// format a response to the 'echo' test used for testing Gnash. This // is only used for testing by developers. The format appears to be // a string '_result', followed by the number of the test, and then two // NULL objects. std::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> EchoTest::formatEchoResponse(double num, cygnal::Element &el) { // GNASH_REPORT_FUNCTION; std::shared_ptr<cygnal::Buffer> data = cygnal::AMF::encodeElement(el); if (data) { return formatEchoResponse(num, data->reference(), data->allocated()); } else { log_error("Couldn't encode element: %s", el.getName()); el.dump(); } return data; }
void RTMP::addProperty(cygnal::Element &el) { // GNASH_REPORT_FUNCTION; _properties[el.getName()] = el; }