATUS_READY) {
        // If thread was ready, adjust queues
        ready_queue.remove(current_priority, this);
        ready_queue.push_back(priority, this);
    current_priority = priority;
예제 #8
void Thread::ResumeFromWait() {
    // Cancel any outstanding wakeup events for this thread
    CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(ThreadWakeupEventType, callback_handle);

    switch (status) {
            // Remove this thread from all other WaitObjects
            for (auto wait_object : wait_objects)
            DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Thread with object id %u has already resumed.", GetObjectId());
            // This should never happen, as threads must complete before being stopped.
            DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Thread with object id %u cannot be resumed because it's DEAD.",
    ready_queue.push_back(current_priority, this);
예제 #9
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Aurorer/citra
/// Creates a new thread
Thread* CreateThread(Handle& handle, const char* name, u32 entry_point, s32 priority,
    s32 processor_id, u32 stack_top, int stack_size) {

    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (priority >= THREADPRIO_HIGHEST && priority <= THREADPRIO_LOWEST), 
        "CreateThread priority=%d, outside of allowable range!", priority)

    Thread* thread = new Thread;

    handle = Kernel::g_object_pool.Create(thread);


    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT;
    thread->entry_point = entry_point;
    thread->stack_top = stack_top;
    thread->stack_size = stack_size;
    thread->initial_priority = thread->current_priority = priority;
    thread->processor_id = processor_id;
    thread->wait_type = WAITTYPE_NONE;
    thread->wait_handle = 0;

    strncpy(thread->name, name, Kernel::MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    thread->name[Kernel::MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0';

    return thread;
예제 #10
ResultVal<SharedPtr<Thread>> Thread::Create(std::string name, VAddr entry_point, s32 priority,
        u32 arg, s32 processor_id, VAddr stack_top) {
    if (priority < THREADPRIO_HIGHEST || priority > THREADPRIO_LOWEST) {
        s32 new_priority = MathUtil::Clamp<s32>(priority, THREADPRIO_HIGHEST, THREADPRIO_LOWEST);
        LOG_WARNING(Kernel_SVC, "(name=%s): invalid priority=%d, clamping to %d",
            name.c_str(), priority, new_priority);
        // TODO(bunnei): Clamping to a valid priority is not necessarily correct behavior... Confirm
        // validity of this
        priority = new_priority;

    if (!Memory::GetPointer(entry_point)) {
        LOG_ERROR(Kernel_SVC, "(name=%s): invalid entry %08x", name.c_str(), entry_point);
        // TODO: Verify error
        return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::InvalidAddress, ErrorModule::Kernel,
                ErrorSummary::InvalidArgument, ErrorLevel::Permanent);

    SharedPtr<Thread> thread(new Thread);


    thread->thread_id = NewThreadId();
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT;
    thread->entry_point = entry_point;
    thread->stack_top = stack_top;
    thread->initial_priority = thread->current_priority = priority;
    thread->processor_id = processor_id;
    thread->wait_set_output = false;
    thread->wait_all = false;
    thread->wait_address = 0;
    thread->name = std::move(name);
    thread->callback_handle = wakeup_callback_handle_table.Create(thread).MoveFrom();

    // TODO(peachum): move to ScheduleThread() when scheduler is added so selected core is used
    // to initialize the context
    Core::g_app_core->ResetContext(thread->context, stack_top, entry_point, arg);

    ready_queue.push_back(thread->current_priority, thread.get());
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_READY;

    return MakeResult<SharedPtr<Thread>>(std::move(thread));
예제 #11
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Aurorer/citra
/// Prints the thread queue for debugging purposes
void DebugThreadQueue() {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    if (!thread) {
    INFO_LOG(KERNEL, "0x%02X 0x%08X (current)", thread->current_priority, GetCurrentThreadHandle());
    for (u32 i = 0; i < g_thread_queue.size(); i++) {
        Handle handle = g_thread_queue[i];
        s32 priority = g_thread_ready_queue.contains(handle);
        if (priority != -1) {
            INFO_LOG(KERNEL, "0x%02X 0x%08X", priority, handle);
예제 #12
 * Prints the thread queue for debugging purposes
static void DebugThreadQueue() {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    if (!thread) {
        LOG_DEBUG(Kernel, "Current: NO CURRENT THREAD");
    } else {
        LOG_DEBUG(Kernel, "0x%02X %u (current)", thread->current_priority, GetCurrentThread()->GetObjectId());

    for (auto& t : thread_list) {
        s32 priority = ready_queue.contains(t.get());
        if (priority != -1) {
            LOG_DEBUG(Kernel, "0x%02X %u", priority, t->GetObjectId());
예제 #13
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Breadmouth/citra
/// Boost low priority threads (temporarily) that have been starved
static void PriorityBoostStarvedThreads() {
    u64 current_ticks = CoreTiming::GetTicks();

    for (auto& thread : thread_list) {
        // TODO(bunnei): Threads that have been waiting to be scheduled for `boost_ticks` (or
        // longer) will have their priority temporarily adjusted to 1 higher than the highest
        // priority thread to prevent thread starvation. This general behavior has been verified
        // on hardware. However, this is almost certainly not perfect, and the real CTR OS scheduler
        // should probably be reversed to verify this.

        const u64 boost_timeout = 2000000;  // Boost threads that have been ready for > this long

        u64 delta = current_ticks - thread->last_running_ticks;

        if (thread->status == THREADSTATUS_READY && delta > boost_timeout) {
            const s32 priority = std::max(ready_queue.get_first()->current_priority - 1, 0);
예제 #14
void Thread::Stop() {
    // Release all the mutexes that this thread holds

    // Cancel any outstanding wakeup events for this thread
    CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(ThreadWakeupEventType, callback_handle);

    // Clean up thread from ready queue
    // This is only needed when the thread is termintated forcefully (SVC TerminateProcess)
    if (status == THREADSTATUS_READY){
        ready_queue.remove(current_priority, this);


    // Clean up any dangling references in objects that this thread was waiting for
    for (auto& wait_object : wait_objects) {
예제 #15
namespace Kernel {

/// Event type for the thread wake up event
static int ThreadWakeupEventType = -1;

bool Thread::ShouldWait() {
    return status != THREADSTATUS_DEAD;

void Thread::Acquire() {
    ASSERT_MSG(!ShouldWait(), "object unavailable!");

// Lists all thread ids that aren't deleted/etc.
static std::vector<SharedPtr<Thread>> thread_list;

// Lists only ready thread ids.
static Common::ThreadQueueList<Thread*, THREADPRIO_LOWEST+1> ready_queue;

static Thread* current_thread;

// The first available thread id at startup
static u32 next_thread_id = 1;

 * Creates a new thread ID
 * @return The new thread ID
inline static u32 const NewThreadId() {
    return next_thread_id++;

Thread::Thread() {}
Thread::~Thread() {}

Thread* GetCurrentThread() {
    return current_thread;

 * Check if a thread is waiting on the specified wait object
 * @param thread The thread to test
 * @param wait_object The object to test against
 * @return True if the thread is waiting, false otherwise
static bool CheckWait_WaitObject(const Thread* thread, WaitObject* wait_object) {
    if (thread->status != THREADSTATUS_WAIT_SYNCH)
        return false;

    auto itr = std::find(thread->wait_objects.begin(), thread->wait_objects.end(), wait_object);
    return itr != thread->wait_objects.end();

 * Check if the specified thread is waiting on the specified address to be arbitrated
 * @param thread The thread to test
 * @param wait_address The address to test against
 * @return True if the thread is waiting, false otherwise
static bool CheckWait_AddressArbiter(const Thread* thread, VAddr wait_address) {
    return thread->status == THREADSTATUS_WAIT_ARB && wait_address == thread->wait_address;

void Thread::Stop() {
    // Release all the mutexes that this thread holds

    // Cancel any outstanding wakeup events for this thread
    CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(ThreadWakeupEventType, callback_handle);

    // Clean up thread from ready queue
    // This is only needed when the thread is termintated forcefully (SVC TerminateProcess)
    if (status == THREADSTATUS_READY){
        ready_queue.remove(current_priority, this);


    // Clean up any dangling references in objects that this thread was waiting for
    for (auto& wait_object : wait_objects) {

Thread* ArbitrateHighestPriorityThread(u32 address) {
    Thread* highest_priority_thread = nullptr;
    s32 priority = THREADPRIO_LOWEST;

    // Iterate through threads, find highest priority thread that is waiting to be arbitrated...
    for (auto& thread : thread_list) {
        if (!CheckWait_AddressArbiter(thread.get(), address))

        if (thread == nullptr)

        if(thread->current_priority <= priority) {
            highest_priority_thread = thread.get();
            priority = thread->current_priority;

    // If a thread was arbitrated, resume it
    if (nullptr != highest_priority_thread) {

    return highest_priority_thread;

void ArbitrateAllThreads(u32 address) {
    // Resume all threads found to be waiting on the address
    for (auto& thread : thread_list) {
        if (CheckWait_AddressArbiter(thread.get(), address))

 * Switches the CPU's active thread context to that of the specified thread
 * @param new_thread The thread to switch to
static void SwitchContext(Thread* new_thread) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(new_thread->status == THREADSTATUS_READY, "Thread must be ready to become running.");

    Thread* previous_thread = GetCurrentThread();

    // Save context for previous thread
    if (previous_thread) {

        if (previous_thread->status == THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) {
            // This is only the case when a reschedule is triggered without the current thread
            // yielding execution (i.e. an event triggered, system core time-sliced, etc)
            ready_queue.push_front(previous_thread->current_priority, previous_thread);
            previous_thread->status = THREADSTATUS_READY;

    // Load context of new thread
    if (new_thread) {
        current_thread = new_thread;

        ready_queue.remove(new_thread->current_priority, new_thread);
        new_thread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;

    } else {
        current_thread = nullptr;

 * Pops and returns the next thread from the thread queue
 * @return A pointer to the next ready thread
static Thread* PopNextReadyThread() {
    Thread* next;
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();

    if (thread && thread->status == THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) {
        // We have to do better than the current thread.
        // This call returns null when that's not possible.
        next = ready_queue.pop_first_better(thread->current_priority);
    } else  {
        next = ready_queue.pop_first();

    return next;

void WaitCurrentThread_Sleep() {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_WAIT_SLEEP;

void WaitCurrentThread_WaitSynchronization(std::vector<SharedPtr<WaitObject>> wait_objects, bool wait_set_output, bool wait_all) {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    thread->wait_set_output = wait_set_output;
    thread->wait_all = wait_all;
    thread->wait_objects = std::move(wait_objects);
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_WAIT_SYNCH;

void WaitCurrentThread_ArbitrateAddress(VAddr wait_address) {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    thread->wait_address = wait_address;
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_WAIT_ARB;

// TODO(yuriks): This can be removed if Thread objects are explicitly pooled in the future, allowing
//               us to simply use a pool index or similar.
static Kernel::HandleTable wakeup_callback_handle_table;

 * Callback that will wake up the thread it was scheduled for
 * @param thread_handle The handle of the thread that's been awoken
 * @param cycles_late The number of CPU cycles that have passed since the desired wakeup time
static void ThreadWakeupCallback(u64 thread_handle, int cycles_late) {
    SharedPtr<Thread> thread = wakeup_callback_handle_table.Get<Thread>((Handle)thread_handle);
    if (thread == nullptr) {
        LOG_CRITICAL(Kernel, "Callback fired for invalid thread %08X", (Handle)thread_handle);

    if (thread->status == THREADSTATUS_WAIT_SYNCH) {
        thread->SetWaitSynchronizationResult(ResultCode(ErrorDescription::Timeout, ErrorModule::OS,
                                                        ErrorSummary::StatusChanged, ErrorLevel::Info));

        if (thread->wait_set_output)


void Thread::WakeAfterDelay(s64 nanoseconds) {
    // Don't schedule a wakeup if the thread wants to wait forever
    if (nanoseconds == -1)

    u64 microseconds = nanoseconds / 1000;
    CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent(usToCycles(microseconds), ThreadWakeupEventType, callback_handle);

void Thread::ReleaseWaitObject(WaitObject* wait_object) {
    if (status != THREADSTATUS_WAIT_SYNCH || wait_objects.empty()) {
        LOG_CRITICAL(Kernel, "thread is not waiting on any objects!");

    // Remove this thread from the waiting object's thread list

    unsigned index = 0;
    bool wait_all_failed = false; // Will be set to true if any object is unavailable

    // Iterate through all waiting objects to check availability...
    for (auto itr = wait_objects.begin(); itr != wait_objects.end(); ++itr) {
        if ((*itr)->ShouldWait())
            wait_all_failed = true;

        // The output should be the last index of wait_object
        if (*itr == wait_object)
            index = itr - wait_objects.begin();

    // If we are waiting on all objects...
    if (wait_all) {
        // Resume the thread only if all are available...
        if (!wait_all_failed) {

    } else {
        // Otherwise, resume

        if (wait_set_output)


void Thread::ResumeFromWait() {
    // Cancel any outstanding wakeup events for this thread
    CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(ThreadWakeupEventType, callback_handle);

    switch (status) {
            // Remove this thread from all other WaitObjects
            for (auto wait_object : wait_objects)
            DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Thread with object id %u has already resumed.", GetObjectId());
            // This should never happen, as threads must complete before being stopped.
            DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Thread with object id %u cannot be resumed because it's DEAD.",
    ready_queue.push_back(current_priority, this);

 * Prints the thread queue for debugging purposes
static void DebugThreadQueue() {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    if (!thread) {
        LOG_DEBUG(Kernel, "Current: NO CURRENT THREAD");
    } else {
        LOG_DEBUG(Kernel, "0x%02X %u (current)", thread->current_priority, GetCurrentThread()->GetObjectId());

    for (auto& t : thread_list) {
        s32 priority = ready_queue.contains(t.get());
        if (priority != -1) {
            LOG_DEBUG(Kernel, "0x%02X %u", priority, t->GetObjectId());

ResultVal<SharedPtr<Thread>> Thread::Create(std::string name, VAddr entry_point, s32 priority,
        u32 arg, s32 processor_id, VAddr stack_top) {
    if (priority < THREADPRIO_HIGHEST || priority > THREADPRIO_LOWEST) {
        s32 new_priority = MathUtil::Clamp<s32>(priority, THREADPRIO_HIGHEST, THREADPRIO_LOWEST);
        LOG_WARNING(Kernel_SVC, "(name=%s): invalid priority=%d, clamping to %d",
            name.c_str(), priority, new_priority);
        // TODO(bunnei): Clamping to a valid priority is not necessarily correct behavior... Confirm
        // validity of this
        priority = new_priority;

    if (!Memory::GetPointer(entry_point)) {
        LOG_ERROR(Kernel_SVC, "(name=%s): invalid entry %08x", name.c_str(), entry_point);
        // TODO: Verify error
        return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::InvalidAddress, ErrorModule::Kernel,
                ErrorSummary::InvalidArgument, ErrorLevel::Permanent);

    SharedPtr<Thread> thread(new Thread);


    thread->thread_id = NewThreadId();
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT;
    thread->entry_point = entry_point;
    thread->stack_top = stack_top;
    thread->initial_priority = thread->current_priority = priority;
    thread->processor_id = processor_id;
    thread->wait_set_output = false;
    thread->wait_all = false;
    thread->wait_address = 0;
    thread->name = std::move(name);
    thread->callback_handle = wakeup_callback_handle_table.Create(thread).MoveFrom();

    // TODO(peachum): move to ScheduleThread() when scheduler is added so selected core is used
    // to initialize the context
    Core::g_app_core->ResetContext(thread->context, stack_top, entry_point, arg);

    ready_queue.push_back(thread->current_priority, thread.get());
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_READY;

    return MakeResult<SharedPtr<Thread>>(std::move(thread));

// TODO(peachum): Remove this. Range checking should be done, and an appropriate error should be returned.
static void ClampPriority(const Thread* thread, s32* priority) {
    if (*priority < THREADPRIO_HIGHEST || *priority > THREADPRIO_LOWEST) {
        DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Application passed an out of range priority. An error should be returned.");

        s32 new_priority = MathUtil::Clamp<s32>(*priority, THREADPRIO_HIGHEST, THREADPRIO_LOWEST);
        LOG_WARNING(Kernel_SVC, "(name=%s): invalid priority=%d, clamping to %d",
                    thread->name.c_str(), *priority, new_priority);
        // TODO(bunnei): Clamping to a valid priority is not necessarily correct behavior... Confirm
        // validity of this
        *priority = new_priority;

void Thread::SetPriority(s32 priority) {
    ClampPriority(this, &priority);

    if (current_priority == priority) {

    if (status == THREADSTATUS_READY) {
        // If thread was ready, adjust queues
        ready_queue.remove(current_priority, this);
        ready_queue.push_back(priority, this);
    current_priority = priority;

SharedPtr<Thread> SetupIdleThread() {
    // We need to pass a few valid values to get around parameter checking in Thread::Create.
    auto thread = Thread::Create("idle", Memory::KERNEL_MEMORY_VADDR, THREADPRIO_LOWEST, 0,
            THREADPROCESSORID_0, 0).MoveFrom();

    thread->idle = true;
    return thread;

SharedPtr<Thread> SetupMainThread(u32 stack_size, u32 entry_point, s32 priority) {

    // Initialize new "main" thread
    auto thread_res = Thread::Create("main", entry_point, priority, 0,

    SharedPtr<Thread> thread = thread_res.MoveFrom();

    // Run new "main" thread

    return thread;

void Reschedule() {
    Thread* prev = GetCurrentThread();
    Thread* next = PopNextReadyThread();
    HLE::g_reschedule = false;

    if (next != nullptr) {
        LOG_TRACE(Kernel, "context switch %u -> %u", prev->GetObjectId(), next->GetObjectId());
    } else {
        LOG_TRACE(Kernel, "cannot context switch from %u, no higher priority thread!", prev->GetObjectId());

        for (auto& thread : thread_list) {
            LOG_TRACE(Kernel, "\tid=%u prio=0x%02X, status=0x%08X", thread->GetObjectId(), 
                      thread->current_priority, thread->status);

void Thread::SetWaitSynchronizationResult(ResultCode result) {
    context.cpu_registers[0] = result.raw;

void Thread::SetWaitSynchronizationOutput(s32 output) {
    context.cpu_registers[1] = output;


void ThreadingInit() {
    ThreadWakeupEventType = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("ThreadWakeupCallback", ThreadWakeupCallback);

    // Setup the idle thread

void ThreadingShutdown() {

} // namespace
예제 #16
파일: thread.cpp 프로젝트: Aurorer/citra
namespace Kernel {

class Thread : public Kernel::Object {

    const char* GetName() const { return name; }
    const char* GetTypeName() const { return "Thread"; }

    static Kernel::HandleType GetStaticHandleType() { return Kernel::HandleType::Thread; }
    Kernel::HandleType GetHandleType() const { return Kernel::HandleType::Thread; }

    inline bool IsRunning() const { return (status & THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) != 0; }
    inline bool IsStopped() const { return (status & THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) != 0; }
    inline bool IsReady() const { return (status & THREADSTATUS_READY) != 0; }
    inline bool IsWaiting() const { return (status & THREADSTATUS_WAIT) != 0; }
    inline bool IsSuspended() const { return (status & THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND) != 0; }

     * Wait for kernel object to synchronize
     * @param wait Boolean wait set if current thread should wait as a result of sync operation
     * @return Result of operation, 0 on success, otherwise error code
    Result WaitSynchronization(bool* wait) {
        if (status != THREADSTATUS_DORMANT) {
            Handle thread = GetCurrentThreadHandle();
            if (std::find(waiting_threads.begin(), waiting_threads.end(), thread) == waiting_threads.end()) {
            WaitCurrentThread(WAITTYPE_THREADEND, this->GetHandle());
            *wait = true;
        return 0;

    ThreadContext context;

    u32 status;
    u32 entry_point;
    u32 stack_top;
    u32 stack_size;

    s32 initial_priority;
    s32 current_priority;

    s32 processor_id;

    WaitType wait_type;
    Handle wait_handle;

    std::vector<Handle> waiting_threads;

    char name[Kernel::MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];

// Lists all thread ids that aren't deleted/etc.
std::vector<Handle> g_thread_queue;

// Lists only ready thread ids.
Common::ThreadQueueList<Handle> g_thread_ready_queue;

Handle g_current_thread_handle;
Thread* g_current_thread;

/// Gets the current thread
inline Thread* GetCurrentThread() {
    return g_current_thread;

/// Gets the current thread handle
Handle GetCurrentThreadHandle() {
    return GetCurrentThread()->GetHandle();

/// Sets the current thread
inline void SetCurrentThread(Thread* t) {
    g_current_thread = t;
    g_current_thread_handle = t->GetHandle();

/// Saves the current CPU context
void SaveContext(ThreadContext& ctx) {

/// Loads a CPU context
void LoadContext(ThreadContext& ctx) {

/// Resets a thread
void ResetThread(Thread* t, u32 arg, s32 lowest_priority) {
    memset(&t->context, 0, sizeof(ThreadContext));

    t->context.cpu_registers[0] = arg;
    t->context.pc = t->context.reg_15 = t->entry_point;
    t->context.sp = t->stack_top;
    t->context.cpsr = 0x1F; // Usermode
    if (t->current_priority < lowest_priority) {
        t->current_priority = t->initial_priority;
    t->wait_type = WAITTYPE_NONE;
    t->wait_handle = 0;

/// Change a thread to "ready" state
void ChangeReadyState(Thread* t, bool ready) {
    Handle handle = t->GetHandle();
    if (t->IsReady()) {
        if (!ready) {
            g_thread_ready_queue.remove(t->current_priority, handle);
    }  else if (ready) {
        if (t->IsRunning()) {
            g_thread_ready_queue.push_front(t->current_priority, handle);
        } else {
            g_thread_ready_queue.push_back(t->current_priority, handle);
        t->status = THREADSTATUS_READY;

/// Verify that a thread has not been released from waiting
inline bool VerifyWait(const Handle& handle, WaitType type, Handle wait_handle) {
    Thread* thread = g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(handle);
    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (thread != nullptr), "called, but thread is nullptr!");

    if (type != thread->wait_type || wait_handle != thread->wait_handle) 
        return false;

    return true;

/// Stops the current thread
void StopThread(Handle handle, const char* reason) {
    Thread* thread = g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(handle);
    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (thread != nullptr), "called, but thread is nullptr!");
    ChangeReadyState(thread, false);
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < thread->waiting_threads.size(); ++i) {
        const Handle waiting_thread = thread->waiting_threads[i];
        if (VerifyWait(waiting_thread, WAITTYPE_THREADEND, handle)) {

    // Stopped threads are never waiting.
    thread->wait_type = WAITTYPE_NONE;
    thread->wait_handle = 0;

/// Changes a threads state
void ChangeThreadState(Thread* t, ThreadStatus new_status) {
    if (!t || t->status == new_status) {
    ChangeReadyState(t, (new_status & THREADSTATUS_READY) != 0);
    t->status = new_status;
    if (new_status == THREADSTATUS_WAIT) {
        if (t->wait_type == WAITTYPE_NONE) {
            ERROR_LOG(KERNEL, "Waittype none not allowed");

/// Calls a thread by marking it as "ready" (note: will not actually execute until current thread yields)
void CallThread(Thread* t) {
    // Stop waiting
    if (t->wait_type != WAITTYPE_NONE) {
        t->wait_type = WAITTYPE_NONE;
    ChangeThreadState(t, THREADSTATUS_READY);

/// Switches CPU context to that of the specified thread
void SwitchContext(Thread* t) {
    Thread* cur = GetCurrentThread();
    // Save context for current thread
    if (cur) {
        if (cur->IsRunning()) {
            ChangeReadyState(cur, true);
    // Load context of new thread
    if (t) {
        ChangeReadyState(t, false);
        t->status = (t->status | THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) & ~THREADSTATUS_READY;
        t->wait_type = WAITTYPE_NONE;
    } else {

/// Gets the next thread that is ready to be run by priority
Thread* NextThread() {
    Handle next;
    Thread* cur = GetCurrentThread();
    if (cur && cur->IsRunning()) {
        next = g_thread_ready_queue.pop_first_better(cur->current_priority);
    } else  {
        next = g_thread_ready_queue.pop_first();
    if (next == 0) {
        return nullptr;
    return Kernel::g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(next);

/// Puts the current thread in the wait state for the given type
void WaitCurrentThread(WaitType wait_type, Handle wait_handle) {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    thread->wait_type = wait_type;
    thread->wait_handle = wait_handle;
    ChangeThreadState(thread, ThreadStatus(THREADSTATUS_WAIT | (thread->status & THREADSTATUS_SUSPEND)));

/// Resumes a thread from waiting by marking it as "ready"
void ResumeThreadFromWait(Handle handle) {
    u32 error;
    Thread* thread = Kernel::g_object_pool.Get<Thread>(handle, error);
    if (thread) {
        thread->status &= ~THREADSTATUS_WAIT;
            ChangeReadyState(thread, true);

/// Prints the thread queue for debugging purposes
void DebugThreadQueue() {
    Thread* thread = GetCurrentThread();
    if (!thread) {
    INFO_LOG(KERNEL, "0x%02X 0x%08X (current)", thread->current_priority, GetCurrentThreadHandle());
    for (u32 i = 0; i < g_thread_queue.size(); i++) {
        Handle handle = g_thread_queue[i];
        s32 priority = g_thread_ready_queue.contains(handle);
        if (priority != -1) {
            INFO_LOG(KERNEL, "0x%02X 0x%08X", priority, handle);

/// Creates a new thread
Thread* CreateThread(Handle& handle, const char* name, u32 entry_point, s32 priority,
    s32 processor_id, u32 stack_top, int stack_size) {

    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (priority >= THREADPRIO_HIGHEST && priority <= THREADPRIO_LOWEST), 
        "CreateThread priority=%d, outside of allowable range!", priority)

    Thread* thread = new Thread;

    handle = Kernel::g_object_pool.Create(thread);


    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_DORMANT;
    thread->entry_point = entry_point;
    thread->stack_top = stack_top;
    thread->stack_size = stack_size;
    thread->initial_priority = thread->current_priority = priority;
    thread->processor_id = processor_id;
    thread->wait_type = WAITTYPE_NONE;
    thread->wait_handle = 0;

    strncpy(thread->name, name, Kernel::MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    thread->name[Kernel::MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0';

    return thread;

/// Creates a new thread - wrapper for external user
Handle CreateThread(const char* name, u32 entry_point, s32 priority, u32 arg, s32 processor_id,
    u32 stack_top, int stack_size) {

    if (name == nullptr) {
        ERROR_LOG(KERNEL, "CreateThread(): nullptr name");
        return -1;
    if ((u32)stack_size < 0x200) {
        ERROR_LOG(KERNEL, "CreateThread(name=%s): invalid stack_size=0x%08X", name, 
        return -1;
    if (priority < THREADPRIO_HIGHEST || priority > THREADPRIO_LOWEST) {
        s32 new_priority = CLAMP(priority, THREADPRIO_HIGHEST, THREADPRIO_LOWEST);
        WARN_LOG(KERNEL, "CreateThread(name=%s): invalid priority=0x%08X, clamping to %08X",
            name, priority, new_priority);
        // TODO(bunnei): Clamping to a valid priority is not necessarily correct behavior... Confirm
        // validity of this
        priority = new_priority;
    if (!Memory::GetPointer(entry_point)) {
        ERROR_LOG(KERNEL, "CreateThread(name=%s): invalid entry %08x", name, entry_point);
        return -1;
    Handle handle;
    Thread* thread = CreateThread(handle, name, entry_point, priority, processor_id, stack_top, 

    ResetThread(thread, arg, 0);

    return handle;

/// Get the priority of the thread specified by handle
u32 GetThreadPriority(const Handle handle) {
    Thread* thread = g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(handle);
    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (thread != nullptr), "called, but thread is nullptr!");
    return thread->current_priority;

/// Set the priority of the thread specified by handle
Result SetThreadPriority(Handle handle, s32 priority) {
    Thread* thread = nullptr;
    if (!handle) {
        thread = GetCurrentThread(); // TODO(bunnei): Is this correct behavior?
    } else {
        thread = g_object_pool.GetFast<Thread>(handle);
    _assert_msg_(KERNEL, (thread != nullptr), "called, but thread is nullptr!");

    // If priority is invalid, clamp to valid range
    if (priority < THREADPRIO_HIGHEST || priority > THREADPRIO_LOWEST) {
        s32 new_priority = CLAMP(priority, THREADPRIO_HIGHEST, THREADPRIO_LOWEST);
        WARN_LOG(KERNEL, "invalid priority=0x%08X, clamping to %08X", priority, new_priority);
        // TODO(bunnei): Clamping to a valid priority is not necessarily correct behavior... Confirm
        // validity of this
        priority = new_priority;

    // Change thread priority
    s32 old = thread->current_priority;
    g_thread_ready_queue.remove(old, handle);
    thread->current_priority = priority;

    // Change thread status to "ready" and push to ready queue
    if (thread->IsRunning()) {
        thread->status = (thread->status & ~THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) | THREADSTATUS_READY;
    if (thread->IsReady()) {
        g_thread_ready_queue.push_back(thread->current_priority, handle);

    return 0;

/// Sets up the primary application thread
Handle SetupMainThread(s32 priority, int stack_size) {
    Handle handle;
    // Initialize new "main" thread
    Thread* thread = CreateThread(handle, "main", Core::g_app_core->GetPC(), priority, 
    ResetThread(thread, 0, 0);
    // If running another thread already, set it to "ready" state
    Thread* cur = GetCurrentThread();
    if (cur && cur->IsRunning()) {
        ChangeReadyState(cur, true);
    // Run new "main" thread
    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;

    return handle;

/// Reschedules to the next available thread (call after current thread is suspended)
void Reschedule() {
    Thread* prev = GetCurrentThread();
    Thread* next = NextThread();
    HLE::g_reschedule = false;
    if (next > 0) {
        INFO_LOG(KERNEL, "context switch 0x%08X -> 0x%08X", prev->GetHandle(), next->GetHandle());

        // Hack - There is no mechanism yet to waken the primary thread if it has been put to sleep
        // by a simulated VBLANK thread switch. So, we'll just immediately set it to "ready" again.
        // This results in the current thread yielding on a VBLANK once, and then it will be 
        // immediately placed back in the queue for execution.
        if (prev->wait_type == WAITTYPE_VBLANK) {


void ThreadingInit() {

void ThreadingShutdown() {

} // namespace