cv::Mat readFrameIndex(cv::VideoCapture cap, int frameNum){ int idx = frameNum-1; cv::Mat frame; bool success; cap.set ( CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES , idx ); success = cap.retrieve(frame); return frame; }
void WriteCameraImage (const char sCameraImg[]) { /*// Call capGrabFrame twice to flush images stored in the camera queue. This // makes the screen image more responsive to the current position of the // subject, especially when using slow stacked ASM models. // TODO does this slow down the frame rate and is there a better way of doing this? capGrabFrame(hgCapWnd); capGrabFrame(hgCapWnd); // now get the actual frame we want, and save it to disk capGrabFrame(hgCapWnd); capFileSaveDIB(hgCapWnd, sCameraImg);*/ cv::Mat frame; cam.retrieve(frame); img = Image(frame.cols, frame.rows, false); memcpy(img.buf, frame.ptr(), sizeof(img)); cv::imwrite(sCameraImg, frame); }
/** * @function main */ int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Filter gFilterLimits.resize(6); //gFilterLimits << -0.35, 0.35, -0.70, 0.70, 1.5, 2.4; // Kinect gFilterLimits << -1.0, 1.0, -1.5, 1.5, 0.35, 2.0; // Asus on top of Crichton ObjectsDatabase mOd; mOd.init_classifier(); mOd.load_dataset(); cv::CAP_OPENNI2 ); if( !gCapture.isOpened() ) { printf("\t [ERROR] Could not open the capture object \n"); return -1; } gCapture.set( cv::CAP_PROP_OPENNI2_MIRROR, 0.0 ); gCapture.set( cv::CAP_PROP_OPENNI_REGISTRATION, -1.0 ); gF = (float)gCapture.get( cv::CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR_FOCAL_LENGTH ); cv::namedWindow( gWindowName, cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); ::google::InitGoogleLogging( argv[0] ); for(;;) { if( !gCapture.grab() ) { printf("\t * ERROR Could not grab a frame \n"); return -1; } gCapture.retrieve( gRgbImg, cv::CAP_OPENNI_BGR_IMAGE ); if( gIsSegmentedFlag ) { drawSegmented(); } cv::imshow( gWindowName, gRgbImg ); gCapture.retrieve( gPclMap, cv::CAP_OPENNI_POINT_CLOUD_MAP ); cv::imshow( gWindowName, gRgbImg ); char k = cv::waitKey(30); if( k == 'q' ) { printf("\t Finishing program \n"); break; } /** Recognize */ else if( k == 'i' ) { // Process image process(); gLabels.resize(gClusters.size() ); gIndex.resize(gClusters.size() ); // Store images for( int i = 0; i < gClusters.size(); ++i ) { int xl = gBoundingBoxes[i](0); int yl = gBoundingBoxes[i](1); int xw = gBoundingBoxes[i](2)-gBoundingBoxes[i](0); int yw = gBoundingBoxes[i](3)-gBoundingBoxes[i](1); cv::Mat img( gRgbImg, cv::Rect( xl, yl, xw, yw ) ); // Predict mOd.classify( img, gIndex[i], gLabels[i] ); cv::putText( gRgbImg, gLabels[i], cv::Point(gBoundingBoxes[i](0), gBoundingBoxes[i](1) ), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, gColors[i], 2 ); mOd.sayIt(gIndex[i]); } } // else } // for } // main
void OpenCVTemplateApp::makeGUI() { interface->clear(); interface->addButton("load image", [this] { auto path = ci::app::getOpenFilePath(); image = cv::imread(path.string()); std::cout <<"cols "<<image.cols << std::endl; std::cout <<"rows "<<image.rows << std::endl; std::cout <<"channels "<<image.channels() << std::endl; imageTexture = gl::Texture::create(fromOcv(image)); }); interface->addButton("load video", [this] { auto path = ci::app::getOpenFilePath();; frameWidth = video.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); frameHeight = video.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); totalFrames = video.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);; if(isGrayScale) { cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } frameTexture = gl::Texture::create(fromOcv(frame)); makeGUI(); }); interface->addSeparator(); if(frameTexture) { interface->addParam("gray scale", &isGrayScale).updateFn([this] { video.retrieve(frame); if(isGrayScale) { cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } frameTexture = gl::Texture::create(fromOcv(frame)); makeGUI(); }); interface->addParam("nb of feature",&nbOfFeaturePoints).min(1).max(1000); if(isGrayScale) { interface->addButton("get feature points", [this] { cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(frame, featurePoints, nbOfFeaturePoints, 0.01, 10, cv::Mat(), 3, 0, 0.04); }); } interface->addSeparator(); interface->addParam("frame",&frameIndex).min(0).max(totalFrames-1).step(1).updateFn([this] { video.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,frameIndex);; if(isGrayScale) { cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); } frameTexture = gl::Texture::create(fromOcv(frame)); }); interface->addSeparator(); interface->addParam("speed", &frameSpeed).min(1).max(1000).step(1); interface->addButton("play",[this] { currentState = PLAY; makeGUI(); }); if(currentState == PLAY) { interface->addButton("pause",[this] { currentState = PAUSE; makeGUI(); }); } } }
int main() { double timeUse; struct timeval startTime, stopTime; cv::Mat rawImage, grayImage; std::vector<cv::Rect> faces; init(); spider_head(45); std::stringstream logStream, outStream; float faceX, faceY; int8_t rotateDegree; uint8_t rotatePwm; uint8_t lostCounter = 0; while(running) { logStream.str(""); logStream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); outStream.str(""); outStream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL); camera.retrieve(rawImage); cv::cvtColor(rawImage, grayImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cv::equalizeHist(grayImage, grayImage); faces.clear(); face_cascade.detectMultiScale(grayImage, faces, 1.1, 2, 0|cv::CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE, cv::Size(30, 30)); if(faces.empty()) { if(lostCounter != 0) { lostCounter --; spider_rotate_degree(rotateDegree, rotatePwm, NULL, NULL); logStream << "Face lost, lost counter: " << static_cast<int>(lostCounter) << ", "; } else { spider_move_stop(); logStream << "No face!"; } } else { lostCounter = 5; faceX = faces[0].x+faces[0].width*0.5; faceY = faces[0].y+faces[0].height*0.5; logStream << "Get face, size: " << faces.size() << ", "; logStream << "coordinate: x " << faceX << " y " << faceY; if(faceX < 80) { rotateDegree = -5; rotatePwm = 80; } else if(faceX > 80) { rotateDegree = 5; rotatePwm = 80; } if(faceX < 70 || faceX > 90) { spider_rotate_degree(rotateDegree, rotatePwm, NULL, NULL); } //spider_move(1, 55); } gettimeofday(&stopTime, NULL); timeUse = stopTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec + (stopTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec)/1000000.0; if(timeUse < 0.25) usleep((0.25 - timeUse) * 1000000); outStream << "Time use: " << timeUse << "s, " << logStream.str(); std::cout << outStream.str() << std::endl; } void* result; pthread_join(grabThread, &result); spider_head(35); spider_move_stop(); spider_rotate_stop(); spider_close(); camera.release(); std::cout << "Program exit!" << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { // 打开摄像头; if (!video_capture.isOpened()){ std::cerr << "Could not open video" << endl; return -1; } // 获取第一张图像,用于这设置参数 video_capture >> input_image; // 读取摄像机参数 camera_params.readFromXMLFile("camera.yml"); camera_params.resize(input_image.size()); // 注册窗口 cv::namedWindow("thres",1); cv::namedWindow("in",1); marker_dector.getThresholdParams(threshold_param1, threshold_param2); i_threshold_param1 = threshold_param1; i_threshold_param2 = threshold_param2; cv::createTrackbar("ThresParam1", "in",&i_threshold_param1, 13, cvTackBarEvents); cv::createTrackbar("ThresParam2", "in",&i_threshold_param2, 13, cvTackBarEvents); char key=0; int index=0; //capture until press ESC or until the end of the video while( key!=27 && video_capture.grab()) { //copy image video_capture.retrieve(input_image); //number of images captured index++; //for checking the speed double tick = (double)cv::getTickCount(); //Detection of markers in the image passed marker_dector.detect(input_image, markers, camera_params, marker_size); //chekc the speed by calculating the mean speed of all iterations average_time.first += ((double)cv::getTickCount() - tick) / cv::getTickFrequency(); average_time.second++; std::cout << "Time detection=" << 1000 * average_time.first / average_time.second << " milliseconds" << endl; //print marker info and draw the markers in image input_image.copyTo(input_image_copy); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++){ std::cout << markers[i] << std::endl; markers[i].draw(input_image, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2); } //draw a 3d cube in each marker if there is 3d info if ( camera_params.isValid()) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++){ aruco::CvDrawingUtils::draw3dCube(input_image, markers[i], camera_params); aruco::CvDrawingUtils::draw3dAxis(input_image, markers[i], camera_params); } //DONE! Easy, right? cout << endl << endl << endl; //show input with augmented information and the thresholded image cv::imshow("in", input_image); cv::imshow("thres", marker_dector.getThresholdedImage()); key=cv::waitKey(0);//wait for key to be pressed } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { /// READ PARAMETERS if(!readParameters(argc, argv)) return false; /// CREATE UNDISTORTED CAMERA PARAMS CameraParamsUnd=CameraParams; CameraParamsUnd.Distorsion=cv::Mat::zeros(4,1,CV_32F); cout<<" REATE UNDISTORTED CAMERA PARAMS "<<endl; /// SET BOARD DETECTOR PARAMETERS TheBoardDetector.setParams(TheBoardConfig,CameraParamsUnd,TheMarkerSize); /// CAPTURE FIRST FRAME TheVideoCapturer.grab(); TheVideoCapturer.retrieve ( TheInputImage ); cv::undistort(TheInputImage,TheInputImageUnd,CameraParams.CameraMatrix,CameraParams.Distorsion); cout<<" CAPTURE FIRST FRAME "<<endl; /// INIT OGRE initOgreAR(CameraParamsUnd, TheInputImageUnd.ptr<uchar>(0)); cout<<" OGRE initiated "<<endl; while (TheVideoCapturer.grab()) { /// READ AND UNDISTORT IMAGE TheVideoCapturer.retrieve ( TheInputImage ); cv::undistort(TheInputImage,TheInputImageUnd,CameraParams.CameraMatrix,CameraParams.Distorsion); /// DETECT BOARD float probDetect = TheBoardDetector.detect(TheInputImageUnd); cout<<" detection: "<<probDetect<<endl; /// UPDATE BACKGROUND IMAGE mTexture->getBuffer()->blitFromMemory(mPixelBox); /// UPDATE SCENE if ( probDetect>0.2) ogreNode->setVisible(true); else ogreNode->setVisible(false); // set node pose double position[3], orientation[4]; TheBoardDetector.getDetectedBoard().OgreGetPoseParameters(position, orientation); ogreNode->setPosition( position[0], position[1], position[2] ); ogreNode->setOrientation( orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3] ); // Update animation double deltaTime = 1.2*root->getTimer()->getMilliseconds()/1000.; baseAnim->addTime(deltaTime); topAnim->addTime(deltaTime); root->getTimer()->reset(); /// RENDER FRAME if(root->renderOneFrame() == false) break; Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::messagePump(); /// KEYBOARD INPUT keyboard->capture(); if (keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_ESCAPE)) break; } im->destroyInputObject(keyboard); im->destroyInputSystem(im); im = 0; delete root; return 0; }