예제 #1
// Goto slot invoked by the designer context menu. Either navigates
// to an existing slot function or create a new one.
bool navigateToSlot(const QString &uiFileName,
                    const QString & /* objectName */,
                    const QString & /* signalSignature */,
                    const QStringList & /* parameterNames */,
                    QString *errorMessage)

    // Find the generated header.
    const QString generatedHeaderFile = generatedHeaderOf(uiFileName);
    if (generatedHeaderFile.isEmpty()) {
        *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("Designer", "The generated header of the form '%1' could not be found.\nRebuilding the project might help.").arg(uiFileName);
        return false;
    const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = CPlusPlus::CppModelManagerInterface::instance()->snapshot();
    const DocumentPtr generatedHeaderDoc = snapshot.document(generatedHeaderFile);
    if (!generatedHeaderDoc) {
        *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("Designer", "The generated header '%1' could not be found in the code model.\nRebuilding the project might help.").arg(generatedHeaderFile);
        return false;

    // Look for setupUi
    SearchFunction searchFunc(setupUiC);
    const SearchFunction::FunctionList funcs = searchFunc(generatedHeaderDoc);
    if (funcs.size() != 1) {
        *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Internal error: The function '%1' could not be found in in %2").arg(QLatin1String(setupUiC), generatedHeaderFile);
        return false;
    return true;
QString AbstractEditorSupport::functionAt(const CppModelManagerInterface *modelManager,
                                          const QString &fileName,
                                          int line, int column)
    const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = modelManager->snapshot();
    const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document = snapshot.document(fileName);
    if (!document)
        return QString();
    if (const CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol = document->lastVisibleSymbolAt(line, column))
        if (const CPlusPlus::Scope *scope = symbol->enclosingScope())
            if (const CPlusPlus::Scope *functionScope = scope->enclosingFunction())
                if (const CPlusPlus::Symbol *function = functionScope) {
                    const CPlusPlus::Overview o;
                    QString rc = o.prettyName(function->name());
                    // Prepend namespace "Foo::Foo::foo()" up to empty root namespace
                    for (const CPlusPlus::Symbol *owner = function->enclosingNamespace();
                         owner; owner = owner->enclosingNamespace()) {
                        const QString name = o.prettyName(owner->name());
                        if (name.isEmpty()) {
                        } else {
                    return rc;
    return QString();
CPlusPlus::Function *CppFunction::function(int line, int column, const QString &fileName)
    const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::instance()->snapshot();
    const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document = snapshot.document(fileName);
    if (!document)
        return 0;

    CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol = document->lastVisibleSymbolAt(line, column);
    if (!symbol)
        return 0;

    // Find the enclosing function scope (which might be several levels up, or we might be standing on it)
    CPlusPlus::Scope *scope;
    if (symbol->isScope())
        scope = symbol->asScope();
        scope = symbol->enclosingScope();

    while (scope && !scope->isFunction() )
        scope = scope->enclosingScope();

    if (!scope)
        return 0;

    return scope->asFunction();