int TAO_Notify_Service_Driver::fini (void) { /// Release all the _vars as the ORB about to go away. CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory_var factory = this->notify_factory_._retn (); CORBA::ORB_var orb = this->orb_._retn (); CORBA::ORB_var dispatching_orb = this->dispatching_orb_._retn (); PortableServer::POA_var poa = this->poa_._retn (); CosNaming::NamingContextExt_var naming = this->naming_._retn (); // This must be called to ensure that all services shut down // correctly. Depending upon the type of service loaded, it may // or may not actually perform any actions. this->notify_service_->finalize_service ( ()); factory = CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory::_nil (); this->notify_service_->fini (); // Deactivate. if (this->use_name_svc_ && !CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { // Unbind all event channels from the naming service if (this->register_event_channel_) { for (ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_CString>::const_iterator ci ( this->notify_channel_name_); !ci.done(); ci++) { CosNaming::Name_var name = naming->to_name ((*ci).c_str ()); naming->unbind ( ()); } } // Unbind from the naming service. CosNaming::Name_var name = naming->to_name (this->notify_factory_name_.c_str ()); naming->unbind ( ()); naming = CosNaming::NamingContextExt::_nil (); } if (!CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { poa->destroy (true, true); poa = PortableServer::POA::_nil (); } if (this->shutdown_dispatching_orb_ && !CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { dispatching_orb->shutdown (); } // shutdown the ORB. if (this->shutdown_orb_ && !CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { orb->shutdown (); } // Make sure all worker threads are gone. this->worker_.wait (); this->logging_worker_.wait (); // Destroy the ORB if (this->shutdown_dispatching_orb_ && !CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { dispatching_orb->destroy (); } // Destroy the ORB. if (this->shutdown_orb_ && !CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { orb->destroy (); } dispatching_orb_ = CORBA::ORB::_nil (); worker_.orb (CORBA::ORB::_nil ()); orb = CORBA::ORB::_nil (); return 0; }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR* argv[]) { #if defined (TAO_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK) && (TAO_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK == 1) try { CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA"); PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ()); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager (); poa_manager->activate (); TAO_Notify_Service* notify_service = TAO_Notify_Service::load_default (); if (notify_service == 0) { error ("Unable to load the Notify Service"); } notify_service->init_service ( ()); ACE_OS::sleep (1); const ACE_CString ecf_name ("MonitoringEventChannelFactory"); CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory_var ecf = notify_service->create ( (), ecf_name.c_str ()); NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelFactory_var monitor_ec_factory = NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelFactory::_narrow ( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { error ("Unable to create the Monitoring Event Channel Factory"); } CosNotification::QoSProperties qos_prop; CosNotification::AdminProperties admin_prop; CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelID id; const ACE_CString ec_name ("test1"); CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var ec = monitor_ec_factory->create_named_channel (qos_prop, admin_prop, id, ec_name.c_str ()); NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannel_var mec = NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannel::_narrow ( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { error ("Unable to narrow the event channel"); } try { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelID fake_id; CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var fake = monitor_ec_factory->create_named_channel (qos_prop, admin_prop, fake_id, "test1"); error ("Expected a NotifyMonitoringExt::" "NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { // This is expected. } Monitor_Point_Registry* instance = Monitor_Point_Registry::instance (); ACE_CString stat_name = ecf_name + "/" + ACE_CString (NotifyMonitoringExt::InactiveEventChannelCount); Monitor_Base* stat = instance->get (stat_name); if (stat == 0) { error ("Could not find InactiveEventChannelCount statistic"); } stat->update (); double count = stat->last_sample (); if (!ACE::is_equal (count, 1.0)) { error ("Invalid inactive event channel count"); } stat_name = ecf_name + "/" + ACE_CString (NotifyMonitoringExt::ActiveEventChannelCount); stat = instance->get (stat_name); if (stat == 0) { error ("Could not find ActiveEventChannelCount statistic"); } stat->update (); count = stat->last_sample (); if (!ACE::is_equal (count, 0.0)) { error ("Invalid active event channel count"); } stat_name = ecf_name + "/" + ACE_CString (NotifyMonitoringExt::InactiveEventChannelNames); stat = instance->get (stat_name); if (stat == 0) { error ("Could not find InactiveEventChannels statistic"); } stat->update (); Monitor_Control_Types::NameList list = stat->get_list (); if (list.size () != 1) { error ("Invalid inactive event channel list"); } ACE_CString full_ec_name (ecf_name + "/" + ec_name); if (list[0] != full_ec_name) { error ("Wrong event channel name"); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminID aid; CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin_var admin = mec->named_new_for_suppliers (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, aid, "TestSupplierAdmin"); try { admin = mec->named_new_for_suppliers (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, aid, "TestSupplierAdmin"); error ("Expected a SupplierAdmin " "NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { // This is expected. }; // We should be able to create another one with the same name. admin->destroy (); admin = mec->named_new_for_suppliers (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, aid, "TestSupplierAdmin"); NotifyMonitoringExt::SupplierAdmin_var madmin = NotifyMonitoringExt::SupplierAdmin::_narrow ( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { error ("Could not narrow the supplier admin"); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyID pid; CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyConsumer_var conproxy = madmin->obtain_named_notification_push_consumer ( CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, pid, "supplier"); try { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyConsumer_var fake = madmin->obtain_named_notification_push_consumer (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, pid, "supplier"); error ("Expected a ProxyConsumer " "NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { // This is expected. } stat_name = ecf_name + "/" + ec_name + "/" + ACE_CString (NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelSupplierCount); stat = instance->get (stat_name); if (stat == 0) { error ("Could not find the event channel suppliers statistic"); } stat->update (); count = stat->last_sample (); if (!ACE::is_equal (count, 1.0)) { error ("Invalid supplier count"); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushConsumer_var push_conproxy = CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushConsumer::_narrow ( ()); ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil ( ())); push_conproxy->disconnect_structured_push_consumer (); try { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyConsumer_var fake = madmin->obtain_named_notification_push_consumer ( CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, pid, "supplier"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { error ("Unexpected ProxyConsumer " "NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdmin_var cadmin = mec->named_new_for_consumers (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, aid, "TestConsumerAdmin"); try { cadmin = mec->named_new_for_consumers (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, aid, "TestConsumerAdmin"); error ("Expected a ConsumerAdmin " "NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { // This is expected. }; // We should be able to create another one with the same name cadmin->destroy (); cadmin = mec->named_new_for_consumers (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, aid, "TestConsumerAdmin"); NotifyMonitoringExt::ConsumerAdmin_var mcadmin = NotifyMonitoringExt::ConsumerAdmin::_narrow ( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) { error ("Could not narrow the consumer admin"); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier_var supproxy = mcadmin->obtain_named_notification_push_supplier ( CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, pid, "consumer"); try { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier_var fake = mcadmin->obtain_named_notification_push_supplier ( CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, pid, "consumer"); error ("Expected a ProxySupplier " "NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { // This is expected. } stat_name = ecf_name + "/" + ec_name + "/" + ACE_CString (NotifyMonitoringExt::EventChannelConsumerCount); stat = instance->get (stat_name); if (stat == 0) { error ("Could not find the event channel consumers statistic"); } stat->update (); count = stat->last_sample (); if (!ACE::is_equal (count, 1.0)) { error ("Invalid consumer count"); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushSupplier_var push_supproxy = CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushSupplier::_narrow (; ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil ( ())); push_supproxy->disconnect_structured_push_supplier (); try { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier_var fake = mcadmin->obtain_named_notification_push_supplier ( CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, pid, "consumer"); } catch (const NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed&) { error ("Unexpected ProxySupplier " "NotifyMonitoringExt::NameAlreadyUsed exception"); } TAO_MonitorManager::shutdown (); orb->destroy (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("MonitorControlExt: "); } catch (...) { error ("Caught an unexpected exception type"); } #else /* ACE_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK==1 */ ACE_UNUSED_ARG (argc); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (argv); #endif /* TAO_HAS_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK==1 */ return 0; }
CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var get_event_channel(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel_var ec; CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelID id; CosNotification::QoSProperties init_qos(0); CosNotification::AdminProperties init_admin(0); std::cout << "Get CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory" << std::endl; std::cout << "IorEventChannelFactory=" << ior << std::endl; CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->string_to_object(ior); if (CORBA::is_nil( ())) { std::cerr << "Bad ec_fact.ior " << std::endl; exit(1); } CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory_var factory = CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory::_narrow( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil( { std::cerr << "Could not _narrow object to type CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory" << std::endl; exit(1); } //Get the first ec CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelIDSeq_var channelIdSeq; try { channelIdSeq = factory->get_all_channels(); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& se ) { std::cerr << "System exception occurred during get_all_channels: " << se << std::endl; exit(1); } if( channelIdSeq->length() == 0 ) { try { ec = factory->create_channel( init_qos, init_admin, id); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& se ) { std::cerr << "System exception occurred during find_channel: " << se << std::endl; exit(1); } } else { try { ec = factory->get_event_channel([0]); } catch (CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelNotFound&) { std::cerr << "ChannelNotFound: " <<[0] << std::endl; exit(1); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& se ) { std::cerr << "System exception occurred during get_event_channel: " << se << std::endl; exit(1); } } return ec._retn(); }