PortableServer::POA_ptr setup_poa (PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa) { // Policies for the childPOA to be created. CORBA::PolicyList policies (2); policies.length (2); // Tell the POA to use a servant manager. policies[0] = root_poa->create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER); // Allow implicit activation. policies[1] = root_poa->create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); // Create POA as child of RootPOA with the above policies. This POA // will use a SERVANT_ACTIVATOR because of RETAIN policy. PortableServer::POA_var child_poa = root_poa->create_POA ("childPOA", poa_manager.in (), policies); // Creation of childPOAs is over. Destroy the Policy objects. for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } return child_poa._retn (); }
PortableServer::POA_ptr createPOA (PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa, bool share_mgr, const char* poa_name) { PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var life = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::PERSISTENT); PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var assign = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy(PortableServer::USER_ID); CORBA::PolicyList pols; pols.length(2); pols[0] = PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate(life.in()); pols[1] = PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate(assign.in()); PortableServer::POAManager_var mgr = PortableServer::POAManager::_nil(); if (share_mgr) { mgr = root_poa->the_POAManager(); } PortableServer::POA_var poa = root_poa->create_POA(poa_name, mgr.in(), pols); life->destroy(); assign->destroy(); return poa._retn(); }
TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL PortableServer::POA_var create_persistent_poa(PortableServer::POA_var root_poa, PortableServer::POAManager_var mgr, const char* name, CORBA::PolicyList& policy_list) { PortableServer::POA_var result; PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var lifespan = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::PERSISTENT); // create a USER_ID IdAssignmentPolicy object PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var assign = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy(PortableServer::USER_ID); // create PolicyList. size_t orig_len = policy_list.length(); policy_list.length(orig_len+2); policy_list[orig_len+0]= PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate(lifespan.in()); policy_list[orig_len+1]= PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate(assign.in()); // create the child POA result = root_poa->create_POA(name, mgr.in(), policy_list); return result; }
void Test_xyz_serverTAOLayer::set_request_timeout_thread( int timeout_ms) { ACE_Guard<ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex> guard(shutting_down_mutex_, 0); if (!guard.locked()) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "Acquiring shutting_down_mutex_ failed.\n")); return; } request_timeout_thread_ms_ = timeout_ms; // TimeT has 100 nanosecond resolution. int usec(10); // ==> usec int msec(1000); // ==> msec int timeout_ns = usec * msec * timeout_ms; TimeBase::TimeT relative_rt_timeout = timeout_ns; CORBA::Any relative_rt_timeout_as_any; relative_rt_timeout_as_any <<= relative_rt_timeout; // Create the policy and put it in a policy list. CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length(1); policies[0] = orb()->create_policy(Messaging::RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE, relative_rt_timeout_as_any); // Apply the policy at the ORB level using the ORBPolicyManager. policy_current_->set_policy_overrides(policies, CORBA::SET_OVERRIDE); // Cleanup. policies[0]->destroy (); }
void Test_xyz_serverTAOLayer::set_connection_timeout_orb( int timeout_ms) { ACE_Guard<ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex> guard(shutting_down_mutex_, 0); if (!guard.locked()) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "Acquiring shutting_down_mutex_ failed.\n")); return; } // This method has effect on remote connection (server host different from client host) connection_timeout_orb_ms_ = timeout_ms; // TimeT has 100 nanosecond resolution. int usec(10); // ==> usec int msec(1000); // ==> msec int timeout_ns = usec * msec * timeout_ms; TimeBase::TimeT relative_rt_timeout = timeout_ns; CORBA::Any relative_rt_timeout_as_any; relative_rt_timeout_as_any <<= relative_rt_timeout; CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length(1); policies[0] = orb()->create_policy (TAO::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE, relative_rt_timeout_as_any); policy_manager_->set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::SET_OVERRIDE); // Cleanup. policies[0]->destroy (); }
CORBA::Boolean ImR_Adapter::unknown_adapter (PortableServer::POA_ptr parent, const char *name) { ACE_ASSERT (! CORBA::is_nil(parent)); ACE_ASSERT (name != 0); CORBA::PolicyList policies (3); const char *exception_message = "Null Message"; policies.length (3); try { // Servant Retention Policy exception_message = "While PortableServer::POA::create_servant_retention_policy"; policies[0] = parent->create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::NON_RETAIN); // Request Processing Policy exception_message = "While PortableServer::POA::create_request_processing_policy"; policies[1] = parent->create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT); policies[2] = parent->create_id_uniqueness_policy (PortableServer::MULTIPLE_ID); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = parent->the_POAManager (); exception_message = "While create_POA"; PortableServer::POA_var child = parent->create_POA (name, poa_manager.in (), policies); exception_message = "While policy->destroy"; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { CORBA::Policy_ptr policy = policies[i]; policy->destroy (); } exception_message = "While child->the_activator"; child->the_activator (this); exception_message = "While set_servant"; child->set_servant (this->default_servant_); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ORBSVCS_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "IMR_Adapter_Activator::unknown_adapter - %s\n", exception_message)); ex._tao_print_exception ("System Exception"); return 0; } // Finally, now everything is fine return 1; }
int configure_policies (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, const TAO::BufferingConstraint &buffering_constraint, Test::AMI_Buffering_ptr ami_buffering, Test::AMI_Buffering_out flusher) { CORBA::Object_var object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("PolicyCurrent"); CORBA::PolicyCurrent_var policy_current = CORBA::PolicyCurrent::_narrow (object.in ()); if (CORBA::is_nil (policy_current.in ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "ERROR: Nil policy current\n")); return 1; } CORBA::Any scope_as_any; scope_as_any <<= Messaging::SYNC_NONE; CORBA::Any buffering_as_any; buffering_as_any <<= buffering_constraint; CORBA::PolicyList policies (2); policies.length (2); policies[0] = orb->create_policy (Messaging::SYNC_SCOPE_POLICY_TYPE, scope_as_any); policies[1] = orb->create_policy (TAO::BUFFERING_CONSTRAINT_POLICY_TYPE, buffering_as_any); policy_current->set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); policies[0]->destroy (); policies[1]->destroy (); TAO::BufferingConstraint flush_constraint; flush_constraint.mode = TAO::BUFFER_FLUSH; flush_constraint.message_count = 0; flush_constraint.message_bytes = 0; flush_constraint.timeout = 0; buffering_as_any <<= flush_constraint; policies.length (1); policies[0] = orb->create_policy (TAO::BUFFERING_CONSTRAINT_POLICY_TYPE, buffering_as_any); object = ami_buffering->_set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); policies[0]->destroy (); flusher = Test::AMI_Buffering::_narrow (object.in ()); return 0; }
int Manager::init (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { this->orb_ = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); // Obtain the RootPOA. CORBA::Object_var obj_var = this->orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); // Get the POA_var object from Object_var. PortableServer::POA_var root_poa_var = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj_var.in ()); // Get the POAManager of the RootPOA. PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager_var = root_poa_var->the_POAManager (); poa_manager_var->activate (); // Policies for the childPOA to be created. CORBA::PolicyList policies (4); policies.length (4); // The next two policies are common to both // Id Assignment Policy policies[0] = root_poa_var->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); // Lifespan policy policies[1] = root_poa_var->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT); // Tell the POA to use a servant manager policies[2] = root_poa_var->create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::USE_SERVANT_MANAGER); // Servant Retention Policy -> Use a locator policies[3] = root_poa_var->create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::NON_RETAIN); ACE_CString name = "newPOA"; this->new_poa_var_ = root_poa_var->create_POA (name.c_str (), poa_manager_var.in (), policies); // Creation of childPOAs is over. Destroy the Policy objects. for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { CORBA::Policy_ptr policy = policies[i]; policy->destroy (); } return 0; }
RTPOA_Setup::RTPOA_Setup (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, const RTCORBA_Setup &rtcorba_setup) { RTPortableServer::POA_var root_poa = RIR_Narrow<RTPortableServer::POA>::resolve (orb, "RootPOA"); RTCORBA::RTORB_var rtorb = RIR_Narrow<RTCORBA::RTORB>::resolve (orb, "RTORB"); const CORBA::ULong stacksize = 1024 * 1024; // 1 Mb const RTCORBA::ThreadpoolLanes &lanes = rtcorba_setup.lanes (); const CORBA::Boolean allow_borrowing = 0; const CORBA::Boolean allow_request_buffering = 0; const CORBA::ULong max_buffered_requests = 0; // dummy value const CORBA::ULong max_request_buffer_size = 0; // dummy value RTCORBA::ThreadpoolId pool_id = rtorb->create_threadpool_with_lanes (stacksize, lanes, allow_borrowing, allow_request_buffering, max_buffered_requests, max_request_buffer_size); // @@ We need an 'auto_ptr for thread pools' here! CORBA::PolicyList policies (4); policies.length (4); policies[0] = rtorb->create_priority_model_policy (RTCORBA::CLIENT_PROPAGATED, rtcorba_setup.process_priority ()); policies[1] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID); policies[2] = root_poa->create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION); #if 0 policies.length (3); #else policies[3] = rtorb->create_threadpool_policy (pool_id); #endif /* 0 */ PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); this->poa_ = root_poa->create_POA ("RTEC_Perf", poa_manager.in (), policies); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i != policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } }
int create_POA_and_register_servant (CORBA::Policy_ptr threadpool_policy, const char *poa_name, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, RTCORBA::RTORB_ptr rt_orb) { // Policies for the firstPOA to be created. CORBA::PolicyList policies (3); policies.length (3); // Implicit_activation policy. policies[0] = root_poa->create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION); // Thread pool policy. policies[1] = CORBA::Policy::_duplicate (threadpool_policy); // Priority Model policy. policies[2] = rt_orb->create_priority_model_policy (RTCORBA::CLIENT_PROPAGATED, 0); // Create the POA under the RootPOA. PortableServer::POA_var poa = root_poa->create_POA (poa_name, poa_manager, policies); // Creation of POAs is over. Destroy the Policy objects. for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } test_i *servant = new test_i (orb, poa.in (), nap_time); PortableServer::ServantBase_var safe_servant (servant); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (safe_servant); PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = poa->activate_object (servant); CORBA::Object_var object = poa->id_to_reference (id.in ()); test_var test = test::_narrow (object.in ()); int const result = write_ior_to_file (orb, test.in ()); return result; }
POA_ptr createPersistPOA(const char* name, POA_ptr root_poa, POAManager_ptr poaman) { CORBA::PolicyList policies (2); policies.length (2); policies[0] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy(USER_ID); policies[1] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PERSISTENT); POA_var poa = root_poa->create_POA(name, poaman, policies); policies[0]->destroy(); policies[1]->destroy(); return poa._retn(); }
int init_callback (Worker &w) { CORBA::Object_var obj = w.orb_->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); if (CORBA::is_nil (obj.in ())) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, " (%P|%t) Unable to initialize the POA.\n"), 1); PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj.in ()); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); // Policies for the childPOA to be created. CORBA::PolicyList policies (1); policies.length (1); CORBA::Any pol; pol <<= BiDirPolicy::BOTH; policies[0] = w.orb_->create_policy (BiDirPolicy::BIDIRECTIONAL_POLICY_TYPE, pol); // Create POA as child of RootPOA with the above policies. This POA // will receive request in the same connection in which it sent // the request PortableServer::POA_var child_poa = root_poa->create_POA ("childPOA", poa_manager.in (), policies); Callback_i *servant = new Callback_i; PortableServer::ServantBase_var owner = servant; PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = child_poa->activate_object (servant); obj = child_poa->id_to_reference (id.in()); w.callback_ = Test::CallBack::_narrow(obj.in()); // Creation of childPOA is over. Destroy the Policy objects. for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } poa_manager->activate (); return 0; }
// Implementation skeleton constructor CDBPropertySet::CDBPropertySet (CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa) : poa_m(PortableServer::POA::_nil()), poaCurrent_m(PortableServer::Current::_nil()) { ACS_TRACE("baci::CDBPropertySet::CDBPropertySet"); CORBA::PolicyList policies (5); policies.length (5); // ID Assignment Policy policies[0] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); // Lifespan Policy policies[1] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT); // Request Processing Policy policies[2] = root_poa->create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT); // Servant Retention Policy policies[3] = root_poa->create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::RETAIN); // Id Uniqueness Policy policies[4] = root_poa->create_id_uniqueness_policy (PortableServer::MULTIPLE_ID); ACE_CString name = "DefaultServantPOA"; poa_m = root_poa->create_POA (name.c_str (), poa_manager, policies); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0UL; i < policies.length (); ++i) { CORBA::Policy_ptr policy_p = policies[i]; policy_p->destroy(); } // Get the POA Current object reference CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("POACurrent"); // Narrow the object reference to a POA Current reference this->poaCurrent_m = PortableServer::Current::_narrow (obj.in()); // Set default servant poa_m->set_servant (this); instance_mp = this; }
void Client::set_private_connection_policies (void) { CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length (1); policies[0] = this->rt_orb_->create_private_connection_policy (); this->policy_manager_->set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); }
int Echo_Client_i::run (const char *name, int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { // Initialize the client. if (client_.init (name, argc, argv) == -1) return -1; if (this->parse_args (argc, argv) == -1) return -1; try { CORBA::PolicyList policyList; policyList.length(1); CORBA::Any objectTimeout; TimeBase::TimeT to = 50000; to *= 365 * 24 * 3600; to *= 100; objectTimeout <<= to; policyList[0] = client_.orb()->create_policy( Messaging::RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE, objectTimeout); CORBA::Object_var object = client_->_set_policy_overrides(policyList, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); Echo_var srv(Echo::_narrow(object.in ())); char* buf = new char [this->payload_length_+ 1]; ACE_OS::memset (buf, 'a', this->payload_length_); buf[this->payload_length_] = '\0'; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("Sending len: %d \n"), ACE_OS::strlen (buf))); CORBA::String_var s = srv->echo_string (buf); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\nString echoed by client has len %d\n"), ACE_OS::strlen(s.in ()))); delete [] buf; if (client_.do_shutdown () == 1) client_->shutdown (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("\n Exception in RMI"); return -1; } return 0; }
void Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::load_stock_objects ( PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, PortableServer::POAManager_ptr poa_manager, RtecEventChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_ptr supplier_admin) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (this->stock_factory_poa_.in ())) return; CORBA::PolicyList policies (2); policies.length (2); policies[0] = poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); policies[1] = poa->create_implicit_activation_policy (PortableServer::NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION); this->stock_factory_poa_ = poa->create_POA ("Stock_Factory_POA", poa_manager, policies); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i != policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } while (!cin.eof () && cin.peek () != EOF) { const int max_symbol_length = 8; char symbol[max_symbol_length]; const int max_full_name_length = 64; char full_name[max_full_name_length]; double price; cin.getline (symbol, max_symbol_length, '\n'); cin.getline (full_name, max_full_name_length, '\n'); cin >> price; cin.ignore (1, '\n'); Quoter_Stock_i *stock = new Quoter_Stock_i (symbol, full_name, price); PortableServer::ServantBase_var servant = stock; PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId (symbol); this->stock_factory_poa_->activate_object_with_id (oid.in (), servant.in ()); stock->connect (supplier_admin); } }
RTT_CORBA_API bool ApplicationServer::InitOrb(int argc, char* argv[], Seconds timeout ) { if ( !CORBA::is_nil(orb) ){ return false; } try { // First initialize the ORB, that will remove some arguments... orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, const_cast<char**>(argv), "omniORB4"); if(timeout >= 0.1e-7) { #if defined( CORBA_IS_TAO ) && defined( CORBA_TAO_HAS_MESSAGING ) // Set the timeout value as a TimeBase::TimeT (100 nanosecond units) // and insert it into a CORBA::Any. TimeBase::TimeT relative_rt_timeout = timeout * 1.0e7; CORBA::Any relative_rt_timeout_as_any; relative_rt_timeout_as_any <<= relative_rt_timeout; // Create the policy and put it in a policy list. CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length(1); policies[0] = orb->create_policy (Messaging::RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE, relative_rt_timeout_as_any); // Apply the policy at the ORB level using the ORBPolicyManager. CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("ORBPolicyManager"); CORBA::PolicyManager_var policy_manager = CORBA::PolicyManager::_narrow (obj.in()); policy_manager->set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::SET_OVERRIDE); #else log(Error) << "Ignoring ORB timeout setting in non-TAO/Messaging build." <<endlog(); #endif // CORBA_IS_TAO } // Also activate the POA Manager, since we may get call-backs ! CORBA::Object_var poa_object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); rootPOA = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (poa_object.in ()); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = rootPOA->the_POAManager (); poa_manager->activate (); return true; } catch (CORBA::Exception &e) { log(Error) << "Orb Init : CORBA exception raised!" << Logger::nl; Logger::log() << CORBA_EXCEPTION_INFO(e) << endlog(); std::cout << "ApplicationServer::InitOrb return false: ORBA exception raised\n"; } return false; }
PortableServer::POA_var MACIContainerServices::createOffShootPOA() { // Check if the POA was already created if (!CORBA::is_nil(m_offShootPOA.ptr())) { return m_offShootPOA; } // get the container POA PortableServer::POA_var containerPOA = m_poa; try{ m_offShootPOA = containerPOA->find_POA("OffShootPOA", false); return m_offShootPOA; }catch(CORBA::Exception &ex){ //if does not exist we just continue and create a new one } // get the POA Manager PortableServer::POAManager_var poaManager = m_poa->the_POAManager(); // // Prepare policies OffShoot POA will be using. // PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var offshoot_system_id_policy = containerPOA->create_id_assignment_policy(PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID); PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var offshoot_transient_policy = containerPOA->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::TRANSIENT); PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy_var offshoot_use_active_object_map_only_policy = containerPOA->create_request_processing_policy (PortableServer::USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY); PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy_var offshoot_servant_retention_policy = containerPOA->create_servant_retention_policy (PortableServer::RETAIN); CORBA::PolicyList policiesOffShoot; policiesOffShoot.length(4); policiesOffShoot[0] = PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate(offshoot_transient_policy.in()); policiesOffShoot[1] = PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate(offshoot_system_id_policy.in()); policiesOffShoot[2] = PortableServer::ServantRetentionPolicy::_duplicate(offshoot_servant_retention_policy.in()); policiesOffShoot[3] = PortableServer::RequestProcessingPolicy::_duplicate(offshoot_use_active_object_map_only_policy.in()); m_offShootPOA = containerPOA->create_POA("OffShootPOA",poaManager.in(),policiesOffShoot); return m_offShootPOA; }
void Test_xyz_serverTAOLayer::init_QOS() { CORBA::Object_var object = orb()->resolve_initial_references("ORBPolicyManager"); policy_manager_ = CORBA::PolicyManager::_narrow(object.in()); object = orb()->resolve_initial_references("PolicyCurrent"); policy_current_ = CORBA::PolicyCurrent::_narrow(object.in()); // Disable all default policies. CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length(0); policy_manager_->set_policy_overrides(policies, CORBA::SET_OVERRIDE); policy_current_->set_policy_overrides(policies, CORBA::SET_OVERRIDE); }
int Client_Task::svc (void) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) Starting client task\n")); try { // Apply sync_none policy CORBA::Object_var object = orb_->resolve_initial_references ("PolicyCurrent"); CORBA::PolicyCurrent_var policy_current = CORBA::PolicyCurrent::_narrow (object.in ()); if (CORBA::is_nil (policy_current.in ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "ERROR: Nil policy current\n")); return 1; } CORBA::Any scope_as_any; scope_as_any <<= Messaging::SYNC_NONE; CORBA::PolicyList policies (1); policies.length (1); policies[0] = orb_->create_policy (Messaging::SYNC_SCOPE_POLICY_TYPE, scope_as_any); policy_current->set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); policies[0]->destroy (); for (int i = 0; i != number_; ++i) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "TAO (%P|%t) sending oneway invocation %d...\n", i)); this->sender_->send_ready_message (); // Do it slowly. ACE_OS::sleep(ACE_Time_Value(0,250000)); } } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Caught Exception"); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) Client task finished\n")); return 0; }
int TAO_IFR_Server::create_poa (void) { PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = this->root_poa_->the_POAManager (); poa_manager->activate (); CORBA::PolicyList policies (5); policies.length (5); // ID Assignment Policy. policies[0] = this->root_poa_->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); // Lifespan Policy. policies[1] = this->root_poa_->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT); // Request Processing Policy. policies[2] = this->root_poa_->create_request_processing_policy ( PortableServer::USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT ); // Servant Retention Policy. policies[3] = this->root_poa_->create_servant_retention_policy ( PortableServer::NON_RETAIN ); // Id Uniqueness Policy. policies[4] = this->root_poa_->create_id_uniqueness_policy ( PortableServer::MULTIPLE_ID ); this->repo_poa_ = this->root_poa_->create_POA ("repoPOA", poa_manager.in (), policies); policies[0]->destroy (); return 0; }
int ORB_Task::svc (void) { try { CORBA::Object_var ncRef = orb_->string_to_object( "corbaloc:iiop:" ); CORBA::PolicyList policies; TimeBase::TimeT timeout = 5000 * 10000; CORBA::Any timeoutAny; timeoutAny <<= timeout; policies.length(1); policies[0] = orb_->create_policy( Messaging::RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE, timeoutAny ); CORBA::Object_var object = ncRef->_set_policy_overrides( policies, CORBA::SET_OVERRIDE ); policies[0]->destroy(); CosNaming::NamingContext_var namingContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow( object.in() ); namingContext->_non_existent(); } catch ( const CORBA::TRANSIENT&) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Caught transient\n")); } catch ( const CORBA::TIMEOUT&) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Caught timeout\n")); } catch ( const CORBA::Exception& e ) { e._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught"); } return 0; }
void TAO_Notify_POA_Helper::set_policy (PortableServer::POA_ptr parent_poa, CORBA::PolicyList &policy_list) { policy_list.length (2); policy_list[0] = parent_poa->create_id_uniqueness_policy (PortableServer::UNIQUE_ID); policy_list[1] = parent_poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); }
void createPOAs(ACE_CString &base) { PortableServer::LifespanPolicy_var life = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy(PortableServer::PERSISTENT); PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy_var assign = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy(PortableServer::USER_ID); CORBA::PolicyList pols; pols.length(2); pols[0] = PortableServer::LifespanPolicy::_duplicate(life.in()); pols[1] = PortableServer::IdAssignmentPolicy::_duplicate(assign.in()); PortableServer::POAManager_var mgr = PortableServer::POAManager::_nil(); ACE_CString poa_name = base + ACE_CString ("_a"); poa_a = root_poa->create_POA(poa_name.c_str(), mgr.in(), pols); poa_name = base + ACE_CString ("_b"); poa_b = root_poa->create_POA(poa_name.c_str(), mgr.in(), pols); }
void TAO_Notify_POA_Helper::set_persistent_policy (PortableServer::POA_ptr parent_poa, CORBA::PolicyList &policy_list) { policy_list.length (2); policy_list[0] = parent_poa->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT); policy_list[1] = parent_poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); }
CORBA::Object_ptr ImR_Locator_i::set_timeout_policy (CORBA::Object_ptr obj, const ACE_Time_Value& to) { CORBA::Object_var ret (CORBA::Object::_duplicate (obj)); try { TimeBase::TimeT timeout; ORBSVCS_Time::Time_Value_to_TimeT (timeout, to); CORBA::Any tmp; tmp <<= timeout; CORBA::PolicyList policies (1); policies.length (1); policies[0] = orb_->create_policy (Messaging::RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE, tmp); ret = obj->_set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); policies[0]->destroy (); if (CORBA::is_nil (ret.in ())) { if (debug_ > 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: Unable to set timeout policy.\n"))); } ret = CORBA::Object::_duplicate (obj); } } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ( ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR_Locator_i::set_timeout_policy ()")); } return ret._retn (); }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { try { // Initialize the ORB first. CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); int result = parse_args (argc, argv); if (result != 0) return result; // Obtain the RootPOA. CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); // Get the POA_var object from Object_var. PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj.in ()); // Get the POAManager of the RootPOA. PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); // Policies for the firstPOA to be created. CORBA::PolicyList policies (3); policies.length (3); // Id Assignment Policy policies[0] = root_poa->create_id_assignment_policy (PortableServer::USER_ID); // Lifespan policy policies[1] = root_poa->create_lifespan_policy (PortableServer::PERSISTENT); // Threading policy policies[2] = root_poa->create_thread_policy (PortableServer::ORB_CTRL_MODEL); // Create the firstPOA under the RootPOA. ACE_CString name = "firstPOA"; PortableServer::POA_var first_poa = root_poa->create_POA (name.c_str (), poa_manager.in (), policies); policies[2]->destroy (); // Threading policy policies[2] = root_poa->create_thread_policy (PortableServer::SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL); // Create the secondPOA under the firstPOA. name = "secondPOA"; PortableServer::POA_var second_poa = first_poa->create_POA (name.c_str (), poa_manager.in (), policies); // Creation of POAs is over. Destroy the Policy objects. for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } // Create two Objects of Class test_i (defined in // ./../GenericServant/test_i.h) Create one object at RootPOA // and the other at firstPOA. test_i first_servant (orb.in (), root_poa.in ()); test_i second_servant (orb.in (), first_poa.in ()); // Do "activate_object" to activate the first_servant object. It // returns ObjectId for that object. Operation Used : // ObjectId activate_object(in Servant p_servant) // raises (ServantAlreadyActive, WrongPolicy); PortableServer::ObjectId_var first_oid = root_poa->activate_object (&first_servant); // Get Object Reference for the first_servant object. test_var first_test = first_servant._this (); // Get ObjectId for object secondtest and use that ObjectId to // activate the second_servant object. // Operation Used : // void activate_object_with_id(in ObjectId oid, in Servant p_servant) // raises (ObjectAlreadyActive, ServantAlreadyActive, WrongPolicy); PortableServer::ObjectId_var second_oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("second test"); first_poa->activate_object_with_id (second_oid.in (), &second_servant); // Get Object reference for second_servant object. test_var second_test = second_servant._this (); // Get ObjectId for the string thirdPOA Create the object reference // for thirdPOA using that ObjectId. Operation Used : // Object create_reference_with_id (in ObjectId oid, in CORBA::RepositoryId intf ); // This operation creates an object reference that encapsulates the // specified Object Id and interface repository Id values. /* PortableServer::ObjectId_var third_oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("thirdtest"); */ // This will test how the POA handles a user given ID PortableServer::ObjectId_var third_oid = PortableServer::string_to_ObjectId ("third test"); third_oid[5] = (CORBA::Octet) '\0'; CORBA::Object_var third_test = second_poa->create_reference_with_id (third_oid.in (), "IDL:test:1.0"); // Stringyfy all the object references and print them out. CORBA::String_var first_ior = orb->object_to_string (first_test.in ()); CORBA::String_var second_ior = orb->object_to_string (second_test.in ()); CORBA::String_var third_ior = orb->object_to_string (third_test.in ()); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%C\n%C\n%C\n", first_ior.in (), second_ior.in (), third_ior.in ())); int write_result = write_iors_to_file (first_ior.in (), second_ior.in (), third_ior.in ()); if (write_result != 0) return write_result; // Activate third servant using its ObjectID. test_i third_servant (orb.in (), second_poa.in ()); second_poa->activate_object_with_id (third_oid.in (), &third_servant); poa_manager->activate (); orb->run (); orb->destroy (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught"); return -1; } return 0; }
int ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { CORBA::ORB_var orb; CORBA::Object_var obj; PortableServer::POA_var root_poa; PortableServer::POAManagerFactory_var poa_manager_factory; if (parse_args (argc, argv) != 0) return 1; ACE_TCHAR *extra[4]; #ifdef ACE_USES_WCHAR extra[0] = CORBA::wstring_dup (ACE_TEXT ("-ORBEndpoint")); extra[1] =CORBA::wstring_alloc (100); #else extra[0] = CORBA::string_dup ("-ORBEndpoint"); extra[1] = CORBA::string_alloc (100); #endif ACE_OS::sprintf (extra[1], ACE_TEXT ("iiop://localhost:%d/ssl_port=%d"), endpoint_port, endpoint_port+1); #ifdef ACE_USES_WCHAR extra[2] = CORBA::wstring_dup (ACE_TEXT ("-ORBEndpoint")); extra[3] = CORBA::wstring_alloc (100); #else extra[2] = CORBA::string_dup ("-ORBEndpoint"); extra[3] = CORBA::string_alloc (100); #endif ACE_OS::sprintf (extra[3], ACE_TEXT ("iiop://localhost:%d/ssl_port=%d"), endpoint_port+10, endpoint_port+11); ACE_TCHAR **largv = new ACE_TCHAR *[argc+4]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) largv[i] = argv[i]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) largv[argc+i] = extra[i]; argc += 4; try { orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, largv, "EndpointPolicy"); obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"); root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj.in ()); if (CORBA::is_nil (root_poa.in ())) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, " (%P|%t) Panic: nil RootPOA\n"), 1); poa_manager_factory = root_poa->the_POAManagerFactory (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { ex._tao_print_exception("initialization error "); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) #ifdef ACE_USES_WCHAR CORBA::wstring_free (extra[i]); #else CORBA::string_free (extra[i]); #endif delete [] largv; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create two valid endpoint policies. One to match each of the generated // endpoint arguments supplied to ORB_init(). PortableServer::POAManager_var good_pm; PortableServer::POAManager_var bad_pm; CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length (1); EndpointPolicy::EndpointList list; list.length (1); list[0] = new IIOPEndpointValue_i("localhost", endpoint_port); try { CORBA::Any policy_value; policy_value <<= list; policies[0] = orb->create_policy (EndpointPolicy::ENDPOINT_POLICY_TYPE, policy_value); good_pm = poa_manager_factory->create_POAManager ("goodPOAManager", policies); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Failed to create reachable POA manager"); return 1; } try { PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid; CORBA::Object_var o = CORBA::Object::_nil(); FILE *output_file= 0; // Create poas assiciated with the each the good poa manager and the // bad poa manager. policies.length(0); PortableServer::POA_var good_poa = root_poa->create_POA ("goodPOA", good_pm.in (), policies); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Creating IOR from good poa\n")); o = good_poa->create_reference ("IDL:JustATest:1.0"); CORBA::String_var good_ior = orb->object_to_string (o.in ()); output_file= ACE_OS::fopen (ior_file, "w"); if (output_file == 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Cannot open output file for writing IOR: %s", ior_file), 1); ACE_OS::fprintf (output_file, "%s", good_ior.in ()); ACE_OS::fclose (output_file); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("cannot run server"); } root_poa->destroy (1, 1); orb->destroy (); return 0; }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { CORBA::ORB_var orb; try { orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); CORBA::Object_var root_poa_o = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); PortableServer::POA_var rootPOA = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (root_poa_o.in ()); if (CORBA::is_nil (rootPOA.in ())) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, " (%P|%t) Panic: nil RootPOA\n"), 1); } PortableServer::POAManager_var poaMgr = rootPOA->the_POAManager (); poaMgr->activate (); CORBA::PolicyList policies; policies.length (3); policies[0] = rootPOA->create_id_assignment_policy ( PortableServer::SYSTEM_ID); policies[1] = rootPOA->create_implicit_activation_policy ( PortableServer::NO_IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION); policies[2] = rootPOA->create_lifespan_policy ( PortableServer::TRANSIENT); PortableServer::POA_var fooPoa = rootPOA->create_POA ( "FOO_POA", poaMgr.in (), policies ); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < policies.length (); ++i) { policies[i]->destroy (); } Foo_i servant; PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = fooPoa->activate_object( &servant ); CORBA::Object_var obj = fooPoa->id_to_reference (oid.in ()); foo_var client = foo::_narrow (obj.in()); client->check(); if (vc_check(client.in())) { orb->destroy(); return 1; } fooPoa->deactivate_object (oid.in () ); //servant is gone if (vc_check(client.in(), false)) //exception expected { orb->destroy(); return 2; } } catch(...) { return 3; } return 0; }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { try { PortableInterceptor::ORBInitializer_ptr tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ServerORBInitializer, -1); // No CORBA exceptions yet! PortableInterceptor::ORBInitializer_var orb_initializer = tmp; PortableInterceptor::register_orb_initializer (orb_initializer.in ()); // Initialize the ORB. CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "ORT Test ORB"); if (parse_args (argc, argv) != 0) return -1; CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); // Narrow PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (obj.in ()); // Check for nil references if (CORBA::is_nil (root_poa.in ())) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Unable to obtain RootPOA reference.\n"), -1); // Get poa_manager reference PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); // Activate it. poa_manager->activate (); CORBA::PolicyList policies (0); policies.length (0); // Lets create some POA's PortableServer::POA_var first_poa = root_poa->create_POA ("FIRST_POA", poa_manager.in (), policies); PortableServer::POA_var second_poa = first_poa->create_POA ("SECOND_POA", poa_manager.in (), policies); PortableServer::POA_var third_poa = second_poa->create_POA ("THIRD_POA", poa_manager.in (), policies); PortableServer::POA_var fourth_poa = third_poa->create_POA ("FOURTH_POA", poa_manager.in (), policies); ORT_test_i ort_test_impl (orb.in ()); PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid = fourth_poa->activate_object (&ort_test_impl); obj = fourth_poa->servant_to_reference (&ort_test_impl); // Convert the object reference to a string format. CORBA::String_var ior = orb->object_to_string (obj.in ()); // Dump it to a file. if (ior_output_file != 0) { FILE *output_file = ACE_OS::fopen (ior_output_file, "w"); if (output_file == 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Cannot open output file %s for writing " "IOR: %C", ior_output_file, ior.in ()), 1); ACE_OS::fprintf (output_file, "%s", ior.in ()); ACE_OS::fclose (output_file); } orb->run (); orb->destroy (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("ORT test server:"); return -1; } return 0; }